Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?

my heart bleeds for him leftard

why dont you go give his family a hug?
It would be better to have the murderers who lied to the world to invade his country brought to justice so that America can begin to regain some honor.
KNB is butt-hurt cuz he missed the being openly gay in the military part by a few decades
Perhaps I should remind you that I'm a US Army vet, as well, so shove all of that gung-ho "It's because of real men like me" flamer macho bullshit.

Yeah, right.

Whatever. You're still a pussy crybaby.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzORu1dqEE0]Talking Heads - Life During Wartime - YouTube[/ame]
Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?

my heart bleeds for him leftard

why dont you go give his family a hug?
It would be better to have the murderers who lied to the world to invade his country brought to justice so that America can begin to regain some honor.

like i said leftard; let me now how that works out; when you stop crying
Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

Doctored media is obvious, steve. All the cadets clapped at the right time.
Only a pussy like you would think that's torture.

You have no idea what should have been done to those scumbags.

Oh, please enlighten me, you good, moral, pro-life Christian. How would Jesus have tortured Iraqis over lies?

I'm not Jesus.
You aren't a follower either. And Yeshua thanks you, he's choosy about the company he keeps and you don't make the cut.
let me translate this into normal for you:

Yeah, it's all just crying and whining. Of course my crying doesn't come close to that of the hundreds of thousands of grieving families in Iraq, but who cares about them anyway? They're all Muslim terrorists, right? Fucking stupid Americans.

they have you to cry for them leftard

praise ALLAH!
And you cheer on endless war started by proven lies because you're a good, moral, pro-life Christian Republican.

White Christian God bless America!
Yeah, it's all just crying and whining. Of course my crying doesn't come close to that of the hundreds of thousands of grieving families in Iraq, but who cares about them anyway? They're all Muslim terrorists, right? Fucking stupid Americans.

they have you to cry for them leftard

praise ALLAH!
And you cheer on endless war started by proven lies because you're a good, moral, pro-life Christian Republican.

White Christian God bless America!

who says i'm white and pro-life leftard?

oh i'm dissing your boy obama; and every left-wing nutjob knows another left-wing nutjob wouldnt do that?????
90% of Americans didn't know that the CIA trained the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan in guerrilla tactics specifically so that they could fight a very long, drawn-out, expensive war without end.

And of course NONE of the idiots like you knew that there was a COLD WAR going on when training fighters against the Russian invasion.
But people like you that love the Soviet Union wanted those Mujahedin (idiots like you don't seem to know how to even read an dotted line indicating a spelling error..!! so why would you even know history!) fighting for their country against the invaders
needed all the help. By the way A DEMOCRAT provided the Mujahedin with stingers!

Charles "Charlie" Nesbitt Wilson (June 1, 1933 – February 10, 2010) was a United States naval officer and former 12-term Democratic United States Representative from Texas's 2nd congressional district.
Wilson is best known for leading Congress into supporting Operation Cyclone, the largest-ever Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) covert operation which, under the Carter and Reagan administration, supplied military equipment including anti-aircraft weapons such as Stinger antiaircraft missiles and paramilitary officers from their Special Activities Division to the Afghan Mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. His behind-the-scenes campaign was the subject of the non-fiction book Charlie Wilson's War by George Crile III and a subsequent film adaptation starring Tom Hanks as Wilson.

Clearly, the seated West Point graduates are just a bunch of redneck hillbilly racists.
90% of Americans didn't know that the CIA trained the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan in guerrilla tactics specifically so that they could fight a very long, drawn-out, expensive war without end.

And of course NONE of the idiots like you knew that there was a COLD WAR going on when training fighters against the Russian invasion.
But people like you that love the Soviet Union wanted those Mujahedin (idiots like you don't seem to know how to even read an dotted line indicating a spelling error..!! so why would you even know history!) fighting for their country against the invaders
needed all the help. By the way A DEMOCRAT provided the Mujahedin with stingers!

Charles "Charlie" Nesbitt Wilson (June 1, 1933 – February 10, 2010) was a United States naval officer and former 12-term Democratic United States Representative from Texas's 2nd congressional district.
Wilson is best known for leading Congress into supporting Operation Cyclone, the largest-ever Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) covert operation which, under the Carter and Reagan administration, supplied military equipment including anti-aircraft weapons such as Stinger antiaircraft missiles and paramilitary officers from their Special Activities Division to the Afghan Mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. His behind-the-scenes campaign was the subject of the non-fiction book Charlie Wilson's War by George Crile III and a subsequent film adaptation starring Tom Hanks as Wilson.


Who worked under both Carter & Reagan; it was Reagan that termed the mujahideen "freedom fighters" Thus began the Taliban, which begat AL QAEDA.
KNB is butt-hurt cuz he missed the being openly gay in the military part by a few decades

BWAH!! :rofl:

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around.....
I honestly don't know why I bother. I know that Conservatives won't learn. That's what makes them Conservatives. You love the Fascist military. You love the big government police state. It's all to protect freedom. But now it's Fascist tyranny because there's a black man in the White House. You fucking people are the dumbest bunch of retarded monkeys that I have ever conversed with online. It is absolutely fucking amazing how god-damned stupid you fucking people are.

You can read declassified government documents from the Bush administration detailing their lies and torture, but you won't because you can't let any information penetrate your feeble mental defenses. Don't read, don't learn. Just sit there and call people gay.

It will be such a wonderful time when you stupid old Republicans finally die off.
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I'm not Jesus.
You aren't a follower either. And Yeshua thanks you, he's choosy about the company he keeps and you don't make the cut.

God loves his warriors.


God hates cowards.

You're in trouble, punk
You know I read a book about Jesus once, called the Bible, and it actually doesn't say that, it says the exact opposite about fighting, and war, and even has this part where you pray for your enemies and those who persecute you. He has this odd idea that if you followed him you'd probably end up getting your ass kicked and be killed in the end, but it would be worth it because you'd be rewarded after death. Fuckin' whackjob right? Yeah, he was nuts actually, off the charts. Anyway, carry on.
KNB is butt-hurt cuz he missed the being openly gay in the military part by a few decades

BWAH!! :rofl:

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around.....
I honestly don't know why I bother. I know that Conservatives won't learn. That's what makes them Conservatives. You love the Fascist military. You love the big government police state. It's all to protect freedom. But now it's Fascist tyranny because there's a black man in the White House. You fucking people are the dumbest bunch of retarded monkeys that I have ever conversed with online. It is absolutely fucking amazing how god-damned stupid you fucking people are.

You can read declassified government documents from the Bush administration detailing their lies and torture, but you won't because you can't let any information penetrate your feeble mental defenses. Don't read, don't learn. Just sit there and call people gay.

It will be such a wonderful time when you stupid old Republicans finally die off.

Race card payed.

You lose!
Been listening to some of this speech. This is just bad. It's dry. It's substantively bad as well.

The President should be ashamed of this speech. And he needs to be honest with people and speak from his heart.

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