Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

But let's not make the mistake of expecting truth and reality to have any impact on the Liberals.
Look at the posts from same.
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

But let's not make the mistake of expecting truth and reality to have any impact on the Liberals.
Look at the posts from same.
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.
what do you know about military abilities birfer boi? You serve? Any education beyond HS?
But let's not make the mistake of expecting truth and reality to have any impact on the Liberals.
Look at the posts from same.
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

TWO separate attacks hours apart, dupes. A tragic fire with no vent installed, help arrived in 22 minutes, and a lucky mortar shot. and 4 years of total GOP BS for the chumps...

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM
Died of smoke inhalation because terrorists were outside shooting at him.

For hours Americans struggled for survival, with no attempt to assist from Obama and his minions nor any retaliation or effort to find the terrorists afterwards.

and why the military is so pissed off, Before obama and hillary, the military used to beam to the fight like a laser. with obama and hillary, that life saving effort was crushed.

you speak for them? You serve? When, where? Same does for every other rw monday morning QB on this thread such as bi catfish, birfer boi, and rw hack jr (weatherman).
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)

Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

there are no "small" bombs kiddo. They might've killed the very people who you rw monday morning quarter backers claim (though none of you served, in any operational capacity as i did, is my guess)


General Dumbass thinks CAS only involves dropping bombs.
Yes both her and Obama, but it will not happen.

As this also defeats even more far left talking points and narratives..

I commented on another thread, if it wasn't for the MSM whores Hillary would have already been finished as a candidate. If this was a former Republican Secretary of State running for President, the Benghazi incident and the emails, well the same MSM whores would have been hammering it all 24/7 until live on television the handcuffs were thrown on.

Well if that were the case the far left media actually did their job Obama would never have been elected..

I meant to add, there's no MSM with any integrity anywhere, there's no investigative mainstream journalism either. Were it not for Independent Media we wouldn't have a clue what's happening at all.

I've got the BBC World Service Newsday programme on. Their TOP story, which they spent 6 full minutes on, yes Donald Trump and his comments, followed by a piece on the Global Warming Hoax conference in Paris, followed by a piece on what items Nigeria imports.

They've never ever mentioned anything regarding the Benghazi incident, neither have they done anything hardly about the Hillary emails.

That's because these aren't real stories. They're crap made up by the Republicans Party to smear Clinton and Obama. Unlike right wing media in the USA, which makes up shit to go after Clinton with, the BBC only reports on real news stories.

The real news story about Benghazi, is the death of 4 Americans. BBC World News covered that. Everything that happened afterwards is the Republicans trying to use these deaths to discredit Clinton.
which one of you RW idiots bumped a thread 6 months old?

a BENGHAZI thread at that ...

Robert Gates has every one of you nailed .. Cartoon Idiots.

go back to sleep, if we need your dumbass Benghazl bs, we'll ring a bell or something.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?

wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

"hours long attack"? It was two short attacks spread over many hrs. You ever fly jets before?

Attack on first facility: 9:40PM local to 11:50PM
Second facility: Midnight to 5:00AM

You ever stop being a useful idiot?

wheres your link? Yanno, those aren't "optional".

Not your nanny.
It's about time the truth came out....from those involved. The military has been silenced on this, forbidden to say anything or release any information, and it has stuck in their throats, having to sit back and watch / listen to all the lies. Point blank, Stephens and 3 other Americans were abandoned. This fact may be denied by many but will never be forgotten by those who know / who were there.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.

How does an F15 help in a residential neighborhood?
There were no innocent civilians around in the hours long attack.

Except the friendlies you're trying to save.

There were no friendlies in the area in the hours long attack. Just before the attack one of the Libyan guards reported the area was so quite he couldn't see an ant. Bastard citizens knew the attack was coming and did nothing but flee the area quietly so as to not tip off our people.

Stevens was dead within the first thirty minutes, well before any air support could be fueled, armed and on station. Also probably well before Intel was sufficient to give such an order.
What munitions can an F15 put on target without risk to the friendlies anyway?

No one knew Stevens was dead. And the attacks continued for another 7 hours and 3 more Americans died.

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