End of the Church Age

It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

In my church, I preach that there's a frozen teacup orbiting Saturn, and this teacup contains evidence for the origin of our universe.
There is no "proof" that my claim is false, so it must be taken seriously.

Wanna join my church?
Actually that is true only instead of a teacup orbiting saturn it's the comits that orbit our solar system that planted the seeds of life. They are full of the elements necessary to start life. So are every star you see in the sky.

That is another view, of course.
Since i can't disprove your theory, it must also be the "truth"!

If you don't want to join my Church of the Orbiting Teacup, then perhaps this church would be more appealing:
Church of Reality

I can't surf the net for some reason. I did something to my phone I can't figure out what I did. I froze it up then when I finally got back on I can't.... Never mind.

Give me the elevator pitch of this church? What's its hook? They all have a hook on why theirs is the one true.

From their web site:
"The Church of Reality is a religion based on the practice of Realism, which is a dedication to the pursuit of the understanding of objective Reality."

Reality is our God
Science is our Bible
Evidence is our Scripture
Big History is our Creation Story
Ecology is our Theology
Integrity is our Salvation
Positive Evolution is our Mission

I just saw a pbs special these skinny paleontologists crawled into caves deep and found skeletons older than black men and not black men. They buried their dead.

The truth is so much better than a book of fiction.

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