Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,
No one is ending health insurance. The mandate and the tax penalty were done away with that is all.

So those estimated 13 million will be choosing not to buy health insurance no one is taking it away from them.

The more relevant question is why do you oppose people making their own choices?

No, dope.

Eliminating the mandate shrinks the risk pool. The younger and healthier will drop out. The cost for those left will rise sharply.
Premiums will rise to the point where many will be priced out altogether.

The costs are rising sharply anyway.
But you don't know why do you? it's because you can't give the unlimited coverage called for by Obammy care without premiums skyrocketing.

The insurance for my employees under 45 is going up 68% for next year. The insurance for my employees over 45 is going up 90%

And that rate hike was in the works way before the repeal of the mandate.

And as I said no one is losing their insurance. They will make their own choices about whether to purchase it.

But you people all have a problem with people making their own choices

Bullshit. Post it up.

It's in my office at the business. I'll scan the relevant pages and post it but you'll still just say I'm making it up.

I want to see it. Premiums going up for the same policy on a person over 45.

I seriously doubt that if the priemums was $1000 last year, it is $1900 this year.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

And wrong....you won't be forced to buy health insurance because you will be fined it you don't.......this is called being a free human being....
Blah Blah Blah. You would be one that did not buy it & then when you shoot yourself in the foot causing a heart attack, you'd be crying " OH OH OH Help Me!! Treat me!!!!!!.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

And wrong....you won't be forced to buy health insurance because you will be fined it you don't.......this is called being a free human being....
Blah Blah Blah. You would be one that did not buy it & then when you shoot yourself in the foot causing a heart attack, you'd be crying " OH OH OH Help Me!! Treat me!!!!!!.
That's his prerogative as a free human being.

Nearly one third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. THERE are your freeloaders who made the wrong choices in life. Those are the people you want us to carry on our backs for the rest of our lives.
How about we cut spending BEFORE we cut taxes?
/----/ Translation: Let's never cut taxes because Congress will never cut spending.

Common sense

Don't ask your boss to cut your wages until you have cut your spending accordingly

In this analogy, we are the boss, not the employee.

It's more like the employee won't cut the spending no matter how we ask, so fuck him, we're cutting off his access to the credit line.

Taxes are revenue.....just like your salary would be

Would you volunteer for less revenue if you knew your expenses would be the same?
/----/ During the malaise of Jimma Carter, my company informed the reps they had to give up 10% of our pay or get laid off. THERE WERE NO OTHER JOBS AVAILABLE. We asked why can't the company economize? Stop the constant manager's meeting at resorts. We were met with glares and a finger pointing at the exit.
I had an experience that is just the opposite. When the company fell on hard times, the top level execs all took a pay cut so no one was laid off, and the rest of the company maintained their salaries.
The healthy pay for the sick, dope. Every healthy policy holder is already paying for the sick. Rates are determined by the ratio of healthy to sick. Removing or giving an out to younger healthier people in the pool will only increase the rates for those left.
Let's end the drug war to pay for health care.
WTF does that mean and what does it have at all to do with what I posted?
A funding source?
Paying into a pool is for retarded people
The I take it you don't pay your taxes, you don't have auto insurance and you don't invest in stocks with the rest of us retarded people.
No one should be forced to pay into a pool it’s unconstitutional
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured.
The stat before ObamaCare was enacted was that 8 million people were VOLUNTARILY uninsured.

So stop trying to make it sound like all those people will be FORCED to be uninsured.
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???
I would bet you every dime I have that the high school dropouts we are all carrying on our backs cost us far, far, far more than any voluntarily uninsured people do.

So why don't you assholes target THEM!?
Let's end the drug war to pay for health care.
WTF does that mean and what does it have at all to do with what I posted?
A funding source?
Paying into a pool is for retarded people
The I take it you don't pay your taxes, you don't have auto insurance and you don't invest in stocks with the rest of us retarded people.
No one should be forced to pay into a pool it’s unconstitutional
No, it isn't. That's already been decided.
I see what you're saying, but I was addressing the differences between car insurance and health insurance, specifically the way they are compared to justify forcing people to buy the latter. They don't really relate.
You analogy is wrong. Here is a better comparison: An uninsured motorist runs into a tree. His car is destroyed and he is severely injured but also has no health insurance. Now here comes the analogy.... The tax payer is forced to fix his car and to pay for his hospital bills....NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND,,,?IDIOT!
/——-/ Why can’t the driver pay his own hospital bills? What’s next, we have to pay his electric and water bill?
You have no idea? Are you that dense? Hospital bills are often akin to kings ransoms. Most middle class and probably none of the 43 million poor could afford to pay. One catastrophic illness could destroy all tge life savings or any accumulated wealth
In affected familues. For the poor...insurance premiums are just as much out of reach....so they have no choice but to get free treatment at taxpayer's expense for serious conditions in the ER. The PPACA was designed to make healthcare insurance affordable for the underserved. Most would pay at least something into the system on a pro- rated basis.
/----/ We used to have the option of catastrophic health insurance but Obozo took that away in all his glee.
I know...he gave you full health insurance

The bastard
He didn't GIVE anything. People still are forced to pay through the nose for it, remember?
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???

No MORON, you see...........you do NOT have to buy Obysmalcare until you get into an accident and need it! See, you just proved my point!

And who does paying the penalty REALLY hurt? Well, statistics show that 85% of the people that have to pay the penalty, make 75,000 or LESS! Hardly rich people, wouldn't you say-)
ObamaCare lives.

The tax bill repeals the individual mandate. It does not repeal ObamaCare.

It does not repeal the employer mandate.

It does not repeal the health insurance exchanges.

It does not repeal the health insurance subsidies.

Trump was hired to replace ObamaCare.

If you wanted to keep ObamaCare, you could have hired Hillary.

When you open your record high insurance and medical bills, try to tell yourself that America is Great Again and that Trump gave you the "great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" he promised.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

using caps is fun!
Let's end the drug war to pay for health care.
WTF does that mean and what does it have at all to do with what I posted?
A funding source?
Paying into a pool is for retarded people
The I take it you don't pay your taxes, you don't have auto insurance and you don't invest in stocks with the rest of us retarded people.
No one should be forced to pay into a pool it’s unconstitutional
BUt one can be forced to pay a tax..RIGHT???
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

using caps is fun!
I would bet you every dime I have that the high school dropouts we are all carrying on our backs cost us far, far, far more than any voluntarily uninsured people do.

So why don't you assholes target THEM!?
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???
Knock off with the name calling. You're a socialist that believes in government-run health care. There are some that believe in freedom, liberty, and property rights. Deal with it.
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???
Knock off with the name calling. You're a socialist that believes in government-run health care.
So does Trump.
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???

No MORON, you see...........you do NOT have to buy Obysmalcare until you get into an accident and need it! See, you just proved my point!

And who does paying the penalty REALLY hurt? Well, statistics show that 85% of the people that have to pay the penalty, make 75,000 or LESS! Hardly rich people, wouldn't you say-)

That is lie.

You have to buy it in advance and only in the sign up period. If you dod not have before,you were paying a fine. The fine maxes out at the price of a policy on the exchanges.

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