Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???

Now you see this folks, what Nat the bat said! Who HAS the totalitarian mindset here?

They helped create the rule that you have to be taken care of, then they whine because they have to pay for it!

THEIR SOLUTION----------> Force YOU to pay MORE for your insurance, because they decided that EVERYONE gets care, period. But they who passed it do NOT want to pay for their asinine ideas alone, they want to FORCE you to help them.

So what is the real deal here? Well, their constituency pays NOTHING for their insurance, and YOUR insurance and deductibles go through the roof. AND, they let in illegals with their open borders policy, then basically force YOU to pay for their healthcare too. They do NOT have to worry about it, because most of them get SUBSIDIES from the government or FREE healthcare.

These people are LAZY, plain and simple....................and maybe they should get free healthcare, because who in the hell would hire them in the 1st place!
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

using caps is fun!

And who created that gift? Quick, tell all of us-)
How about let’s be free of socialism
Socialism starts with a social contract like our Constitution.
Na, Our federal government is not anywhere near what it was supposed to be...
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution, providing for the general warfare is not.

Tell us why we should work overtime to pay the bills of lazy do nothings who lay around mooching off us?
It is more moral than putting them in prison or killing them, and complaining about refugees.

More moral? Maybe.

Probably even -more- moral to pay for your morality out of your own pocket in stead of everyone else's.
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???
Knock off with the name calling. You're a socialist that believes in government-run health care. There are some that believe in freedom, liberty, and property rights. Deal with it.
Not names but rather descriptives.

The ACA is NOT government run healthcare. You buy a policy of YOUR choice from a PRIVATE insurance company to care at a PRIVATE doctor at a PRIVATE institution

'If you don't want to be called a moron, quit posting like one.
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???

No MORON, you see...........you do NOT have to buy Obysmalcare until you get into an accident and need it! See, you just proved my point!

And who does paying the penalty REALLY hurt? Well, statistics show that 85% of the people that have to pay the penalty, make 75,000 or LESS! Hardly rich people, wouldn't you say-)

That is lie.

You have to buy it in advance and only in the sign up period. If you dod not have before,you were paying a fine. The fine maxes out at the price of a policy on the exchanges.

No it does NOT, and no you do not! It depends upon your income. That is why the people getting hosed are the ones making 75,000 dollars or less. The rich just go buy insurance, the poor are given insurance, the middle class gets hosed. Look it up!
BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

Sure, you're "correct", you eternal idiot.......

IF all who do not wish to purchase their own insurance sign over a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" affidavit for themselves and their family members in case they get in an accident or fall gravely ill.....

I and millions of others are fucking tired of paying their ER bills when they need care......Nitwits like you "think" that it would be better to buy car insurance ONLY after an accident.

Satisfied moron???
Knock off with the name calling. You're a socialist that believes in government-run health care. There are some that believe in freedom, liberty, and property rights. Deal with it.
Not names but rather descriptives.

The ACA is NOT government run healthcare. You buy a policy of YOUR choice from a PRIVATE insurance company to care at a PRIVATE doctor at a PRIVATE institution

'If you don't want to be called a moron, quit posting like one.

Baloney, the ACA is government DICTATED healthcare. You must buy a policy that conforms to their standards. There is no choice at all. And if you don't buy a policy that fits into their guide lines, you get fined!

Now, tell everyone here how that is not a forced purchase by the government!
You analogy is wrong. Here is a better comparison: An uninsured motorist runs into a tree. His car is destroyed and he is severely injured but also has no health insurance. Now here comes the analogy.... The tax payer is forced to fix his car and to pay for his hospital bills....NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND,,,?IDIOT!
/——-/ Why can’t the driver pay his own hospital bills? What’s next, we have to pay his electric and water bill?
You have no idea? Are you that dense? Hospital bills are often akin to kings ransoms. Most middle class and probably none of the 43 million poor could afford to pay. One catastrophic illness could destroy all tge life savings or any accumulated wealth
In affected familues. For the poor...insurance premiums are just as much out of reach....so they have no choice but to get free treatment at taxpayer's expense for serious conditions in the ER. The PPACA was designed to make healthcare insurance affordable for the underserved. Most would pay at least something into the system on a pro- rated basis.
/----/ We used to have the option of catastrophic health insurance but Obozo took that away in all his glee.
I know...he gave you full health insurance

The bastard
He didn't GIVE anything. People still are forced to pay through the nose for it, remember?
Not really, subsidies take up the slack for most people and the premiums are pro-rated. If your premiums went up its because you have private insurance and /or your income is above the threshold for subsidies.
They find that at least 43 percent of Americans in the 18–64 year-old age group have incomes at or above 2.5 times the poverty line, indicating they likely have the means to obtain healthcare coverage and thus may be classified as “voluntarily” uninsured.

Employment Policies Institute | Who are the Uninsured? An Analysis of America’s Uninsured Population, Their Characteristics and Their Health

Without the individual mandate, no one is forcing these people to be uninsured.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT IT! Is this America or the USSR? YOU want to force people to buy something they do NOT want!

using caps is fun!

And who created that gift? Quick, tell all of us-)
signed into law by Ronald Reagan.
It has always pissed me off the way the liberals point at the voluntarily uninsured and dare to call them "freeloaders".

This is their way of diverting attention away from all the REAL freeloaders we have to carry on our backs for the rest of our lives.

At the same time, it has always pissed me off that the Republicans did NOTHING about the skyrocketing health care costs which outpaced GDP and inflation for DECADES. Long, long before Obama ever came along.

Repealing ObamaCare without a replacement will only result in a return to those days of even higher rates of increase.

A pox on both your houses!
High school dropout.

A voluntarily uninsured individual.

Try to tell me with a straight face the latter is the big freeloader. Go ahead.
The tax bill repeals the individual mandate

Of course, the cons
Now you see this folks, what Nat the bat said! Who HAS the totalitarian mindset here?

They helped create the rule that you have to be taken care of, then they whine because they have to pay for it!

MORON..........that little rule was signed by the ultra LIBERAL (and your hero) Ronnie Reagan.
What is exactly socialized medicine?

Is that medicine which was produced with quality regulations to ensure effectiveness?

Obamacare. *free* medical for all. Government controlled care, government controlled access, government controlled distribution of care, government controlled distribution of medication, government controlled treatment.
What makes you think Obamacare is free?

What Government controls are there when you visit your doctor?
The people receiving the so-called benefits from Obamacare don’t have to pay for shit someone else is billed Unnecessarily

Most of those benefitting from the PPACA are paying a portion of the premiums and subsidies make up the balance. AND NO ONE ELSE IS BILLED any more than anyone is billed every time an uninsured person went to the ER before the PPACA. It all comes out of taxes. The PPACA is a tax levied against those who have the means but won't get insurance.
Obamacare is all about waste fraud and abuse...
Most people are paying for shit they will never use, and obviously they cannot afford to pay for Obamacare and want no to do with it so it is a Ponzi scheme

Ya know, when one doesn’t know jack shit about the subject being discussed, it’s best not the post at all.
/——-/ Why can’t the driver pay his own hospital bills? What’s next, we have to pay his electric and water bill?
You have no idea? Are you that dense? Hospital bills are often akin to kings ransoms. Most middle class and probably none of the 43 million poor could afford to pay. One catastrophic illness could destroy all tge life savings or any accumulated wealth
In affected familues. For the poor...insurance premiums are just as much out of reach....so they have no choice but to get free treatment at taxpayer's expense for serious conditions in the ER. The PPACA was designed to make healthcare insurance affordable for the underserved. Most would pay at least something into the system on a pro- rated basis.
/----/ We used to have the option of catastrophic health insurance but Obozo took that away in all his glee.
I know...he gave you full health insurance

The bastard
He didn't GIVE anything. People still are forced to pay through the nose for it, remember?
Not really, subsidies take up the slack for most people and the premiums are pro-rated. If your premiums went up its because you have private insurance and /or your income is above the threshold for subsidies.

By subsidies you mean other people paying way more than they should have to, to subsidize people who get to pay less, for the same damn policy.
The tax bill repeals the individual mandate

Of course, the cons
Now you see this folks, what Nat the bat said! Who HAS the totalitarian mindset here?

They helped create the rule that you have to be taken care of, then they whine because they have to pay for it!

MORON..........that little rule was signed by the ultra LIBERAL (and your hero) Ronnie Reagan.

In what year-)
'If you don't want to be called a moron, quit posting like one.

Smoke is somewhat "honest"....He knows he's a moron and INSISTS that everyone should be aware of his "little problem"...... LOL
The tax bill repeals the individual mandate

Of course, the cons
Now you see this folks, what Nat the bat said! Who HAS the totalitarian mindset here?

They helped create the rule that you have to be taken care of, then they whine because they have to pay for it!

MORON..........that little rule was signed by the ultra LIBERAL (and your hero) Ronnie Reagan.
I want you tell me with a straight face the people who are voluntarily uninsured are costing us more in health care costs than the high school dropouts we are all subsidizing.
This masturbation fantasy about voluntarily uninsured people being the reason we need ObamaCare is a fucking bullshit red herring.

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