Emails from Tulsi ...

Hey Joey one of your most beloved and adored presidents is FDR. He befriended one of history’s greatest mass murderers. Do you refer to him as Moscow Frankie?

I seem to recall that he was already fighting our enemies... but that's okay, do keep stretching to try to defend Damascus Tulsi.

Or you could be honest that you live in mortal terror of Harris becoming another Obama....
Hey Joey one of your most beloved and adored presidents is FDR. He befriended one of history’s greatest mass murderers. Do you refer to him as Moscow Frankie?

I seem to recall that he was already fighting our enemies... but that's okay, do keep stretching to try to defend Damascus Tulsi.

Or you could be honest that you live in mortal terror of Harris becoming another Obama....

How anti woman. Gabberd sat Kamala down hard and she is bad? I mean shit, we can defend democrats going to Venice and stuffing their maw's on the tax payers dime for no reason other then they just get to do that, yet a strong woman, a war vet and a congressman can't go talk to a leader in a country at war? Ain't that what she gets payed for? Looks like strong woman put you off Jose.
How anti woman. Gabberd sat Kamala down hard and she is bad? I mean shit, we can defend democrats going to Venice and stuffing their maw's on the tax payers dime for no reason other then they just get to do that, yet a strong woman, a war vet and a congressman can't go talk to a leader in a country at war? Ain't that what she gets payed for? Looks like strong woman put you off Jose.

Well, actually, she lied her ass off about Kamala's record... but no, I'm against people who suck up to enemy dictators....

I'm sure those Congressmen would be happy to come back if Moscow Mitch would call the Congress back into session to continue gun control and election reform... but he won't.
How anti woman. Gabberd sat Kamala down hard and she is bad? I mean shit, we can defend democrats going to Venice and stuffing their maw's on the tax payers dime for no reason other then they just get to do that, yet a strong woman, a war vet and a congressman can't go talk to a leader in a country at war? Ain't that what she gets payed for? Looks like strong woman put you off Jose.

Well, actually, she lied her ass off about Kamala's record... but no, I'm against people who suck up to enemy dictators....

I'm sure those Congressmen would be happy to come back if Moscow Mitch would call the Congress back into session to continue gun control and election reform... but he won't.

Lie? Show us. And sucking up to enemy dictators? You mean like this?

Hey Joey one of your most beloved and adored presidents is FDR. He befriended one of history’s greatest mass murderers. Do you refer to him as Moscow Frankie?

I seem to recall that he was already fighting our enemies... but that's okay, do keep stretching to try to defend Damascus Tulsi.

Or you could be honest that you live in mortal terror of Harris becoming another Obama....
LOL. You got duped again by the billionaires running the MSM. LMFAO..,

Hey look Joey, isn’t that your girl Nancy meeting with Assad? OH NO!!!!



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How anti woman. Gabberd sat Kamala down hard and she is bad? I mean shit, we can defend democrats going to Venice and stuffing their maw's on the tax payers dime for no reason other then they just get to do that, yet a strong woman, a war vet and a congressman can't go talk to a leader in a country at war? Ain't that what she gets payed for? Looks like strong woman put you off Jose.

Well, actually, she lied her ass off about Kamala's record... but no, I'm against people who suck up to enemy dictators....

I'm sure those Congressmen would be happy to come back if Moscow Mitch would call the Congress back into session to continue gun control and election reform... but he won't.
Joe you are watching too much MSLSD.
Well she qualifies for the September debates...Go Tulsi!!!

Aloha William —

My team just told me that our campaign has blown past the 130,000 unique donor threshold to qualify for the September debates and with your help, we can build on this momentum and pass 150,000 donors this weekend!

Thank you, and congratulations. I’m so proud of where this underdog, people-powered campaign has been, and more importantly, where we’re headed.

In just 24 hours we have:

  • Had our biggest fundraising day of the campaign
  • Crossed the 130,000 unique donor threshold, with more than 1000 donors from over 30 states
  • For the second time, become the most googled candidate of my debate
I would not have been on that debate stage without your support. Thank you.

I love our country, and I love the American people. That’s why I’m in it to win it. When I first ran for Congress against a former popular mayor, I was 45 points behind and all the political pundits had written me off. I ended up winning by a 20 point margin of victory.

When I stood on the debate stage in Detroit on Wednesday night, talking about the many challenges facing our country — the self-serving politicians and well monied corporate lobbyists, the lies we are told by the military industrial complex to justify their costly regime change wars, our broken immigration system, our sick care system — I never forgot that I was on that stage because of you, and for you.

Has she hit above 2% support in four or more polls? That is the 2nd requirement. I hope she get's there, she is the cream of the crop.
she's one of the few in "group 2" that doesn't extremeify everything for max drama-queens. there were a few in group 1 - like the one who told bernie to stop shouting - who doesn't sound like he wants to give the world away at the expense of the unnamed rich people who will be giving up their $$$.

i hope she can pull it off. we really need leadership to put things together, not a "hold my beer" attack on the other side.
The only ones who like Damascus Gabby are the right wing.

No chance of that happening. Tulsi is a socialist just like Bernie.
I think one is a socialist like Bernie..LOL!
I got to say..the wholesale labeling of anyone one the right dislikes as 'socialist', is getting a bit stale.It's as dumb as labeling everyone on the Right a racist.
i only call the ones wanting to give away everything and pay reparations socialist. :)
Lie? Show us. And sucking up to enemy dictators? You mean like this?

The President is supposed to talk to foreign leaders about policy...

The Congresswoman from some Island in the Pacific, not so much.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you are a little dopey.

Clear it up? Not really. Other posters beat me to it, but since you are in a mood to enlighten and all that, mayhap you should shoot John Kerry an email?
How anti woman. Gabberd sat Kamala down hard and she is bad? I mean shit, we can defend democrats going to Venice and stuffing their maw's on the tax payers dime for no reason other then they just get to do that, yet a strong woman, a war vet and a congressman can't go talk to a leader in a country at war? Ain't that what she gets payed for? Looks like strong woman put you off Jose.

Well, actually, she lied her ass off about Kamala's record... but no, I'm against people who suck up to enemy dictators....

I'm sure those Congressmen would be happy to come back if Moscow Mitch would call the Congress back into session to continue gun control and election reform... but he won't.
Hey Lil’ Joe, look? Damn! That’s John Fing Kerry meeting the you call him Damascus John.?
Imo she's less nuts that Harris or Bernie, but on the actual issues I agree more with Yang, LOL.

Trumps a shoe in unless the dems get sane and Biden can remember what state he's in and not drool
Lie? Show us. And sucking up to enemy dictators? You mean like this?

The President is supposed to talk to foreign leaders about policy...

The Congresswoman from some Island in the Pacific, not so much.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you are a little dopey.

Yep, and next you can tell us they were talking about yoga positions...dumbass.
LOL. You got duped again by the billionaires running the MSM. LMFAO..,

Hey look Joey, isn’t that your girl Nancy meeting with Assad? OH NO!!!!

1) Nancy isn't my girl.
2) When and what circumstances was this picture taken? Was it taken when Assad was still our "Ally" for instance?

she's one of the few in "group 2" that doesn't extremeify everything for max drama-queens. there were a few in group 1 - like the one who told bernie to stop shouting - who doesn't sound like he wants to give the world away at the expense of the unnamed rich people who will be giving up their $$$.

i hope she can pull it off. we really need leadership to put things together, not a "hold my beer" attack on the other side.

One more time... the fact that the only people who like her are the same Trump Brownshirts says it all.
LOL. You got duped again by the billionaires running the MSM. LMFAO..,

Hey look Joey, isn’t that your girl Nancy meeting with Assad? OH NO!!!!

1) Nancy isn't my girl.
2) When and what circumstances was this picture taken? Was it taken when Assad was still our "Ally" for instance?

she's one of the few in "group 2" that doesn't extremeify everything for max drama-queens. there were a few in group 1 - like the one who told bernie to stop shouting - who doesn't sound like he wants to give the world away at the expense of the unnamed rich people who will be giving up their $$$.

i hope she can pull it off. we really need leadership to put things together, not a "hold my beer" attack on the other side.

One more time... the fact that the only people who like her are the same Trump Brownshirts says it all.
Silly Joe. Stop believing ANYTHING from the MSM. Any candidate criticized by the MSM, is a candidate worthy of serious consideration.

And Joey, you know I’m not a trumpster.
LOL. You got duped again by the billionaires running the MSM. LMFAO..,

Hey look Joey, isn’t that your girl Nancy meeting with Assad? OH NO!!!!

1) Nancy isn't my girl.
2) When and what circumstances was this picture taken? Was it taken when Assad was still our "Ally" for instance?

she's one of the few in "group 2" that doesn't extremeify everything for max drama-queens. there were a few in group 1 - like the one who told bernie to stop shouting - who doesn't sound like he wants to give the world away at the expense of the unnamed rich people who will be giving up their $$$.

i hope she can pull it off. we really need leadership to put things together, not a "hold my beer" attack on the other side.

One more time... the fact that the only people who like her are the same Trump Brownshirts says it all.
I like you.

You make me laf.
Imo she's less nuts that Harris or Bernie, but on the actual issues I agree more with Yang, LOL.

Trumps a shoe in unless the dems get sane and Biden can remember what state he's in and not drool
Good luck with THAT one...

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