Embattled New York Governor Acerbic Andrew Cuomo implies that Trump is worse than covid


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

from the article, here's the money quote:

"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."
"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."

Spot on. Do you think anyone is going to look at Trump's management of these crisis and say, "Good job"?
How 'bout those nursing homes, Andy?

How about them? Hey, funny thing. Those people were already living in Nursing homes, that's how the thing spread to start with. The problem was, the hospitals were overwealmed and they had no where else to put them.

Texas and Florida are about to get a taste of the same.
I guess this all means he feels like the New York Press will protect him from any prosecution for negligent homicide for what he did to thousands and thousands of old people with covid, tested positive, then promptly sent back to Nursing Homes to infect other old people----the most vulnerable.

He doesn't like Orange Man Bad.

That's the only test for competency, intelligence, honesty...plus it helps to live New York. It's the cool place to live.
Never mind that the Death Rate from covid has been falling in the United States since somebody stopped Cuomo from killing old people in Nursing Homes. Look it up.
How 'bout those nursing homes, Andy?

How about them? Hey, funny thing. Those people were already living in Nursing homes, that's how the thing spread to start with. The problem was, the hospitals were overwealmed and they had no where else to put them.

Texas and Florida are about to get a taste of the same.
The hospitals weren't overwhelmed. They could not have been overwhelmed. Javitts Field, Central Park and the Mercy hospital ship were all empty. Cuomo not only put sick people in nursing homes. He put murderous mentally ill people in nursing homes so They could beat people to death.
How 'bout those nursing homes, Andy?

How about them? Hey, funny thing. Those people were already living in Nursing homes, that's how the thing spread to start with. The problem was, the hospitals were overwealmed and they had no where else to put them.

Texas and Florida are about to get a taste of the same.


As I recall most of the schools were sitting around empty during that time frame and Oh Wait!!!..... They Still Are.


How 'bout those nursing homes, Andy?

How about them? Hey, funny thing. Those people were already living in Nursing homes, that's how the thing spread to start with. The problem was, the hospitals were overwealmed and they had no where else to put them.

Texas and Florida are about to get a taste of the same.
Bullshit! He had a temporary hospital that was at the park where he decided he didn't need it and a ship
off shore to take patients that was barely used.
Don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining, joe.
Comrade Coumo is just trying to deflect from the fact that his policies in his state saw the worse Wuhan Virus statistics in the world.

Run, Andy, Run ....

This is 100% Dem owned incompetence. Naturally these guilty Dems and their pals in the liberal few news media are trying to pin it on Trump. Did anyone really expect Dems to take responsibility for their actions and resign from office?

from the article, here's the money quote:

"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."
Democrats just make shit up as they go.
This is how despots stay in power.
They create a Boogie Man and then blame every fucking thing they do on that Boogie Man.

from the article, here's the money quote:

"It will be a double-barreled shotgun of incompetence," Cuomo told reporters during a press briefing in Albany. "You know what virus is worse than Covid? The virus of American division and federal incompetence. That's the virus that's wreaking havoc on this country."
Democrats just make shit up as they go.
This is how despots stay in power.
They create a Boogie Man and then blame every fucking thing they do on that Boogie Man.

The people hate Dem policies, taxes, and regulations so they got nothing else.
This is 100% Dem owned incompetence. Naturally these guilty Dems and their pals in the liberal few news media are trying to pin it on Trump. Did anyone really expect Dems to take responsibility for their actions and resign from office?
What is even worse is Coumo's supporters are dumb enough to believe him ....

Brother the residents in that state are heavily indoctrinated.
How 'bout those nursing homes, Andy?

How about them? Hey, funny thing. Those people were already living in Nursing homes, that's how the thing spread to start with. The problem was, the hospitals were overwealmed and they had no where else to put them.

Texas and Florida are about to get a taste of the same.
This is where DATA should be used over horse sense. Mr. Ed would think that putting an infected person into a nursing home would be the source of the virus spread, but they would be completely wrong.

Nursing homes deal with infectious disease every day. They shift residents into isolated rooms, or combine similar diseases into the same room. They post a huge sign out front warning everybody what the person in the room if off limits except for medical and food service staff.

When you know somebody is infectious, you take every precaution. Where the cases in New York nursing homes came from was the same as in Washington state. Employees and contractors bringing the virus in from the outside. Carrying it asymptomatically, while mixing freely with the residents freely.

In short, the nursing homes knew who was infected, and protected themselves. They were blindsided by those they didn't know were infected.
I guess this all means he feels like the New York Press will protect him from any prosecution for negligent homicide for what he did to thousands and thousands of old people with covid, tested positive, then promptly sent back to Nursing Homes to infect other old people----the most vulnerable.
Nursing homes are certified medical facilities, just like hospitals. They know how to deal with infectious disease, just like hospitals.
If putting infected people into medical facilities would spread the disease, you have no concept of reality.

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