Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

A. Without risk? Without risk in a battle.....let me get back to you on that. Said no one ever.

B. Learn what CAS is and how it's done before ranting about it without a clue.
Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?
Nice opinion, but completely FALSE! Everything about your narrative is completely false, demonstrating you have no frickin' idea what you are talking about.

Do you have any idea what a QRF is? It's a Quick Reaction Force. One was assigned to be a response team for Stephens but was not the only response team capable of responding.

These teams do not wait for Intel to be given to them PRIOR to launching. When the word goes out that there is trouble and they are needed they launch. Intel can be collected and given to them EN-ROUTE, especially if it takes several hours to get there. Even if there is limited Intel, American lives are at stake and this is what they do.

Who said F-15s were the only aircraft capable of responding or were prepared to? Whoever said it is as big of an idiot as you are.

This is the problem with people on boards, especially liberals. They suddenly think they are experts on every topic and try to act like one, and the crap they post proves they are anything but!
How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

That's the point fool. No one knew anything about Stevens. You can't just go firing willy nilly into a group that may contain the very people you're trying to save. There was not sufficient knowledge of what was going on.
Sean Smith died with Stevens.
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There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)


General Dumbass thinks CAS only involves dropping bombs.

There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

That's the point fool. No one knew anything about Stevens. You can't just go firing willy nilly into a group that may contain the very people you're trying to save. There was not sufficient knowledge of what was going on.
Sean Smith died with Stevens.

You're a useful idiot.

9:40 p.m. (3:40 p.m. ET): Gunfire and an explosion are heard. A TOC agent sees dozens of armed people over security camera flowing through a pedestrian gate at the compound's main entrance. It is not clear how the gate was opened.

The agent hits the alarm and alerts the CIA security team in the nearby annex and the Libyan 17th of February Brigade, one of several powerful militias serving as a de facto security presence in Benghazi. The embassy in Tripoli and the State Dept. command center were also alerted
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

But let's not make the mistake of expecting truth and reality to have any impact on the Liberals.
Look at the posts from same.
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

what do you know about military abilities birfer boi? You serve? Any education beyond HS?
oh good, i was afraid that you had assigned that moniker to someone else. if anyone here is bither boi, it's me. so thank you for that. there can still be other birther bois and grils though, i'm enjoying the company, which actually seems to be growing as people discover the caper for the first time, it's truly amazing

no and yes to the other questions. and i'll go ahead and thank you for your service, which i assume is the perch you are projecting from. i assume your are/were a military pilot. some members in my family served.

No, my opinion is based on the accounts of the people who were actually there, i assume you weren't. there were so many conflicting stories. just about every obama story changes with time. the political scandal of election cover up belongs to obama, i believe hillary told the families at Andrews that, it was the video and she would have the video maker jailed.

stephanie cutter told bret baier at the last debate that they didn't find out till weeks later that it was premeditated. there is obviously video to attest to that. so you tell me, did they find out weeks later ?? she was very indignant to be cast as playing politics with benghazi. did susan rice and hillary find out weeks later ? that would be tough to prove.

that, the cover up is my biggest problem. if the obama administration says they did everything they could, than that's their official position. but that not what we are hear from the people involved at ground zero. also one stick in your mud is that the administration presumes to know precisely when the attack would end, that's what your premise is pinned to. it's not just me, conveying these sentiments, but the stories vis-a- vis, conflicting/evolving narrative, same goes for the bin laden raid, and loretta fuddy's death, just to bring the conversation full circle.
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How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

A. Without risk? Without risk in a battle.....let me get back to you on that. Said no one ever.

B. Learn what CAS is and how it's done before ranting about it without a clue.

That's right risk is part of the game. Including the risk that you might be on your own, out of reach of support if an incident occurs.

Look moron, CAS is never undertaken without knowing exactly where the friendlies are. If you had any understanding at all about how it works, you would know that is the primary concern. Tell us the protocols for calling in air support there fool.
Except the friendlies you're trying to save.
There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.
there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)

General Dumbass thinks CAS only involves dropping bombs.
Except the friendlies you're trying to save.
There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?
No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

That's the point fool. No one knew anything about Stevens. You can't just go firing willy nilly into a group that may contain the very people you're trying to save. There was not sufficient knowledge of what was going on.
Sean Smith died with Stevens.
You're a useful idiot.

9:40 p.m. (3:40 p.m. ET): Gunfire and an explosion are heard. A TOC agent sees dozens of armed people over security camera flowing through a pedestrian gate at the compound's main entrance. It is not clear how the gate was opened.

The agent hits the alarm and alerts the CIA security team in the nearby annex and the Libyan 17th of February Brigade, one of several powerful militias serving as a de facto security presence in Benghazi. The embassy in Tripoli and the State Dept. command center were also alerted

You're an idiot of no use.

What's the importance of the 9:40 post?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)


General Dumbass thinks CAS only involves dropping bombs.

There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

That's the point fool. No one knew anything about Stevens. You can't just go firing willy nilly into a group that may contain the very people you're trying to save. There was not sufficient knowledge of what was going on.
Sean Smith died with Stevens.

Again, you really need to stop talking about things you don't know - it really makes you look stupid.

You know nothing of the mission or training of the military tasked with responding to this very situation. You seem to say that the military who are tasked to respond to a situation like this are poorly trained and would show up 'firing willy nilly' like they have no clue what they are doing. :p Good grief! You make no attempt to acknowledge that those tasked with responding are highly trained military professionals, some of the best the military has to offer, trained in hostage retrieval, engaging in forces / situations like this. We weren't sending in the Marx Brothers, man.

Of course if Hillary:
- Had pulled Stephens out when the other countries pulled their people out...
- Had not REJECTED hundreds of Stephens' pleas for additional security...
- Had not taken away 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on Stephens' compound...

Stephens would still be alive...AND THAT'S THE REAL POINT!

Hillary might as well have pulled a trigger and killed Stephens herself because her incompetence, her ignoring terrorist threats, her denying him appropriate security, her stripping him of 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks and BEFORE the final one on 9/11/12 directly led to his and 3 other American deaths! To finish it / him off, whether it was Hillary or Obama, the rescue teams ready to go / in the air were told to stand down, the mission aborted.

Obama claimed he leaves no man behind when talking about a traitorous deserter like Bergdahl but abandoned 4 Americans to die in Benghazi!
Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?
Nice opinion, but completely FALSE! Everything about your narrative is completely false, demonstrating you have no frickin' idea what you are talking about.

Do you have any idea what a QRF is? It's a Quick Reaction Force. One was assigned to be a response team for Stephens but was not the only response team capable of responding.

These teams do not wait for Intel to be given to them PRIOR to launching. When the word goes out that there is trouble and they are needed they launch. Intel can be collected and given to them EN-ROUTE, especially if it takes several hours to get there. Even if there is limited Intel, American lives are at stake and this is what they do.

Who said F-15s were the only aircraft capable of responding or were prepared to? Whoever said it is as big of an idiot as you are.

This is the problem with people on boards, especially liberals. They suddenly think they are experts on every topic and try to act like one, and the crap they post proves they are anything but!

Read the thread. Your boys brought up the F15s. I'm well read on the testimony on the subject. Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Look moron, CAS is never undertaken without knowing exactly where the friendlies are. If you had any understanding at all about how it works, you would know that is the primary concern. Tell us the protocols for calling in air support there fool.
You're a f*ing idiot --

CAS is launched when troops are under fire. They establish contact with those on the ground once they are there to get info directly from those under fire. One of the Ex-SEALs was on the roof of the compound lazing enemy mortar positions. You don't take the time while under heavy fire to laze enemy targets / positions if you do not think there will be responding assets that can see and then take out the lazed targets. He was lazing targets for assets that never came.

When your mission is to respond to an attack on a compound that is several hours away, you do not wait for Intel reports and THEN take off. You do not wait for the picture on the ground to change and THEN take off. You take off, get Intel on the way to save time, and you get in position on-scene, assess the situation yourself, take action as required/you can, and - again - talk to those on the ground.

ALSO, the only response was not going to be air strikes from above. The QRF consisted of troops that were going to be placed on the ground. If they could not be dropped off in the compound they would be dropped off close by and would fight their way in, with EXTREME PREJUDICE.

Libs have also said, 'We would not send in troops into another country without their permission'....yeah, like we did in Pakistan when we went to go get UBL?!

Your opinions have just been destroyed. You're not an 'expert'. You don't even qualify as a 'novice'. You have been exposed as having no clue what you're talking about.

Again, libs need to just stop talking about things they know nothing about, which the military is definitely one thing libs know nothing about!
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Except the friendlies you're trying to save.
There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.
there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)

General Dumbass thinks CAS only involves dropping bombs.
Except the friendlies you're trying to save.
There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?
No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

That's the point fool. No one knew anything about Stevens. You can't just go firing willy nilly into a group that may contain the very people you're trying to save. There was not sufficient knowledge of what was going on.
Sean Smith died with Stevens.
You're a useful idiot.

9:40 p.m. (3:40 p.m. ET): Gunfire and an explosion are heard. A TOC agent sees dozens of armed people over security camera flowing through a pedestrian gate at the compound's main entrance. It is not clear how the gate was opened.

The agent hits the alarm and alerts the CIA security team in the nearby annex and the Libyan 17th of February Brigade, one of several powerful militias serving as a de facto security presence in Benghazi. The embassy in Tripoli and the State Dept. command center were also alerted
i'd say angry, and not that useful.
Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.
which one of you RW idiots bumped a thread 6 months old?

a BENGHAZI thread at that ...

Robert Gates has every one of you nailed .. Cartoon Idiots.

go back to sleep, if we need your dumbass Benghazl bs, we'll ring a bell or something.
you sound like jay carney... seven months after the attack, i'll bet it seemed longer for the families than for obama.
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Look moron, CAS is never undertaken without knowing exactly where the friendlies are. If you had any understanding at all about how it works, you would know that is the primary concern. Tell us the protocols for calling in air support there fool.
You're a f*ing idiot --

CAS is launched when troops are under fire. They establish contact with those on the ground once they are there to get info directly from those under fire. One of the Ex-SEALs was on the roof of the compound lazing enemy mortar positions. You don't take the time while under heavy fire to laze enemy targets / positions if you do not think there will be responding assets that can see and then take out the lazed targets. He was lazing targets for assets that never came.

When your mission is to respond to an attack on a compound that is several hours away, you do not wait for Intel reports and THEN take off. You do not wait for the picture on the ground to change and THEN take off. You take off, get Intel on the way to save time, and you get in position on-scene, assess the situation yourself, take action as required/you can, and - again - talk to those on the ground.

ALSO, the only response was not going to be air strikes from above. The QRF consisted of troops that were going to be placed on the ground. If they could not be dropped off in the compound they would be dropped off close by and would fight their way in, with EXTREME PREJUDICE.

Libs have also said, 'We would not send in troops into another country without their permission'....yeah, like we did in Pakistan when we went to go get UBL?!

Again, libs need to just stop talking about things they know nothing about, which the military is definitely one thing libs know nothing about!

Link to the lazing seal.
You're quoting yourself.
Benghazi will work to keep Clinton out of office as well as the birth certificate did to keep Obama out of office..

carry on Birfers ..
Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
Link to the lazing seal.
You're quoting yourself.
Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

"The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights."

Benghazi Guideline, the Truth at Last
Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.
Benghazi will work to keep Clinton out of office as well as the birth certificate did to keep Obama out of office..

carry on Birfers ..
sadly true. but in spite of everything, she still has to beat that Donald. if nothing new ever came to light she may have had a chance, but that boat has set sail. we are still learning new things about email and benghazi, and i'm confident that committee members know more than we do.

According to four separate family members of the Americans slain in the September 11, 2012 terrorist assault on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton privately blamed the attack on an online anti-Islam video. She did so days after she knew, according to her own words, that the deadly raid "had nothing to with the film. It was a planned attack -- not a protest." The Benghazi families' memories are consistent and specific, with one account of the interaction having been recorded in a journal at the time:

Hillary Clinton’s 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony

Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony - Breitbart

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