Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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Gaza is not a nation and not only will not recognize Israel but will not make peace. While Gaza is a threat to Israel, it has the right to control the air and water. If Gaza was not firing on Israel and agreed to live in peace and security then air and water would be in the hands of the PA or when there is an agreement a palestinian state.

Bullshit. Israel wants to control Gaza. If Israel wasn't blockading Gaza and/or occupying it, there would be no rockets. The occupation is the cause of the violence.

Hamas is the cult of death. Not israel.

Israel is killing 100s of women and children as we speak. Which is the cult of death you brainwashed twat.
^That's the effect of the Hamas telegenic creation of their dead...that they place in the places where the weapons are being launched from.

Israel wants to control Gaza so much that they let it go.

That's when the Palestinians tore up the gifted greenhouses and burned the buildings.

How exactly did it let it go? It controls its border, its air space and territorial sea.

The borders where they want to come into Israel.

The borders of their Muslim bretheren are not controlled by Israel.

For some reason, they don't want to let the Palestinians in either. They control those borders.

They are at war. Of course Israel controls the Naval and Air of the Arena. Syria and Lebanon are still in a state of declared war with Israel.

The 'Palestinians' and their Arab brethren have been since day one. Only Jordan and Egypt have made peace with Israel. A peace that Israel keeps even with the 'Palestinians' using the outlying border regions of both areas with their militant organizations.

Do you forget these salient facts?

The main one to keep in mind?

They are in a state of declared war with Israel.

They declare only one outcome.

The end of Israel.
^That's the effect of the Hamas telegenic creation of their dead...that they place in the places where the weapons are being launched from.

Israel wants to control Gaza so much that they let it go.

That's when the Palestinians tore up the gifted greenhouses and burned the buildings.

How exactly did it let it go? It controls its border, its air space and territorial sea.

The borders where they want to come into Israel.

The borders of their Muslim bretheren are not controlled by Israel.

For some reason, they don't want to let the Palestinians in either. They control those borders.

They are at war. Of course Israel controls the Naval and Air of the Arena. Syria and Lebanon are still in a state of declared war with Israel.

The 'Palestinians' and their Arab brethren have been since day one. Only Jordan and Egypt have made peace with Israel. A peace that Israel keeps even with the 'Palestinians' using the outlying border regions of both areas with their militant organizations.

Do you forget these salient facts?

The main one to keep in mind?

They are in a state of declared war with Israel.

They declare only one outcome.

The end of Israel.

Just shut up, you are just repeating propaganda.

Do you see my point?
why are border control such a problem for some people. Saudi is building a wall on it's border with Yeman. Egypt has a fenced/walled border with gaza which it closes more than it opens. Lebanon's border with syria is mostly fenced. Pakistan and India have a fenced border with one crossing which is tightly controled and closed before sunset.
Russia and Norway have a fenced border. There has to be close to 20 pairs of countries with barriers for borders.
fences make good neighbors. Wall around cities goes back to the beginning of history. China has it's great wall, England has Hadrian's wall, N & S Korea have their "zone", China and Korea have a wall, Iran has a great wall, Vietnam has a long wall, etc.
I find it interesting for years, before everyone knew how badly the jews are treating the Palestinians, everyone assumed Israel was the victim in all this but yesterday I get a txt from my jewish friend crying that the world is against Israel waaa waaaa boo hoo.

They want to act like the world is and has always been against them. But the fact is, most people sided with Isreal against the arab terrorists but now upon further investigation it seems the jews are oppressing the arabs and are going to find out their actions have consequences.

We also have a big Israeli lobby in the USA. They are the only country that can legally lobby the USA. Could you imagine if we found out Hamas or Al Queda was lobbying our government? Actually, thanks to Citizens United, they can now through a corporation and the politician taking the money wouldn't even have to say where the money came from.

That's an interesting lie. Israel isn't even in the top ten of foreign lobbyists. Perhaps if you tried again without the Jew hater blinders on.

Now reality:

Which foreign countries spent the most to influence U.S. politics? - The Washington Post

So stop making up nonsense.

I saw, heard or learned somewhere that either Israel or the Jews were the only country or religion that could legally lobby our government. I'm an old guy. Perhaps that was pre Citizens United ... Quit being so fucking annoying. :eusa_pray:

You should spend a bit less time at those Nazi websites or have the good sense to at least doubt the crap they are shoveling. American Jews have the same right to lobby our gov't as America's Christians and Muslims and Israel does not lobby our gov't but Americans whose interests align with Israel certainly do. I know you aren't stupid so why all the prevarication? You know better.
Clearly, the Palestinian People chose the wrong leadership. I suspect they understand that now. I think they'll correct that mistake, and then maybe we'll have real Peace over there. But who really knows? Stay tuned i guess.

Not the way you guys act. Your soldiers will go right back to patrolling and picking on/harassing the Palistinians. You will continue to expand into their territories.

The arab guy was explaining on NPR. There is no larger population on earth packed into a smaller place than the Palistinians. I forget the exact numbers but its like a million people all live within a 50 mile radius. They are crammed together like sardines and Isreal controls the borders on all 4 sides. They are prisoners. Just like we had to step in when the Germans were being bad to you, we need to step in and tell you when you are being dicks. Sorry the truth hurts. I haven't heard one jew admit any wrongdoing. You can't negotiate with people like that. If I were a Palistinian you can bet I'd be fighting back.

More unmitigated camel crap. I may have been wrong about you ... you may be every bit as stupid as your posts make you seem.
Not the way you guys act. Your soldiers will go right back to patrolling and picking on/harassing the Palistinians. You will continue to expand into their territories.

The arab guy was explaining on NPR. There is no larger population on earth packed into a smaller place than the Palistinians. I forget the exact numbers but its like a million people all live within a 50 mile radius. They are crammed together like sardines and Isreal controls the borders on all 4 sides. They are prisoners. Just like we had to step in when the Germans were being bad to you, we need to step in and tell you when you are being dicks. Sorry the truth hurts. I haven't heard one jew admit any wrongdoing. You can't negotiate with people like that. If I were a Palistinian you can bet I'd be fighting back.

I'm not Israeli. And i'm not taking either side. I'm just stating the reality of the situation. Hamas was a very bad choice by the Palestinian People. They've brought nothing but death & misery. But like i said, i think the Palestinian People now recognize they made a tragic mistake. They'll correct it. Maybe then we'll have real Peace.

They went with Hamas because the other party representing them before was ineffective and corrupt. What they didn't need was the status quo.

And no Hamas has not ONLY brought death and misery. Look at how the rest of the world is starting to defend the Palestinian people. So they aren't completely ineffective.

The support you think you are seeing is just like the "Palestinians" right to that land ... non-existent. :lol:
I have a question for Silly Bonobo and the other forum democrats; why do you spend your time here bitching about the JOOOZZZ. Why not strap on a Swastika and fly over to help the Arabs annihilate the JOOOZZZ?

Your cowardice make the baby Obama cry. Muslim supremacy requires YOU to fight to end the JOOOZZZ. Show the world what the American left stands for.


So that is how you see anyone who argues with you? You see us as Nazi's who want you dead? See everyone? How do you reason with such unreasonable people who can't even see when they are wrong?

Jews killed Jesus...
Give them slingshots and fight them with tanks, tough guys or should I say goyas.

So you really aren't so much pro-Pal as you are anti-ChristKillers. Got it. :lol:
I guess if they want to live forever in a blockaded Gulag controlled by Israel, they have no need for weapons.

So you believe their weapons are the way to change their plight? You need to share whatever you are smoking with the rest of us. We could all use an occasional break from reality. :lol:
The Unity Government does not include Hamas.

Israel's actually probably doing a good thing eliminating Hamas. It's doing the brutal dirty work the moderate Palestinians aren't capable of doing. Abbas and others will benefit greatly when Hamas is out of the way. Quietly, they're probably backing Israel on this. It has to be done.[/QUOTE [MENTION=33063]paulitician[/MENTION] .The problem is a bomb or bullet does not recognize the moderate Palestinian.My extended Jewish family in the UK is made up of the full spectrum of hard left to hard right, touch one of us we all respond, do you think a Palestinian family is any different?
Not the Israelis.

The Palestinians are fighting against the 5th or 6th most powerful military in the world out gunned and outnumbered, yet they are bravely defending their land. They are engaged in a heroic display of resistance against the child murdering IDF.

"Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters"

"Hamas fighters appear to be better trained, with a new set of skills that I don't think Israel anticipated. One Israeli soldier who came out of Shaja'ia was quoted in an Israeli publication that Hamas is fighting like Hezbollah, which waged a successful guerrilla war against Israel's occupation in the 1980s and 1990s, and inflicted high casualties on Israeli forces during the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon."

Israel finds Hamas are no longer amateur fighters - CNN.com
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.
@Hossfly the problem is with your braggadocio rhetoric is that you Americans took the gloves off in Vietnam, blanket bombing, chemical weapons(agent orange) and hearts and minds bribery did not work on those cowardly little yellow slopes. The kicked you're collective arses.Does America trade with Vietnam know ?
I respect but dislike the IRA, I respect but dislike Hamas, I respect the left in Israel but dislike the right.

No group of people has ever killed the dream of another.
^That's the effect of the Hamas telegenic creation of their dead...that they place in the places where the weapons are being launched from.

How exactly did it let it go? It controls its border, its air space and territorial sea.

The borders where they want to come into Israel.

The borders of their Muslim bretheren are not controlled by Israel.

For some reason, they don't want to let the Palestinians in either. They control those borders.

They are at war. Of course Israel controls the Naval and Air of the Arena. Syria and Lebanon are still in a state of declared war with Israel.

The 'Palestinians' and their Arab brethren have been since day one. Only Jordan and Egypt have made peace with Israel. A peace that Israel keeps even with the 'Palestinians' using the outlying border regions of both areas with their militant organizations.

Do you forget these salient facts?

The main one to keep in mind?

They are in a state of declared war with Israel.

They declare only one outcome.

The end of Israel.

Just shut up, you are just repeating propaganda.

Monty lost the discussion because he did not understand or accept hamas brought this on first with its war on Fatah, then by threatening gazans trying to return after the crossings were reopened and finally by firing rockets on Israel. For a year hamas kept making the situation worse till Israel and Egypt had little choice but to implement a blockade.

Israel withdrew from gaza in 2005.
Election was in 2006.
War with Fatah was 2007 when hamas took control of gaza.
2008 hamas fired rockets on Israel, then it tried to blow up the Egyptian barrier near Rafah.
Hamas is responsible for forcing Israel and Egypt to act. Even when Israel tried to ease restriction and gradually end the blockade, hamas fired on Israel.
These are facts. How Monty can believe hamas is the victim of Israel and Egypt warped interpretation. He has convinced himself of a lie.

How is it that Monty never learned the difference between facts and propaganda? Did he ever think to check the facts or just believed hamas is always innocent and Israel always the villain? How should Israel or Egypt responded?
Kill ratio is only 30 to 1. Israel needs to step it up a notch or two. And what's with Egypt letting Israel do it's dirty work? Wasn't it just a few months ago they were threatening to take out Hamas themselves?

If any of us were in southern Israel, frightened sick by rockets being fired by Hamas, we, too, might cheer an invasion of Gaza. And if any of us were in Gaza, strangled by the embargo and losing relatives to Israeli airstrikes, we, too, might cheer the launch of rockets on Tel Aviv. That’s human nature.

That’s why we need to de-escalate, starting with a cease-fire that includes an end to Hamas rocket attacks and a withdrawal from Gaza by Israel. For Israel, this is a chance to use diplomacy to achieve what gunpowder won’t: the marginalization of Hamas. Israel might suggest an internationally supervised election in Gaza with the promise that the return of control to the Palestinian Authority would mean an end to the economic embargo.

Here we have a conflict between right and right that has been hijacked by hard-liners on each side who feed each other. It’s not that they are the same, and what I see isn’t equivalence. Yet there is, in some ways, a painful symmetry — and one element is that each side vigorously denies that there is any symmetry at all.


Every time Israel withdraws from Gaza, they get rockets launched at them.
I would support a ceasefire if Hamas is completely demilitarized.
They have no need for the weapons anyway. All they use them for is attacking Israeli civilians.
and there you have it, Israel never has or will stop the rockets with force.
Some form of negotiated peace has to happen. They said it would never happen in Northern Ireland.
Another Hamas terrorist supporter chimes in. Well, Ahab, no Army in the history of the world could fight the Army of Allah as good as the IDF. When you consider the fact that the IDF is trying to diminish collateral damage while fighting spineless little cowards, they are doing a first rate job. Try to imagine what it would be like if the Russians, Chinese, Koreans or Turks were fighting Hamas. There wouldn't be a living soul in the Gaza Strip. Now go back to cheerleading for Hamas.
@Hossfly the problem is with your braggadocio rhetoric is that you Americans took the gloves off in Vietnam, blanket bombing, chemical weapons(agent orange) and hearts and minds bribery did not work on those cowardly little yellow slopes. The kicked you're collective arses.Does America trade with Vietnam know ?
I respect but dislike the IRA, I respect but dislike Hamas, I respect the left in Israel but dislike the right.

No group of people has ever killed the dream of another.
We had N Vietnam on the verge of capitulating but politics got in the way. We whipped those sonsabitches to a frazzle and they knew it.
If any of us were in southern Israel, frightened sick by rockets being fired by Hamas, we, too, might cheer an invasion of Gaza. And if any of us were in Gaza, strangled by the embargo and losing relatives to Israeli airstrikes, we, too, might cheer the launch of rockets on Tel Aviv. That’s human nature.

That’s why we need to de-escalate, starting with a cease-fire that includes an end to Hamas rocket attacks and a withdrawal from Gaza by Israel. For Israel, this is a chance to use diplomacy to achieve what gunpowder won’t: the marginalization of Hamas. Israel might suggest an internationally supervised election in Gaza with the promise that the return of control to the Palestinian Authority would mean an end to the economic embargo.

Here we have a conflict between right and right that has been hijacked by hard-liners on each side who feed each other. It’s not that they are the same, and what I see isn’t equivalence. Yet there is, in some ways, a painful symmetry — and one element is that each side vigorously denies that there is any symmetry at all.


Every time Israel withdraws from Gaza, they get rockets launched at them.
I would support a ceasefire if Hamas is completely demilitarized.
They have no need for the weapons anyway. All they use them for is attacking Israeli civilians.
and there you have it, Israel never has or will stop the rockets with force.
Some form of negotiated peace has to happen. They said it would never happen in Northern Ireland.
Consider it a trial for Hamas if you like.
Anyway this is not over yet.
Any country, or their American representatives, can lobby any agency and legislator in the U.S. They just have to register as a foreign agent, whether they are Americans lobbying or not. There are PR firms, law firms, and non-profits that specialize in representing foreign governments and companies. Henry Kissinger had to register when his firms took on foreign clients. It's no secret, nor is even unusual.
]@Hossfly the problem is with your braggadocio rhetoric is that you Americans took the gloves off in Vietnam, blanket bombing, chemical weapons(agent orange) and hearts and minds bribery did not work on those cowardly little yellow slopes. The kicked you're collective arses.Does America trade with Vietnam know ?

They didn't kick anybody's ass, they got bombed to the 'peace' table, we got deals with China and kept the Soviets from building a naval base in Viet Nam, and after that there was no reason for us to be there any more. All the hippie nonsense is just hubris and wishful thinking. It was the Soviets who got their asses kicked, and driven to bankruptcy to boot. It was about a lot more than Viet Nam, but I realize that many people are just too lazy to deal with overall pictures and prefer to be spoonfed simplistic propaganda nonsense and then never deviate from the memes, no matter what.
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