Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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Israel is giving a savage beating to the Palestinian people,the majority of Hamas Terrorists are long gone.

Yeah, a truly brave thing to do by Haniyah and Mash'al. Leave your wives and kids to take the bullet for you.

Real knights, those Hamas guys, eh?:doubt:
I agree but some here seem to think Israel gains Kudos by killing the wives and kids...........do you?
They get their asses handed to them every time. Nothing new.

And they'll be back in the future.

You can never get rid of ants in your yard. You can only control them.

We'll see. I'm not sure this time. Hamas really is getting trounced. Israel might just be ending them.

I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.
Israel is giving a savage beating to the Palestinian people,the majority of Hamas Terrorists are long gone.

Illogical...I though the borders of Aza (Yes, it's REALLY called Aza, not Gaza) were completely sealed and controlled by Israel and Egypt.
How did Hamas escape?
Tunnels, just like the Vietnamese used to fuck the American army.Please do not ask why the civilians cant use them.
They get their asses handed to them every time. Nothing new.

And they'll be back in the future.

You can never get rid of ants in your yard. You can only control them.

We'll see. I'm not sure this time. Hamas really is getting trounced. Israel might just be ending them.

I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.

Not a good time to be a Terrorist. The new technology is fiercely brutal. Can't even hide in tunnels anymore. Hamas could be nearing extinction.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwoOkOYX2lM][FULL] Israeli Army Video Shows Foiled Gaza Tunnel Attack - YouTube[/ame]
They get their asses handed to them every time. Nothing new.

And they'll be back in the future.

You can never get rid of ants in your yard. You can only control them.

We'll see. I'm not sure this time. Hamas really is getting trounced. Israel might just be ending them.

I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.
one nutter with a dirty bomb and the wind in the right direction.
We'll see. I'm not sure this time. Hamas really is getting trounced. Israel might just be ending them.

I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.

Not a good time to be a Terrorist. The new technology is fiercely brutal. Can't even hide in tunnels anymore. Hamas could be nearing extinction.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwoOkOYX2lM][FULL] Israeli Army Video Shows Foiled Gaza Tunnel Attack - YouTube[/ame]
the Americans tried that in Vietnam using massive ground strikes, tunnels have an entrance and exit:badgrin:
I would like to think that, but there are other terrorists groups also in Gaza. Israel knows this and knows what to do for Israel's safety.

Not a good time to be a Terrorist. The new technology is fiercely brutal. Can't even hide in tunnels anymore. Hamas could be nearing extinction.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwoOkOYX2lM][FULL] Israeli Army Video Shows Foiled Gaza Tunnel Attack - YouTube[/ame]
the Americans tried that in Vietnam using massive ground strikes, tunnels have an entrance and exit:badgrin:

The new technologies are so devastating. Hamas really isn't safe anywhere anymore. It could be the end of em.
Israel is giving a savage beating to the Palestinian people,the majority of Hamas Terrorists are long gone.

Illogical...I though the borders of Aza (Yes, it's REALLY called Aza, not Gaza) were completely sealed and controlled by Israel and Egypt.
How did Hamas escape?
Tunnels, just like the Vietnamese used to fuck the American army.Please do not ask why the civilians cant use them.

You are a real fuck-bag if you're gonna hand me that "Please do not ask why the civilians cant use them.".
These Hamas "leaders" are sending their little Public Relations body bags to their 72 virgins and all you can do is fault Israel.
Those tunnels were built with money that was supposed to maintain and expand an infrastructure to enhance the lives of the Jordanians and you very well know that.
There's no fucking way hundreds of tunnels can be built without average Jordanians building them or even knowing they're there.
And these supposedly non-Hamas Jordanians will grow up to be the same inhuman animals as those who leave them behind.
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Wow, Israel sure is ending Hamas. It's a route. A serious ass-kicking. Hamas should be a bit embarrassed. Maybe it's time for them to consider Peace. Because War sure as hell ain't working out for em. When this whole thing is said & done, there very well might not be a Hamas anymore.

yet hamas intent was to give Israel a demoralizing beating with their rockets.
Israel is defending it's people
Most of the youths and young men will gladly take over. As I said elsewhere they want too annihilate Israel, or die trying, therefore becoming martyrs. I am sure Hamas are recruiting more and more. This is a dirty war, very dirty.
This I agree with, the dirty part of the war will be when dirty has bomb attached.
Do you really think that Hammas terrorists are stupid enough to hang around and face and army that out numbers them massively. For them this is a guerrilla war that has no end.

You must be wrong, Hamas leadership keeps parroting that Israel will pay a heavy price.
And I simply can't believe you don't think members of Hamas are brave enough to actually fight like men.
That's the Baghdad Bob mentality that Arabs have. They have always won the war even before they even fight it. Ha ha ha.

Israel is giving a savage beating to the Palestinian people,the majority of Hamas Terrorists are long gone.

Yeah, a truly brave thing to do by Haniyah and Mash'al. Leave your wives and kids to take the bullet for you.

Real knights, those Hamas guys, eh?:doubt:
I agree but some here seem to think Israel gains Kudos by killing the wives and kids...........do you?
You have us mixed with up with the Pali supporters. They're the ones that think the murder of children is justified.

The Yellow River, by I P Freely.
Boy, it's a devastating route. Hamas has to be a bit embarrassed. At this rate, there won't be a Hamas much longer.

Most of the youths and young men will gladly take over. As I said elsewhere they want too annihilate Israel, or die trying, therefore becoming martyrs. I am sure Hamas are recruiting more and more. This is a dirty war, very dirty.
This I agree with, the dirty part of the war will be when dirty has bomb attached.
Do you really think that Hamas terrorists are stupid enough to hang around and face and army that out numbers them massively. For them this is a guerrilla war that has no end.

Ps who many Hamas terrorists do you think operate in Gaza. I do not mean stone throwing cannon fodder I mean armed terrorists?

If they are armed then they are terrorists. The more the Israelis kill the fewer there are to make a comeback and the better the chance are of a peace.
This I agree with, the dirty part of the war will be when dirty has bomb attached.
Do you really think that Hammas terrorists are stupid enough to hang around and face and army that out numbers them massively. For them this is a guerrilla war that has no end.

You must be wrong, Hamas leadership keeps parroting that Israel will pay a heavy price.
And I simply can't believe you don't think members of Hamas are brave enough to actually fight like men.
I have a huge respect for the IRA terrorists, the held the UK hostage for decades without once being stupid enough to face the British Army in open combat.
Ps how many fully trained and armed Hamas terrorists do you think were in Gaza. I repeat I dont mean the stone throwing cannon fodder. At times in Northern Ireland it was less than 100.

The British army knew every IRA terrorist and were they were at any given time. That is why so many were "retired" . I remember taffy and his collection, he single handed "retired" more terrorists in N.I. than the SAS did. He was eventually caught by his C.O. and shipped back to England to spend the rest of his life in an asylum. You might remember the incident because he stuffed the bodies down the sewers minus their ears. Just as the SAS took out those IRA scum in Gib to even the score a little bit
Yeah, a truly brave thing to do by Haniyah and Mash'al. Leave your wives and kids to take the bullet for you.

Real knights, those Hamas guys, eh?:doubt:
I agree but some here seem to think Israel gains Kudos by killing the wives and kids...........do you?
You have us mixed with up with the Pali supporters. They're the ones that think the murder of children is justified.

The Yellow River, by I P Freely.

Actually, you are correct. Hamas and other radical groups have declared there is no distinction between Civilians and Soldiers. Something to do with Jihad, or some other deranged fantasy they have. I think some Palestinian supporters have conveniently 'overlooked' that fact.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qeHvd8Tdmo]Bill Maher, Conservative, Liberal Progressives agree who's to blame for Israel - Gaza conflict - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCifaj5pL-g]IDF thwarts Hamas infiltrators #1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou91gto_cfw]IDF kills Hamas naval commando on the beach - YouTube[/ame]
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