Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

Gawd Almighty, you guys are so stupid, honest to goodness, you are programmed to believe bull crap.....programmed to be easily brainwashed, I am beginning to think it's in your genes to be fooled.

It was 2:30am, the morning of September 12th BENGHAZI TIME when this communication was sent.... 7:30pm on September 11th eastern standard time, is 2:30AM September 12th Benghazi time....they are 7 hours ahead of us in their time.

the incident and the deaths occurred HOURS AND HOURS before this message was


IF there is daylight savings time, then 1:19AM they were gearing up, AGAIN, long after the ambassador and others were attacked and killed.

" The attack began at approximately 9:40 pm Libya time, which was 3:40 p.m. EDT in Washington, DC. The second attack on a related CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following morning or 6 p.m. EST"
and this message said they were spinning up or gearing up at 2:19 am sept 12th, well after the two attacks....


1:19am without daylight savings time, they were gearing up....still hours after the ambassador and others were killed and long after the last one could be saved at that point.
Irrelivent. At no time has Obama nor Hillary told the American people about this important detail in the attack.
Gawd Almighty, you guys are so stupid, honest to goodness, you are programmed to believe bull crap.....programmed to be easily brainwashed, I am beginning to think it's in your genes to be fooled.

It was 2:30am, the morning of September 12th BENGHAZI TIME when this communication was sent.... 7:30pm on September 11th eastern standard time, is 2:30AM September 12th Benghazi time....they are 7 hours ahead of us in their time.

the incident and the deaths occurred HOURS AND HOURS before this message was


IF there is daylight savings time, then 1:19AM they were gearing up, AGAIN, long after the ambassador and others were attacked and killed.

" The attack began at approximately 9:40 pm Libya time, which was 3:40 p.m. EDT in Washington, DC. The second attack on a related CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following morning or 6 p.m. EST"
and this message said they were spinning up or gearing up at 2:19 am sept 12th, well after the two attacks....


1:19am without daylight savings time, they were gearing up....still hours after the ambassador and others were killed and long after the last one could be saved at that point.
Irrelivent. At no time has Obama nor Hillary told the American people about this important detail in the attack.

And years later we discover this major item because of a court order. Hillary should be fully prosecuted for lying under oath.

US Military Was Ready To Respond To Benghazi During The Fighting |
There was a rescue mission ready in Tripoli, which would have taken a few hours to get there.

But the soldiers waiting on the plane, were told to get off the aircraft, go back to their barracks, and wait. After that, the order to get back on the plane and go, was never given.

***NOTE about liberal obfuscation*** The soldiers who were ready to rescue, were never told "stand down". But what they were told, resulted in the same thing. Various liberals have said that since the actual words "stand down" were never spoken to those soldiers, that meant that no "stand down' order was ever given.

Now that we know that Hillary knew the rescue mission was loaded up, primed and ready... who originated the order to get off the plane and go back to the barracks?
Standard operating procedure for the Clintons and their dim minions. ALWAYS pay attention to the EXACT words they use, and whatever they're lying about, trying to cover up, etc. should reveal itself.
These cons are so gullible.

You libs are clueless.

Hahaha the CIA and the local militia had already rescued the survivors at the Consulate building and the response team from Tripoli was already on the ground int Benghazi.

What does that have to do with the fact that they were ready to go but were waiting for Libyan permission???

At the time the email was sent the Libyan Government was aware of and was helping with the evacuation from the CIA annex by the response team sent from Tripoli.

All this prove is that the administration was correct in that the military could not have responded in time to save any ones life.
And years later we discover this major item because of a court order. Hillary should be fully prosecuted for lying under oath.

US Military Was Ready To Respond To Benghazi During The Fighting |
There was a rescue mission ready in Tripoli, which would have taken a few hours to get there.

But the soldiers waiting on the plane, were told to get off the aircraft, go back to their barracks, and wait. After that, the order to get back on the plane and go, was never given.

***NOTE about liberal obfuscation*** The soldiers who were ready to rescue, were never told "stand down". But what they were told, resulted in the same thing. Various liberals have said that since the actual words "stand down" were never spoken to those soldiers, that meant that no "stand down' order was ever given.

Now that we know that Hillary knew the rescue mission was loaded up, primed and ready... who originated the order to get off the plane and go back to the barracks?
what part about that email being sent at 1:30 am on September 12th, that "the troops were spinning up as we speak", do you not understand and make up the bull crud you just posted?

the fighting was over, the Ambassador and 4 others were already dead, long prior to the military saying they were spinning up and ready.

The only people lying here is you Little Acorn, and the other right wingers who obviously have no idea what a time zone is.....and just soak up the continuous lies of the right wing media without ever thinking on your own, or comprehending what you read other than a smashing headline of lies?

the US MILITARY was NOT up and ready to respond during the battle as the headline reads, they were spinning up as the Col said, at 1:30 am Benghazi time September 12th....the fighting was over....

there is no SMOKING GUN here, that is not a partisan statement or a Hillary lover or an Obama lover statement either, it's simply the TRUTH.
Ding, ding, ding. It SUCKS to be 'in the know' yet the information can NOT come out and you can't say anything at the time. It feels awesome, however, when the information / truth FINALLY gets out!
the US MILITARY was NOT up and ready to respond during the battle as the headline reads, they were spinning up as the Col said, at 1:30 am Benghazi time September 12th....the fighting was over.....

You are actually WRONG. I know you THINK you are right and are declaring to be right BASED ON THE INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN RELEASED TO YOU, TOLD TO YOU.

You are no different than the majority of Americans who declare 'what the truth is' based solely on what you know, what has been told / released to you. The TRUTH is that the majority of Americans have no clue what is REALLY going on or what the truth is. So much information is 'classified', is withheld from you. Only after a period of time do things start to 'leak' out, and months after an 'even' what was INITIALLY 'known' and thought to be the truth is exposed as almost nothing like what really happened.

When an attack on a US compound /Embassy begins HOW LONG IS IT GOING TO LAST?
- NO ONE KNOWS! NO ONE! So how could the administration know that 'we would never have gotten there IN TIME'?!

The attack on Benghazi took approximately 12 hours.
The response team was how far away? There is a dispute on this - some say it would have taken 20 hours (it would not have, but some say it would have) at the most. NO ONE, though, knows at the time it starts how long it will take...but the decision was made not to send anyway.

The attack lasted approx. 12 hours.... WHAT IF IT HAD LASTED LONGER? What if Stevens would have been able to barricade himself in and survive for 20, 21, 22 hours? Help would STILL not have made it there because they were told not to go.

Ask a military member who LIVES by the motto 'Never leave a man behind', not uses it as political propaganda, if you just abandon a US Ambassador? The guys I was with were PI$$ED! They wanted to go, even if to secure the bodies...and provide some payback!

What you THINK you know is NOT all the truth. As we have seen with past scandals, as we have seen with the constant slow drip of truth regarding Hillary's e-mails, you NEVER know everything because they do not LET you know everything.

...but in this case, as this latest news breaks, it's good to see more and more is slowly starting to come out!
And years later we discover this major item because of a court order. Hillary should be fully prosecuted for lying under oath.

US Military Was Ready To Respond To Benghazi During The Fighting |
There was a rescue mission ready in Tripoli, which would have taken a few hours to get there.

But the soldiers waiting on the plane, were told to get off the aircraft, go back to their barracks, and wait. After that, the order to get back on the plane and go, was never given.

***NOTE about liberal obfuscation*** The soldiers who were ready to rescue, were never told "stand down". But what they were told, resulted in the same thing. Various liberals have said that since the actual words "stand down" were never spoken to those soldiers, that meant that no "stand down' order was ever given.

Now that we know that Hillary knew the rescue mission was loaded up, primed and ready... who originated the order to get off the plane and go back to the barracks?
what part about that email being sent at 1:30 am on September 12th, that "the troops were spinning up as we speak", do you not understand and make up the bull crud you just posted?

the fighting was over, the Ambassador and 4 others were already dead, long prior to the military saying they were spinning up and ready.

The only people lying here is you Little Acorn, and the other right wingers who obviously have no idea what a time zone is.....and just soak up the continuous lies of the right wing media without ever thinking on your own, or comprehending what you read other than a smashing headline of lies?

the US MILITARY was NOT up and ready to respond during the battle as the headline reads, they were spinning up as the Col said, at 1:30 am Benghazi time September 12th....the fighting was over....

there is no SMOKING GUN here, that is not a partisan statement or a Hillary lover or an Obama lover statement either, it's simply the TRUTH.
Will the Donald rise like a giant carp to take this stinky bait?

the US MILITARY was NOT up and ready to respond during the battle as the headline reads, they were spinning up as the Col said, at 1:30 am Benghazi time September 12th....the fighting was over.....

You are actually WRONG. I know you THINK you are right and are declaring to be right BASED ON THE INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN RELEASED TO YOU, TOLD TO YOU.

You are no different than the majority of Americans who declare 'what the truth is' based solely on what you know, what has been told / released to you. The TRUTH is that the majority of Americans have no clue what is REALLY going on or what the truth is. So much information is 'classified', is withheld from you. Only after a period of time do things start to 'leak' out, and months after an 'even' what was INITIALLY 'known' and thought to be the truth is exposed as almost nothing like what really happened.

When an attack on a US compound /Embassy begins HOW LONG IS IT GOING TO LAST?
- NO ONE KNOWS! NO ONE! So how could the administration know that 'we would never have gotten there IN TIME'?!

The attack on Benghazi took approximately 12 hours.
The response team was how far away? There is a dispute on this - some say it would have taken 20 hours (it would not have, but some say it would have) at the most. NO ONE, though, knows at the time it starts how long it will take...but the decision was made not to send anyway.

The attack lasted approx. 12 hours.... WHAT IF IT HAD LASTED LONGER? What if Stevens would have been able to barricade himself in and survive for 20, 21, 22 hours? Help would STILL not have made it there because they were told not to go.

Ask a military member who LIVES by the motto 'Never leave a man behind', not uses it as political propaganda, if you just abandon a US Ambassador? The guys I was with were PI$$ED! They wanted to go, even if to secure the bodies...and provide some payback!

What you THINK you know is NOT all the truth. As we have seen with past scandals, as we have seen with the constant slow drip of truth regarding Hillary's e-mails, you NEVER know everything because they do not LET you know everything.

...but in this case, as this latest news breaks, it's good to see more and more is slowly starting to come out!
The Benghazi Committee has had this memo for over a year now Easy, this is not something new, and I am certain the Committee has addressed it.

Regardless of what you think happened or wished happened, this thread and the other two threads on the exact same topic, is about a blatant lie....with smashing, deceptive, headlines....the Military was not ready to come help until after the last attack was over, at 1:19 am Benghazi time the note sent, said they were spinning up as they speak, so they were not even ready at the 1:19 am but were spinning up to be ready....

so the premise of this thread, fails on many levels....

1. it was not an email to Hillary,

2. the email was sent hours after those in Benghazi were killed and after the attack was over and the military still was not ready, but still gearing up

3. This decision for the Military to take off was not a State Department decision but a Presidential and Defense Dept decision....the State department responsibility is to let the leader know of the Nation this was to occur in.... if the President gave the okay.

I understand, there are so many 'would haves' and 'could haves' and 'should haves' in hindsight, and more "If only(s)" added to that, and hopefully we can learn from them all....
“Assuming Principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to procure the approval from host nation. Please advise how you wish to convey that approval to us [REDACTED].”

Among the recipients of Bash’s email are Jacob Sullivan, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman, and Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides.

The first assault on the U.S. facility’s main compound began at approximately 9:40 pm Libya time, which was 3:40 p.m. EDT in Washington, DC. The second attack on a related CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following morning or 6 p.m. EST."
New Clinton Email Shows Pentagon Had Forces Ready To Respond To Benghazi Attack

So.....political decisions [read Hillary and Obama] killed those Americans at Benghazi.
So.....political decisions [read Hillary and Obama] killed those Americans at Benghazi.

The ambassador and Smith were already dead.

  1. Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack: Ambassador Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979.
    American fatalities and injuries of the 2012 Benghazi attack ...

So there are lives that don't matter to Liberals?

What happened to "better 100 guilty go free than one innocent man be wrongly executed!!'
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

And....more proof this very day.

1. The tale was that Hillary and Obama hatched the fib that some video caused the attack on Benghazi, and it wasn't any planned attack by the forces that the Obama administration had claimed to have tamed. they lied. We've all come to expect that....after all... . "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

2. But the far darker story was that the Democrats refused to save the lives of Americans in Benghazi because doing so might have revealed yet another failure by Obama...and might have lost him a few votes.

And, after all.....

3. Now, the smoking gun: just now revealed documents prove that the military was set to rescue the Americans at Benghazi.....

...but were stopped by this Liberal/Progressive/Democrat administration....because... "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

"Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately –

“They are spinning up as we speak.” U.S. Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 7:19 PM

(Washington, DC)– Judicial Watch today released a new Benghaziemailfrom then-Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to State Department leadership immediately offering “forces that could move to Benghazi” during the terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun, Bash says, “we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.” The Obama administration redacted the details of the military forces available, oddly citing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption that allows the withholding of “deliberative process” information." Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document

They lied about the video AND the ability to launch a rescue?
Benghazi: Elections Have Consequences

yet 9 House investigations didn't.

repeat after me ...

Madam President.

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