Emily strikes again: Statement in the Media about Freedom of the Press

Which Statement about the Press do you agree with the most?

  • Trump's attacks

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • The Senate's response

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Houston Chronicle Editorial

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emily Nghiem's response to the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other: Please exercise YOUR Freedom of Speech and of the Press to state YOUR opinion about the Press

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
To you, it may be no big deal, just a Letter to the Editor published in the local Houston Chronicle. But to me, when Freedom of Speech and of the Press require Public education and agreement, in order to enforce and defend, this is how I know to do it best.

Here is the letter I just got published today, Monday August 20:
Monday letters: Media points, Jeff Sessions, political chaos

Proper use

Regarding “The people’s press” editorial (Page A14, Thursday), ironically, making overly broad generalizations blaming all media is an example of the very problem President Trump is complaining about: the abuse of freedom of speech and of the press to spread false and unfair misperceptions of whole groups for political gain. And clearly, this widespread problem of misrepresentation is best corrected through the responsible use of these same freedoms.

Blaming the media is like blaming guns for violence. The problem is not the media or guns themselves, but the abuse of them to violate due process and rights of others affected. With freedom of the press, similar to gun rights, what better way to defend against abuses than to use these tools properly, as the law intends.

Thank you for a well-written editorial.

Emily T. Nghiem, Houston

Monday letters: Media points, Jeff Sessions, political chaos


Below is the original Editorial I was referring to, which I thought made a great statement, although it is clear that the media they are defending and the "fake news" Trump is attacking are two different things entirely:

The real enemy of the people? It's not the press [Editorial]

Opinion // Editorials
The real enemy of the people? It’s not the press [Editorial]
By the Editorial Board Aug. 16, 2018 Updated: Aug. 16, 2018 9:36 a.m.

The president would have you believe that we — the reporters, editors, opinion writers, photographers, designers of the newspaper you are reading now — are your enemy.

He is only right if your friend is unchecked government power.

If your allies are corruption and misuse of taxpayer dollars. Biased grand juries and wrongful convictions. A state policy illegally denying special education services to thousands of Texas children. Short-sighted policies that worsened Harvey’s epic destruction. Unpoliced stockpiles of deadly chemicals across Houston that leave residents and first responders vulnerable.

These are the true enemies of everyday Americans. They are among the problems that journalists at the Houston Chronicle have worked to expose, to critique, to change.

RELATED: Newspaper calls for war of words against Trump media attacks

President Trump’s hostile rhetoric — declaring journalists “very dishonest people,” and branding stories critical of his policies “fake news” — is concerning in a democratic republic that can’t survive without a free, vibrant and, yes, trusted, press.

Is Trump the first president to excoriate the news media? No.

Thomas Jefferson famously wrote “were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” When the papers — which fell far short of today’s standards of fairness — began to attack Jefferson as president, he returned the insults. But he never stopped defending newspapers’ right to publish such offending words.

EDITORIAL: Trump vs. Jefferson: The best monument to our Founding Fathers is a robust First Amendment and free press

President Nixon had a list of press “enemies” audited, his Justice Department unsuccessfully sued The New York Times over the Pentagon Papers and he called reporting during Watergate “vicious, distorted.” President Obama said the right things supporting the news media’s role, but his administration was known to be opaque and his Justice Department prosecuted leakers and seized journalists’ phone records. The American Society of News Editors had to fight for access for photojournalists to cover Obama.

What makes Trump’s undermining of the press worse is that it’s not taking place in bureaucracy’s back rooms. Trump’s insults directed at reporters and news organizations, and his threats to limit press access and freedoms, are front and center at press conferences, at rallies, on Twitter. And they’re incessant.

Not only do they pose a danger to journalists’ safety — history tells us mere bias can progress to harsh words, to bullying and even to violence if society comes to accept the escalating forms of ridicule as normal — but there’s a more insidious threat. Trump’s broad brush undermines the collective credibility of thousands of American journalists across the country, and the world, who make up the Fourth Estate — so called for its watchdog role over the other three branches of government.

“The only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution,” as President Kennedy once said of the press.

The relationship between the press and power was never designed to be comfortable. No leader wants to have her actions questioned, his words scrutinized, her spending subject to open records laws.

How easy it would be for our elected officials to govern without that pesky impediment called the free press. But how easy it would be for an unhindered government to become a regime, for people deprived of information to become subjects, for individual freedoms to evaporate.

That impediment — a free press — is the most powerful tool Americans have to protect other constitutional rights. Without the press, how would you know if Congress one day decided to curtail your right to own a gun, or to vote? There would be no one to text you a breaking news alert.

The Founders understood that the First Amendment, protecting speech, the press and religious expression, is the bedrock of any free society. We set the standard for the world.

If Trump continues to attack the messenger, the public will lose trust in truthful messages. Fact will become subjective. Americans may come to believe that the best version of the truth is a press release on official letterhead written by someone on the government payroll.

While the news media, like any other institution, is made up of humans who harbor bias and make mistakes, it’s also made up of professional skeptics who abhor group-think and prescribed agendas.

That insolent gaggle of questioners and sleuthing malcontents that Trump likes to lump into one foe actually work for hundreds of different news organizations. They compete. They scoop each other. They check each other.

Somewhere in that messy process of competitive newsgathering, a consensus arises — a truth derived from reporting, interviews and observation — not from a corporate statement or government mouthpiece. Much of journalism is hard, thankless work. For many, it is a calling to wake up every morning, seek the truth, tell the stories of regular folks.

Chronicle journalists have a track record of rooting out corruption, waste and injustice. Readers, trusting in our work, have demanded change. We strive to keep that trust. In the end, we’re fighting for you.

The next time the president starts in on the press, remember: Journalists who report facts that powerful people don’t want you to know are not the enemy; they’re the strongest ally democracy has.

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Your letter to the editor is a lot more focused than the rambling stuff you post here
Au contraire. "The pen is mightier than the sword." An axiom.

The Democrats' heralded "free press" is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the party. They mimic the same nonsense.

All the actual free press exists among the outliers both within and without.
OMG! One of my close friends thought the only reason the Chronicle published my letter is that it must be "criticizing" Trump.

What? Is that how YOU read it?

I thought it was clear that all sides are against abuse of the media, similar to being against abuse of guns for violence.
And the proper defense is to use these rights and freedoms to check against abuses!

Is that not CLEAR?

Please help me out. If you respond to the Poll, please explain how you see it.
Do you think my response was reinforcing Trump or attacking him?
Was it reinforcing his complaints against Media abuse, or saying we need to check against these by using Free Speech and Press correctly?

Is anyone else GETTING what I am saying:
how can the left be AGAINST gun violence by "blaming guns"
then get mad at Trump for blaming the media?

Isn't that a two-way street? Please explain how you see my response above.

This is VERY curious and interesting to me.
I am already getting mixed reviews by people who see it a different way?
What do you see there? Thank you!!!
Your letter to the editor is a lot more focused than the rambling stuff you post here

Dear rightwinger All my letters are that have been published:
http://www.houstonprogressive.org/letters .html

When you speak to different audiences it comes out different.

Here on USMB, we are addressing several people at once in the same post or thread.
So it's like trying to post 3-6 different responses all in one post!

When you narrow it down to one point at a time, you can see
that even my posts here are able to nail it at THAT point.

But rightwinger it can take quite a lot of discussion/process of elimination
to narrow it down to just one move. Like a chess game.
You can't checkmate with just one move, you have to play the whole game to get to that point!
(and with each person, the process is different. so on here, it takes forever to build relations to the point of reaching agreement)
OMG! One of my close friends thought the only reason the Chronicle published my letter is that it must be "criticizing" Trump.

What? Is that how YOU read it?

I thought it was clear that all sides are against abuse of the media, similar to being against abuse of guns for violence.
And the proper defense is to use these rights and freedoms to check against abuses!

Is that not CLEAR?

Please help me out. If you respond to the Poll, please explain how you see it.
Do you think my response was reinforcing Trump or attacking him?
Was it reinforcing his complaints against Media abuse, or saying we need to check against these by using Free Speech and Press correctly?

Is anyone else GETTING what I am saying:
how can the left be AGAINST gun violence by "blaming guns"
then get mad at Trump for blaming the media?

Isn't that a two-way street? Please explain how you see my response above.

This is VERY curious and interesting to me.
I am already getting mixed reviews by people who see it a different way?
What do you see there? Thank you!!!
Most of what you write is not very clear
I can see why there is confusion
OMG! One of my close friends thought the only reason the Chronicle published my letter is that it must be "criticizing" Trump.

What? Is that how YOU read it?

I thought it was clear that all sides are against abuse of the media, similar to being against abuse of guns for violence.
And the proper defense is to use these rights and freedoms to check against abuses!

Is that not CLEAR?

Please help me out. If you respond to the Poll, please explain how you see it.
Do you think my response was reinforcing Trump or attacking him?
Was it reinforcing his complaints against Media abuse, or saying we need to check against these by using Free Speech and Press correctly?

Is anyone else GETTING what I am saying:
how can the left be AGAINST gun violence by "blaming guns"
then get mad at Trump for blaming the media?

Isn't that a two-way street? Please explain how you see my response above.

This is VERY curious and interesting to me.
I am already getting mixed reviews by people who see it a different way?
What do you see there? Thank you!!!
Most of what you write is not very clear
I can see why there is confusion

Dear rightwinger Okay, what do you see in the Letter that got published?
Do you see me agreeing more with the left that Trump is painting too broad a brush and demonizing the media in general
Do you see me agreeing with both sides the problem is abuses (so Trump is right) and the solution is using free speech and press to correct that
(which Trump is also trying to do). But he and the others both make mistakes by over generalizing and blaming whole groups!

So which way do you see my letter? Too far right, left, or addressing both at the same time?

Thanks rightwinger!
I'd love your feedback as someone on the left.
My friend on the right thought I got published for attacking Trump. What?
OMG! One of my close friends thought the only reason the Chronicle published my letter is that it must be "criticizing" Trump.

What? Is that how YOU read it?

I thought it was clear that all sides are against abuse of the media, similar to being against abuse of guns for violence.
And the proper defense is to use these rights and freedoms to check against abuses!

Is that not CLEAR?

Please help me out. If you respond to the Poll, please explain how you see it.
Do you think my response was reinforcing Trump or attacking him?
Was it reinforcing his complaints against Media abuse, or saying we need to check against these by using Free Speech and Press correctly?

Is anyone else GETTING what I am saying:
how can the left be AGAINST gun violence by "blaming guns"
then get mad at Trump for blaming the media?

Isn't that a two-way street? Please explain how you see my response above.

This is VERY curious and interesting to me.
I am already getting mixed reviews by people who see it a different way?
What do you see there? Thank you!!!
Most of what you write is not very clear
I can see why there is confusion

Dear rightwinger Okay, what do you see in the Letter that got published?
Do you see me agreeing more with the left that Trump is painting too broad a brush and demonizing the media in general
Do you see me agreeing with both sides the problem is abuses (so Trump is right) and the solution is using free speech and press to correct that
(which Trump is also trying to do). But he and the others both make mistakes by over generalizing and blaming whole groups!

So which way do you see my letter? Too far right, left, or addressing both at the same time?

Thanks rightwinger!
I'd love your feedback as someone on the left.
My friend on the right thought I got published for attacking Trump. What?
I see you sucking up to Trump and ignoring his excesses
OMG! One of my close friends thought the only reason the Chronicle published my letter is that it must be "criticizing" Trump.

What? Is that how YOU read it?

I thought it was clear that all sides are against abuse of the media, similar to being against abuse of guns for violence.
And the proper defense is to use these rights and freedoms to check against abuses!

Is that not CLEAR?

Please help me out. If you respond to the Poll, please explain how you see it.
Do you think my response was reinforcing Trump or attacking him?
Was it reinforcing his complaints against Media abuse, or saying we need to check against these by using Free Speech and Press correctly?

Is anyone else GETTING what I am saying:
how can the left be AGAINST gun violence by "blaming guns"
then get mad at Trump for blaming the media?

Isn't that a two-way street? Please explain how you see my response above.

This is VERY curious and interesting to me.
I am already getting mixed reviews by people who see it a different way?
What do you see there? Thank you!!!
Most of what you write is not very clear
I can see why there is confusion

Dear rightwinger Okay, what do you see in the Letter that got published?
Do you see me agreeing more with the left that Trump is painting too broad a brush and demonizing the media in general
Do you see me agreeing with both sides the problem is abuses (so Trump is right) and the solution is using free speech and press to correct that
(which Trump is also trying to do). But he and the others both make mistakes by over generalizing and blaming whole groups!

So which way do you see my letter? Too far right, left, or addressing both at the same time?

Thanks rightwinger!
I'd love your feedback as someone on the left.
My friend on the right thought I got published for attacking Trump. What?
I see you sucking up to Trump and ignoring his excesses

^ SEE rightwinger this is what is SO fascinating to me!
My rightwing Conservative Republican friend said the EXACT OPPOSITE.

He said liberals were "too stupid" and would see my letter
as negating any validity to Trumps attacks blaming the Media!!!

My letter is the same as above.
It appears in print as is.
And yet YOU see it as "sucking up to Trump
and HE sees it as siding with the attacks AGAINST Trump for blaming the Media.

How so?
How funny! Most people complain about trying to agree with both sides.
Here I'm accused of whatever that side is AGAINST.

So you are on the left, and you see me as AGAINST the left and for Trump.
My friend is on the right, and sees this as AGAINST Trump and kowtowing to the left.

Ha ha, I guess the joke's on me?
I write a letter, and both sides disagree with it
because they feel it is enabling the other side to attack.

So ironic, is it not, rightwinger?
Human perception and bias are so funny,
either comically or tragically so! No wonder we are always at war!!!

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