End of the line


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

50 million people in foreign countries are waiting in line to enter this country legally but the 1986 Amnesty and 20 million people entered this country illegally ahead fo them, working and living and enjoying the benefits of America, make it almost impossible for those waiting to legally enter. “If we made it easier for them to enter, they would not enter illegally.” How much easier can you get than;

Family-based immigration is limited by statute to 480,000 persons per year.
Employment-based immigration is limited by statute to 140,000 persons per year.

U.S. immigration: how many green cards are allotted each year?
And H-2A visas allow unlimited number of farm workers legally.

To allow those 20 million who entered this country illegally to remain here, just because they are here, is a dishonor to all those waiting, those who entered legally and the American people. It send the message that our laws mean nothing to some people and those people who broke the law are generously rewarded.

1986 Amnesty put millions who entered this country illegally ahead of the line and was supposed to “fix illegal immigration” and it fail miserable and there are those who want a repeat performance. Because of the 1986 Amnesty it has encouraged 20 million more to enter this country illegally anticipating and demanding another amnesty. And they are right because Obama and Company’s “path to citizenship and :Dream Act” is exactly another amnesty by another name.

Amnesty sends the message that no matter how you get here you will be able to stay and eventually given a path to citizenship if not amnesty. And an extra bonus it you give birth to a child while you are here. An “Anchor Baby” aka jackpot baby because that child is eligible for all the benefits of an American child. Welfare check, food stamps, WIC, public housing, medical care, free school lunches, etc which will sustain a family who is unemployed and assist one who is a low income provider which covers almost all illegal aliens families. At the expense of the American taxpayers whose wages are lowered if they still have a job that have not been taken by 8 million illegal aliens.

When it come to immigration every one should have to play by the same rules and get in the same line and wait their turn. But our leaders don’t believe they should play by the rules but break the rules and go straight to amnesty.
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migrant farm workers are given temporary work permits, if they have anything at all. I have seen entire crews of illegals being paid cash daily by commercial masonry companies. I had to wait to get paid by check at the end of the week.
When it come to immigration every one should have to play by the same rules and get in the same line and wait their turn. But our leaders don’t believe they should play by the rules but break the rules and go straight to amnesty.

look how we treated the Native Americans
When it come to immigration every one should have to play by the same rules and get in the same line and wait their turn. But our leaders don’t believe they should play by the rules but break the rules and go straight to amnesty.

look how we treated the Native Americans

Yes, but I don't complain when I get a check from the governemt from my tribe for land use.:clap2:
In 1492 there were no immigraiton laws and no claim on the land so shit happened. And the Indians got the short end of the stick. No doubt. But that was then and this is now.
I dont understand your reply?:confused: Are you trying to compare the treatment of illegal aliens to treatment of Indians. Different circumstance.

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