Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

You really don't know the time line of events, BlueGin.
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.

It's really amazing to me how you've managed to get each and every one of your "facts" wrong.

The attack wasn't "7 hours long" - there were two entirely separate attacks (in two different places miles apart from each other), each lasting about 30 minutes to an hour, separated by about 5 hours. There were no "live feeds" of anyone dying, either. Nor was there any "stand down" order. The only military assets available to send were sent there, and assisted in the fighting.
why not scramble fighter jets ?, they did for the first 911.
what was the problem, the pilots didn't feel like flying that day ? i don't think so.

why did it take weeks to learn it was a pre planned,
premeditated attack.
that was the word of the obama campaign.
the president of libya said it was, by choosing that date, the day after.
if it wasn't an election year, would the maker of innocence of muslims be in jail for a year ?

Arrest and imprisonment[edit]
Following the violent reactions to the video, Nakoula and his family went into hiding, and the Cerritos home was listed for sale.[18] His attorney has said he has received threats to his safety.[39] On 15 September 2012, federal authorities took Nakoula in for an interview about possible probation violations related to the film's distribution on the internet.[42][43][44][45]

On 27 September 2012, U.S. federal authorities arrested Nakoula in Los Angeles charging eight counts of probation violation.[39][46] Prosecutors alleged that some of the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias "Sam Bacile".[5] None of the charges relate to his use of the internet.[39] Following a hearing before a judge, Nakoula was ordered to jail without bail, with the judge citing probation violations including lying to probation officials, "danger to the community" and "lack of trust in the defendant".[4] On 7 November, he pleaded guilty to four of the charges against him in an apparent plea bargain. He was subsequently sentenced to a year in federal prison and four years of supervised release.[14]

'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker gets a year in prison

"Probation case against anti-Muslim filmmaker moves slowly and privately as protests continue". The Washington Post. Associated Press. 26 September 2012.[dead link]

we all know what this is, scapegoating the coptic christian to protect the administration. fulfilling hillary and panetta's promise to bring the video maker to justice.

What would a fighter jet fly-by have accomplished, exactly?

What makes you think there were any fighter jets in the area to perform the flyby that you believe would have helped?

As for the "Copic Christian" you're trying so hard to martyr, he was a conman who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in check-kiting and confidence scams, and was sent back to prison for violating his parole.
right. parole violation. someone with military experience should explain to this gentleman what an f16 flyover would do. i think it's obvious, but it should come from someone who's been in combat, not me.

did hillary know about his parole violation when she promised to bring him to justice ?

EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi hero fought alongside fallen SEALs, still recovering at Walter Reed | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report as 'Full of Inaccuracies' with Firsthand Account - Breitbart

watch this.

but i'm sure you know more about it than these guys.

also: What is the Benghazi Scandal? A Simple 10 Point Explanation

and this is what the Republican lead Benghazi committee said on what these guys said:

December 4, 2014 Contact: Susan Phalen
[email protected]

Fact Sheet

House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report

Certain press articles about the House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Benghazi do not accurately represent the Committee’s Report or take into account the full scope of the evidence the Committee received. Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee. The Committee stands by its final bipartisan Report that was formally adopted by a voice vote of Committee members.

· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

We cannot confirm nor deny the accuracy of their statements

I don't think that is what it says at all....

It says that these men are not telling the whole picture, just from where they viewed it....but that there is MUCH MORE to the incident than their view, that makes it clearer and more accurate.
why not scramble fighter jets ?, they did for the first 911.
what was the problem, the pilots didn't feel like flying that day ? i don't think so.

why did it take weeks to learn it was a pre planned,
premeditated attack.
that was the word of the obama campaign.
the president of libya said it was, by choosing that date, the day after.
if it wasn't an election year, would the maker of innocence of muslims be in jail for a year ?

Arrest and imprisonment[edit]
Following the violent reactions to the video, Nakoula and his family went into hiding, and the Cerritos home was listed for sale.[18] His attorney has said he has received threats to his safety.[39] On 15 September 2012, federal authorities took Nakoula in for an interview about possible probation violations related to the film's distribution on the internet.[42][43][44][45]

On 27 September 2012, U.S. federal authorities arrested Nakoula in Los Angeles charging eight counts of probation violation.[39][46] Prosecutors alleged that some of the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias "Sam Bacile".[5] None of the charges relate to his use of the internet.[39] Following a hearing before a judge, Nakoula was ordered to jail without bail, with the judge citing probation violations including lying to probation officials, "danger to the community" and "lack of trust in the defendant".[4] On 7 November, he pleaded guilty to four of the charges against him in an apparent plea bargain. He was subsequently sentenced to a year in federal prison and four years of supervised release.[14]

'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker gets a year in prison

"Probation case against anti-Muslim filmmaker moves slowly and privately as protests continue". The Washington Post. Associated Press. 26 September 2012.[dead link]

we all know what this is, scapegoating the coptic christian to protect the administration. fulfilling hillary and panetta's promise to bring the video maker to justice.

What would a fighter jet fly-by have accomplished, exactly?

What makes you think there were any fighter jets in the area to perform the flyby that you believe would have helped?

As for the "Copic Christian" you're trying so hard to martyr, he was a conman who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in check-kiting and confidence scams, and was sent back to prison for violating his parole.
right. parole violation. someone with military experience should explain to this gentleman what an f16 flyover would do. i think it's obvious, but it should come from someone who's been in combat, not me.

did hillary know about his parole violation when she promised to bring him to justice ?

EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi hero fought alongside fallen SEALs, still recovering at Walter Reed | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report as 'Full of Inaccuracies' with Firsthand Account - Breitbart

watch this.

but i'm sure you know more about it than these guys.

also: What is the Benghazi Scandal? A Simple 10 Point Explanation

and this is what the Republican lead Benghazi committee said on what these guys said:

December 4, 2014 Contact: Susan Phalen
[email protected]

Fact Sheet

House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report

Certain press articles about the House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Benghazi do not accurately represent the Committee’s Report or take into account the full scope of the evidence the Committee received. Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee. The Committee stands by its final bipartisan Report that was formally adopted by a voice vote of Committee members.

· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

We cannot confirm nor deny the accuracy of their statements

I don't think that is what it says at all....

It says that these men are not telling the whole picture, just from where they viewed it....but that there is MUCH MORE to the incident than their view, that makes it clearer and more accurate.

Let up on Horty, who is at least now not saying "Hillary let them die!"
You really don't know the time line of events, BlueGin.
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.
Yes. Waiting until they are dead ... Then saying there was nothing could be done is a cop out.
You really don't know the time line of events, BlueGin.
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.
Yes. Waiting until they are dead ... Then saying there was nothing could be done is a cop out.
No. If you have been reading, then you are now lying and that is despicable. They were dead before anybody could have done anything. Superman could not have gotten their in time. So you are being mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant or any or all of them. Which is it?
You really don't know the time line of events, BlueGin.
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.
sadly jake you are right, from the white house came apathy, too late to try, it's already over, stand down. the CIC's orders were "do what you can fellas"...

what's next. a trip to vegas came next, stay the course with the cover up. ends justify the means. better than sniper fire in bosnia. this is how the campaign ads will play.
Last edited:
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.
Yes. Waiting until they are dead ... Then saying there was nothing could be done is a cop out.
No. If you have been reading, then you are now lying and that is despicable. They were dead before anybody could have done anything. Superman could not have gotten their in time. So you are being mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant or any or all of them. Which is it?
That's not what the security team who was there said when interviewed. I tend to take their word over yours.

You have an agenda.
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.
Yes. Waiting until they are dead ... Then saying there was nothing could be done is a cop out.
No. If you have been reading, then you are now lying and that is despicable. They were dead before anybody could have done anything. Superman could not have gotten their in time. So you are being mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant or any or all of them. Which is it?
What would a fighter jet fly-by have accomplished, exactly?

What makes you think there were any fighter jets in the area to perform the flyby that you believe would have helped?

As for the "Copic Christian" you're trying so hard to martyr, he was a conman who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in check-kiting and confidence scams, and was sent back to prison for violating his parole.
right. parole violation. someone with military experience should explain to this gentleman what an f16 flyover would do. i think it's obvious, but it should come from someone who's been in combat, not me.

did hillary know about his parole violation when she promised to bring him to justice ?

EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi hero fought alongside fallen SEALs, still recovering at Walter Reed | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report as 'Full of Inaccuracies' with Firsthand Account - Breitbart

watch this.

but i'm sure you know more about it than these guys.

also: What is the Benghazi Scandal? A Simple 10 Point Explanation

and this is what the Republican lead Benghazi committee said on what these guys said:

December 4, 2014 Contact: Susan Phalen
[email protected]

Fact Sheet

House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report

Certain press articles about the House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Benghazi do not accurately represent the Committee’s Report or take into account the full scope of the evidence the Committee received. Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee. The Committee stands by its final bipartisan Report that was formally adopted by a voice vote of Committee members.

· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

We cannot confirm nor deny the accuracy of their statements

I don't think that is what it says at all....

It says that these men are not telling the whole picture, just from where they viewed it....but that there is MUCH MORE to the incident than their view, that makes it clearer and more accurate.

Let up on Horty, who is at least now not saying "Hillary let them die!"

obama let them die he was the CIC. hillary just wants to be cic... the pay is the same for both.

some say obama was asleep on the job. no three am calls for this cool cat.

obama and hillary will have much more flexability after the election. jake, please transmit this message to vladimir ?
That is what the House has learned in all of its investigations.

BlueGin, you have no moral worth if you can't accept the truth but because of your crazy partisanship you continue with debunked material.

The game is over, everyone has gone home, and you are standing on the mound saying, "it's not over until I say it is over." :)
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

But let's not make the mistake of expecting truth and reality to have any impact on the Liberals.
Look at the posts from same.
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
The chairman of the House select committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, said on Tuesday that military reinforcements could not have reached the besieged diplomatic outpost in time to prevent the killings of four Americans, includingAmbassador J. Christopher Stevens.

The panel’s chairman, Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, told Fox News: “Whether or not they could have gotten there in time, I don’t think there’s any issue with respect to that. They couldn’t. The next question is: Why could you not? Why were you not positioned to do it?”

Democrats seized on Mr. Gowdy’s admission, saying that it nullified one of the main Republican criticisms of how the Obama administration — including Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state at the time — handled the episode. Republicans have argued that the Pentagon was directed not to send reinforcements to back up the outnumbered security forces battling militants on the night of Sept. 11, 2012.
Totally biased source, but I like this quote:

Golly, it would be something if Gowdy just happened to complete his completely serious and super-important work not only this year, but right before these next November elections. What a remarkable coincidence that would be. And it'd be especially strange because among Democrats, there's been this recurring conspiracy theory that Rep. Trey Gowdy was a bullshit-peddling tragedy whore whose only mission in "investigating" Benghazi for the umpity-third time was to try to drag out the supposed controversy long enough to use it, Swift Boat style, as election-year paranoia fodder.

What a silly thought, obviously. Oh, we watchers of politics with our silly, cynical theories. And here Trey Gowdy is only trying to get to the bottom of, you know, whatever he says he's getting to the bottom of this week.

Top Republican Benghazi investigator shoots down Republicans' own Benghazi conspiracy theory

why your NEW thread with NEW information was merged in to this thread from last year where the last post was december 25 of 2015, is beyond reason????????

I got really confused, seeing it was a new thread and then the hundreds of posts from 2015?
why your NEW thread with NEW information was merged in to this thread from last year where the last post was december 25 of 2015, is beyond reason????????

I got really confused, seeing it was a new thread and then the hundreds of posts from 2015?

Nothing was merged.

There is a new thread on Gowdy's statement, but I believe Erik decided to resurrect this old thread with the new information as well.
why your NEW thread with NEW information was merged in to this thread from last year where the last post was december 25 of 2015, is beyond reason????????

I got really confused, seeing it was a new thread and then the hundreds of posts from 2015?

Nothing was merged.

There is a new thread on Gowdy's statement, but I believe Erik decided to resurrect this old thread with the new information as well.

That was indeed the intention, sir.
Talk to the security team that retrieved the bodies if their friends and then get back to me.
That's not the point, as you well know as you deflect. There is nothing that could have been done from external forces, and the Congress did not fund security as well as it should have or could have.
what is most conspicuously missing about "nothing could have been done" is trying.

your scenario assumes they could see the future. that's why it's so scandalous, the cover up.

anyway we''ll try in in the court of public opinion, that's the American way.

all the gloves are off this election. :)
wash, they were dead. There was nothing to be done. And you are convicted of a false OP in the court of USMB. That is the way we do it here.
Yes. Waiting until they are dead ... Then saying there was nothing could be done is a cop out.
No. If you have been reading, then you are now lying and that is despicable. They were dead before anybody could have done anything. Superman could not have gotten their in time. So you are being mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant or any or all of them. Which is it?
everyone is a liar but hillary jake... run with it.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

But let's not make the mistake of expecting truth and reality to have any impact on the Liberals.
Look at the posts from same.
Exactly. They don't care that these people were brutally murdered. It's disgusting.
"brutally" as in- from smoke inhalation? :eusa_eh: Stop making stuff up hack :eusa_hand:
it's different if you are there. where there's fire there's smoke inhalation. i'm confident the Americans doing the dying thought it was brutal. i know their parents do. so it's different than sitting at a computer here in safe USA saying "it's fine, how bad could it be.

it was murder, and it was brutal murder, it's war.
F15's could have helped, but they weren't allowed to. we're still learning details, that's a clue. the story is still evolving, thank God.
why your NEW thread with NEW information was merged in to this thread from last year where the last post was december 25 of 2015, is beyond reason????????

I got really confused, seeing it was a new thread and then the hundreds of posts from 2015?

Nothing was merged.

There is a new thread on Gowdy's statement, but I believe Erik decided to resurrect this old thread with the new information as well.
TY, I thought that grey box to the right with threads listed was new new threads, so that's why it confused me!
why your NEW thread with NEW information was merged in to this thread from last year where the last post was december 25 of 2015, is beyond reason????????

I got really confused, seeing it was a new thread and then the hundreds of posts from 2015?
prophetic isn't it.

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