Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
They want virgins, virgins they shall have.
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.

How many nations have US lobbies AGAINST them?
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
They want virgins, virgins they shall have.

Yeah because every Gaza women is either raped or married by the age of 12-they look up for a creative solution!
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.

How many nations have US lobbies AGAINST them?

Huh? What?

How many nations does the USA lobby against? Is that your question?
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.

That's an interesting lie. Israel isn't even in the top ten of foreign lobbyists. Perhaps if you tried again without the Jew hater blinders on.

Now reality:

Which foreign countries spent the most to influence U.S. politics? - The Washington Post

So stop making up nonsense.
You must be wrong, Hamas leadership keeps parroting that Israel will pay a heavy price.
And I simply can't believe you don't think members of Hamas are brave enough to actually fight like men.
I have a huge respect for the IRA terrorists, the held the UK hostage for decades without once being stupid enough to face the British Army in open combat.
Ps how many fully trained and armed Hamas terrorists do you think were in Gaza. I repeat I dont mean the stone throwing cannon fodder. At times in Northern Ireland it was less than 100.

I 100% agree on the Ireland issue.
How England forced themselves on Ireland in order to weaken the Roman Catholic Church, collect taxes and push them onto less arable land was nothing short of inhumane.

Oh, you thought I never studied world history.
On Family Feud you'd get your first Red X.

Back to the thread...
What does that have to do with Hamas?

Britain was invited by the Catholics because of sectarian issues with the protestants who held all the power. Once the troops arrived and started brutalising both sides the catholics realised they had done the wrong thing and the IRA was born. Born out of a need for catholic control of all of Ireland and supremacy over the protestants. The British threw millions at creating work for the people of N.I. and the sectarianism still went on, the same as it did in Scotland. Harland and wolf shipyard was the last shipyard in the UK to close and the Goliath cranes are still there. So what started as a police action to defend the catholics ended as a war against the catholics because they wanted to rule N.I.
Israel is giving a savage beating to the Palestinian people,the majority of Hamas Terrorists are long gone.

Yeah, a truly brave thing to do by Haniyah and Mash'al. Leave your wives and kids to take the bullet for you.

Real knights, those Hamas guys, eh?:doubt:
I agree but some here seem to think Israel gains Kudos by killing the wives and kids...........do you?

Yes the pro Palestinians do think that don't they, whereas the rest think that hamas should be doing more to protect the women and children
Israel is giving a savage beating to the Palestinian people,the majority of Hamas Terrorists are long gone.

Illogical...I though the borders of Aza (Yes, it's REALLY called Aza, not Gaza) were completely sealed and controlled by Israel and Egypt.
How did Hamas escape?
Tunnels, just like the Vietnamese used to fuck the American army.Please do not ask why the civilians cant use them.

Do tell why the women and children were thrown out of the tunnels during cast lead by the brave hamas fighters who wanted to stay alive.
We'll see. I'm not sure this time. Hamas really is getting trounced. Israel might just be ending them.

I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.
one nutter with a dirty bomb and the wind in the right direction.

A pity that the wind is never in the right direction and it would wipe out the inhabitants of gaza first. But then you muslims don't care how many innocents you mass murder as long as one Jew is killed in the process, What was it the Iranian leader said about nuclear bombs and the muslims of the M.E. something about killing 1 million just to get at the Jews ?
I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.

Not a good time to be a Terrorist. The new technology is fiercely brutal. Can't even hide in tunnels anymore. Hamas could be nearing extinction.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwoOkOYX2lM][FULL] Israeli Army Video Shows Foiled Gaza Tunnel Attack - YouTube[/ame]
the Americans tried that in Vietnam using massive ground strikes, tunnels have an entrance and exit:badgrin:

Collapse one end and they will be stuck as the exit will then become obvious, cuts down on the numbers of fighters. Gaza is nothing like the Jungle of Vietnam, and any large movement of men will be obvious and that is it tunnel closed.
Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you? ...

Sometimes 'mainstream' reports are SO implicitly biased as to call for some counterbalance. ;)

...BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?

Easily. They simply fail to recognize their roles as Zionism's 'useful idiots', and sincerely believe that their efforts are to the benefit of Islam and to the plight of the Palestinians, despite the mountain of historical evidence to the contrary. Yes, it's possible to believe in a cause so blindly that you fail to see how detrimental your own actions have been to that cause. Such is the mindset of the 'legitimate jihadist' in the ranks of Hamas.

And your use of the term Zionism shows that you don't have a clue as to the reality of the situation. What was the reason for jihad before Zionism was invented ?
Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you?

BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?

Jihad means to struggle in the way for Allah.
My perspective:they should struggle to bring peace in the road to believe in Allah.
Their perspective:all means necessary to kill or convert.

Their perspective, end the siege/Blockade

The reality is that Palestinian terrorism, violence and belligerence created the siege/blockade so those are the things that need addressing. But have you noticed that the UN is staying very quiet and not getting involved in this latest round of fighting. Could it be that the UN has finally seen the light and will no longer defend Islamic extremism from facing the music.
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Which is why Israel are not using ground troops as much, but relying on aerial and armoured attacks. Still the death toll of Islamic extremists rises and they dead litter the streets of gaza.
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.

CRAP in the past the UN has stepped in and forced Israel to cease fighting while letting the Islamic extremists carry one with their terrorism. This time the UN is very noticeable by its complete silence, even the usual Islamic contingent are not making claims of atrocities and war crimes. So it seems that the world and its dog is starting to wake up to hamas and its violent methods. Expect the UN to put sanctions in place once this round of fighting is over.
I have a huge respect for the IRA terrorists, the held the UK hostage for decades without once being stupid enough to face the British Army in open combat.
Ps how many fully trained and armed Hamas terrorists do you think were in Gaza. I repeat I dont mean the stone throwing cannon fodder. At times in Northern Ireland it was less than 100.

I 100% agree on the Ireland issue.
How England forced themselves on Ireland in order to weaken the Roman Catholic Church, collect taxes and push them onto less arable land was nothing short of inhumane.

Oh, you thought I never studied world history.
On Family Feud you'd get your first Red X.

Back to the thread...
What does that have to do with Hamas?

Britain was invited by the Catholics because of sectarian issues with the protestants who held all the power. Once the troops arrived and started brutalising both sides the catholics realised they had done the wrong thing and the IRA was born. Born out of a need for catholic control of all of Ireland and supremacy over the protestants. The British threw millions at creating work for the people of N.I. and the sectarianism still went on, the same as it did in Scotland. Harland and wolf shipyard was the last shipyard in the UK to close and the Goliath cranes are still there. So what started as a police action to defend the catholics ended as a war against the catholics because they wanted to rule N.I.
The IRA is the military wing of a workers revolutionary movement to remove the heel of Imperialism from the Irish neck. The first brigades were both catholic and protestant workers.The IRA wanted a re-union with the south, not to rule a separate NI.The south was not to keen to party with a hard left wing group.
You must be wrong, Hamas leadership keeps parroting that Israel will pay a heavy price.
And I simply can't believe you don't think members of Hamas are brave enough to actually fight like men.
I have a huge respect for the IRA terrorists, the held the UK hostage for decades without once being stupid enough to face the British Army in open combat.
Ps how many fully trained and armed Hamas terrorists do you think were in Gaza. I repeat I dont mean the stone throwing cannon fodder. At times in Northern Ireland it was less than 100.

I 100% agree on the Ireland issue.
How England forced themselves on Ireland in order to weaken the Roman Catholic Church, collect taxes and push them onto less arable land was nothing short of inhumane.

Oh, you thought I never studied world history.
On Family Feud you'd get your first Red X.

Back to the thread...
What does that have to do with Hamas?[/QUOTE [MENTION=46133]Indeependent[/MENTION], sorry I did not respond earlier. Hamas and the IRA are both terrorist organisations.The British with all their Imperialist might could not tame them with weapons, Israel will not tame Hamas.Thats my point and example.
[ame=http://youtu.be/rq14MZhM294]IDF's Peter Lerner: Israel Will Not Be Held Hostage By Hamas - YouTube[/ame]
And your use of the term Zionism shows that you don't have a clue as to the reality of the situation. ...

And the fact that you feel that way is a pretty clear indication of your own cluelessness. :rolleyes:

...What was the reason for jihad before Zionism was invented ?

Before it was bastardized as a ready-made pretext for modern-day Zionist land grabs and American aggression abroad, the term had long been used by Muslims both in reference to internal struggles of faith and external struggles against non-believers.

Despite its widespread applicability to struggles in general, its appearance in the Qur'an, and its use by non-western historians to describe Islamic military offensives up through those undertaken in Africa at the turn of the 19th century, I can't help but wonder whether it's mere coincidence that Merriam-Webster (a very western source) dated the first known use of the term to 1869 -- the same year as the infamous Philadelphia Conference.

Just another one of those things that make you go, "Hmm...". :eusa_think:
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.

That's an interesting lie. Israel isn't even in the top ten of foreign lobbyists. Perhaps if you tried again without the Jew hater blinders on.

Now reality:

Which foreign countries spent the most to influence U.S. politics? - The Washington Post

So stop making up nonsense.

I saw, heard or learned somewhere that either Israel or the Jews were the only country or religion that could legally lobby our government. I'm an old guy. Perhaps that was pre Citizens United.

Regardless, none of the countries on that list have nearly the influence the Jewish lobby has on our country. Couple reasons. For one, the rich people that are part of your lobby like Adelson. Or the politicians who serve Isreal over America like Lieberman. Wasn't he a Democrat? Sure didn't act like one.

The other reason is the nut christians in America say their bible says to protect Israel. They still think you are going to hell for not believing in Jesus, but what do you guys care as long as it serves your purpose.

And from the article you posted, there are laws for foreign countries who lobby us. Does Adelson have to follow those rules? He meets with the president. Everyone knows for years America has been doing what Israel wants because of the Jewish lobbyists and their votes. Why do you think they play the Jewish American voters like pawns during election years? The GOP probably started this conflict to win back your stupid votes.

On NPR they gave both sides a chance to explain their position. I do not disagree with 70% of what Israel says. Problem is they think they are 100% right. They have all those Palistinians packed into a very tight place (Gaza) and they treat them like shit. Of course they are going to dig tunnels and lob bombs at you.

We need a two state solution. Stop invading their territory. If you want a one state solution, give them a seat at the table and treat them like equals. OMG I bet the Jews would have been Nazi's if the world was 90% jewish and 10% christian. Just like I suspect blacks would own whites if they could. You guys are no different. In fact, you are bullies even while you play the victims.

I don't have all the answers. I know what the arabs have said and done to you jews. Get over it. Yes yes we know. Stop telling us why you are right. Start listening to us when we tell you where you are wrong. Figure it out. Quit being so fucking annoying. :eusa_pray:
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