Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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Just supporting the Palestinians resisting the attacks of the terrorists of the IDF. After all it is the cowardly IDF that is murdering 100s of women and children.

Wrong. The deaths of the innocents in Gaza rests squarely on Hamas's shoulders. Hamas are totally responsible for their deaths.

Israel, as you well know, pre-warns civilians to leave the area where the rocket launchers are before an air-strike targeting the rocket launchers and missile stores. Civilians have the choice to stay or leave. If they stay it is their choice to be human shields, unless Hamas of course are forcing them to stay.

If the IDF spots civilians around targets they will not strike that area, even though the rocket launched may well do damage within Israel.

Hamas are disgusting filthy scum. You should be ashamed to support them.
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I have a question for Silly Bonobo and the other forum democrats; why do you spend your time here bitching about the JOOOZZZ. Why not strap on a Swastika and fly over to help the Arabs annihilate the JOOOZZZ?

Your cowardice make the baby Obama cry. Muslim supremacy requires YOU to fight to end the JOOOZZZ. Show the world what the American left stands for.

Clearly, the Palestinian People chose the wrong leadership. I suspect they understand that now. I think they'll correct that mistake, and then maybe we'll have real Peace over there. But who really knows? Stay tuned i guess.

Not the way you guys act. Your soldiers will go right back to patrolling and picking on/harassing the Palistinians. You will continue to expand into their territories.

The arab guy was explaining on NPR. There is no larger population on earth packed into a smaller place than the Palistinians. I forget the exact numbers but its like a million people all live within a 50 mile radius. They are crammed together like sardines and Isreal controls the borders on all 4 sides. They are prisoners. Just like we had to step in when the Germans were being bad to you, we need to step in and tell you when you are being dicks. Sorry the truth hurts. I haven't heard one jew admit any wrongdoing. You can't negotiate with people like that. If I were a Palistinian you can bet I'd be fighting back.

I'm not Israeli. And i'm not taking either side. I'm just stating the reality of the situation. Hamas was a very bad choice by the Palestinian People. They've brought nothing but death & misery. But like i said, i think the Palestinian People now recognize they made a tragic mistake. They'll correct it. Maybe then we'll have real Peace.

They went with Hamas because the other party representing them before was ineffective and corrupt. What they didn't need was the status quo.

And no Hamas has not ONLY brought death and misery. Look at how the rest of the world is starting to defend the Palestinian people. So they aren't completely ineffective.
I have a question for Silly Bonobo and the other forum democrats; why do you spend your time here bitching about the JOOOZZZ. Why not strap on a Swastika and fly over to help the Arabs annihilate the JOOOZZZ?

Your cowardice make the baby Obama cry. Muslim supremacy requires YOU to fight to end the JOOOZZZ. Show the world what the American left stands for.


So that is how you see anyone who argues with you? You see us as Nazi's who want you dead? See everyone? How do you reason with such unreasonable people who can't even see when they are wrong?

Jews killed Jesus. For how many years did Christians tell their children that jews killed their jesus and they were horrible people? Maybe the Arabs aren't as bad as you say, just like you aren't as bad as our ancestors made you out to be. Pretty close, but not as bad as they said you were. Annoying as fuck and ignorant/arrogant as fuck for sure but not the jesus killers you were made out to be.

I think you exaggerate how bad the arabs are. I say give them a nuke and lets see if they are that crazy. We got enough jooos around the world you guys can start over.

Oh yea, and big tough Israel beating up on the little bitty Palestinians. Why don't you put them in a cage and start shooting them and then brag about how superior your army is. Give them slingshots and fight them with tanks, tough guys or should I say goyas.
I have a question for Silly Bonobo and the other forum democrats; why do you spend your time here bitching about the JOOOZZZ. Why not strap on a Swastika and fly over to help the Arabs annihilate the JOOOZZZ?

Your cowardice make the baby Obama cry. Muslim supremacy requires YOU to fight to end the JOOOZZZ. Show the world what the American left stands for.


So that is how you see anyone who argues with you? You see us as Nazi's who want you dead? See everyone? How do you reason with such unreasonable people who can't even see when they are wrong?

Jews killed Jesus. For how many years did Christians tell their children that jews killed their jesus and they were horrible people? Maybe the Arabs aren't as bad as you say, just like you aren't as bad as our ancestors made you out to be. Pretty close, but not as bad as they said you were. Annoying as fuck and ignorant/arrogant as fuck for sure but not the jesus killers you were made out to be.

I think you exaggerate how bad the arabs are. I say give them a nuke and lets see if they are that crazy. We got enough jooos around the world you guys can start over.

Oh yea, and big tough Israel beating up on the little bitty Palestinians. Why don't you put them in a cage and start shooting them and then brag about how superior your army is. Give them slingshots and fight them with tanks, tough guys or should I say goyas.
Jews killed Jesus, tickled him to death with a hoss feather.
Just supporting the Palestinians resisting the attacks of the terrorists of the IDF. After all it is the cowardly IDF that is murdering 100s of women and children.

Wrong. The deaths of the innocents in Gaza rests squarely on Hamas's shoulders. Hamas are totally responsible for their deaths.

Israel, as you well know, pre-warns civilians to leave the area where the rocket launchers are before an air-strike targeting the rocket launchers and missile stores. Civilians have the choice to stay or leave. If they stay it is their choice to be human shields, unless Hamas of course are forcing them to stay.

If the IDF spots civilians around targets they will not strike that area, even though the rocket launched may well do damage within Israel.

Hamas are disgusting filthy scum. You should be ashamed to support them.

Squarely? So the jooos have no blame at all? See, again, how do you reason with such unreasonable people?
Just supporting the Palestinians resisting the attacks of the terrorists of the IDF. After all it is the cowardly IDF that is murdering 100s of women and children.

Wrong. The deaths of the innocents in Gaza rests squarely on Hamas's shoulders. Hamas are totally responsible for their deaths.

Israel, as you well know, pre-warns civilians to leave the area where the rocket launchers are before an air-strike targeting the rocket launchers and missile stores. Civilians have the choice to stay or leave. If they stay it is their choice to be human shields, unless Hamas of course are forcing them to stay.

If the IDF spots civilians around targets they will not strike that area, even though the rocket launched may well do damage within Israel.

Hamas are disgusting filthy scum. You should be ashamed to support them.

Squarely? So the jooos have no blame at all? See, again, how do you reason with such unreasonable people?

Well, exactly how are the Israelis to blame when Hamas uses them as human shields? Please be specific.
Kill ratio is only 30 to 1. Israel needs to step it up a notch or two. And what's with Egypt letting Israel do it's dirty work? Wasn't it just a few months ago they were threatening to take out Hamas themselves?

I thought it was only 24.5 to 1

Numbers will be fluid till this ends.
Wrong. The deaths of the innocents in Gaza rests squarely on Hamas's shoulders. Hamas are totally responsible for their deaths.

Israel, as you well know, pre-warns civilians to leave the area where the rocket launchers are before an air-strike targeting the rocket launchers and missile stores. Civilians have the choice to stay or leave. If they stay it is their choice to be human shields, unless Hamas of course are forcing them to stay.

If the IDF spots civilians around targets they will not strike that area, even though the rocket launched may well do damage within Israel.

Hamas are disgusting filthy scum. You should be ashamed to support them.

Squarely? So the jooos have no blame at all? See, again, how do you reason with such unreasonable people?

Well, exactly how are the Israelis to blame when Hamas uses them as human shields? Please be specific.

The failure to acknowledge the humanity and legitimate interests of people on the other side has led to cross-demonization. That results in a series of military escalations that leave both peoples worse off.

Israelis are absolutely correct that they have a right not to be hit with rockets by Hamas, not to be kidnapped, not to be subjected to terrorist bombings. And Palestinians are absolutely right that they have a right to a state, a right to run businesses and import goods, a right to live in freedom rather than relegated to second-class citizenship in their own land.

Both sides have plenty of good people who just want the best for their children and their communities, and also plenty of myopic zealots who preach hatred. A starting point is to put away the good vs. evil narrative and recognize this as the aching story of two peoples — each with legitimate grievances — colliding with each other.

Meanwhile, the Israeli right undermines the best partner for peace Israel has had, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, and Israel’s settlements are a gift to Palestinian extremism. These days, in both Gaza and Jerusalem, hawks are in charge, and they empower each other.

Israeli leaders, starting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, think that the way to protect their citizens is to invade Gaza and blow up tunnels — and, if Gazan civilians and children die, that’s sad but inevitable.

Israeli leaders, starting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, think that the way to protect their citizens is to invade Gaza and blow up tunnels — and, if Gazan civilians and children die, that’s sad but inevitable. And some Gazans think that they’re already in an open-air prison, suffocating under the Israeli embargo, and the only way to achieve change is fire rockets — and if some Israeli children die, that’s too bad, but 100 times as many Palestinian children are dying already.

In fact, we’ve seen this movie before: Israel responded to aggression by invading Lebanon in 1982 and 2006, and Gaza in 2008; each time, hawks cheered. Yet each invasion in retrospect accomplished at best temporary military gains while killing large numbers of innocents; they didn’t solve any problems.

Likewise, Palestinian militancy has accomplished nothing but increasing the misery of the Palestinian people. If Palestinians instead turned more to huge Gandhi-style nonviolence resistance campaigns, the resulting videos would reverberate around the world and Palestine would achieve statehood and freedom.

Some Palestinians understand this and are trying this strategy, but too many define nonviolence to include rock-throwing. No, that doesn’t cut it.

So it would be like the blacks in the 1960's who rioted. Whites tried to demonize them but who was wrong? The whites who treated blacks like second class citizens or the blacks who had enough and practiced civil disobediance?

Just the fact that I have to give you one or two examples tells me you have a problem. You need me to tell you that the jooos are partially responsible for the situation they find themselves in?

Anyways, I hope the Palestinians start practicing Ghandi or MLK style protests and really expose the jooos for the oppressors they really are.
Kill ratio is only 30 to 1. Israel needs to step it up a notch or two. And what's with Egypt letting Israel do it's dirty work? Wasn't it just a few months ago they were threatening to take out Hamas themselves?

If any of us were in southern Israel, frightened sick by rockets being fired by Hamas, we, too, might cheer an invasion of Gaza. And if any of us were in Gaza, strangled by the embargo and losing relatives to Israeli airstrikes, we, too, might cheer the launch of rockets on Tel Aviv. That’s human nature.

That’s why we need to de-escalate, starting with a cease-fire that includes an end to Hamas rocket attacks and a withdrawal from Gaza by Israel. For Israel, this is a chance to use diplomacy to achieve what gunpowder won’t: the marginalization of Hamas. Israel might suggest an internationally supervised election in Gaza with the promise that the return of control to the Palestinian Authority would mean an end to the economic embargo.

Here we have a conflict between right and right that has been hijacked by hard-liners on each side who feed each other. It’s not that they are the same, and what I see isn’t equivalence. Yet there is, in some ways, a painful symmetry — and one element is that each side vigorously denies that there is any symmetry at all.

Kill ratio is only 30 to 1. Israel needs to step it up a notch or two. And what's with Egypt letting Israel do it's dirty work? Wasn't it just a few months ago they were threatening to take out Hamas themselves?

If any of us were in southern Israel, frightened sick by rockets being fired by Hamas, we, too, might cheer an invasion of Gaza. And if any of us were in Gaza, strangled by the embargo and losing relatives to Israeli airstrikes, we, too, might cheer the launch of rockets on Tel Aviv. That’s human nature.

That’s why we need to de-escalate, starting with a cease-fire that includes an end to Hamas rocket attacks and a withdrawal from Gaza by Israel. For Israel, this is a chance to use diplomacy to achieve what gunpowder won’t: the marginalization of Hamas. Israel might suggest an internationally supervised election in Gaza with the promise that the return of control to the Palestinian Authority would mean an end to the economic embargo.

Here we have a conflict between right and right that has been hijacked by hard-liners on each side who feed each other. It’s not that they are the same, and what I see isn’t equivalence. Yet there is, in some ways, a painful symmetry — and one element is that each side vigorously denies that there is any symmetry at all.


Every time Israel withdraws from Gaza, they get rockets launched at them.
I would support a ceasefire if Hamas is completely demilitarized.
They have no need for the weapons anyway. All they use them for is attacking Israeli civilians.
I guess if they want to live forever in a blockaded Gulag controlled by Israel, they have no need for weapons.
I guess if they want to live forever in a blockaded Gulag controlled by Israel, they have no need for weapons.

Is there a list of Muslim nations with open borders?

Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.
I guess if they want to live forever in a blockaded Gulag controlled by Israel, they have no need for weapons.

Is there a list of Muslim nations with open borders?

Yes, nearly all Muslim nations have control of their borders, air space and territorial sea. So, it is your position that the Palestinians should accept living in a Gulag controlled by Israel.. No wonder there is no point to negotiation with Israel or its supporters.

You started that sentence using the OPPOSITE of the word you SHOULD have uses.
You have just stated that nearly all Muslim nations have closed borders where they can selectively allow citizens of their own and other nations to pass through.

Egypt, for instance, will NOT ALLOW a citizen of Aza to cross into it's borders.
Ergo, you MUST consider Egypt to be no DIFFERENT than Israel in terms of the citizens of Aza.
Any other stance by you reveals you for the Jew hater you are.
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