Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

Benghazi will work to keep Clinton out of office as well as the birth certificate did to keep Obama out of office..

carry on Birfers ..
Funny how you mentioned the birth certificate. Just like in 2008 Hillary has turned to her 'birther' card and the birth certificate to attack another candidate. This time it is Trump.
Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.

nope. I bet he means the 9 investigations Gowdy failed to support ANY of your RW talking points
Benghazi will work to keep Clinton out of office as well as the birth certificate did to keep Obama out of office..

carry on Birfers ..
sadly true. but in spite of everything, she still has to beat that Donald. if nothing new ever came to light she may have had a chance, but that boat has set sail. we are still learning new things about email and benghazi, and i'm confident that committee members know more than we do.

According to four separate family members of the Americans slain in the September 11, 2012 terrorist assault on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton privately blamed the attack on an online anti-Islam video. She did so days after she knew, according to her own words, that the deadly raid "had nothing to with the film. It was a planned attack -- not a protest." The Benghazi families' memories are consistent and specific, with one account of the interaction having been recorded in a journal at the time:

It remains unclear if any group or person exercised overall command and control of the attacks or whether extremist group leaders directed their members to participate. Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]
Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.

nope. I bet he means the 9 investigations Gowdy failed to support ANY of your RW talking points
Just because you say so doesn't make it fact. Just like with the debunked clueless opinions about the military response to Benghazi, your opinions on this have already been debunked as well.
Fact remains that fighters even doing a low pass flyby at Mach would have sent the bad guys running.

fact remains the military doesn't put 20 million dollar planes and their pilots in harms way without doing serious recon first ...
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Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.

nope. I bet he means the 9 investigations Gowdy failed to support ANY of your RW talking points
Just because you say so doesn't make it fact. Just like with the debunked clueless opinions about the military response to Benghazi, your opinions on this have already been debunked as well.

and just because you say it does makes it a fact?

comedy was your calling, politics, not so much ...
Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]

Obama has admitted it. Hillary has admitted it. Why can't you liberals accept what Obama and Hillary have already admitted?!

22 - TWENTY TWO - Embassies, Consulates, and compounds were attacked on 9/11/12 as part of a call to attack the US throughout the Middle east on 9/11/12, the anniversary of 9/11/01! Several - as in more than 1 - Embassy / compound were overrun - Cairo and Benghazi were 2 of them.

This was WIDELY KNOWN! Hardly nothing, no mention, was made of it, though, because Obama was pushing his 2012 Re-Election LIE that 'Al Qaeida is on the Run' and 'The War on Terror is Over'! Sounding an alarm about potential, PRMISED attacks on the US throughout the Middle east would have...and DID...prove Obama was full of shite and lying his ass off to get re-elected. Even AFTER the attacks the media completely silenced the news of the attacks throughout the Middle East. Only Benghazi was reported as a big story because 4 Americans died, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be murdered (another Obama '1st')!

If no Americans had died in Benghazi Americans would NEVER heard about any of the attacks because the media would have buried them to cover Obama's ass for his re-election run!
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Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]

Obama has admitted it. Hillary has admitted it. Why can't you liberals accept what Obama and Hillary have already admitted?!


the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video,

all of a sudden speculation isn't your forte' .....uh huh, I see.
Benghazi will work to keep Clinton out of office as well as the birth certificate did to keep Obama out of office..

carry on Birfers ..
Funny how you mentioned the birth certificate. Just like in 2008 Hillary has turned to her 'birther' card and the birth certificate to attack another candidate. This time it is Trump.
Anyone giving the AH Drump the keys to our Nuclear weapons needs their heads examined
Fact remains that fighters even doing a low pass flyby at Mach would have sent the bad guys running.

fact remains the military doesn't put 20 million dollar planes and their pilots in harms way without doing serious recon first ...
More ignoramous BS. Now the moron thinks the terrorists have fighter jets.

BTW Einstein - we had a drone flying overhead during the entire attack.
Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]

Obama has admitted it. Hillary has admitted it. Why can't you liberals accept what Obama and Hillary have already admitted?!


the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video,

all of a sudden speculation isn't your forte' .....uh huh, I see.
Still sticking with the lies I see.
Lies which even Obama has dropped.
How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)


General Dumbass thinks CAS only involves dropping bombs.

Too bad they didn't have you there advising them :rolleyes-41: When you serve again?
How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?

wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".

Not your nanny.

link shit stain or no one, NO ONE will take you seriously (I already don't :eusa_shhh: )
How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

you're including the looong interval between attacks. How long did the actual attacks last? Provide links for your numbers as well kid

But I digress. 4 vs 4,500 under the Previous Repub admin's watch (asleep at the wheel) and no demanding of hearings for that boondoggle. rw'ers and their selective outrage,. Predictable
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?

wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".

Not your nanny.

link shit stain or no one, NO ONE will take you seriously (I already don't :eusa_shhh: )

Weather making friends influencing people here too?? Doesn't care that drump will have keys to our nukes
"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?
Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?
wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".
Not your nanny.
link shit stain or no one, NO ONE will take you seriously (I already don't :eusa_shhh: )
Weather making friends influencing people here too?? Doesn't care that drump will have keys to our nukes
Weather is just another hack. If he was serious, he'd be complaining about the 4,500 dead under the last Repub Admin's "optional" war that was unpaid- for and lasted 10+ yrs
the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, all of a sudden speculation isn't your forte' .....uh huh, I see.
Again there was NO VIDEO responsible for the 22 simultaneous attacks on the US throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12. There was no video responsible for the attack in Cairo Egypt. There was no video responsible for the attack in Benghazi. Your liberal President and your liberal Presidential candidate have already admitted this to be FACT!

It has been proven there was a call for the attacks on the US throughout the ME on the anniversary of 9/11/01. This is the part of the reason the other nations pulled their people out of Benghazi. Not only was there a call for a terrorist attack on Benghazi on 9/11/12 but it has been proven there was a call by an Al Qaeida leader for the assassination of Stephens in retaliation for the murder of an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi a month earlier by drone strike. The media reported the mayor of Benghazi had warned both Stephens and the State Dept of this before 9/11/12, a warning that was ignored!

After 9/11/12, after the 22 attacks on the US throughout the Middle East, after the murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi, it took the Obama administration approx. 48 hours to admittedly falsely blame a video, condemn the film maker for exercising his Constitutional Right of freedom of expression, and to have HIM located, arrested, and locked up. It took another YEAR to locate and arrest anyone for the murder of 4 Americans, despite the fact that the guy was giving interviews with journalists poolside. It has taken another 3 years for the DOJ to take any action against him.

What is that action? Obama / Lynch just announced they will NOT be seeking the death penalty for the 'Benghazi Mastermind' responsible for the murders of 4 Americans, to include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years!

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?
wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".
Not your nanny.
link shit stain or no one, NO ONE will take you seriously (I already don't :eusa_shhh: )
Weather making friends influencing people here too?? Doesn't care that drump will have keys to our nukes
Weather is just another hack. If he was serious, he'd be complaining about the 4,500 dead under the last Repub Admin's "optional" war that was unpaid- for and lasted 10+ yrs
Nice attempt at a diversion, 'Saul', but you can't hide the complete and utter ignorance spewed and debunked by liberals in this thread who have made some of the most ignorant claims exposing they know NOTHING about the military, procedures, missions, etc...nothing about which they continue to try to talk about. Funny enough, after being proven ignorant they still hurl insults and opinions like they think they still DO know something. It's embarrassing really. Libs should just STOP talking about things they know nothing about....but when they do stop talking about them it's usually to try to pull an 'Alynski' to divert attention away from their ignorance. :p

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