Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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Kill ratio is only 30 to 1. Israel needs to step it up a notch or two. And what's with Egypt letting Israel do it's dirty work? Wasn't it just a few months ago they were threatening to take out Hamas themselves?

If any of us were in southern Israel, frightened sick by rockets being fired by Hamas, we, too, might cheer an invasion of Gaza. And if any of us were in Gaza, strangled by the embargo and losing relatives to Israeli airstrikes, we, too, might cheer the launch of rockets on Tel Aviv. That’s human nature.

That’s why we need to de-escalate, starting with a cease-fire that includes an end to Hamas rocket attacks and a withdrawal from Gaza by Israel. For Israel, this is a chance to use diplomacy to achieve what gunpowder won’t: the marginalization of Hamas. Israel might suggest an internationally supervised election in Gaza with the promise that the return of control to the Palestinian Authority would mean an end to the economic embargo.

Here we have a conflict between right and right that has been hijacked by hard-liners on each side who feed each other. It’s not that they are the same, and what I see isn’t equivalence. Yet there is, in some ways, a painful symmetry — and one element is that each side vigorously denies that there is any symmetry at all.


Every time Israel withdraws from Gaza, they get rockets launched at them.
I would support a ceasefire if Hamas is completely demilitarized.
They have no need for the weapons anyway. All they use them for is attacking Israeli civilians.

Little Eichmanns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Death to Hamas!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b11-37Me_a4]March of the Templars - YouTube[/ame]
Is there a list of Muslim nations with open borders?

Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

You started that sentence using the OPPOSITE of the word you SHOULD have uses.
You have just stated that nearly all Muslim nations have closed borders where they can selectively allow citizens of their own and other nations to pass through.

Egypt, for instance, will NOT ALLOW a citizen of Aza to cross into it's borders.
Ergo, you MUST consider Egypt to be no DIFFERENT than Israel in terms of the citizens of Aza.
Any other stance by you reveals you for the Jew hater you are.

Absolutely correct; these faux 'Palestinians' are there because their 'Arab Brothers' keep them there, not because Israel keeps them there.
Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

You started that sentence using the OPPOSITE of the word you SHOULD have uses.
You have just stated that nearly all Muslim nations have closed borders where they can selectively allow citizens of their own and other nations to pass through.

Egypt, for instance, will NOT ALLOW a citizen of Aza to cross into it's borders.
Ergo, you MUST consider Egypt to be no DIFFERENT than Israel in terms of the citizens of Aza.
Any other stance by you reveals you for the Jew hater you are.

Absolutely correct; these faux 'Palestinians' are there because their 'Arab Brothers' keep them there, not because Israel keeps them there.

I want to hear it from Monty.
I guess if they want to live forever in a blockaded Gulag controlled by Israel, they have no need for weapons.

So don't guess you are very bad at thinking and conclusions'nd stuff.:cuckoo:

And you need to take a course in English grammar to make yourself understood.

Daniel is an Israeli. How well do you speak Hebrew, monte? BTW, monte, you really should stop romanticizing Hamas as "freedom fighters". Just like crimefighters fight crime and firefighters fight fires, freedom fighters actually fight freedom. Hamas cares nothing for their own civilians--they place rocket-launchers near schools and hospitals. They kept shooting rockets during a humanitarian 6-hour ceasefire. Do you really think Hamas would respect Christian rights in an independent Palestine? Would it be another Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem? If you think that, you're dreaming. monte, you're a useful tool.
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I guess if they want to live forever in a blockaded Gulag controlled by Israel, they have no need for weapons.

Is there a list of Muslim nations with open borders?

Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

Gaza is not a nation and not only will not recognize Israel but will not make peace. While Gaza is a threat to Israel, it has the right to control the air and water. If Gaza was not firing on Israel and agreed to live in peace and security then air and water would be in the hands of the PA or when there is an agreement a palestinian state.
Is there a list of Muslim nations with open borders?

Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

You started that sentence using the OPPOSITE of the word you SHOULD have uses.
You have just stated that nearly all Muslim nations have closed borders where they can selectively allow citizens of their own and other nations to pass through.

Egypt, for instance, will NOT ALLOW a citizen of Aza to cross into it's borders.
Ergo, you MUST consider Egypt to be no DIFFERENT than Israel in terms of the citizens of Aza.
Any other stance by you reveals you for the Jew hater you are.

Egypt keeps the border closed at Israel's and the U.S.'s behest. You really should do some research before writing nonsense.

"Egypt is under pressure from the Americans to keep the border closed and to put a halt to
smuggling. Israel and Egypt are the two biggest recipients of US Foreign Military Financing
(congressionally appropriated grants given to governments to finance the purchase of American
weapons.) Israel has demanded “that the United States condition its annual $1.3 billion in
military assistance [to Egypt] on Egypt’s efforts to thwart smuggling.”11 Section 690 of P.L.
110-161, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, makes $100 million dollars conditional
on, amongst other things, Egypt’s efforts to detect and destroy smuggling tunnels. "

Is there a list of Muslim nations with open borders?

Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

Gaza is not a nation and not only will not recognize Israel but will not make peace. While Gaza is a threat to Israel, it has the right to control the air and water. If Gaza was not firing on Israel and agreed to live in peace and security then air and water would be in the hands of the PA or when there is an agreement a palestinian state.

Bullshit. Israel wants to control Gaza. If Israel wasn't blockading Gaza and/or occupying it, there would be no rockets. The occupation is the cause of the violence.
Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

Gaza is not a nation and not only will not recognize Israel but will not make peace. While Gaza is a threat to Israel, it has the right to control the air and water. If Gaza was not firing on Israel and agreed to live in peace and security then air and water would be in the hands of the PA or when there is an agreement a palestinian state.

Bullshit. Israel wants to control Gaza. If Israel wasn't blockading Gaza and/or occupying it, there would be no rockets. The occupation is the cause of the violence.

Gaza keeps starting problems. Your thinking is backassward. The blockade is to keep gaza from importing more larger more powerful weapons from countries like syria, iran, korea, etc.
The blockade is a reaction not the cause of the present trouble.
Israel wants to control Gaza so much that they let it go.

That's when the Palestinians tore up the gifted greenhouses and burned the buildings.


^Not peace rockets.
The blockade is to keep them out of Israel, not keep them inside of Gaza.

They want Israel.


^Rocket from Gaza


Israel's response.

They're not getting in. That's why the wall was created. To keep them out of Israel.
Who else is an equal opportunity employer like Hamas? Why not force a 14 year old retarded boy to wear a bomb vest and go to a checkpoint?

Of course the Israelis had every right to shoot him, but they disarmed it and sent him home.
I forget, who are the bad guys and good guys here?


The Karin A (also Karine A) was a 4,000 ton ship intercepted by the IDF on January 3, 2002, carrying a wide variety of weapons.
The weapons were to be placed in submerged tanks that would be filled with compressed air. The tanks would float at about 3 feet under the surface so they would not be picked up by radar, then fished up in nets of Palestinian fishing boats.

While the ship itself was worth an estimated $400,000 and the civilian cargo used to conceal the weapons approximately $3,000,000, the weapons were reportedly purchased for approximately $15,000,000. The ship was owned by the Palestinian Authority, and that the arms were bound for their use.
A ship loaded with weapons? Say it ain't so!!

The equipment included
Katyusha rockets,
sniper rifles,
anti-tank mines,
anti-tank missiles,
over 2.5 tons of explosives
diving gear and rubber boats
Iranian supplied





And this was one of the tubes at the Sayaret Yahalom ordnance facility...


Photo montage of Hussam Abdo's confrontation with Israeli troops, March 24, 2004
Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

Gaza is not a nation and not only will not recognize Israel but will not make peace. While Gaza is a threat to Israel, it has the right to control the air and water. If Gaza was not firing on Israel and agreed to live in peace and security then air and water would be in the hands of the PA or when there is an agreement a palestinian state.

Bullshit. Israel wants to control Gaza. If Israel wasn't blockading Gaza and/or occupying it, there would be no rockets. The occupation is the cause of the violence.

Hamas is the cult of death. Not israel.
Israel wants to control Gaza so much that they let it go.

That's when the Palestinians tore up the gifted greenhouses and burned the buildings.

How exactly did it let it go? It controls its border, its air space and territorial sea.
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