End Discrimination in America


VIP Member
May 21, 2014
You are now aware that it is completely, 100% legal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their age--as long as they're under 40.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 forbids employment discrimination against anyone at least 40 years of age in the United States (see 29 U.S.C. § 631(a)). The bill was signed into law in 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

While I have nothing against Oldfrican-Americans, seasoned citizens, or the age-enhanced, I believe that the protections against discrimination that apply to those over 40 should also apply to those under 40.
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oh leave us the hell alone

you people are control freaks really..YOU want to control everyone and everything they do
Wat? Out of left field this thread came.

It would have to; the bigots on the right would never discuss such an issue.

Yes, let's end discrimination
Welcome to the next great secular crusade of our tyme, fellow lybyryl.

How dare you refer to me as a liberal? I will not be associated with such. And seeing as how I am on 'the right,' that means I was willing to discuss the issue. Am I still a bigot?

One other thing. Stop randomly thanking my posts. I know it's because of that "Thanks Subsidy" thing, but please, just stop. It's annoying when people thank a post they don't actually agree with.
oh leave us the hell alone

you people are control freaks really..YOU want to control everyone and everything they do

Only someone who plans to discriminate against youths would oppose extending pre-existing protections to the nation's young.

You're probably a racist too.
End Discrimination in America

What are you proposing we do about the problem of women discriminating against male gynecologists?

What are you prepared to do about women discriminating against all the sad sack guys out there, the lonely heart dweeb nice guys?

Discrimination is bad. Women should be forced to go to male gynecologists and they should be forced to date and even marry the lonely heart dweebs.

It never stops being funny to me to hear liberals, who are so big on pro-choice, trying to remove choice from people when it comes to freedom of association.
End Discrimination in America

What are you proposing we do about the problem of women discriminating against male gynecologists?

Ban men. With this policy in place, there will be no more "discrimination" taking place against them. (As if you manpigs can even be discriminated against in the fyrst place--but that's a discussion for another thread.)

What are you prepared to do about women discriminating against all the sad sack guys out there, the lonely heart dweeb nice guys?

Ban men.

Discrimination is bad. Women should be forced to go to male gynecologists and they should be forced to date and even marry the lonely heart dweebs.

Get your patriarchy out of my uterus, manpig scum.

It never stops being funny to me to hear liberals, who are so big on pro-choice, trying to remove choice from people when it comes to freedom of association.

Name ONE lybyryl policy that discriminates.
We need to ban discrimination o the basis of competence and ability. Then morons--oops myryns like Liberal would be assured of a job for as long s/he lives.
We need to ban discrimination o the basis of competence and ability.

Never fear, any idiocy that your imagination can conjure up is likely already near the implementation stage in the liberal project to destroy society.

Job centers bans advertising for reliable workers because that discriminates against unreliable job seekers:

A Hertfordshire recruitment agency boss says she was told she could not request "reliable and hard-working" applicants.

Devonwood Recruitment boss Nicole Mamo said the Jobcentre Plus in Thetford, Norfolk, told her such an advert could be "offensive" to unreliable people. . . .

She said that she told a Jobcentre worker that "hard-working and reliable" were essential words for the advert, but received the reply that those words could not be used as they "may discriminate against the unreliable".​

Remember, what you see as lunacy and parody is taken to be marching orders for liberals.
We need to ban discrimination o the basis of competence and ability.

Never fear, any idiocy that your imagination can conjure up is likely already near the implementation stage in the liberal project to destroy society.

Job centers bans advertising for reliable workers because that discriminates against unreliable job seekers:

A Hertfordshire recruitment agency boss says she was told she could not request "reliable and hard-working" applicants.

Devonwood Recruitment boss Nicole Mamo said the Jobcentre Plus in Thetford, Norfolk, told her such an advert could be "offensive" to unreliable people. . . .

She said that she told a Jobcentre worker that "hard-working and reliable" were essential words for the advert, but received the reply that those words could not be used as they "may discriminate against the unreliable".​

Remember, what you see as lunacy and parody is taken to be marching orders for liberals.

You're right.
SanFran has already banned asking whether someone hs a criminal record. Let's see how well that works out when somone embezzles money etc.
Libs are crazy.

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