Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Obammie musta cut a lot of taxes cause he added ten trillion to the debt! Whose taxes did he cut? Not mine.
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?

Middle class tax cuts.....................TEMPORARY
Conglomerates' tax cuts................PERMANENT

The former WILL have to pay for the latter unless more debt (than the already proposed $1.5 TRILLION) is incurred.

Get a grown up to explain the above to you.
You need a grown up to explain that taxes are the way the government gets people to pay for free stuff. You don't pay for tax cuts.
When you cut taxers & not spending it created debt. Debt that you pay for.

Republicans just cut taxes & put it on the credit card. How did those Bush tax cuts work out? Recession.

You people can't teach anything because you are all morons.
Exactly. So why are you bitching about decreasing both taxes and spending?

Giving rich people tax cuts & trying to pay fir part of it by denying funding to the middle class or poorer much be one of the things you like.

Your buddy's plan is a tad short of being funded - like a trillion short.
Obammie musta cut a lot of taxes cause he added ten trillion to the debt! Whose taxes did he cut? Not mine.
So the bush tax cuts, the bush recession, Bush's two quagmire warts & the Republicans major unfunded expansion to Medicare had nothing to do with it. Right, jackass?

In the ARRA, there were tax breaks for working people that were temporary to fight the recession. Obama did not hand money to wealthy people like Trump & Ryan want to.
Well, if I could paste a sticker on your forehead that said do not treat unless paid in advance, then I would be for it.

But no, you would get drunk & walk in front of a bus & get treated at MY expense. So fuck you assholes.

What kind of person does not protect their family? And don't pretend you have the money.

Thank you.....in my state, there is a case of a young man who wore no helmet and got into a motorcycle crash.......he had NO insurance.....

Cost for his vegetative state at the hospital is over $1 million per month....He has been like that for over 3 years......WHO IS PICKING UP THE TAB?
I wonder why libtards think the rich are obligated to pay for their needs! Someone explain that.

We already pay the lions share of taxes. It would be one thing if they just begged me for money, instead they feel entitled to the money in my wallet.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
/——-/ And we know the CBO has never been wrong about anything. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I wonder why libtards think the rich are obligated to pay for their needs! Someone explain that.

Because even the fucking LORDS are responsible for the SERFS or risk a revolution......When poor kids risk their lives in wars to protect the interests of the rich, should THAT be countered by a :fuck you" from the rich?As an example, w
How do you "pay" for tax cuts?

Middle class tax cuts.....................TEMPORARY
Conglomerates' tax cuts................PERMANENT

The former WILL have to pay for the latter unless more debt (than the already proposed $1.5 TRILLION) is incurred.

Get a grown up to explain the above to you.
/——/ As it has been proven countless times over the decades, corporations don’t pay taxes. THey pass them along to the consumer and quite frankly I pay enough for stuff as it is.
Do you think people who don't own cars should subsidize wrecks by people who do drive?

yeah, all you fucking right wing morons on here will soon claim that you don't own cars or pay car insurance....Just watch.
I wonder why libtards think the rich are obligated to pay for their needs! Someone explain that.

Because even the fucking LORDS are responsible for the SERFS or risk a revolution......When poor kids risk their lives in wars to protect the interests of the rich, should THAT be countered by a :fuck you" from the rich?As an example, w

Get a job losers pay your own damn bills.

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