Enemies of Freedom


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Some of us have warned of the creeping Totalitariansm that is bent on destroying freedom if not America itself.

The growing power of our Federal Government should be understood to be a great danger.

As well as the transformation of our media, the entertainment industry, academia and corporate heads into propaganda tools and useful idiots of a certain Democratic party philosophy put forth now by the Federal Government to curtail traditional American Freedoms in the name of social justice and equity.

I speak of such things as the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear. The freedom to bear arms.

People on political message boards have long understood how our freedome of speech is constantly violated.....all the taboos....certain things are not allowed to be discussed....certain words are not to be used etc.

Christianity is under attack like never before. Even pastors have to be careful not to preach something that may go against political correctness or they could be charged wih hate speech etc.

Capitalism is not perfect but America under capitlaism has always been a land of plenty.

Now we see how certain governmental policies now promulgated by the democratic socialists are hindering and hampering those who supply our goods and services with all sorts of ridiculous red tape that is intended to make them conform to some bureaucrat in Washington who feels he has the right to dictate to how their business should be run in order to comply with idiotic governent regulations.

Individual American Citizens who are great patriots are being hounded and persecuted for daring to hold a protest in Washington....waiting...many of them for that proverbial midnight knock on the door by the KGB.....excuse me....I meant to say the FBI. Being forced to live in fear in a nation that is supposedly dedicated to freedom.

We all see now that in many if not most of our big cities one cannot walk safely on the streets....certain neighborhoods you must say away from....fear is growing by leaps and bounds....as crime and violence escalates across the nation.

Not even to mention how the Federal Government is doing everything they possible can to take away private ownership of weapons even though that right is guranteed by the constitution....and along with that the very concept of self defense is being whittled away by the courts.....like the cases we see where honest and upright citizens are being sent to jail for daring to defend themself from some criminal and how the courts mis-interpet laws to give criminals more rights and freedoms than law abiding citizens.

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We will soon be persuaded to vote for people below the level of choice and reason.?

Yep, we be there.

Notice his warning that population control will be the driving engine of the oncoming hell.

Agani, we be there as well.
Wow, let's take this load of crazy apart.

Some of us have warned of the creeping Totalitariansm that is bent on destroying freedom if not America itself.

The growing power of our Federal Government should be understood to be a great danger.

As well as the transformation of our media, the entertainment industry, academia and corporate heads into propaganda tools and useful idiots of a certain Democratic party philosophy put forth now by the Federal Government to curtail traditional American Freedoms in the name of social justice and equity.

I speak of such things as the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear. The freedom to bear arms.

You do realize that none of those things are actually under attack, right. Except maybe the freedom from Want, but that's only because the right wing has dismantled most of the things that created a middle class.

People on political message boards have long understood how our freedome of speech is constantly violated.....all the taboos....certain things are not allowed to be discussed....certain words are not to be used etc.

Um, okay, a couple of things here. There have ALWAYS been social mores of what could and could not be said in public. For instance, on "I Love Lucy", they could not use the word "Pregnant" to describe why Lucy was going to have a baby. And Ricky and Lucy slept in separate beds.

Christianity is under attack like never before. Even pastors have to be careful not to preach something that may go against political correctness or they could be charged wih hate speech etc.

When has a minister been arrested for hate speech, even the noxious Westboro Baptist Church? If ministers are being "politically correct", it's out of fear of losing congregants who aren't bigots.

Capitalism is not perfect but America under capitlaism has always been a land of plenty.

Not really. before the New Deal, most Americans lived in grinding poverty. It was only AFTER FDR that you got something that looked like a middle class, and it's been under constant attack

Now we see how certain governmental policies now promulgated by the democratic socialists are hindering and hampering those who supply our goods and services with all sorts of ridiculous red tape that is intended to make them conform to some bureaucrat in Washington who feels he has the right to dictate to how their business should be run in order to comply with idiotic governent regulations.

You mean like "Don't pollute the air the rest of us have to breathe?" How horrible. Whenever a Wingnut talks about "Freedom", he means the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us. conservatism is a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Fact is, we are getting our asses kicked on the international market by countries that the government exercises MORE control over industry, not less.

Individual American Citizens who are great patriots are being hounded and persecuted for daring to hold a protest in Washington....waiting...many of them for that proverbial midnight knock on the door by the KGB.....excuse me....I meant to say the FBI. Being forced to live in fear in a nation that is supposedly dedicated to freedom.

Uh, wait, they staged a RIOT trying to overturn the result of an election. Five people died as a result. In what universe SHOULDN'T they be arrested?

We all see now that in many if not most of our big cities one cannot walk safely on the streets....certain neighborhoods you must say away from....fear is growing by leaps and bounds....as crime and violence escalates across the nation.

Not even to mention how the Federal Government is doing everything they possible can to take away private ownership of weapons even though that right is guranteed by the constitution....and along with that the very concept of self defense is being whittled away by the courts.....like the cases we see where honest and upright citizens are being sent to jail for daring to defend themself from some criminal and how the courts mis-interpet laws to give criminals more rights and freedoms than law abiding citizens.

But then you have to ask yourself WHY you can't walk the streets at night. It's because the gun industry has FLOODED our streets with guns.

Not that this is anything new. The neighborhoods in Chicago you stayed away from are the same ones you stayed away from in the 1970's...
Some of us have warned of the creeping Totalitariansm that is bent on destroying freedom if not America itself.

The growing power of our Federal Government should be understood to be a great danger.

As well as the transformation of our media, the entertainment industry, academia and corporate heads into propaganda tools and useful idiots of a certain Democratic party philosophy put forth now by the Federal Government to curtail traditional American Freedoms in the name of social justice and equity.

I speak of such things as the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear. The freedom to bear arms.

People on political message boards have long understood how our freedome of speech is constantly violated.....all the taboos....certain things are not allowed to be discussed....certain words are not to be used etc.

Christianity is under attack like never before. Even pastors have to be careful not to preach something that may go against political correctness or they could be charged wih hate speech etc.

Capitalism is not perfect but America under capitlaism has always been a land of plenty.

Now we see how certain governmental policies now promulgated by the democratic socialists are hindering and hampering those who supply our goods and services with all sorts of ridiculous red tape that is intended to make them conform to some bureaucrat in Washington who feels he has the right to dictate to how their business should be run in order to comply with idiotic governent regulations.

Individual American Citizens who are great patriots are being hounded and persecuted for daring to hold a protest in Washington....waiting...many of them for that proverbial midnight knock on the door by the KGB.....excuse me....I meant to say the FBI. Being forced to live in fear in a nation that is supposedly dedicated to freedom.

We all see now that in many if not most of our big cities one cannot walk safely on the streets....certain neighborhoods you must say away from....fear is growing by leaps and bounds....as crime and violence escalates across the nation.

Not even to mention how the Federal Government is doing everything they possible can to take away private ownership of weapons even though that right is guranteed by the constitution....and along with that the very concept of self defense is being whittled away by the courts.....like the cases we see where honest and upright citizens are being sent to jail for daring to defend themself from some criminal and how the courts mis-interpet laws to give criminals more rights and freedoms than law abiding citizens.

what metric one uses to gauge 'freedom' comes to mind here

Funny how the so called conservatives fail to see themselves and who and what they actually support.

I'm a Christian and I never ever feel under attack. I imagine it's because I'm not constantly attacking the freedom of others.

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