End of the Church Age

So the enlightned will need to guide the dull and the weak. The latter will kill the former if they try anything of the sort. Consider the French Revolution, the USSR, and Red China. Don't be foolish.

Not much into leaps of the absurd are you? Who said anything about 'killing' anyone other than you.

Human beings use any and all reasons to kill others throughout history, Christianity and Islam being among the greatest offenders.

I addressed the OP about the disappearing Church and wane of Christianity as a religion. And religions in general.

Try to address the OP.

Don't lump the Roman-Catholic church in with Christianity.

Roman-Catholics are basically a pagan church that worships a virgin. It has very little to do with the church Jesus established.
Who needs a church when you can talk directly to Jesus/God/Holy Ghost?
Why buy from a retailer when you can get a better deal from the wholesaler?

What do you and Jesus talk about? Football?

We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
sealy, you are a believer, too, just in nothing, so preach all you want, hallelujah.
I believe. I believe we can do better. We can be better citizens of this planet. That would require challenging the status quo and that ain't happening without a fight.

I always say they use god guns and racism to divide the masses. That means religion is 1 of the big 3 ways they control us. Can I get a amen?
That means YOU believe it, not that it is truth.
Religions say if you don't believe in Jesus you won't be rewarded.

I say if we don't believe we can do better we will never be rewarded. I think we will be a much smarter more evolved species 2000 years from now. Just look how far we've come in 2000. Think about how ignorant our ancestors were just 200 years ago. Now x that by 10.

Imagine if instead of the cold war Russia and USA spent all that money on good.

Man!! Religion really bothers you doesn't it. Do you ever think about anything else? There are other things you know. I like football myself.
Militant atheists are just as bad as religious ones.
No, they’re not. There are no calls for slavery, rape or murder in the atheist holy book.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death,incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous

Who needs a church when you can talk directly to Jesus/God/Holy Ghost?
Why buy from a retailer when you can get a better deal from the wholesaler?

What do you and Jesus talk about? Football?

We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
A real Christian with no doubts wouldn't even come to discuss this. I am obsessed that our entire species is brainwashing our children with a lie. The muslims are telling their lie, you're telling your lie, Mitt Romney's telling his like, Lieberman is telling his lie. You are all liars and/or fools.

You can continue to be obsessed with capitalism and I'll focus on the source of human's stupidity.
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I believe. I believe we can do better. We can be better citizens of this planet. That would require challenging the status quo and that ain't happening without a fight.

I always say they use god guns and racism to divide the masses. That means religion is 1 of the big 3 ways they control us. Can I get a amen?
That means YOU believe it, not that it is truth.
Religions say if you don't believe in Jesus you won't be rewarded.

I say if we don't believe we can do better we will never be rewarded. I think we will be a much smarter more evolved species 2000 years from now. Just look how far we've come in 2000. Think about how ignorant our ancestors were just 200 years ago. Now x that by 10.

Imagine if instead of the cold war Russia and USA spent all that money on good.

Man!! Religion really bothers you doesn't it. Do you ever think about anything else? There are other things you know. I like football myself.
When I come here, I mostly think religion, then politics, then sports, etc. I like to talk about science and current events.

And I have already explained myself as to why I'm obsessed with religion. I think it is a bad for people and a lie. I think they use it to control us. Keeps us down/holds us back.

So imagine you discover something is not true and yet 60% of the public believes it. Wouldn't you be passionate about waking the dumb mother fuckers up? Especially if you think it is holding your society back. Stem cell research for example. Or that christian **** who's denying gays a marriage licence.

I'm just glad you guys aren't as bat shit crazy as ISIS.

And by the way, when I log off I stop thinking about this stuff. Then I think about other unimportant things like pussy and pot.

It certainly appears you are totally obsessed with it.
Its my favorite subject right now. I'd be talking Detroit Lions but they are too depressing.
sealy, you are a believer, too, just in nothing, so preach all you want, hallelujah.
I believe. I believe we can do better. We can be better citizens of this planet. That would require challenging the status quo and that ain't happening without a fight.

I always say they use god guns and racism to divide the masses. That means religion is 1 of the big 3 ways they control us. Can I get a amen?
That means YOU believe it, not that it is truth.
Religions say if you don't believe in Jesus you won't be rewarded.

I say if we don't believe we can do better we will never be rewarded. I think we will be a much smarter more evolved species 2000 years from now. Just look how far we've come in 2000. Think about how ignorant our ancestors were just 200 years ago. Now x that by 10.

Imagine if instead of the cold war Russia and USA spent all that money on good.

Man!! Religion really bothers you doesn't it. Do you ever think about anything else? There are other things you know. I like football myself.
Militant atheists are just as bad as religious ones.
No, they’re not. There are no calls for slavery, rape or murder in the atheist holy book.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death,incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous


I suppose that is the difference between us. I really don't care what you think about Christians. It really doesn't effect me. I figure you are old enough to decide for yourself and that is fine for me. There are Christians also who do not have the same beliefs as do I. That is also OK with me. I drive a Nissan Titan - other folks drive Ford 150's, other Silverados, etc. There are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Conservatives, etc. I don't mind myself.
Who needs a church when you can talk directly to Jesus/God/Holy Ghost?
Why buy from a retailer when you can get a better deal from the wholesaler?

What do you and Jesus talk about? Football?

We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
A real Christian with no doubts wouldn't even come to discuss this. I am obsessed that our entire species is brainwashing our children with a lie. The muslims are telling their lie, you're telling your lie, Mitt Romney's telling his like, Lieberman is telling his lie. You are all liars and/or fools.

You can continue to be obsessed with capitalism and I'll focus on the source of human's stupidity.

I'm not obsessed with capitalism. I am semi-retired now. I've done about all I'm going to do now. I go to the office only a couple of days a week now.
What do you and Jesus talk about? Football?

We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
A real Christian with no doubts wouldn't even come to discuss this. I am obsessed that our entire species is brainwashing our children with a lie. The muslims are telling their lie, you're telling your lie, Mitt Romney's telling his like, Lieberman is telling his lie. You are all liars and/or fools.

You can continue to be obsessed with capitalism and I'll focus on the source of human's stupidity.

I'm not obsessed with capitalism. I am semi-retired now. I've done about all I'm going to do now. I go to the office only a couple of days a week now.
At over 70 years old? They still want you around? Do you own the place?
What do you and Jesus talk about? Football?

We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
A real Christian with no doubts wouldn't even come to discuss this. I am obsessed that our entire species is brainwashing our children with a lie. The muslims are telling their lie, you're telling your lie, Mitt Romney's telling his like, Lieberman is telling his lie. You are all liars and/or fools.

You can continue to be obsessed with capitalism and I'll focus on the source of human's stupidity.

I'm not obsessed with capitalism. I am semi-retired now. I've done about all I'm going to do now. I go to the office only a couple of days a week now.
I am obsessed with this subject, for the moment. Consider me like an annoying born again. Eventually they stop running around asking everyone if they know where they are going to go when they die.
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.
We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
A real Christian with no doubts wouldn't even come to discuss this. I am obsessed that our entire species is brainwashing our children with a lie. The muslims are telling their lie, you're telling your lie, Mitt Romney's telling his like, Lieberman is telling his lie. You are all liars and/or fools.

You can continue to be obsessed with capitalism and I'll focus on the source of human's stupidity.

I'm not obsessed with capitalism. I am semi-retired now. I've done about all I'm going to do now. I go to the office only a couple of days a week now.
At over 70 years old? They still want you around? Do you own the place?

Yes. I've pretty much turned it over to the kids now though. I still have one project I'm overseeing. I'll probably quit altogether when I get it completed.
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

Whatever turns you on.
We talk about the same things that a preacher & Jesus talk about, i.e., nothing.
In my case, I'm not delusional.
Notice the religious people with nothing else to say will get defensive and ask you why you are obsessed or attacking them. How about because its a ridiculous lie.

Just look at the posts and you will easily see exactly who is obsessed with it. It's not the Christians.
A real Christian with no doubts wouldn't even come to discuss this. I am obsessed that our entire species is brainwashing our children with a lie. The muslims are telling their lie, you're telling your lie, Mitt Romney's telling his like, Lieberman is telling his lie. You are all liars and/or fools.

You can continue to be obsessed with capitalism and I'll focus on the source of human's stupidity.

I'm not obsessed with capitalism. I am semi-retired now. I've done about all I'm going to do now. I go to the office only a couple of days a week now.
I am obsessed with this subject, for the moment. Consider me like an annoying born again. Eventually they stop running around asking everyone if they know where they are going to go when they die.

I figure I'm already in Paradise. I'm in Pensacola, Florida.
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

Whatever turns you on.
I wish more people believed that.
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

In my church, I preach that there's a frozen teacup orbiting Saturn, and this teacup contains evidence for the origin of our universe.
There is no "proof" that my claim is false, so it must be taken seriously.

Wanna join my church?
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

In my church, I preach that there's a frozen teacup orbiting Saturn, and this teacup contains evidence for the origin of our universe.
There is no "proof" that my claim is false, so it must be taken seriously.

Wanna join my church?
Actually that is true only instead of a teacup orbiting saturn it's the comits that orbit our solar system that planted the seeds of life. They are full of the elements necessary to start life. So are every star you see in the sky.
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

In my church, I preach that there's a frozen teacup orbiting Saturn, and this teacup contains evidence for the origin of our universe.
There is no "proof" that my claim is false, so it must be taken seriously.

Wanna join my church?
Actually that is true only instead of a teacup orbiting saturn it's the comits that orbit our solar system that planted the seeds of life. They are full of the elements necessary to start life. So are every star you see in the sky.

That is another view, of course.
Since i can't disprove your theory, it must also be the "truth"!

If you don't want to join my Church of the Orbiting Teacup, then perhaps this church would be more appealing:
Church of Reality

It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

In my church, I preach that there's a frozen teacup orbiting Saturn, and this teacup contains evidence for the origin of our universe.
There is no "proof" that my claim is false, so it must be taken seriously.

Wanna join my church?
Actually that is true only instead of a teacup orbiting saturn it's the comits that orbit our solar system that planted the seeds of life. They are full of the elements necessary to start life. So are every star you see in the sky.

That is another view, of course.
Since i can't disprove your theory, it must also be the "truth"!

If you don't want to join my Church of the Orbiting Teacup, then perhaps this church would be more appealing:
Church of Reality

I can't surf the net for some reason. I did something to my phone I can't figure out what I did. I froze it up then when I finally got back on I can't.... Never mind.

Give me the elevator pitch of this church? What's its hook? They all have a hook on why theirs is the one true.
It is common for apologists to say “You can't prove God doesn't exist," when they are challenged to support their own claim that God exists. Such statements are intended to shift the burden of proof, and therefore represent a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy when someone adopts a position based on a bad piece of reasoning. This argument is based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. Compartmentalizationis an unconsciouspsychological defense mechanismused to avoidcognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument that they can’t prove Mohammad didn’t talk to god. This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

In my church, I preach that there's a frozen teacup orbiting Saturn, and this teacup contains evidence for the origin of our universe.
There is no "proof" that my claim is false, so it must be taken seriously.

Wanna join my church?
Actually that is true only instead of a teacup orbiting saturn it's the comits that orbit our solar system that planted the seeds of life. They are full of the elements necessary to start life. So are every star you see in the sky.

That is another view, of course.
Since i can't disprove your theory, it must also be the "truth"!

If you don't want to join my Church of the Orbiting Teacup, then perhaps this church would be more appealing:
Church of Reality

I can't surf the net for some reason. I did something to my phone I can't figure out what I did. I froze it up then when I finally got back on I can't.... Never mind.

Give me the elevator pitch of this church? What's its hook? They all have a hook on why theirs is the one true.

From their web site:
"The Church of Reality is a religion based on the practice of Realism, which is a dedication to the pursuit of the understanding of objective Reality."

Reality is our God
Science is our Bible
Evidence is our Scripture
Big History is our Creation Story
Ecology is our Theology
Integrity is our Salvation
Positive Evolution is our Mission


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