Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die

And yet he did not end the Iraq war early nor stop the Afghan war, go figure. By the way? When is he closing Gitmo again?

I wonder what colorful new places Romney would have found for our troops to die? How many thousands would we have sent into Syria and Libya? And God knows where else?

There was about a 30 year difference between Vietnam and Iraq. Hopefully we'll have at least that long before the next war mongering party gets into power.

If it were not for obama, Syria and Libya would never have happened. If Romney had been elected president, Syria and Libya would be at peace today. All those people would still be alive.
The cadets should not cadets if this is true; they should respect all US presidents.

Respect is earned...even among Presidents...

West Point cadets are highly motivated over achievers. Barack Obama has under achieved on an epic scale his entire Presidency. Cadets prize leadership over all else. Barack Obama doesn't understand what the word means. Cadets have an honor code where they will be expelled if they are caught lying. Barack Obama has made a habit of lying to the American people.

Should anyone be shocked that Barack Obama isn't respected by people who are basically the Yin to his Yang?


I have a friend who is the Executive Chef at an exclusive golf resort in Florida that Barry spent several days playing last year. My friend cooked for the President and posed for pictures with him. Why? Because it's great publicity for both the resort and him as a chef. As for his feelings towards Barack Obama? He thinks Obama is an awful President.

We live in a world where young people love getting "selfies" with famous people...Barack Obama is President of the United States. People are going to want to have their picture taken with him. That does NOT however, mean they necessarily respect him.
The cannon fodder doesn't respect their CIC. Well, there's no need to, as long as they still fight and die, wherever in the world we send them to do our dirty little business. Onward Christian Soldiers, and say hello to Jesus for us when you get there.
The cannon fodder doesn't respect their CIC. Well, there's no need to, as long as they still fight and die, wherever in the world we send them to do our dirty little business. Onward Christian Soldiers, and say hello to Jesus for us when you get there.

I wouldn't be so certain of that loyalty from the officers or enlisted men of the military or the law enforcement officers of this country, if I were this POTUS. Something tells me that if he puts it to a serious test he might just find more dissenters than he expects.
Our all-volunteer military is less the 1% of our population and membership has become decreasingly diverse over the past 20 years. The typical member of the armed forces today comes from a rural area or a small city. Red states are heavily over-represented, as are evangelical Christians, social conservatives and high school jocks. Racism and sexism are a widely tolerated norm and right-wing affiliations from TEA Party to skinhead groups are not hard to find.

The 20th century model of a military broadly representative of our democratic society vanished after Vietnam and the end of Selective Service. Today's military is a distinct sub-culture of our society, one that is less and less like the norm. This is what usually happens in the absence of universal military service.

As the population base of the military has become more and more right wing, the serving military has become more political and similarly more conservative. This is another 1% group, very different from the elite 1% attacked by the OWS movement but similarly isolated and out of touch. They are paid to bleed and die for the interests of that other 1% group and, despite all the patriotic cackle about "the troops" most Americans don't really give a damn about them.
Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die

And yet he did not end the Iraq war early nor stop the Afghan war, go figure. By the way? When is he closing Gitmo again?

I wonder what colorful new places Romney would have found for our troops to die? How many thousands would we have sent into Syria and Libya? And God knows where else?

There was about a 30 year difference between Vietnam and Iraq. Hopefully we'll have at least that long before the next war mongering party gets into power.

And if your love for Saddam was upheld and Saddam was still in power...1,267,200 dead children from starvation ... all because you'd like Saddam
to build more palaces while children die.
If I were you I'd be so ashamed to have love and adoration for Saddam that you would want 1,267,200 MORE STARVED Children???
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies.
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!
The cannon fodder doesn't respect their CIC. Well, there's no need to, as long as they still fight and die, wherever in the world we send them to do our dirty little business. Onward Christian Soldiers, and say hello to Jesus for us when you get there.

I wouldn't be so certain of that loyalty from the officers or enlisted men of the military or the law enforcement officers of this country, if I were this POTUS. Something tells me that if he puts it to a serious test he might just find more dissenters than he expects.
Hey, nothing like rejecting the oaths you swore to eh? Sure thing.
Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die

Dems have never sent Westies to War?

Apparently you've never heard of a little war in a country called Viet Nam....

Typical Partisan
Hey, nothing like rejecting the oaths you swore to eh? Sure thing.

They swear an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, NOT to blindly obey the POTUS. There is a difference. One that most people on the Left will never truly understand because Honor, Tradition, Loyalty, and things like that are generally foreign concepts to individuals of that ilk.
Hey, nothing like rejecting the oaths you swore to eh? Sure thing.

They swear an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, NOT to blindly obey the POTUS. There is a difference. One that most people on the Left will never truly understand because Honor, Tradition, Loyalty, and things like that are generally foreign concepts to individuals of that ilk.

Yes, I know what their oaths say. I also know how the chain of command works and who, in the military, is at the top of said chain.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times

Well they showed a ton more respect than the left does. There were no protests, their were no REAL calls for the school to cancel his appearance, they didn't shout him down, boo him off the stage or the uncivil "civil disobedience" that the left displays towards every conservative speaker!





Oh dear....I wonder if the OP saw these pictures......:D

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