Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die

And yet he did not end the Iraq war early nor stop the Afghan war, go figure. By the way? When is he closing Gitmo again?

He sure took credit for the afghans throwing us out as his idea though didn't he lol.

Less than 25%. How much less? 25% is likely generous.

Yeah it was. It sounded like a comedian having a bad night as the comedy club.
Why is he so special? He had 6 years to correct the situation. And he won't hold anyone accountable. That's why.

Your tu quoque arguments are really old.

Seven more high ranking officials got fired yesterday.


Or were they about to retire too?

Why would you need to ask me? You act as though you know what's going on. You state, unequivocally, that no one has been held accountable.

How much research did you do before you decided to state as fact something that wasn't true?
Fuck Obama. Where was your outrage at any other fucking time in American history? Vets have been fucked over since the Revolution because the controlling interests of America don't care about soldiers once they've been used to uphold the oligarchy's whims. "Use them and then forget them" has always been the mantra of the US regarding veterans. Nearly half of homeless vets on American streets right now are from Vietnam. At any point in the last 40 years, did you Republicans ever care about them? No, you did not.
Bush had eight years to correct the situation and didn't. No outrage from GOP mouth-breathers. Clinton had eight years. Nothing. Bush Sr. had four years, Reagan had eight years. When were Republican voters ever angry over veterans' affairs except for now when a black man is President?

You don't even hear any criticism from these people towards the GOP House Veteran's Affairs Committee, chaired by a Republican, which has actual oversight responsibility for exactly these such matters.


Bernie Sanders, an Independent, chairs the Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs. He caucuses with the Democrats, and he was the one who blocked the VA accountability bill in the Senate last week. Republican Jeff Miller, Chair of the House Committee, on the other hand voted for HR 4031 in the House.

Want me to start pulling links?
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Seven more high ranking officials got fired yesterday.


Or were they about to retire too?

Why would you need to ask me? You act as though you know what's going on. You state, unequivocally, that no one has been held accountable.

How much research did you do before you decided to state as fact something that wasn't true?

Seeing as how Eric Shinseki still holds his position, it is.
Bush had eight years to correct the situation and didn't. No outrage from GOP mouth-breathers. Clinton had eight years. Nothing. Bush Sr. had four years, Reagan had eight years. When were Republican voters ever angry over veterans' affairs except for now when a black man is President?

You don't even hear any criticism from these people towards the GOP House Veteran's Affairs Committee, chaired by a Republican, which has actual oversight responsibility for exactly these such matters.


Bernie Sanders, an Independent, chairs the Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs. He caucuses with the Democrats, and he was the one who blocked the VA accountability bill in the Senate last week. Republican Jeff Miller, Chair of the House Committee, on the other hand voted for HR 4031 in the House.

Want me to start pulling links?

Why did Sanders do that?
Bush had eight years to correct the situation and didn't. No outrage from GOP mouth-breathers. Clinton had eight years. Nothing. Bush Sr. had four years, Reagan had eight years. When were Republican voters ever angry over veterans' affairs except for now when a black man is President?

You don't even hear any criticism from these people towards the GOP House Veteran's Affairs Committee, chaired by a Republican, which has actual oversight responsibility for exactly these such matters.


Bernie Sanders, an Independent, chairs the Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs. He caucuses with the Democrats, and he was the one who blocked the VA accountability bill in the Senate last week. Republican Jeff Miller, Chair of the House Committee, on the other hand voted for HR 4031 in the House.

Want me to start pulling links?

Democrats are getting louder to have him resign...but if this wasn't an election year? This would be another phony scandal.

We know who the phonies are...
This President has done more for vets and active duty military than any POTUS in the last 40 years.
You don't even hear any criticism from these people towards the GOP House Veteran's Affairs Committee, chaired by a Republican, which has actual oversight responsibility for exactly these such matters.


Bernie Sanders, an Independent, chairs the Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs. He caucuses with the Democrats, and he was the one who blocked the VA accountability bill in the Senate last week. Republican Jeff Miller, Chair of the House Committee, on the other hand voted for HR 4031 in the House.

Want me to start pulling links?

Democrats are getting louder to have him resign...but if this wasn't an election year? This would be another phony scandal.

We know who the phonies are...

Uh huh. We know who the phonies are "T".
Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?

Every one of them should have been shot upon capture. They wore no uniforms & were part of no nation's armed forces...they should simply be shot as spies.
And who is it that tied the hands of our forces with phony "Rules Of Engagement"? That's right...Obama
Thankfully the President isn't a republican with an itchy trigger finger wanting to send them to die
He's sent more of them to die in Afghanistan on his watch as well as damn near wiped out more SEALs than any president.

You disingenuous piece of shit!

It's people like you who started Afghanistan. The sooner we phase out of there the better.

OH and did you know that many black people died to protect you over there? You fucking racist asshole?

Fuck you and your despicable thread.

Is there some compelling reason people are taking this junior moron seriously?
Here's what a president popular with the military gets at West Point whne he speaks.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLYLuDjlY]President Bush speaks at West Point - YouTube[/ame]
Or maybe stupid fucking Americans should draw their guns and hold their own government accountable.

How fucked up is your country when the People see torture and mass murder and shrug it off as "necessary to defend freedom"? Can Americans even admit that America tortured POWs? No. "It's not torture and they're not POWs." Prisoners taken prisoner during war are prisoners of war. It doesn't fucking matter if they wear uniforms or not.

Bush lied. He fucking lied. He lied to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs. If those aren't war crimes then what the fuck counts as a war crime?

How fucked up is your country...
where are you from ? wherever it is are all the subjects as fucking stupid and slopeheaded as you ?

why does our politics and politicians concern you ? go the fuck back where you come from..., or are you here as an illegal alien ?

oooh BTW..., :fu:
Funny, these people wailing about how Obama/the office should be Respected and they are the same ones who showed and still show President Bush some of the worst disrespect ever

I refuse to respect someone who disrespects me in every hateful speech he gives

these cadets showed us they have great strength sitting there and not throwing up listening to this man tell the world we, surrender over to you

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