Emmy Award Ass Clowns Don't Know How Irrelevant They Are

Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.
You are not "qualified" to comment on anything I post here because you are not well read. You believe all the shit fed to you by the media and their leftard talking heads that spew lies and propaganda that you eat up like manna from heaven.

Me "excited"? Nope.....just know and understand things that you lack the mental capacity to understand is all.....

Hope this helps!

Yes dale. You are always such a big help. Everybody thinks you are a great person, and nobody is afraid to make eye contact with you. They just happen to need to go do something else when you become face to face with them. Just a coincidence........really.

LOL! You know nothing about me........

Perhaps not. I know quite a bit about the crazy stuff you post here, though. That's all I have to go on.

"Crazy"?????? Such as? I know that I post about things that the lamestream media will never be allowed to cover but my research is impeccable as well as my sources. Just because YOU can't grasp them while doing no research of your own doesn't make what I post here "crazy" by any stretch of the imagination.

The first indication is when you start using goofy terms like lamestream media.

Yeah, "lamestream media"......

Newscasters Agree: A Christmas Present Or Two Or Ten Edition
Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?
I always suspected Comservatives hankered for the old days, but that's,ridiculous. I suppose some will be calling for the return of rotary phones, Swanson,TV dinners and 78 rpm records.

Where's Sing Along with Mitch on your list? Still there no the Beatles need a haircut? Still pissed aboutmCaptain Kirk kissing Lt. Ohuru? Want to bring back stocks on the town green?

I bet you are hunkered down to watch "Will And Grace" and laugh at the queer humor and think "What a good lil liberal I am!".........(insert eye roll here)
Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.
I always suspected Comservatives hankered for the old days, but that's,ridiculous. I suppose some will be calling for the return of rotary phones, Swanson,TV dinners and 78 rpm records.

Where's Sing Along with Mitch on your list? Still there no the Beatles need a haircut? Still pissed aboutmCaptain Kirk kissing Lt. Ohuru? Want to bring back stocks on the town green?

I bet you are hunkered down to watch "Will And Grace" and laugh at the queer humor and think "What a good lil liberal I am!".........(insert eye roll here)
I'm pretty smart. Therefore I refuse to link every bit of my existence to a narrow political template. Can you say the same?
Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.

I can only speak for myself. If people knew that they were signing up to fight for a massive corporate entity that uses our military as a hammer while viewing every country that has resources that they covet as a nail? They wouldn't be able to get anyone to join up.
Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.

I can only speak for myself. If people knew that they were signing up to fight for a massive corporate entity that uses our military as a hammer while viewing every country that has resources that they covet as a nail? They wouldn't be able to get anyone to join up.

We all have our reasons to oppose unnecessary war.
I always suspected Comservatives hankered for the old days, but that's,ridiculous. I suppose some will be calling for the return of rotary phones, Swanson,TV dinners and 78 rpm records.

Where's Sing Along with Mitch on your list? Still there no the Beatles need a haircut? Still pissed aboutmCaptain Kirk kissing Lt. Ohuru? Want to bring back stocks on the town green?

I bet you are hunkered down to watch "Will And Grace" and laugh at the queer humor and think "What a good lil liberal I am!".........(insert eye roll here)
I'm pretty smart. Therefore I refuse to link every bit of my existence to a narrow political template. Can you say the same?

Sure seems like you did by proclaiming that your nemesis wish for the 1950's because that is all you see them as.......

I have no political affiliation as I despise neocons and fabian socialist with the same zeal because I know the past history, what is transpiring today and where we are headed and it doesn't bode well for us serfs.
The powerless idiots who used the Emmy Awards last night to stage a barrage of verbal abuse at President Trump appear to be oblivious to their own immense UNimportance.

For their (and anyone else) benefit, here are my top 10 favorite TV shows, that I watch in 2017 >>

1. Gunsmoke.

2. The Untouchables

3. Twilight Zone.

4. 24

5. The Honeymooners

6. Hawaii 5-0 (the old one)

7. Perry Mason

8. Alfred Hitchcock

9. Bonanza

10. Wagon Train

Seven of these 10 are in black & white, and all but one (24) are from the 1950s and 60s.

We need these current TV "stars" and their crappy shows, like we need the flu.

It was a delight to watch.
Even Sean Spicer got in on the fun.
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. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.

I can only speak for myself. If people knew that they were signing up to fight for a massive corporate entity that uses our military as a hammer while viewing every country that has resources that they covet as a nail? They wouldn't be able to get anyone to join up.

We all have our reasons to oppose unnecessary war.

Name me one war that has been necessary since the Revolutionary War and BTW, I am not so sure that America won that one when it was all said and done.

The Civil War was financed and fomented by the Rothschilds, one son in France, one in England along with the Jesuits and Rome.

WWI? I STILL haven't figured out how America allowed themselves to get pulled into that. I know how it happened and how the Balfour Declaration played a huge part in it....but how were the American people convinced to go fight it? The Bolshevik Revolution couldn't have happened without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs that had a grudge against the Tsar because he refused to allow a central bank into his country.

Hitler? Financed by the REAL nazis and fascist in this country that tried a fascist coup d'etat using Smedley Butler that then financed Hitler and then brought over the leading nazis by using the Vatican ratlines to whitewash their backgrounds and put them in places of power within the intelligence agency that became the CIA and other spots within the military industrial complex. Korea was a U.N litmus test to see if countries would join together to fight the very communist menace that they financed. Vietnam? We covered that already. The first Gulf War? Permission was granted to Saddam to invade Kuwait that was slant drilling and then used the U.N to beat him back. BTW, it wasn't Saddam that set fires to those oil wells, that was done by mercenaries paid for by the CIA and Saudi intel to jack up the price of gas.

The War on Terror? That plan was written by the neocons and the think tank group PNAC (Progress for a New American Century) and in it they basically stated that the middle east would need to be in their control in order for America to have full spectrum dominance over oil production along with Eurasia. They also stated that this could be a daunting task that could take years lest we have a "Pearl Harbor" like event which happened with the false flag event that was 9/11/01. Al qaeda is and has always been a CIA/MI5/MI6/Saudi Intel/Mossad asset and that has been proven many times over.
I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.
You haven't been railing against draft dodgers, your bigotry is directed at 63 million people calling us fascist because we voted for someone who wasn't a criminal putting this country in danger for her own selfish reasons.

Your mindless hate toward a group of people who've done you no harm is morally no different than supremacists who mindlessly hates everyone not of their race. You're a bigot. Nothing to be proud of.
The powerless idiots who used the Emmy Awards last night to stage a barrage of verbal abuse at President Trump appear to be oblivious to their own immense UNimportance.

For their (and anyone else) benefit, here are my top 10 favorite TV shows, that I watch in 2017 >>

1. Gunsmoke.

2. The Untouchables

3. Twilight Zone.

4. 24

5. The Honeymooners

6. Hawaii 5-0 (the old one)

7. Perry Mason

8. Alfred Hitchcock

9. Bonanza

10. Wagon Train

Seven of these 10 are in black & white, and all but one (24) are from the 1950s and 60s.

We need these current TV "stars" and their crappy shows, like we need the flu.


old people. at least you will die off soon.

It is to be hoped that you don't get to be old.

Visit DDT free Africa with your same sex lover.
Actually, you can do more:

1. Watch their shows.
2. Take note of their sponsors.
3. Boycott the products of those sponsors.
4. Tell your friends about those sponsors.
Not what I believe, and certainly not what I said, but you go ahead and go with that anyway. No sense trying to change your crazy beliefs at this point.

Sure it is, Bulldawg! Of course you are not capable of making your own argument......you simply "piggyback" off of the posts of others that score a few points higher on the I.Q test

What ever you say dale. I'm not qualified to try to convince someone with your unusual mental condition of anything. Believe what you want. Just don't get too excited and hurt yourself or others.

You are not "qualified" to comment on anything I post here because you are not well read. You believe all the shit fed to you by the media and their leftard talking heads that spew lies and propaganda that you eat up like manna from heaven.

Me "excited"? Nope.....just know and understand things that you lack the mental capacity to understand is all.....

Hope this helps!

Yes dale. You are always such a big help. Everybody thinks you are a great person, and nobody is afraid to make eye contact with you. They just happen to need to go do something else when you become face to face with them. Just a coincidence........really.

LOL! You know nothing about me........

All one needs to know about you is what you already revealed yourself.
I always suspected Comservatives hankered for the old days, but that's ridiculous. I suppose some will be calling for the return of rotary phones, Swanson,TV dinners and 78 rpm records.

Where's Sing Along with Mitch on your list? Still think the Beatles need a haircut? Still pissed about Captain Kirk kissing Lt. Ohuru? Want to bring back stockon the town green?

The Beatles killed rock'n roll.

Hair cut? Lobotomy is more like it.
I also watch old programs, not giving those jackasses any support.

Decent TV was prep fire. First the regime softened us up into vegetating blobs with comfortable programs, as we literally lost our minds to some fantasy world that scarred them permanently with artificial impressions. Even though those may have been good impressions at that first stage, the merchants of deceit were on their way.

A couch potato gets his brains peeled. At first he is held in a soft hand, then the peeler starts slowly scraping once he gets used to being gripped.
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Great idea. Go for it. I'm sure you could get every racist and misogynist in the country to watch. Alex Jones could be the show's host, and Hannity and Steve Bannon could be the presenters. You could probably even get Ted Nugent to crap his pants on stage,and Kid Rock to show his sex tape. Those acts, and the KKK Choir could round out the entertainment.
. ^^^Bigoted moron.

I confess. I'm bigoted against RWNJs who crap their pants to dodge the draft, leaving somebody else to have to go and possibly die in his place, and meth head rock stars who have sex tapes and want to run for office. Yep I'm just a big old bigot when it comes to those people.

What about the draft dodging leftists that went to Canada to avoid fighting in LBJ's war???? All wars are bankers wars that are always started by false flag events going all the way back to the Spanish -American War with the battle cry of "Remember The Maine" which was a load of b.s. The Vietnam War? The "Gulf Of Tonkin" Resolution for an attack that never happened......get the picture?

I could respect someone who fled to Canada, or even crapped his pants to get out of the draft until they become rabid pro war jerks willing to send someone else's son to fight and possibly die when they didn't have the balls to do it themselves.

After Viet Nam, all the wars were fought by VOLUNTEER troops.

So, no one sent someone else's kids to die in their place.
Saturday Night Live won 9 Emmys, the most of any show.

Choke on it.

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