Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?
wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".
Not your nanny.
link shit stain or no one, NO ONE will take you seriously (I already don't :eusa_shhh: )
Weather making friends influencing people here too?? Doesn't care that drump will have keys to our nukes
Weather is just another hack. If he was serious, he'd be complaining about the 4,500 dead under the last Repub Admin's "optional" war that was unpaid- for and lasted 10+ yrs
Know him from another board,,,,,,And stupid is forever
With nothing else significant or intellectual to add to the conversation, or to add in opposing what Weather has said, the libs resort to the only thing they have left - personal attacks. 'Nuff said. Thanks for playing, guys. We accept your intellectual surrender in this debate. Have a nice day.
wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".
Not your nanny.
link shit stain or no one, NO ONE will take you seriously (I already don't :eusa_shhh: )
Weather making friends influencing people here too?? Doesn't care that drump will have keys to our nukes
Weather is just another hack. If he was serious, he'd be complaining about the 4,500 dead under the last Repub Admin's "optional" war that was unpaid- for and lasted 10+ yrs
Nice attempt at a diversion, 'Saul', but you can't hide the complete and utter ignorance spewed and debunked by liberals in this thread who have made some of the most ignorant claims exposing they know NOTHING about the military, procedures, missions, etc...nothing about which they continue to try to talk about. Funny enough, after being proven ignorant they still hurl insults and opinions like they think they still DO know something. It's embarrassing really. Libs should just STOP talking about things they know nothing about....but when they do stop talking about them it's usually to try to pull an 'Alynski' to divert attention away from their ignorance. :p
Perhaps you can tell tell us where you received your great knowledge of the subject from {FAUX}? I might have to leave the sources I use
Perhaps you can tell tell us where you received your great knowledge of the subject from {FAUX}? I might have to leave the sources I use
Aside from a vast wealth of sources and subject matter experts, one of my primary sources is one which you can not claim - a lifetime of personal experience and expertise. It is obvious that most of you libs TRYING to speak on the subject have never served in the military because your false declarations and opinions are so far off the mark and so funny. And eddie, liberals despise the military and would never leave their proven bias media to actually join the military where they can EXPERIENCE the truth for themselves.
Perhaps you can tell tell us where you received your great knowledge of the subject from {FAUX}? I might have to leave the sources I use
Aside from a vast wealth of sources and subject matter experts, one of my primary sources is one which you can not claim - a lifetime of personal experience and expertise. It is obvious that most of you libs TRYING to speak on the subject have never served in the military because your false declarations and opinions are so far off the mark and so funny. And eddie, liberals despise the military and would never leave their proven bias media to actually join the military where they can EXPERIENCE the truth for themselves.
Sorry but I did serve 2 whole years didn't enlist was drafted
Sorry but I did serve 2 whole years didn't enlist was drafted
2 whole years serving as a disgruntled drafted soldier? Well holy crap, eddie, why didn't you say so? You're practically an un-biased veteran military 'expert'!


"And eddie, liberals despise the military and would never (VOLUNTARILY - understood) leave their proven bias media (or comfy homes) to actually join the military where they can EXPERIENCE the truth for themselves."

Thanks for proving my point.
Sorry but I did serve 2 whole years didn't enlist was drafted
2 whole years serving as a disgruntled drafted soldier? Well holy crap, eddie, why didn't you say so? You're practically an un-biased veteran military 'expert'!


"And eddie, liberals despise the military and would never (VOLUNTARILY - understood) leave their proven bias media (or comfy homes) to actually join the military where they can EXPERIENCE the truth for themselves."

Thanks for proving my point.
Well I did have an education and better things to do and I guess because of your lack of prospects you re-upped?
Well I did have an education and better things to do and I guess because of your lack of prospects you re-upped?

YES...there's that liberal elitist disdain for the military!


eddie, if you are so educated, why did you have to steal John Kerry's comment about the military? Couldn't come up with anything original?

Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.

nope. I bet he means the 9 investigations Gowdy failed to support ANY of your RW talking points

As you know, had the failed administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama released the documents, correspondence and emails when they were requested, this would have been over long ago. Instead, President Obama forced various organizations to sue, under FOIA to obtain the necessary information. You know full well that NEW information has finally been released this past week.

You know also that our military was "spun up", in other words, they were only waiting for the phone call to go. This was when the attack began and they could have been on the ground in Benghazi within three hours. Ambassador Stevens and one other was dead by that time but not the two special forces men.

EVEN YOU have to admit there could have been 50 investigations before this one and, without all the information necessary, could not reach any conclusions.
Tell us what the consensus was regarding the deployment of a QRF or any other support. Why wasn't that order given?
Why are you declaring that the order was NOT given? The teams were given the OK by their commanders, as it was their mission to respond. The ORDER was also given for them to stand down and NOT to go. This has been reported by multiple sources, now even by team members who were part of that mission who are breaking their silence. Pardon me if I believe military members on-scene before I believe liberals on a message board who have proven they have no idea what they are talking about.

Every investigation has concluded there was no order given to stand down. You idiots still think you know better.
The mean the one that did not allow any of the people there on the ground to be interviewed, the one that did not allow the members of the CIA - like the ones who came forward anyway later - there to be interviewed, the one that did not allow any of the military members - like those coming forward now - to be interviewed?

:p Yeah, good one.

nope. I bet he means the 9 investigations Gowdy failed to support ANY of your RW talking points

As you know, had the failed administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama released the documents, correspondence and emails when they were requested, this would have been over long ago. Instead, President Obama forced various organizations to sue, under FOIA to obtain the necessary information. You know full well that NEW information has finally been released this past week.

You know also that our military was "spun up", in other words, they were only waiting for the phone call to go. This was when the attack began and they could have been on the ground in Benghazi within three hours. Ambassador Stevens and one other was dead by that time but not the two special forces men.

EVEN YOU have to admit there could have been 50 investigations before this one and, without all the information necessary, could not reach any conclusions.


yeah the House Republicans defunded Obamacare 55 times, what was I thinking ... oh yeah, that didnt work out either, silly me.

former SOS Robert Gates begs to differ with you capable military knowledge, and views opinions like yours "cartoonish" ... let me see, your partisan hack opinion or a former SOS .. gee, thats a hard one. NOT.

From the link:

The first assault on the U.S. facility's main compound began at approximately 9:40 p.m. Libya time, which was 3:40 p.m. EDT in Washington, DC.

The second attack on a related CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following moreing or 6 p.m. EST.

The Sept 11, 2012, email was sent at 7:19 p.m. EST by then-Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash.
Link to the lazing seal.
You're quoting yourself.
Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

"The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights."

Link to the lazing seal.
You're quoting yourself.
Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

"The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights."

[URL='']Benghazi Guideline, the Truth at Last

ghazi Guideline, the Truth at Last[/URL]

From your link that you obviously didn't read or you wouldn't be using it as "proof".

From the top of the paragraph you exerpted:

"Fox says: "

The very next paragraphs:

"[The Fox timeline is confusing and misleading, almost certainly deliberately so. Because no time estimate is given the Fox timeline is rendered meaningless. The mortar attack described by Fox happened at four AM, not right after midnight, which Fox News tries to imply. More importantly, the Tripoli Rescue Force, including Libyan militia members in dozens of vehicles some of which were mounted with 50 caliber machine guns had arrived at approximately 3 AM.]

[Fox says the CIA team called for help and were denied. However, at the first call for help at the start of the attack earlier in the evening, the Tripoli Rescue Force immediately prepared to deploy. The 6 men of the rescue force would need some time to collect their gear and gather intelligence, and the plane would need to be pre-flight checked. There were no other military assets who could arrive any quicker than the team based in Tripoli. They left Tripoli at 12:30 AM and arrived at the Benghazi airport at 1:30 AM. At that point in time, the fighting at the CIA annex had died down]

Also, it’s not likely that there were any Spectre gun ships based anywhere in the area. Diplomatic embassy’s usually don’t rate gun ship protection.]"

The whole purpose of this article is to discredit these narratives coming from Republicans and Fox. Why you think this helps you is beyond me.

Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

You should take your own advice Easily fooled65. :laugh:
Fact remains that fighters even doing a low pass flyby at Mach would have sent the bad guys running.
i agree, and so do the guys in that fight that night. i think it came out right away that they disregarded orders and went anyway right ? that hasn't changed.
Fact remains that fighters even doing a low pass flyby at Mach would have sent the bad guys running.

fact remains the military doesn't put 20 million dollar planes and their pilots in harms way without doing serious recon first ...
that's what they do... they put 20 million dollar planes and their pilots in harms' way, it doesn't go to committee first. those planes are fast.
Link to the lazing seal.
You're quoting yourself.
Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

"The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights."

Link to the lazing seal.
You're quoting yourself.
Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

"The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights."

[URL='']Benghazi Guideline, the Truth at Last

ghazi Guideline, the Truth at Last

From your link that you obviously didn't read or you wouldn't be using it as "proof".

From the top of the paragraph you exerpted:

"Fox says: "

The very next paragraphs:

"[The Fox timeline is confusing and misleading, almost certainly deliberately so. Because no time estimate is given the Fox timeline is rendered meaningless. The mortar attack described by Fox happened at four AM, not right after midnight, which Fox News tries to imply. More importantly, the Tripoli Rescue Force, including Libyan militia members in dozens of vehicles some of which were mounted with 50 caliber machine guns had arrived at approximately 3 AM.]

[Fox says the CIA team called for help and were denied. However, at the first call for help at the start of the attack earlier in the evening, the Tripoli Rescue Force immediately prepared to deploy. The 6 men of the rescue force would need some time to collect their gear and gather intelligence, and the plane would need to be pre-flight checked. There were no other military assets who could arrive any quicker than the team based in Tripoli. They left Tripoli at 12:30 AM and arrived at the Benghazi airport at 1:30 AM. At that point in time, the fighting at the CIA annex had died down]

Also, it’s not likely that there were any Spectre gun ships based anywhere in the area. Diplomatic embassy’s usually don’t rate gun ship protection.]"

The whole purpose of this article is to discredit these narratives coming from Republicans and Fox. Why you think this helps you is beyond me.

Like I said, you should really stop talking about things you know nothing about...

You should take your own advice Easily fooled65. :laugh:

The link was from an article during the early part of the investigation. Since then, since that story, CIA operatives have come forward to testify there was a stand down order, military members have come forward to testify they were already responding and there was a stand down order, it has been exposed that Hillary and the state Department hid documents related to Benghazi from the investigating committee.

Much like how Obama refuses to allow his aide to testify about how Obama lied and misled about his Iran deal, civilians and CIA operatives there in Benghazi during the attack were never allowed to testify.

And the article sure as hell doesn't wash away the hilariously factually inaccurate opinions about hos WRFs, CAS, and other military procedures / tactics work spewed by liberals using their own mis-guided, ill-informed opinions as 'facts'.
Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1/15/14]

Obama has admitted it. Hillary has admitted it. Why can't you liberals accept what Obama and Hillary have already admitted?!


the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video,

all of a sudden speculation isn't your forte' .....uh huh, I see.
Still sticking with the lies I see.
Lies which even Obama has dropped.
i heard a general say "do everything you can" then going to bed isn't leading, and that it's not an order.
According to Liberals earlier:

A military QUICK Reaction Force tasked to come to the rescue of Ambassador Stephens is waiting on the ground.

Once they get the word that Ambassador Stephens is in trouble they WAIT for Intel on what's going on. Despite the fact that they could be airborne, on the way, and get the Intel / updates on the way they would NOT do this but would wait until they got it before starting the journey that would take them several hours.

Seeing as how the situation could probably change while they were in the air the military would probably WAIT until the situation became stable and would no longer change, giving them less to be unsure about (which would pretty much be when the Americans were dead and the attack was over).

The military does not engage in or conduct military operations when RISK is involved, which is why they also would not have gone. (If true, it would mean that our military would never, ever go to war.)

This only scratches the surface of the 'expert' commentary the libs have made in this thread.

'Nuff said.
Fact remains that fighters even doing a low pass flyby at Mach would have sent the bad guys running.

fact remains the military doesn't put 20 million dollar planes and their pilots in harms way without doing serious recon first ...
that's what they do... they put 20 million dollar planes and their pilots in harms' way, it doesn't go to committee first. those planes are fast.

No, thats NOT what "we" do ...

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates forcefully defended the Obama administration on Sunday against charges that it did not do enough to prevent the tragedy in Benghazi, telling CBS' "Face the Nation" that some critics of the administration have a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces."

Gates, a Republican who was appointed by then-President George W. Bush in 2006 and agreed to stay through more than two years of President Obama's first term, repeatedly declined to criticize the policymakers who devised a response to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.

"Frankly, had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were," said Gates, now the chancellor of the College of William and Mary.

"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." he explained.

Suggestions that we could have flown a fighter jet over the attackers to "scare them with the noise or something," Gates said, ignored the "number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from [former Libyan leader] Qaddafi's arsenals."

"I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances," he said.

Benghazi is over, deal with it.
The ironic part of the entire Benghazi debacle was wen Obama and Hillary both argued in a debate how they thought they themselves were the best person to handle a '2am emergency phone call' in the WH. When that call came NO ONE still knows where they were, neither of them led, and neither of them acted to save American lies.

They instead modified the CIA report that was sent to them within an hour of the attack beginning - the report that clearly declared this was a terrorist attack 13 times, stripping every reference to 'terrorism' out of the report. they plotted to come up with a LIE about a video, plotted to condemn a citizen for exercising his Constitutional Right of freedom of speech through a video, plotted to jail him (which they did), and plotted to lie to the American people. Hillary's own e-mails show she told a foreign diplomat, "We KNOW the video had nothing to do with Benghazi. This was a TERRORIST attack." She told her own daughter, "We lost several Americans in a TERRORIST attack tonight." And several hours later she lied to the American people by claiming the attack was the result of the false video story!

This criminal behavior was anything BUT that of the people best suited to answer that phone call. While 4 Americans were under attack, DYING from a terrorist attack, these 2 Liberal Democrats were trying to figure out how one could save his re-election and the other her political future!
Gates is a f*ing traitor who caved to political pressure.

If Gates claimed there was no reason to go to Benghazi, to launch the QRF to respond to an attack on Americans fighting for their lives when there was no way to tell how long that fight would last he is a f*ing disgrace.

If Gates said there was no reason to send troops in for no other reason than to secure the site and recover the dead American bodies then he should be stripped of his uniform and pension.


Tell his wife and family who have seen this picture on google there was no reason to launch the military and recover his body!
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