English 5 year old girl given to Muslim foster parents. Google "Islam thighing"

What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

You'd assume that the Muslim family has gone through checks to make sure they're suitable.

Yeah, you WOULD assume that FrigidWeirdo, but you would be wrong. Even here in America, where privately run foster care programs with a LOT of money who screen their families extensively can let a bad one slip through the cracks.

Case in point is me. I was orphaned when I was 8, and my Grandparents took care of me until they could sign me up with an organization called the Casey Family Foundation, and I gotta say, they had a pretty good program. They paid for the kid to live there, paid for all their expenses like clothing and school supplies, as well as other things that the kid needed. They also told my Grandparents how extensively they screened the families to make sure they were good ones, because the kids that program placed came from troubled backgrounds.

Well, I lived there for a few years, and when I finally figured out they were using me for a paycheck, I bolted. I mean, I was wearing hand me downs from their own son who was the same size as me. They were saying that they were buying the clothes for me, but they bought them for him and I got the leftovers. Same thing with other things, and when I finally caught on, I ran away and went back to live with my Grandparents for the last year of high school.

Yeah, there are many good families out there that love and take care of the kids they are charged with, but there are also some bad ones out there, and even if the programs screen extensively, some bad ones can slip through.

Bad ones will get through. However the suggestion here is that they are bad because they are Muslim. That the man will be a pedophile and all of this.

Not from, the actual articles. Great commentary by a former MP .

"Former justice minister Shailesh Vara, Tory MP for North West Cambridgeshire, said the decision was ‘completely wrong’, adding: ‘The local authority should have ensured that in placing the child in a foster home her religion and cultural background would be totally respected."

It's just really that simple.

Read more: MP anger as Christian girl forced into Muslim foster care | Daily Mail Online
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What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

You'd assume that the Muslim family has gone through checks to make sure they're suitable.

Yeah, you WOULD assume that FrigidWeirdo, but you would be wrong. Even here in America, where privately run foster care programs with a LOT of money who screen their families extensively can let a bad one slip through the cracks.

Case in point is me. I was orphaned when I was 8, and my Grandparents took care of me until they could sign me up with an organization called the Casey Family Foundation, and I gotta say, they had a pretty good program. They paid for the kid to live there, paid for all their expenses like clothing and school supplies, as well as other things that the kid needed. They also told my Grandparents how extensively they screened the families to make sure they were good ones, because the kids that program placed came from troubled backgrounds.

Well, I lived there for a few years, and when I finally figured out they were using me for a paycheck, I bolted. I mean, I was wearing hand me downs from their own son who was the same size as me. They were saying that they were buying the clothes for me, but they bought them for him and I got the leftovers. Same thing with other things, and when I finally caught on, I ran away and went back to live with my Grandparents for the last year of high school.

Yeah, there are many good families out there that love and take care of the kids they are charged with, but there are also some bad ones out there, and even if the programs screen extensively, some bad ones can slip through.

Bad ones will get through. However the suggestion here is that they are bad because they are Muslim. That the man will be a pedophile and all of this.

I'd be slamming whatever social worker or agency it was that put the girl in a family that doesn't speak the same language as her.

Question is this. Does the family not speak the same language? All the information from this seems to have come from some far right source.

The Times, the Independent, the Telegraph and Metro UK aren't far right wing sources.
You'd assume that the Muslim family has gone through checks to make sure they're suitable.

Yeah, you WOULD assume that FrigidWeirdo, but you would be wrong. Even here in America, where privately run foster care programs with a LOT of money who screen their families extensively can let a bad one slip through the cracks.

Case in point is me. I was orphaned when I was 8, and my Grandparents took care of me until they could sign me up with an organization called the Casey Family Foundation, and I gotta say, they had a pretty good program. They paid for the kid to live there, paid for all their expenses like clothing and school supplies, as well as other things that the kid needed. They also told my Grandparents how extensively they screened the families to make sure they were good ones, because the kids that program placed came from troubled backgrounds.

Well, I lived there for a few years, and when I finally figured out they were using me for a paycheck, I bolted. I mean, I was wearing hand me downs from their own son who was the same size as me. They were saying that they were buying the clothes for me, but they bought them for him and I got the leftovers. Same thing with other things, and when I finally caught on, I ran away and went back to live with my Grandparents for the last year of high school.

Yeah, there are many good families out there that love and take care of the kids they are charged with, but there are also some bad ones out there, and even if the programs screen extensively, some bad ones can slip through.

Bad ones will get through. However the suggestion here is that they are bad because they are Muslim. That the man will be a pedophile and all of this.

I'd be slamming whatever social worker or agency it was that put the girl in a family that doesn't speak the same language as her.

Question is this. Does the family not speak the same language? All the information from this seems to have come from some far right source.

Dunno if they speak her language or not. Would require a deeper google search to find a news source that isn't right wing, and it's too late for me to go nosing around, so I'm just gonna have to accept what they have put down here.

Well, I think most people would accept that if a girl had been put into the family of people who don't speak her language, and all the males are pedophiles and use the little girl to wank off to on a nightly basis, that this would be horrific.

Then again this is what the right want you think. They want you to associate Muslims with evil. They've been doing it since 9/11 and they have an agenda out of it.

So, I'm going to be suspicious, especially of some OPer who does this all the time.

POPE: USA must be ruled by a world government ASAP

A youtube video and a picture stating something and a source from newspunch.com ("where the mainstream fear to tread", apparently)

Revealing Obama camp is evil IS A DONE DEAL

No evidence, no quotes, no sources, and no replies. What a surprise.

Globalist constitute a global network of Satanist pedophiles

Picture, youtube videos and a source from mosquito.net which could be anything.

MSMedia calls Trump crazy + lauds a deluded pervert in Rome

Pictures and nothing else.

This guy does similar things every time, and it's all bullshit. He's probably the main replier to his own threads too.
Based on the reporting, it seems clear the girl should not have been placed with the Muslim family with which she was placed. They seem to be treating the girl as though she's their kid and not a child for whom they've merely been assigned with guardianship.

The girl, prior to becoming a foster child, seems to have formed some very basic views of her own and that her foster parents seem keen to revise. I might not take exception to the foster parents' inculcation efforts were the girl an infant, but she's not.

That the girl may have to change her diet or not wear certain baubles is of no concern to me. Neither is the fact that the girl will learn Arabic; indeed that could prove to be beneficial in the long run. "Brangelina" have a veritable United Nations in their household, so in and of themselves, cross-cultural assignments also don't give me pause; I think that aspect just depends on the situation and the parties involved. There are plenty of people from other cultures who'd do a fine job of child rearing. Cross-cultural assignments won't work for every child or every carer, but they definitely can work just fine.

The thing that struck me is that the girl's mother is clearly not deceased, yet the girl is in foster care. That pair of facts necessarily makes me think that the foster care system has determined that the girl is nonetheless better off with the Muslim family to which she's been assigned than with her mother. In material ways, that it's plausibly so that that is the reality of the situation is more disturbing than is the fact of the girl being assigned to Salafists.

I mean really. WTH was going on in the girl's family/household, or with the girl, because it could be she who is an "ungodly" mess, that she wasn't assigned to a relative or at least to a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, animist, atheist, etc., or, quite frankly, even a culturally Western Muslim family? According to the article, "In any decision regarding a foster placement, local authorities are required to give due consideration to the child’s 'religious persuasion, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background.'"

That the girl didn't get assigned to a white family doesn't bother me, for I think "typical" English blacks or Asians could do a very fine job caring for and raising the girl. Be that as it may, the article also indicates that "of the 51,800 children who were in foster placements last year, 39,900 (77 per cent) were white, as were 52,500 (84 per cent) of the 62,400 approved foster carers." What that tells me is that there are more white foster carers than there are kids needing foster care. How did that girl end up with what must surely be among the most "non-typical" English carers in the whole of the London foster care system?

It just seems to me that either a whole lot of serendipity or a whole lot of bizarre "sh*t," or whole lot of something had to be going on for that child to end up with not one but two, in succession, (near?) Salafist Muslim foster parents/carers.

I find it hard not to suspect that either someone went out of their way to put that child with the families to which she's been assigned, or someone has attested to something associated with that child, her mother or her father. One thing I noticed is that the article oddly makes no mention of the girl's father.

Another question I have is where is the girl from? Are her relatives living in Tower Hamlets? Why was the child assigned to a Tower Hamlets family?

100% Speculation -- Yep, this is coming from "way out in left-field":
Let's say the following is the case
  • Perhaps the child's mother has been declared unfit. That's not too unreasonable because the girl's mother is "around" yet doesn't have custody of her child.
  • The child's father though fit isn't able, for some reason, to care for her but nonetheless has a very strong legal position in the matter. How could that happen? Well, the man could be incarcerated, but not for murder, rape or other violent crime that would cause him to lose his parental rights.
If that were so, and the child's father were a Salafi (-ish) Muslim, he'd be in a position to move for -- as a father who's not lost his parental rights, his wishes would be material -- the girl to be assigned to a Salafi (-ish) foster carer.​
Tower Hamlets council under fire for fostering Christian girl with Muslims

The Koran is the holy book of Islam/Muslims. The Koran encourages and blesses the killing of non-Muslims. I deem that "evil".

The more "devout" a Muslim is ... the more the Muslim studies the Koran ,,,, the more dangerous the Muslim is.

Those who defend Islam on moral grounds are liars and shills .... there is no way they can be innocently that stupid/blind.
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

What's out of line is claiming something is occurring that isn't.

The article says nothing about that.
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.
What's out of line is claiming something is occurring that isn't. The article says nothing about that.

"thighing" (using baby to masturbate) is OKed by Muslims. As is "marrying" children of ANY AGE. The article says the foster "parents" are Muslims.

Thus by rational decent people, Muslims are unfit to raise any children .... much less have the state pay them to keep children.
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.
What's out of line is claiming something is occurring that isn't. The article says nothing about that.

"thighing" (using baby to masturbate) is OKed by Muslims. As is "marrying" children of ANY AGE. The article says the foster "parents" are Muslims.

Thus by rational decent people, Muslims are unfit to raise any children .... much less have the state pay them to keep children.

Got a link to back up the thighing claim? I never heard of anything like that before this thread, and I've traveled around the Middle East quite a bit.
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

Well known? I never heard of it until this thread was started. And I spent quite a bit of time in the Middle East during my 20 years in the Navy.

I heard of it------I was in the Navy---but never stationed in the Middle east
Yeah, you WOULD assume that FrigidWeirdo, but you would be wrong. Even here in America, where privately run foster care programs with a LOT of money who screen their families extensively can let a bad one slip through the cracks.

Case in point is me. I was orphaned when I was 8, and my Grandparents took care of me until they could sign me up with an organization called the Casey Family Foundation, and I gotta say, they had a pretty good program. They paid for the kid to live there, paid for all their expenses like clothing and school supplies, as well as other things that the kid needed. They also told my Grandparents how extensively they screened the families to make sure they were good ones, because the kids that program placed came from troubled backgrounds.

Well, I lived there for a few years, and when I finally figured out they were using me for a paycheck, I bolted. I mean, I was wearing hand me downs from their own son who was the same size as me. They were saying that they were buying the clothes for me, but they bought them for him and I got the leftovers. Same thing with other things, and when I finally caught on, I ran away and went back to live with my Grandparents for the last year of high school.

Yeah, there are many good families out there that love and take care of the kids they are charged with, but there are also some bad ones out there, and even if the programs screen extensively, some bad ones can slip through.

Bad ones will get through. However the suggestion here is that they are bad because they are Muslim. That the man will be a pedophile and all of this.

I'd be slamming whatever social worker or agency it was that put the girl in a family that doesn't speak the same language as her.

Question is this. Does the family not speak the same language? All the information from this seems to have come from some far right source.

Dunno if they speak her language or not. Would require a deeper google search to find a news source that isn't right wing, and it's too late for me to go nosing around, so I'm just gonna have to accept what they have put down here.

Well, I think most people would accept that if a girl had been put into the family of people who don't speak her language, and all the males are pedophiles and use the little girl to wank off to on a nightly basis, that this would be horrific.

Then again this is what the right want you think. They want you to associate Muslims with evil. They've been doing it since 9/11 and they have an agenda out of it.

So, I'm going to be suspicious, especially of some OPer who does this all the time.

POPE: USA must be ruled by a world government ASAP

A youtube video and a picture stating something and a source from newspunch.com ("where the mainstream fear to tread", apparently)

Revealing Obama camp is evil IS A DONE DEAL

No evidence, no quotes, no sources, and no replies. What a surprise.

Globalist constitute a global network of Satanist pedophiles

Picture, youtube videos and a source from mosquito.net which could be anything.

MSMedia calls Trump crazy + lauds a deluded pervert in Rome

Pictures and nothing else.

This guy does similar things every time, and it's all bullshit. He's probably the main replier to his own threads too.

who is "they" ----such an atrocity would nevah happen in the USA
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

What's out of line is claiming something is occurring that isn't.

The article says nothing about that.

the article does say that they removed her "cross" necklace. Bad enough for me. There must be some church group willing to care for this kid
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

Well known? I never heard of it until this thread was started. And I spent quite a bit of time in the Middle East during my 20 years in the Navy.

I heard of it------I was in the Navy---but never stationed in the Middle east

Never heard of it. And I've spent time in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia as well as in Dubai UAE.

Although, I did hear one quote over there that I thought was messed up, "women are for breeding, boys are for fun".
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

Well known? I never heard of it until this thread was started. And I spent quite a bit of time in the Middle East during my 20 years in the Navy.

I heard of it------I was in the Navy---but never stationed in the Middle east

The search engine is your friend
English 5 year old girl given to Muslim foster parents. Google "Islam thighing"

Christian child forced into Muslim foster care

Where is Tommy, that perpetual spirit of English outrage now? It's past his bed time I guess. Islamic thinking needs people to conform to a belief system up there with Santa Clause or the Easter bunny, Islam kills people and promises them a reward in the afterlife.Yeah, what a great thing islam IS.
What I consider most pertinent is that "thighing" is a well known Islamic blessed activity. Using baby/toddler as a toy for masterbation just seems a bit out of line to me.
Guess I'm just an ole anti Muslim bigot.

Well known? I never heard of it until this thread was started. And I spent quite a bit of time in the Middle East during my 20 years in the Navy.

I heard of it------I was in the Navy---but never stationed in the Middle east

The search engine is your friend

for what do you imagine I need the search engine RIGHT NOW?------as to "thighing"----it is a permitted way for muslim men to masturbate using family babies as THE PROP. When I was in the navy-----I asked my patient---(I was a medic) "what is your occupation" She answered "I sell adult toys" I am not supposed to be a naïve jerk-------but I tend towards "really dim" I said "what is an 'adult toy' ??" ?? "CHESS"??
She looked at me as if I was the most idiotic thing she ever encountered. I will explain-------muslim men
can use babies which are under their control------that means IN THE FAMILY----their daughters----grand-
daughters, relatives etc. As "adult toys" Feel free to ask questions. My very own hubby was born
in a shariah shit-hole-----and I have worked and socialized with LOTS of muslims ---born in shariah shit holes---who are educated persons----if you consider medical school an "education"

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