End of the Church Age

It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

According to the Islamists they will have rid the world of all infidels and then their good shit starts. WOW!!

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It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

According to the Islamists they will have rid the world of all infidels and then their good shit starts. WOW!!


Yes, their method of securing membership is foolproof. Convert or off with your head.
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

In a few years you will profess Islam and pray to Allah or be walking around minus your head. I wager you will be one of the first to convert.
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.

I feel sorry for people who appear to be anchored in an age of superstitious nonsense. Do people actually believe Jesus will float in riding a cloud?

Matthew 24:30
"Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory."

Why don't they at least let him have his own jet.....you know, like Trump:

Sometimes I wonder who they worship more. Trump or Jesus.

I just just about to comment that at least while you are on my case you are off Thrump. Have they arrested you idol Hillary yet?
The fear in which anti-religious bigots love to wallow is pathetic.
I honestly don't fear it coming back in America, other than the Muslims coming here. But even their grandkids or great grandkids will stop praying 7 times a day. It's what happens when people are free to think.
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

In a few years you will profess Islam and pray to Allah or be walking around minus your head. I wager you will be one of the first to convert.
Just like now I lie in public and say "I was born...". Yes, if I were a Bernstein in Germany 1940 I'd change my name to Smith too.

I'm a Greek Orthodox who thinks Christianity and God is made up. But I would renounce Satan if I believed he existed. I just don't.
The fear in which anti-religious bigots love to wallow is pathetic.
I honestly don't fear it coming back in America, other than the Muslims coming here. But even their grandkids or great grandkids will stop praying 7 times a day. It's what happens when people are free to think.

More ignorant, arrogant, bigoted nonsense.
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

In a few years you will profess Islam and pray to Allah or be walking around minus your head. ...

It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

In a few years you will profess Islam and pray to Allah or be walking around minus your head. ...

It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

In a few years you will profess Islam and pray to Allah or be walking around minus your head. ....

Not in the United States.
It's what happens when people are free to think.

Thinking and faith are not mutually exclusive, you filthy bigot.
You can think Joseph Smith Mohammad or moses were telling the truth or that mary was a prego virgin but what kind of thinking is that?

The kind you are clearly not intelligent enough to understand.
Explain Islam or Mormonism to me if you think they are real.
It's what happens when people are free to think.

Thinking and faith are not mutually exclusive, you filthy bigot.
You can think Joseph Smith Mohammad or moses were telling the truth or that mary was a prego virgin but what kind of thinking is that?

The kind you are clearly not intelligent enough to understand.
Explain Islam or Mormonism to me if you think they are real.

Your bigotry is yours to excuse, you filthy, racist bigot. Your inability to understand faith is yet another of your personal failings.
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It's what happens when people are free to think.

Thinking and faith are not mutually exclusive, you filthy bigot.
You can think Joseph Smith Mohammad or moses were telling the truth or that mary was a prego virgin but what kind of thinking is that?

The kind you are clearly not intelligent enough to understand.
Explain Islam or Mormonism to me if you think they are real.

Your bigotry is yours to excuse, you filthy, racist bigot.
Do you think religion although a lie does more harm than good? Without it society would fall apart or advance/improve?
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

It's not a damn bit weak for anyone who has an analytical mind and doesn't automatically accept a load of horse shit they were brainwashed with. Sorry I ended with a prep. It just seemed better than "with which they were brainwashed"

Any ancient god some weak and needy human being has to accept as their personal, invisible friend ain't much punkin'. Christians have been wasting their time and breath for what must have seemed like an eternity.

I've posted something like this before but it's the kind of thing the Christian hordes should take into serious consideration:

When I was born in 1934 the average life expectancy of a White male in the United States was 61. If someone survived their first heart attack they would mope around essentially disabled for a couple of years then die. Cancer was a death sentence. The only treatment was surgery and over half the time the tumor metasticised and spread. The afflicted usually lasted a year after that at the most. Wednesday evening prayer meetings all over this country were crowded and prayer lists were a foot long. Every family either had a member or a close friend who was sick or dying. People prayed till their knees were bloody and the afflicted suffered and died anyway.

Now the average life expectancy of a White male at birth is 78. Thanks to the electronic advances and other inventions and discoveries we now have sophisticated systems, MRI, CTscans, ultrasound, echocardiogram, endoscopy, colonoscopy, heart catherization procedures, stents, bypasses, transplants, stem cell technology, chemo, radiation and limited invasive surgical procedures which produce much lower mortality statistics. What about the millions upon millions who died or suffered unmercifully before all this technology and research came about? Did anything worth their breath come about because of prayer? Obviously Not!!
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It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.
So the people who invented your religion predicted people wouldn't believe it or that it would one day become obsolete?

I don't curse you. Despise? Maybe. Lol

I think this is wonderful. I think this means man is evolving. We are shedding superstition.

Now if we could get Muslim children and born again kids and Jewish kids and Mormon kids to grow up and cut the nonsense.

1000 years we will be back to debating a generic creator. Who knows? But your story is weak.

In a few years you will profess Islam and pray to Allah or be walking around minus your head. I wager you will be one of the first to convert.
Just like now I lie in public and say "I was born...". Yes, if I were a Bernstein in Germany 1940 I'd change my name to Smith too.

I'm a Greek Orthodox who thinks Christianity and God is made up. But I would renounce Satan if I believed he existed. I just don't.

Satan knows you really well. Bro. I believe he has your cell phone number.

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