Emma Gonzalez Question

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Do some people want to repeal the 2nd? Sure, it's not going to happen but I wouldn't deny there are people there who think that. What's your point? You asked/assumed what my views are and got it wrong.

But you still voted for them....him.

There aren't "some people" in the Democrat party who want to outlaw guns completely, Democrats overwhelmingly do. That you don't realize that is why I say you're lying. If you really believed in gun checks but did not want to restrict honest citizens from guns, you would be keenly aware of what Democrats post constantly all over the board every day in threads that you're participating in
"There aren't "some people" in the Democrat party who want to outlaw guns completely, Democrats overwhelmingly do."

Stop kazzing. That complete and utter bullkaz.

Wait, you're saying Democrats DON'T want to disarm Americans?
Try reading for comprehension. I’m saying the bullshit claim that “Democrats overwhelmingly” want to outlaw guns completely, is bullshit. There may be a few, but the vast majority do not.

You want citizens to continue to bear arms, is that what you're saying?
There are many in that class who aren’t trying to be famous by taking away the rights of others.

Being a victim doesn’t give you a free pass that allows you to say and do what you want without consequence.
What consequence do you propose?

People speaking against you
As is their constitutional right

What is not a right is posting fake news, photo shop and doctored videos to smear these victims
I’m pretty sure Photoshop is protected under the First Amendment

Lying isn’t

Then democrats are so in trouble
I answered the OP's question! Why is this topic still going?

So why won't she hop an inner tube and go back to the Progressive Mecca of Cuba?
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
I answered the OP's question! Why is this topic still going?

So why won't she hop an inner tube and go back to the Progressive Mecca of Cuba?
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.
I answered the OP's question! Why is this topic still going?

So why won't she hop an inner tube and go back to the Progressive Mecca of Cuba?
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

No, I'm pretty sure she is speaking out because her school was shot up by someone who shouldn't have a gun. Why would you question her motives?

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?

What constitutional rights is she lobbying against? Since when are background checks unconstitutional? Since when is even banning certain types of weapons ever been unconstitutional? When did she ever say she wanted to overturn the 2nd? I'm very iffy on banning weapon types but it's not unconstitutional, we're already doing it.

She's an American with American values.
So why won't she hop an inner tube and go back to the Progressive Mecca of Cuba?
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

the hacks also spend a lot of time demanding "free speech" for teatards and white supremacists, don't they?
You want citizens to continue to bear arms, is that what you're saying?

Your GED section on reading comprehension is not doing you much good, Frankie.....Try taking a nap.

Jake, will you say that you fully support the 2A, and it clearly and unequivocally states that that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed?
So why won't she hop an inner tube and go back to the Progressive Mecca of Cuba?
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

Who is whining about it? She is more than free to advocate whatever foolish position she wants to. My objection is the lie that she is somehow grass roots instead of extremely funded and pretending that because she was locked in an adjacent building she has some sort of shield protecting her from being called out when she says and does stupid things
The NRA is being self-defeating. Their total intransigence on gun control is moving more and more people into accepting the Second Amendment should be repealed. The NRA is basically transmitting that message. Since they stand on the Second to oppose even the most common sense changes to our gun laws, then they leave no choice but to knock that defense out from under them.
The NRA is being self-defeating. Their total intransigence on gun control is moving more and more people into accepting the Second Amendment should be repealed. The NRA is basically transmitting that message. Since they stand on the Second to oppose even the most common sense changes to our gun laws, then they leave no choice but to knock that defense out from under them.

That's about as wrong as considering Starkey a Republican. The NRA is standing up for a bedrock, fundamental Constitutional right. It's not something anyone should lose because Progressives scream and cry
Exactly. If someone suggests retarded mentally ill criminals should not be allowed to own machine guns and mortars, hand grenades and landmines, some second amendment folks will whine about infringement.
And now you're moving the goal posts, which I am of course used to from your side of the aisle.

You stated "The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!"

That's what you said. However, it's not what he said - and that's what I proved. So now you want to change the subject? A bit dishonest, I feel.

I will put it plain English for you!

His post was stupid and you cannot read. Get help!


Why are you talking to me if you are under the mistaken impression that I can't read.

You people are weird.

Your brain is non-functional. Donate your organs.

Translation: You guys are big meanies! I'm taking my ball and going home! Find a safe space, kitten, it'll be alright.
The NRA is being self-defeating. Their total intransigence on gun control is moving more and more people into accepting the Second Amendment should be repealed. The NRA is basically transmitting that message. Since they stand on the Second to oppose even the most common sense changes to our gun laws, then they leave no choice but to knock that defense out from under them.

That's about as wrong as considering Starkey a Republican. The NRA is standing up for a bedrock, fundamental Constitutional right. It's not something anyone should lose because Progressives scream and cry
NRA is standing up for the gun manufacturing industry. They get paid by gun manufacturers for brainwashing the populace.
The NRA is being self-defeating. Their total intransigence on gun control is moving more and more people into accepting the Second Amendment should be repealed. The NRA is basically transmitting that message. Since they stand on the Second to oppose even the most common sense changes to our gun laws, then they leave no choice but to knock that defense out from under them.

That's about as wrong as considering Starkey a Republican. The NRA is standing up for a bedrock, fundamental Constitutional right. It's not something anyone should lose because Progressives scream and cry
The NRA is not standing up for the Constitution. They are standing up for gun sales.

They are blocking even the most common sense gun laws. And so they will eventually be steamrolled.

ETA: Camp beat me to it.
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

the hacks also spend a lot of time demanding "free speech" for teatards and white supremacists, don't they?

And you spend a lot of time trying to silence free speech you don’t like
The NRA is being self-defeating. Their total intransigence on gun control is moving more and more people into accepting the Second Amendment should be repealed. The NRA is basically transmitting that message. Since they stand on the Second to oppose even the most common sense changes to our gun laws, then they leave no choice but to knock that defense out from under them.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I don't see any "common sense change" language there
The NRA is being self-defeating. Their total intransigence on gun control is moving more and more people into accepting the Second Amendment should be repealed. The NRA is basically transmitting that message. Since they stand on the Second to oppose even the most common sense changes to our gun laws, then they leave no choice but to knock that defense out from under them.

The NRA pushed much of the control measures we have.

And much of the so called common sense legislation is nothing of the sort
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