Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2k7IrXB4-4]IDF Video 'Shows Hamas Militants' Deaths' - YouTube[/ame]
I would say it's time for the Palestinian People to give Peace a chance. War just isn't working out for them.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2WGU0si3T4]Evidence of Hamas Shooting from Within Homes | Terrorist Struck By IDF Fire | Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
This one's really wild. Watch what the Israeli Soldier does...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgrUeou3MlE]IDF gives Hamas a lesson in human shields - YouTube[/ame]
I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.

Not a good time to be a Terrorist. The new technology is fiercely brutal. Can't even hide in tunnels anymore. Hamas could be nearing extinction.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwoOkOYX2lM][FULL] Israeli Army Video Shows Foiled Gaza Tunnel Attack - YouTube[/ame]
the Americans tried that in Vietnam using massive ground strikes, tunnels have an entrance and exit:badgrin:

And that was over 40 years ago - which is aeons in terms of tech development. Not at all like Vietnam......the Israelis can map the tunnel complexes from the air, for starters.
I would say it's time for the Palestinian People to give Peace a chance. War just isn't working out for them.

I'm surprised at you, Paulitician. :eek:

Here's a clue for you: Hamas is to the Mossad/Israel as Al-Qaeda is to the CIA/United States (here and here are a couple of archived articles regarding the creation of Hamas as a black ops asset). True, there are legitimate jihadists in the group; but, very much like their Al-Qaeda counterparts, they ultimately march to the beat of their handler's drummers.
I would say it's time for the Palestinian People to give Peace a chance. War just isn't working out for them.

I'm surprised at you, Paulitician. :eek:

Here's a clue for you: Hamas is to the Mossad/Israel as Al-Qaeda is to the CIA/United States (here and here are a couple of archived articles regarding the creation of Hamas as a black ops asset). True, there are legitimate jihadists in the group; but, very much like their Al-Qaeda counterparts, they ultimately march to the beat of their handler's drummers.

I hear ya, i'm not taking either side. I'm just saying War isn't going well for the Palestinian People. It's probably time for new leadership. More of the same isn't ever gonna work for em.
I would say it's time for the Palestinian People to give Peace a chance. War just isn't working out for them.

I'm surprised at you, Paulitician. :eek:

Here's a clue for you: Hamas is to the Mossad/Israel as Al-Qaeda is to the CIA/United States (here and here are a couple of archived articles regarding the creation of Hamas as a black ops asset). True, there are legitimate jihadists in the group; but, very much like their Al-Qaeda counterparts, they ultimately march to the beat of their handler's drummers.

Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you?

BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?
If only we could vote in the upcoming Palestinian elections... Oh wait -- we cant'.. It's up to them to either
take advantage of that opportunity and move on with living in peace and prosperity.. Or shunning the ballot box to choose leadership with guns and conflict. That's how Hamas ended up in control of Gaza in the first place. The citizens have OPINIONS and the MOST of the Gazans oppose the rocket attacks on Israel. But Hamas is their govt because they WON by street fighting with Fatah and the Moderate Palis..

Israel cannot fix that problem for them.. And neither can we.. That's the saddest part of this for me...
To watch this immense cultural values difference take so much violence to maintain itself..
I would say it's time for the Palestinian People to give Peace a chance. War just isn't working out for them.

I'm surprised at you, Paulitician. :eek:

Here's a clue for you: Hamas is to the Mossad/Israel as Al-Qaeda is to the CIA/United States (here and here are a couple of archived articles regarding the creation of Hamas as a black ops asset). True, there are legitimate jihadists in the group; but, very much like their Al-Qaeda counterparts, they ultimately march to the beat of their handler's drummers.

Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you?

BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?

Jihad means to struggle in the way for Allah.
My perspective:they should struggle to bring peace in the road to believe in Allah.
Their perspective:all means necessary to kill or convert.
Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you? ...

Sometimes 'mainstream' reports are SO implicitly biased as to call for some counterbalance. ;)

...BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?

Easily. They simply fail to recognize their roles as Zionism's 'useful idiots', and sincerely believe that their efforts are to the benefit of Islam and to the plight of the Palestinians, despite the mountain of historical evidence to the contrary. Yes, it's possible to believe in a cause so blindly that you fail to see how detrimental your own actions have been to that cause. Such is the mindset of the 'legitimate jihadist' in the ranks of Hamas.
I'm surprised at you, Paulitician. :eek:

Here's a clue for you: Hamas is to the Mossad/Israel as Al-Qaeda is to the CIA/United States (here and here are a couple of archived articles regarding the creation of Hamas as a black ops asset). True, there are legitimate jihadists in the group; but, very much like their Al-Qaeda counterparts, they ultimately march to the beat of their handler's drummers.

Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you?

BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?

Jihad means to struggle in the way for Allah.
My perspective:they should struggle to bring peace in the road to believe in Allah.
Their perspective:all means necessary to kill or convert.

Their perspective, end the siege/Blockade
Surely you don't think that "source" of yours is objective or unbiased, do you?

BTW, how is any jihadist ever 'legitimate'?

Jihad means to struggle in the way for Allah.
My perspective:they should struggle to bring peace in the road to believe in Allah.
Their perspective:all means necessary to kill or convert.

Their perspective, end the siege/Blockade
Or die trying, awww...*sniff*:eusa_boohoo::boohoo:
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

the hamas fighters, equipment and tactics are not defense, they are waging war on Israel.
Wow, Israel sure is ending Hamas. It's a route. A serious ass-kicking. Hamas should be a bit embarrassed. Maybe it's time for them to consider Peace. Because War sure as hell ain't working out for em. When this whole thing is said & done, there very well might not be a Hamas anymore.

I think that's the point
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.
These Palestinians are brave and heroic SoBs that's for sure. Undermanned under armed they are defending Palestine and making an impression on the IDF.

"One officer, a veteran of Gaza operations, who left the fighting area for a few hours, told Haaretz: "I've been to Shujaiyeh before, but I've never seen it – or Hamas – like this before. Their equipment and tactics are just like Hezbollah. Missile traps and IEDs everywhere – and they stay and fight instead of melting away like in the past."

Israeli military playing a lethal game of cat-and-mouse in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.
Jews, not Israelis, and the MEDIA is against Israel not the political opinion but it does has its effect over the politicians, nobody ever stated anyone except the Arab states is neutrally against Israel, even some support us, but the fact is that all across history Jews always had enemies, always.
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