Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

The tax bill repeals the individual mandate

Of course, the cons
Now you see this folks, what Nat the bat said! Who HAS the totalitarian mindset here?

They helped create the rule that you have to be taken care of, then they whine because they have to pay for it!

MORON..........that little rule was signed by the ultra LIBERAL (and your hero) Ronnie Reagan.

In what year-)
Are you talking about the law which forces emergency rooms to treat all comers?

That was 1985.

The same law enacted the joke that is COBRA.
That is giving people a choice instead of forcing them to buy a for-profit product.

What an IDIOT.........eliminate the mandate, and the money for subsidies will NOT be there....

Eliminate the subsidies and MILLIONS of people cannot purchase anything.....

Your ilk will have to live with the anger of those without HC insurance......Sure, go for it and see what happens.
So tell me ... those people couldn't afford the premiums, so we subsidized it. Now, they can't afford medical care, so we subsidize it.

And the difference is?
I want you tell me with a straight face the people who are voluntarily uninsured are costing us more in health care costs than the high school dropouts we are all subsidizing.

Don't be the usual fence sitter.......

The ACA "tried" to address the issue of uninsured in the HC system,,,,,

I don't know of ANY law that would compel HS drop outs....\

Do you???........If so, let me know.
/——-/ Why can’t the driver pay his own hospital bills? What’s next, we have to pay his electric and water bill?
You have no idea? Are you that dense? Hospital bills are often akin to kings ransoms. Most middle class and probably none of the 43 million poor could afford to pay. One catastrophic illness could destroy all tge life savings or any accumulated wealth
In affected familues. For the poor...insurance premiums are just as much out of reach....so they have no choice but to get free treatment at taxpayer's expense for serious conditions in the ER. The PPACA was designed to make healthcare insurance affordable for the underserved. Most would pay at least something into the system on a pro- rated basis.
/----/ We used to have the option of catastrophic health insurance but Obozo took that away in all his glee.
I know...he gave you full health insurance

The bastard
He didn't GIVE anything. People still are forced to pay through the nose for it, remember?
Not really, subsidies take up the slack for most people and the premiums are pro-rated. If your premiums went up its because you have private insurance and /or your income is above the threshold for subsidies.
The subsidies that were not allocated by Congress and thus can disappear quickly?
You have no idea? Are you that dense? Hospital bills are often akin to kings ransoms. Most middle class and probably none of the 43 million poor could afford to pay. One catastrophic illness could destroy all tge life savings or any accumulated wealth
In affected familues. For the poor...insurance premiums are just as much out of reach....so they have no choice but to get free treatment at taxpayer's expense for serious conditions in the ER. The PPACA was designed to make healthcare insurance affordable for the underserved. Most would pay at least something into the system on a pro- rated basis.
/----/ We used to have the option of catastrophic health insurance but Obozo took that away in all his glee.
I know...he gave you full health insurance

The bastard
He didn't GIVE anything. People still are forced to pay through the nose for it, remember?
Not really, subsidies take up the slack for most people and the premiums are pro-rated. If your premiums went up its because you have private insurance and /or your income is above the threshold for subsidies.

By subsidies you mean other people paying way more than they should have to, to subsidize people who get to pay less, for the same damn policy.
And paying for coverage they won't use, like birth control for an elderly couple.
And paying for coverage they won't use, like birth control for an elderly couple.

That's such a straw man "argument" that even the idiot hannity stopped using it....
How does it feel to be even MORE stupid than Hannity???

Take a good look at that chart.

You could extend it back a few more decades, and it would look even worse.

During all that time, the Republicans offered up NOTHING.

As health care costs outpaced worker's wages and inflation for DECADES, a larger and larger percentage of the population was priced out of the health insurance market over that time.

During all of those decades, Democrats said they would solve the problem with "socialized medicine". That's what it was called decades ago. Now the popular term is "single payer health care".

So the Democrats were telegraphing ALL THAT TIME exactly what they would do if they ever got the chance.

Still, the Republicans did NOTHING.

This is what has convinced me that the Republican Party sold us all down the river to socialize medicine decades ago. Their consent by silence is the dead giveaway.

This was further confirmed by the 60 repeals of ObamaCare during Obama's regime. The GOP knew Obama would veto any repeal which happened to make it to his desk.

During all those years, I told the pseudocon tards that the GOP repeals were "theater for the rubes". But they kept falling for the hoax over and over and over. They never tired of it, and came in their shorts every time.

Then the GOP got full power, and suddenly the repeal of ObamaCare dropped dead in its tracks.

TA-DAAAAAAA! Theater for the rubes confirmed!
And paying for coverage they won't use, like birth control for an elderly couple.

That's such a straw man "argument" that even the idiot hannity stopped using it....
How does it feel to be even MORE stupid than Hannity???
Hannity's pretty smart, actually. Angry and shrill, but no idiot. Of course, you wouldn't know that, would you, since you don't ever listen to him. Or are you a closet Hannity listener?
So tell me ... those people couldn't afford the premiums, so we subsidized it. Now, they can't afford medical care, so we subsidize it.

And the difference is?

What the hell are you talking about???
How are we "subsidizing"???

Do you mean when uninsured people go to an emergency room for dialysis, or diabetes or cancer treatments???
And then the biggest huckster of them all came on the stage.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

I want you tell me with a straight face the people who are voluntarily uninsured are costing us more in health care costs than the high school dropouts we are all subsidizing.

Don't be the usual fence sitter.......

The ACA "tried" to address the issue of uninsured in the HC system,,,,,

I don't know of ANY law that would compel HS drop outs....\

Do you???........If so, let me know.
Way to totally evade the point.

Who is costing us more?

Which group is the REAL freeloaders?
Hannity's pretty smart, actually. Angry and shrill, but no idiot. Of course, you wouldn't know that, would you, since you don't ever listen to him. Or are you a closet Hannity listener?

I LOVE comedy shows......so, YES, I do listen to the idiot........

So, now tell me about an 80 year old lady forced to buy an IUD as you alleged in post #406.....
Way to totally evade the point.

Who is costing us more?

Which group is the REAL freeloaders?

Now, Obviously you have concluded that HS drop outs cost us more.....FINE....
I don't have any data to either confirm or attack your assertion....

But the problem of HS drop outs is just a bit outside the scope of this thread, don't you think?
Way to totally evade the point.

Who is costing us more?

Which group is the REAL freeloaders?

Now, Obviously you have concluded that HS drop outs cost us more.....FINE....
I don't have any data to either confirm or attack your assertion....

You must be dumber than I thought if you think a few voluntarily uninsured might be costing taxpayers as much as high school dropouts are! HOLY SHIT!

PLEASE take my bet! :lol:

But the problem of HS drop outs is just a bit outside the scope of this thread, don't you think?
It has everything to do with the scope of this thread.
Hannity's pretty smart, actually. Angry and shrill, but no idiot. Of course, you wouldn't know that, would you, since you don't ever listen to him. Or are you a closet Hannity listener?

I LOVE comedy shows......so, YES, I do listen to the idiot........

So, now tell me about an 80 year old lady forced to buy an IUD as you alleged in post #406.....
Any time you require policies to carry coverage unneeded and unwanted by the customer, you're no longer offering the customer an honest deal, you're openly forcing him to pay for things he doesn't receive.
an honest deal, you're openly forcing him to pay for things he doesn't receive.

If you have car insurance and have NOT had an accident this year, by all means DEMAND that your insurance company refund your premium....

Let us know how THAT works out for you...............LOL
Forcing people to pay for other peoples shit is unconstitutional, shove your fucking mandate up your ass if you like it so much
You're probably too dumb to realize you just agreed with me. Forcing people to pay for some freeloader who gets cancer, gets in a serious accident or gets his ass whipped in a bar is unconstitutional Thats why Obama mandated that every one buy insurance to relieve the cost of emergency room visits for injured or potentially injured freeloaders from the backs of tax payers. The alternative is to stop government funded compensation to hospitals who treat people who don't have insurance. Let's see how generous the hospitals will be then.... get out the body bags...
Na, Insurance is not healthcare, and no one should be forced to pay for other people shit
Who said Insurance is healthcare? Are you stupid or something? And I was right when I said you'd be too dumb to understand that every time an uninsured person goes to he emergency room you're paying for their "shit." If you won't acknowledge that, I see no need to engage you further.
To forced to pay into a pool is not only a rotten concept it is unconstitutional. Dip shit
To forced to pay into a pool is not only a rotten concept it is unconstitutional. Dip shit

Again, forced to pay into a pool is not only a rotten concept it’s unconstitutional

That's how it's worked your entire life, dope.
That's how all insurance works.

Hey, give up on Rustic he drinks too much fire water.
You're probably too dumb to realize you just agreed with me. Forcing people to pay for some freeloader who gets cancer, gets in a serious accident or gets his ass whipped in a bar is unconstitutional Thats why Obama mandated that every one buy insurance to relieve the cost of emergency room visits for injured or potentially injured freeloaders from the backs of tax payers. The alternative is to stop government funded compensation to hospitals who treat people who don't have insurance. Let's see how generous the hospitals will be then.... get out the body bags...
Na, Insurance is not healthcare, and no one should be forced to pay for other people shit
Who said Insurance is healthcare? Are you stupid or something? And I was right when I said you'd be too dumb to understand that every time an uninsured person goes to he emergency room you're paying for their "shit." If you won't acknowledge that, I see no need to engage you further.
To forced to pay into a pool is not only a rotten concept it is unconstitutional. Dip shit
To forced to pay into a pool is not only a rotten concept it is unconstitutional. Dip shit

Again, forced to pay into a pool is not only a rotten concept it’s unconstitutional

That's how it's worked your entire life, dope.
That's how all insurance works.

Do you have any concept of reality? Obamacare forced us, prior to Obamacare we were not forced.

No one forced you to do anything.
Hannity's pretty smart, actually. Angry and shrill, but no idiot. Of course, you wouldn't know that, would you, since you don't ever listen to him. Or are you a closet Hannity listener?

I LOVE comedy shows......so, YES, I do listen to the idiot........

So, now tell me about an 80 year old lady forced to buy an IUD as you alleged in post #406.....
Any time you require policies to carry coverage unneeded and unwanted by the customer, you're no longer offering the customer an honest deal, you're openly forcing him to pay for things he doesn't receive.

Health insurance is only unneeded if you suddenly drop dead.

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