Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

You know what's really embarrassing is Bush being too afraid to show his face at the 9/11 Memorial.

Cheney, too. They didn't go because they either didn't care or they knew that they would have rocks thrown at them for being torturing, mass murdering, lying pieces of shit.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times

Well they showed a ton more respect than the left does. There were no protests, their were no REAL calls for the school to cancel his appearance, they didn't shout him down, boo him off the stage or the uncivil "civil disobedience" that the left displays towards every conservative speaker!

why would they want the commander in chief to cancel his appearance?

you do understand that most of the country is not Obama deranged like the rightwing extremists on this board, right?

btw, condi canceled her own appearance. and the students who objected to her being asked to speak had every reason to object to someone complicit in starting an unnecessary war of choice.
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Oh...fragging? Interesting for you to be for that, eh?

How many times do you have to be told..... The nozzle doesn't go in your ear.


are you threatening her?

You're not very bright are you?

I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times

Well they showed a ton more respect than the left does. There were no protests, their were no REAL calls for the school to cancel his appearance, they didn't shout him down, boo him off the stage or the uncivil "civil disobedience" that the left displays towards every conservative speaker!

why would they want the commander in chief to cancel his appearance?

you do understand that most of the country is not Obama deranged like the rightwing extremists on this board, right?

btw, condi canceled her own appearance. and the students who objected to her being asked to speak had every reason to object to someone complicit in starting an unnecessary war of choice.

You do understand the tepid applause and scant standing ovation indicates our cadets are not deranged foaming Obama lemmings like the rapid left on ths board, right?
Our all-volunteer military is less the 1% of our population and membership has become decreasingly diverse over the past 20 years. The typical member of the armed forces today comes from a rural area or a small city. Red states are heavily over-represented, as are evangelical Christians, social conservatives and high school jocks. Racism and sexism are a widely tolerated norm and right-wing affiliations from TEA Party to skinhead groups are not hard to find.

The 20th century model of a military broadly representative of our democratic society vanished after Vietnam and the end of Selective Service. Today's military is a distinct sub-culture of our society, one that is less and less like the norm. This is what usually happens in the absence of universal military service.

As the population base of the military has become more and more right wing, the serving military has become more political and similarly more conservative. This is another 1% group, very different from the elite 1% attacked by the OWS movement but similarly isolated and out of touch. They are paid to bleed and die for the interests of that other 1% group and, despite all the patriotic cackle about "the troops" most Americans don't really give a damn about them.

So what you're essentially saying is that the same college students that take advantage of the freedom of speech that the military fights to protect...would never stoop to themselves fighting to maintain those rights? That chore they delegate to an "isolated and out of touch" minority to do for them...all the while insulting that minority?
Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die
He's sent more of them to die in Afghanistan on his watch as well as damn near wiped out more SEALs than any president.

You disingenuous piece of shit!

It's people like you who started Afghanistan. The sooner we phase out of there the better.

OH and did you know that many black people died to protect you over there? You fucking racist asshole?

Fuck you and your despicable thread.
90% of the Country was on board with that.....you must be one of the 10% who were not....just sayin....
90% of Americans didn't know that the CIA trained the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan in guerrilla tactics specifically so that they could fight a very long, drawn-out, expensive war without end.
You know what's really embarrassing is Bush being too afraid to show his face at the 9/11 Memorial.

Cheney, too. They didn't go because they either didn't care or they knew that they would have rocks thrown at them for being torturing, mass murdering, lying pieces of shit.

George W. Bush has shown remarkable restraint...choosing to remain in Crawford, Texas and declining to comment publicly on the Obama Administration's mishandling of things and the constant blaming of HIM for their own shortcomings.

As for who the lying pieces of shit are? My money is on George W. Bush passing a lie detector test and on Barry failing it miserably.
George W. Bush should be dead in a jail cell already for lying to the world to invade Iraq and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

National Security Archives, George Washington University. Just type "GWU Iraq" into your search engine and read the declassified government documents for yourself. Bush would die in prison if there is any real justice in America, which there isn't.
George W. Bush should be dead in a jail cell already for lying to the world to invade Iraq and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

National Security Archives, George Washington University. Just type "GWU Iraq" into your search engine and read the declassified government documents for yourself. Bush would die in prison if there is any real justice in America, which there isn't.

let me know how that works out for you leftard...................when you stop crying
Less than 25% gave him a standing ovation BEFORE he spoke

Why didn't the Washington Times report how many gave him a standing ovation AFTER he spoke?

President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported.
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No respect for the office; I would expect Bush II to have received a polite reception also.

did they boo him?

then they were polite

CNN reports "big applause" when he said he was notsending troops to die needlessly. Any unbiased source for this?

Should any President expect aplause from an audience if he tells them they will be sent to die needlesly?

Captain Obvious.
Less than 25% gave him a standing ovation BEFORE he spoke

Why didn't the Washington Times report how many gave him a standing ovation AFTER he spoke?

you mean they were still there?

i'd celebrate that idiot ending his useless remarks too!

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