Endangered Languages


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
About half of all known languages today are potentially endangered. As many as 1500 known languages could be completely gone by the end of the century. This is no small thing. Once a language is gone, it is pretty well gone forever. A part of the human experience itself - gone. Linguists around the world are working to record and preserve at least the evidence of little-known indigenous languages while they can.

In some countries (Ireland, Italy, etc.) indigenous languages that are or were endangered are being promoted in an attempt to restore them to everyday, practical use by local populations, but it is no easy thing.

Such efforts are taking place around the US as well.

About half of all known languages today are potentially endangered. As many as 1500 known languages could be completely gone by the end of the century. This is no small thing. Once a language is gone, it is pretty well gone forever. A part of the human experience itself - gone. Linguists around the world are working to record and preserve at least the evidence of little-known indigenous languages while they can.

In some countries (Ireland, Italy, etc.) indigenous languages that are or were endangered are being promoted in an attempt to restore them to everyday, practical use by local populations, but it is no easy thing.

Such efforts are taking place around the US as well.

Reminds me of the Tower of Babel and why different languages were started.

As for myself, I have found that 5 basic languages are most useful to suit all my needs.

1. English
2. American
3. Insane
4. Profane
5. Gawgia

Keep on accepting this, leftists, who are relying more and more on communicating in emojis and monosyllabic grunts.

Meanwhile those of us who can still speak and write will be collecting books so that when y'all have made yourselves extinct via abortion and sexual mutilation and chemical sterilization of your children, we will resurrect language again.

Looking forward to not having you around.



Keep on accepting this, leftists, who are relying more and more on communicating in emojis and monosyllabic grunts.

Meanwhile those of us who can still speak and write will be collecting books so that when y'all have made yourselves extinct via abortion and sexual mutilation and chemical sterilization of your children, we will resurrect language again.

Looking forward to not having you around.


To whom is this post directed, and what does it have to do with the thread topic?
To whom is this post directed, and what does it have to do with the thread topic?

The topic is endangered languages.

My comment is directed at leftists who will ensure that languages die, as long as they are allowed to to so, unless they kill themselves first.


If not, do not bother me again. You have a tendency to belabor to death a point which you refuse to honestly try to understand in the first place.

The topic is endangered languages.

My comment is directed at leftists who will ensure that languages die, as long as they are allowed to to so, unless they kill themselves first.
What, ALL languages? That is NOT the topic of the thread.
About half of all known languages today are potentially endangered. As many as 1500 known languages could be completely gone by the end of the century. This is no small thing. Once a language is gone, it is pretty well gone forever. A part of the human experience itself - gone. Linguists around the world are working to record and preserve at least the evidence of little-known indigenous languages while they can.

In some countries (Ireland, Italy, etc.) indigenous languages that are or were endangered are being promoted in an attempt to restore them to everyday, practical use by local populations, but it is no easy thing.

Such efforts are taking place around the US as well.

We'll never have to worry about Ebonics going extinct, seeing how the movie and music industries are working so hard to keep it alive.

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