Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

The ODSers just keep getting more desperate with their cherrypicking, as they frantically try to convince themselves that other people have to be as deranged as themselves.

Just learn to accept what you are, ODSers, which is a pack of bitter kooks. At least stop using the military as cover when you fling out your bitterness, because that's especially pathetic.
And yet he did not end the Iraq war early nor stop the Afghan war, go figure. By the way? When is he closing Gitmo again?

I wonder what colorful new places Romney would have found for our troops to die? How many thousands would we have sent into Syria and Libya? And God knows where else?

There was about a 30 year difference between Vietnam and Iraq. Hopefully we'll have at least that long before the next war mongering party gets into power.

Didn't Kennedy and Johnson escalate the Vietnam War and Richard Nixon end it? So who's the "war mongering party" again?

Nope. Kennedy didn't want to expand in Viet Nam, and he paid for that decision with his life. Big Oil shot him down in Dallas and got their guy in who ramped it up, LBJ.

LBJ expanded our involvement, then became so unpopular that he announced in 1968 that he would not run for office again. ("The Tet Offensive, a massive assault in late January 1968 by North Vietnamese forces on South Vietnam, contradicted the Johnson administration's assertions of progress in Vietnam and further undermined Johnson's credibility." Council on Foreign Relations Lessons Learned: LBJ Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection - Council on Foreign Relations)

Nixon did begin drawing down troops and getting us out by '71 or '72. He also started the EPA.
Oh, please enlighten me, you good, moral, pro-life Christian. How would Jesus have tortured Iraqis over lies?

I'm not Jesus.
You aren't a follower either. And Yeshua thanks you, he's choosy about the company he keeps and you don't make the cut.

how would you know who makes the cut?....are you Jesus spokesperson?....Judas was a thief and Jesus put him in charge of the money the group had....
Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die

He tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and has suffered three times the KIA's that Bush had.

Because Bush took a DETOUR, REMEMBER? And Fox News must have "gone liberal". There are a lot of cheering, clapping graduates in their clips.

I remember that Bush had sufficient troops in country to control the Taliban and train the Afghanistan Army and Police force to eventually take over and minimize the number of US casualties.

The itchy trigger finger in Afghanistan belonged to Obama.
I wonder what colorful new places Romney would have found for our troops to die? How many thousands would we have sent into Syria and Libya? And God knows where else?

There was about a 30 year difference between Vietnam and Iraq. Hopefully we'll have at least that long before the next war mongering party gets into power.

Didn't Kennedy and Johnson escalate the Vietnam War and Richard Nixon end it? So who's the "war mongering party" again?

Nope. Kennedy didn't want to expand in Viet Nam, and he paid for that decision with his life. Big Oil shot him down in Dallas and got their guy in who ramped it up, LBJ.

LBJ expanded our involvement, then became so unpopular that he announced in 1968 that he would not run for office again. ("The Tet Offensive, a massive assault in late January 1968 by North Vietnamese forces on South Vietnam, contradicted the Johnson administration's assertions of progress in Vietnam and further undermined Johnson's credibility." Council on Foreign Relations Lessons Learned: LBJ Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection - Council on Foreign Relations)

Nixon did begin drawing down troops and getting us out by '71 or '72. He also started the EPA.

Here was Kennedy's timeline.

May 1961 - President Kennedy sends 400 American Green Beret 'Special Advisors' to South Vietnam to train South Vietnamese soldiers in methods of 'counter-insurgency' in the fight against Viet Cong guerrillas.

October 24, 1961 - On the sixth anniversary of the Republic of South Vietnam, President Kennedy sends a letter to President Diem and pledges "the United States is determined to help Vietnam preserve its independence..."
President Kennedy then sends additional military advisors along with American helicopter units to transport and direct South Vietnamese troops in battle, thus involving Americans in combat operations. Kennedy justifies the expanding U.S. military role as a means "...to prevent a Communist takeover of Vietnam which is in accordance with a policy our government has followed since 1954." The number of military advisors sent by Kennedy will eventually surpass 16,000.

February 6, 1962 - MACV, the U.S. Military Assistance Command for Vietnam, is formed. It replaces MAAG-Vietnam, the Military Assistance Advisory Group which had been established in 1950.

Going from 400 to over 16,000 advisors in country is what I call an expansion.
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Hmmm...they're not cadets.

Most appear to be reaching for his neck-tie....
Watch George Bush address a group of young men and women in uniform.
You'll see respect and admiration for their Commander In Chief.

Watch Chimpy address a group of young men and women in uniform.
You'll see these kids wanting to be somewhere else.

Respect is earned, Chimpy.

You have failed to achieve it.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times

99% of these cadets have zero respect for the "man" and who can blame them? They have taken on the Army as young officers and they see how this clown is "handling" this debacle that is the VA.

I have said since my days in Viet Nam that I wouldn't send a dog to the VA. This problem is nothing new. The VA has been a hell hole for as long as I can remember - basically, since I was a kid. I grew up in the military and have heard the horror stories forever. My Father (again a Brigadier General) asked that if he were ever incapacitated to the point of not being able to communicate with us - that we shoot him before we allowed him to enter the doors of a VA.

Thank God I had a career AFTER I left the military that provided good insurance.

Damn Obama and every president for the last 50 years for failing Veterans.
notice anything odd about that picture


smiles not so much

notice the cameras

pretty much all the same same

because the admin handed them out for attending


sort of like the lab coat thingy

another optical illusion
The cannon fodder doesn't respect their CIC. Well, there's no need to, as long as they still fight and die, wherever in the world we send them to do our dirty little business. Onward Christian Soldiers, and say hello to Jesus for us when you get there.

I wouldn't be so certain of that loyalty from the officers or enlisted men of the military or the law enforcement officers of this country, if I were this POTUS. Something tells me that if he puts it to a serious test he might just find more dissenters than he expects.
Hey, nothing like rejecting the oaths you swore to eh? Sure thing.

No American soldier takes an oath of loyalty to the President!
He's sent more of them to die in Afghanistan on his watch as well as damn near wiped out more SEALs than any president.

You disingenuous piece of shit!

It's people like you who started Afghanistan. The sooner we phase out of there the better.

OH and did you know that many black people died to protect you over there? You fucking racist asshole?

Fuck you and your despicable thread.
90% of the Country was on board with that.....you must be one of the 10% who were not....just sayin....

Afghanistan should have been over in three months: go in, STERLIIZE the place, and leave.
Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?

Every one of them should have been shot upon capture. They wore no uniforms & were part of no nation's armed forces...they should simply be shot as spies.
I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times

99% of these cadets have zero respect for the "man" and who can blame them? They have taken on the Army as young officers and they see how this clown is "handling" this debacle that is the VA.

I have said since my days in Viet Nam that I wouldn't send a dog to the VA. This problem is nothing new. The VA has been a hell hole for as long as I can remember - basically, since I was a kid. I grew up in the military and have heard the horror stories forever. My Father (again a Brigadier General) asked that if he were ever incapacitated to the point of not being able to communicate with us - that we shoot him before we allowed him to enter the doors of a VA.

Thank God I had a career AFTER I left the military that provided good insurance.

Damn Obama and every president for the last 50 years for failing Veterans.
yep.....they all sure talked like they cared.....at election time.....after that.....excuses....
You disingenuous piece of shit!

It's people like you who started Afghanistan. The sooner we phase out of there the better.

OH and did you know that many black people died to protect you over there? You fucking racist asshole?

Fuck you and your despicable thread.
90% of the Country was on board with that.....you must be one of the 10% who were not....just sayin....

Afghanistan should have been over in three months: go in, STERLIIZE the place, and leave.

no argument from me....Bush had the Country and most of the world standing behind him all ready to take on International Terrorism.....and blew all that support by listening to the wrong guys.....Bush was a leader up until that point.....after that......geezus....

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