Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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The only chance for a future for Palestinians is to make the occupation as difficult for Israel as possible. Israel will never cede control of the Palestinians peacefully. Most Palestinians understand this unfortunate situation. Fatah is just interested in receiving funds, paying themselves well, and continuing the role as a latter day Kapo. Thankfully, Hamas is receiving more and more support from not only the Palestinians but also from former Shiite enemies, Hezbollah.
The only chance for a future for Palestinians is to make the occupation as difficult for Israel as possible. Israel will never cede control of the Palestinians peacefully. Most Palestinians understand this unfortunate situation. Fatah is just interested in receiving funds, paying themselves well, and continuing the role as a latter day Kapo. Thankfully, Hamas is receiving more and more support from not only the Palestinians but also from former Shiite enemies, Hezbollah.
Also, fortunately, Hamas is dying by the hundreds as we speak.
The only chance for a future for Palestinians is to make the occupation as difficult for Israel as possible. Israel will never cede control of the Palestinians peacefully. Most Palestinians understand this unfortunate situation. Fatah is just interested in receiving funds, paying themselves well, and continuing the role as a latter day Kapo. Thankfully, Hamas is receiving more and more support from not only the Palestinians but also from former Shiite enemies, Hezbollah.
Also, fortunately, Hamas is dying by the hundreds as we speak.

Most of those murdered by the Jews are civilians, not the HAMAS fighting forces.
Clearly, the Palestinian People chose the wrong leadership. I suspect they understand that now.
No, they don't. They chose exactly whom they want.
I truly believe many if not most, realize they made a very bad choice selecting Hamas.
Actually, not. Their "innocent civilians", yapping coming from that Gaza outhouse, blame Israel for lack of jobs, construction materials, clinics, anything, although, their elected hamass government is the one they should be asking questions in the first place. Bth., 1 mile of tunnels costs about $1 mln..
I think they'll correct that awful mistake. And as i said earlier, Israel eliminating Hamas will likely lead to moderate Palestinians taking control. Leaders like Abbas will benefit greatly once Hamas is out of the way.
The quicker one dispenses with this idea, the better, of course. Abu Mazen and hamass are the two sides of the same coin. The difference is that abu mazen isn't shooting rockets into Israel (yet). They are both based on the same "poor 'n robbed palistanian", "liberation of palestine" and "right of return" ideas (in which there's no place for jews), which are taught throughout their educational system. There's no place for a so-called "moderate leader" in that environment - he/she will be kicked out by by that electorate. In memorable words of Vladimiar Lenin "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." Hamass forever, fatah forever, jihad forever.

Abu Mazen and hamass are the two sides of the same coin. The difference is that abu mazen isn't shooting rockets into Israel (yet). They are both based on the same "poor 'n robbed palistanian", "liberation of palestine" and "right of return" ideas (in which there's no place for jews), which are taught throughout their educational system. There's no place for a so-called "moderate leader" in that environment - he/she will be kicked out by by that electorate. In memorable words of Vladimiar Lenin "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." Hamass forever, fatah forever, jihad forever.[/size][/font]

doc------1,000 % true --------I trust abu mazen even less than I trust Hamas----he is POISON
Hamas is Losing and Everyone Knows it

That’s almost certainly the reason Hamas rejected the Egypt-proposed cease-fire agreement. So far it has accomplished practically nothing. A small band of serial killers on the West Bank managed to murder more Israelis a couple of weeks ago than Hamas can manage with its entire missile arsenal now.

It’s pathetic, really, and must be extraordinarily humiliating.

The Middle Eastern habit of declaring victory after getting your ass kicked has a long pedigree. Egypt did it after losing the 1973 Yom Kippur War. North Korea built a hysterical propaganda museum in Cairo commemorating that make-believe victory, but at least that particular fantasy is based on something. The Egyptian army did well against Israel for the first couple of days even though it lost in the end.

Hezbollah declared victory in the 2006 war despite the fact that entire swaths of its infrastructure were obliterated, but Hezbollah did inflict some serious damage and triggered a refugee crisis. Hamas couldn’t possibly base a victory boast on anything now.


Hamas is Losing and Everyone Knows it
The only chance for a future for Palestinians is to make the occupation as difficult for Israel as possible. Israel will never cede control of the Palestinians peacefully. Most Palestinians understand this unfortunate situation. Fatah is just interested in receiving funds, paying themselves well, and continuing the role as a latter day Kapo. Thankfully, Hamas is receiving more and more support from not only the Palestinians but also from former Shiite enemies, Hezbollah.

SURE and when the Palestinians start dying because of UN imposed sanctions who will you blame. It will be the fault of the scum that have defended the terrorism and violence over the years and it is time these people were arrested for their crimes.
Hamas is Losing and Everyone Knows it

Not the Israelis.

The Palestinians are fighting against the 5th or 6th most powerful military in the world out gunned and outnumbered, yet they are bravely defending their land. They are engaged in a heroic display of resistance against the child murdering IDF.

"Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters"

"Hamas fighters appear to be better trained, with a new set of skills that I don't think Israel anticipated. One Israeli soldier who came out of Shaja'ia was quoted in an Israeli publication that Hamas is fighting like Hezbollah, which waged a successful guerrilla war against Israel's occupation in the 1980s and 1990s, and inflicted high casualties on Israeli forces during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon."

Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters - CNN.com
The only chance for a future for Palestinians is to make the occupation as difficult for Israel as possible. Israel will never cede control of the Palestinians peacefully. Most Palestinians understand this unfortunate situation. Fatah is just interested in receiving funds, paying themselves well, and continuing the role as a latter day Kapo. Thankfully, Hamas is receiving more and more support from not only the Palestinians but also from former Shiite enemies, Hezbollah.
Also, fortunately, Hamas is dying by the hundreds as we speak.

Most of those murdered by the Jews are civilians, not the HAMAS fighting forces.

Can you prove they were civilians as the Geneva conventions say they are valid military targets.
Hamas is Losing and Everyone Knows it

Not the Israelis.

The Palestinians are fighting against the 5th or 6th most powerful military in the world out gunned and outnumbered, yet they are bravely defending their land. They are engaged in a heroic display of resistance against the child murdering IDF.

"Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters"

"Hamas fighters appear to be better trained, with a new set of skills that I don't think Israel anticipated. One Israeli soldier who came out of Shaja'ia was quoted in an Israeli publication that Hamas is fighting like Hezbollah, which waged a successful guerrilla war against Israel's occupation in the 1980s and 1990s, and inflicted high casualties on Israeli forces during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon."

Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters - CNN.com
Save the heroic stories to the Zionists who established the state of Israel, when nobody stood up for them, seeing death every day and dying for the greater good of the nation. Hamas is NOT "engaged in a heroic display of resistance against child murdering IDF." ... no not at all.
In fact if the 5th/6th strongest army in the world which is so cruel and powerful as you describe cannot wipe 20,000 terrorists instantly with zero mercy for the innocents something in the equation is very wrong.
They are willing to sacrifice innocents for their own 72 virgins-PURE SELFISHNESS- PERIOD.
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Hamas is Losing and Everyone Knows it

Not the Israelis.

The Palestinians are fighting against the 5th or 6th most powerful military in the world out gunned and outnumbered, yet they are bravely defending their land. They are engaged in a heroic display of resistance against the child murdering IDF.

"Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters"

"Hamas fighters appear to be better trained, with a new set of skills that I don't think Israel anticipated. One Israeli soldier who came out of Shaja'ia was quoted in an Israeli publication that Hamas is fighting like Hezbollah, which waged a successful guerrilla war against Israel's occupation in the 1980s and 1990s, and inflicted high casualties on Israeli forces during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon."

Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters - CNN.com
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.
Not the Israelis.

The Palestinians are fighting against the 5th or 6th most powerful military in the world out gunned and outnumbered, yet they are bravely defending their land. They are engaged in a heroic display of resistance against the child murdering IDF.

"Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters"

"Hamas fighters appear to be better trained, with a new set of skills that I don't think Israel anticipated. One Israeli soldier who came out of Shaja'ia was quoted in an Israeli publication that Hamas is fighting like Hezbollah, which waged a successful guerrilla war against Israel's occupation in the 1980s and 1990s, and inflicted high casualties on Israeli forces during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon."

Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters - CNN.com
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.

Just supporting the Palestinians resisting the attacks of the terrorists of the IDF. After all it is the cowardly IDF that is murdering 100s of women and children.
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.

Just supporting the Palestinians resisting the attacks of the terrorists of the IDF. After all it is the cowardly IDF that is murdering 100s of women and children.
We'll find out who's winning as soon as Hamas holds their Victory Parade in Gaza City. :D
Not the Israelis.

The Palestinians are fighting against the 5th or 6th most powerful military in the world out gunned and outnumbered, yet they are bravely defending their land. They are engaged in a heroic display of resistance against the child murdering IDF.

"Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters"

"Hamas fighters appear to be better trained, with a new set of skills that I don't think Israel anticipated. One Israeli soldier who came out of Shaja'ia was quoted in an Israeli publication that Hamas is fighting like Hezbollah, which waged a successful guerrilla war against Israel's occupation in the 1980s and 1990s, and inflicted high casualties on Israeli forces during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon."

Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters - CNN.com
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.

The IDF is terrorizing and murdering children and civilians in general in the hope that they can remove all non-Jews from Gaza.

"Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel. The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza."

Seriously though, this is ridiculously bad-ass. Watch what this Israeli Soldier does...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgrUeou3MlE]IDF gives Hamas a lesson in human shields - YouTube[/ame]
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.

The IDF is terrorizing and murdering children and civilians in general in the hope that they can remove all non-Jews from Gaza.

"Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel. The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza."

Not a single Israeli in Gaza, Jew/non-Jew.
Israeli demographics however tell a different story about the "ethnic cleansing" bullshit in Israel, and about their passionate for killing Jews.
And besides.
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Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.

The IDF is terrorizing and murdering children and civilians in general in the hope that they can remove all non-Jews from Gaza.

"Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever. Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land. Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel. The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza."


That's nonsense. I have cousins in Israel and they think of themselves more as Israelis than Jews. Removing "non-Jews" is the last thing on their minds. Removing terrorists IS on their minds. Please stop romanticising Hamas as "freedom fighters".
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