Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

I don't blame them for not giving him a standing ovation. These cadets know the president is a phoney.

Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report - Washington Times

99% of these cadets have zero respect for the "man" and who can blame them? They have taken on the Army as young officers and they see how this clown is "handling" this debacle that is the VA.

I have said since my days in Viet Nam that I wouldn't send a dog to the VA. This problem is nothing new. The VA has been a hell hole for as long as I can remember - basically, since I was a kid. I grew up in the military and have heard the horror stories forever. My Father (again a Brigadier General) asked that if he were ever incapacitated to the point of not being able to communicate with us - that we shoot him before we allowed him to enter the doors of a VA.

Thank God I had a career AFTER I left the military that provided good insurance.

Damn Obama and every president for the last 50 years for failing Veterans.
yep.....they all sure talked like they cared.....at election time.....after that.....excuses....

Indeed. I am now 70 years old and I have heard horror stories about the VA since I was a boy.

The problem with Barry is that he promised he would "clean up" the VA. Just another in a series of his BS lies. He appoints sycophants to hold positions of responsibility then, when all hell breaks loose, refuses to hold them responsible (re: Kathleen Sebellius, Eric Shinseki, Eric Holder) to name but a few and the man at the top of the pyramid stays on "vacation".

Welcome to 21st century America. Prisoners in Federal custody are treated better than veterans. This country is doomed.
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The only parts of the government still loyal to the presidunce are the syncophants and the government unions. If one general stood up to do it there would be a military coup by morning. obama would wake up to a Whitehouse ringed with tanks and the secret service in the Lincoln bedroom passed out drunk with an assortment of whores.
Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?

Every one of them should have been shot upon capture. They wore no uniforms & were part of no nation's armed forces...they should simply be shot as spies.
Let's pretend that someone accused the US of using WMD on civilians (Hiroshima, Nagasaki). An international "coalition of the willing" would then be justified, according to American rules, to invade the US and kill anyone who fought back.

All Hitler had to do was say that Poland had WMD and was a threat to the stability and peace in the region.

Your country is wrong. The Bush administration lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then killed anyone who fought back. George W. Bush deserves to hang.
Your country is wrong. The Bush administration lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then killed anyone who fought back. George W. Bush deserves to hang.
Since that's unlikely to happen, maybe Obama should appoint him as ambassador to a Muslim country on September 10th.
I wonder what colorful new places Romney would have found for our troops to die? How many thousands would we have sent into Syria and Libya? And God knows where else?

There was about a 30 year difference between Vietnam and Iraq. Hopefully we'll have at least that long before the next war mongering party gets into power.
Kennedy and Johnson got us into Vietnam, stupid. Learn your history.

Are you stupid? I said "war mongering." Not "democrat." Fuck off.

That's the problem. Democrats do it too.
The cadets should not cadets if this is true; they should respect all US presidents.

Why should they? Given how his administration treats vets... they may all wish to reconsider. That's what they'll get as a reward for fighting for their country.
Or maybe stupid fucking Americans should draw their guns and hold their own government accountable.

How fucked up is your country when the People see torture and mass murder and shrug it off as "necessary to defend freedom"? Can Americans even admit that America tortured POWs? No. "It's not torture and they're not POWs." Prisoners taken prisoner during war are prisoners of war. It doesn't fucking matter if they wear uniforms or not.

Bush lied. He fucking lied. He lied to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs. If those aren't war crimes then what the fuck counts as a war crime?
The cadets should not cadets if this is true; they should respect all US presidents.

Why should they? Given how his administration treats vets... they may all wish to reconsider. That's what they'll get as a reward for fighting for their country.
As opposed to every other President who fucked our veterans? What makes Obama so special? Why weren't you GOP right-wing simpletons ever pissed off at any other President over the failures of veterans' affairs?
The cadets should not cadets if this is true; they should respect all US presidents.

Why should they? Given how his administration treats vets... they may all wish to reconsider. That's what they'll get as a reward for fighting for their country.
As opposed to every other President who fucked our veterans? What makes Obama so special? Why weren't you GOP right-wing simpletons ever pissed off at any other President over the failures of veterans' affairs?

Why is he so special? He had 6 years to correct the situation. And he won't hold anyone accountable. That's why.

Your tu quoque arguments are really old.
The cadets should not cadets if this is true; they should respect all US presidents.

Why should they? Given how his administration treats vets... they may all wish to reconsider. That's what they'll get as a reward for fighting for their country.

You don't get to reconsider.

Well then, I guess they're dead if they do, dead if they don't. Either way they die on the field of battle or at home waiting on the VA.
Bush had eight years to correct the situation and didn't. No outrage from GOP mouth-breathers. Clinton had eight years. Nothing. Bush Sr. had four years, Reagan had eight years. When were Republican voters ever angry over veterans' affairs except for now when a black man is President?
I wouldn't be so certain of that loyalty from the officers or enlisted men of the military or the law enforcement officers of this country, if I were this POTUS. Something tells me that if he puts it to a serious test he might just find more dissenters than he expects.
Hey, nothing like rejecting the oaths you swore to eh? Sure thing.

No American soldier takes an oath of loyalty to the President!

Oath of Enlistment

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Why should they? Given how his administration treats vets... they may all wish to reconsider. That's what they'll get as a reward for fighting for their country.
As opposed to every other President who fucked our veterans? What makes Obama so special? Why weren't you GOP right-wing simpletons ever pissed off at any other President over the failures of veterans' affairs?

Why is he so special? He had 6 years to correct the situation. And he won't hold anyone accountable. That's why.

Your tu quoque arguments are really old.

Seven more high ranking officials got fired yesterday.
Hey, nothing like rejecting the oaths you swore to eh? Sure thing.

No American soldier takes an oath of loyalty to the President!

Oath of Enlistment

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Makes little sense in swearing to uphold a Constitution that your C-in-C won't.

Lead by example, am I right?
As opposed to every other President who fucked our veterans? What makes Obama so special? Why weren't you GOP right-wing simpletons ever pissed off at any other President over the failures of veterans' affairs?

Why is he so special? He had 6 years to correct the situation. And he won't hold anyone accountable. That's why.

Your tu quoque arguments are really old.

Seven more high ranking officials got fired yesterday.


Or were they about to retire too?
Bush had eight years to correct the situation and didn't. No outrage from GOP mouth-breathers. Clinton had eight years. Nothing. Bush Sr. had four years, Reagan had eight years. When were Republican voters ever angry over veterans' affairs except for now when a black man is President?

We're talking about Obama here. Not anyone else. I'm sorry, but your boy dug himself in deep here.
Bush had eight years to correct the situation and didn't. No outrage from GOP mouth-breathers. Clinton had eight years. Nothing. Bush Sr. had four years, Reagan had eight years. When were Republican voters ever angry over veterans' affairs except for now when a black man is President?

You don't even hear any criticism from these people towards the GOP House Veteran's Affairs Committee, chaired by a Republican, which has actual oversight responsibility for exactly these such matters.

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