Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

George W. Bush should be dead in a jail cell already for lying to the world to invade Iraq and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

National Security Archives, George Washington University. Just type "GWU Iraq" into your search engine and read the declassified government documents for yourself. Bush would die in prison if there is any real justice in America, which there isn't.

let me know how that works out for you leftard...................when you stop crying
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Less than 25% gave him a standing ovation BEFORE he spoke

Why didn't the Washington Times report how many gave him a standing ovation AFTER he spoke?

President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported.

I'm certain more than 25% were happy when Obama finished with his platitudes given from the prospective of someone who'd never fired a bigger weapon than a doobie he rolled before a final in Underwater Basketweaving 101 at Harvard.
George W. Bush should be dead in a jail cell already for lying to the world to invade Iraq and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

National Security Archives, George Washington University. Just type "GWU Iraq" into your search engine and read the declassified government documents for yourself. Bush would die in prison if there is any real justice in America, which there isn't.

let me know how that works out for you leftard...................when you stop crying
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'd like to see your sources for the tortured dead POW's....I mean you can prove it....right?
Less than 25% gave him a standing ovation BEFORE he spoke

Why didn't the Washington Times report how many gave him a standing ovation AFTER he spoke?

President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported.


The president's biggest applause line was not for a policy position, but in praise of a former West Point cadet who was wounded in Afghanstan

When he managed to not make it about himself, and stop being a wussie for a moment.
George W. Bush should be dead in a jail cell already for lying to the world to invade Iraq and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

National Security Archives, George Washington University. Just type "GWU Iraq" into your search engine and read the declassified government documents for yourself. Bush would die in prison if there is any real justice in America, which there isn't.

let me know how that works out for you leftard...................when you stop crying
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

George W. Bush should be dead in a jail cell already for lying to the world to invade Iraq and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

National Security Archives, George Washington University. Just type "GWU Iraq" into your search engine and read the declassified government documents for yourself. Bush would die in prison if there is any real justice in America, which there isn't.

let me know how that works out for you leftard...................when you stop crying
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

let me translate this into normal for you:

Yeah, I'm crazy for saying that killing civilians in a decade-long war that was started by proven lies is wrong. That's so insane. I should be more like rational Christian Republicans who torture POWs, start wars over lies, and sign big government legislation to erode our freedom.
Yeah, I'm crazy for saying that killing civilians in a decade-long war that was started by proven lies is wrong. That's so insane. I should be more like rational Christian Republicans who torture POWs, start wars over lies, and sign big government legislation to erode our freedom.

it's the "proven lies" thingy leftard

ok continue drooling
let me know how that works out for you leftard...................when you stop crying
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

let me translate this into normal for you:

Yeah, it's all just crying and whining. Of course my crying doesn't come close to that of the hundreds of thousands of grieving families in Iraq, but who cares about them anyway? They're all Muslim terrorists, right? Fucking stupid Americans.
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

let me translate this into normal for you:

Yeah, it's all just crying and whining. Of course my crying doesn't come close to that of the hundreds of thousands of grieving families in Iraq, but who cares about them anyway? They're all Muslim terrorists, right? Fucking stupid Americans.

Only hundreds of thousands?

I was hoping for more like millions.

Why don't you grow a pair and go fight with the Anti-American forces somewhere in SW Asia? How about Syria.

I not only talked the talk, I walked the walk.

You? You're just a crybaby pussy that hides behind the protections given to you by men like me.

Go fight for what you believe in or SHUT THE FUCK UP
Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?
Does this look like water boarding, stupid fucking American?:


That POW died of natural causes, right? Because his heart failed while he was being beaten to death, right? It's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation". They're not prisoners of war, they're "enemy combatants". International and US human rights laws don't apply to them because they're not actually humans. They're dirty evil Muslims who hate freedom. Why would any Iraqi fight against their benevolent American liberators unless they hate freedom, right?

my heart bleeds for him leftard

why dont you go give his family a hug?
Perhaps I should remind you that I'm a US Army vet, as well, so shove all of that gung-ho "It's because of real men like me" flamer macho bullshit.
Yeah, good one. Laugh off your war crimes, you sick fuck. Beg for the big government to spy on you to protect your freedom, moron. Call for more big government PATRIOT Act bullshit to chip away the Constitution. Cheer on torture and mass murder over proven lies.

I already know how it's going to go. William Calley was pardoned for My Lai. Oliver North was pardoned for Iran-Contra. HSBC paid a fine for funding terrorism against America during war. Nothing is going to happen to the guilty parties because Americans are too fucking arrogant to ever point their fat fucking fingers at themselves.

If it makes you feel any better, Republican who loves war crimes, I think Obama should die in prison, too, for the illegal assassination of an American teenager and continuing Bush's war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

let me translate this into normal for you:

Yeah, it's all just crying and whining. Of course my crying doesn't come close to that of the hundreds of thousands of grieving families in Iraq, but who cares about them anyway? They're all Muslim terrorists, right? Fucking stupid Americans.

they have you to cry for them leftard

praise ALLAH!

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