English as the Official Language

If English became our official language.....

The lady behind you in the supermarket would still be yelling at her kids in Spanish
The guy at the gas station with a turban would still blabber to his buddy in Pakistani
You would still have to press 1 for English

All it does is force some obscure government forms to be printed in English

Would that be northeastern English, southern English, or that Midwest drawl that is almost Standard American English?:lol::lol:
It is to the democrat's advantage to keep people linguistically isolated from our political processes and from one another. That way different ethnic groups can't get together and gang up on democrats. It's a division and democrats love division. It's how they have managed to survive for so long.

Too bad for you we have the right to freely associate with who we want. I guess you don't like that freedom.
Rep. Steve King of Iowa spoke yesterday in support of a bill he introduced a year ago to make English the official language of the US. As most probably know, we do not now have an official language.

Michigan Rep. John Conyers gave his rebuttal in less-than-perfect Spanish.

Technically English is already our Official Language. Think I am making it up? There are a list of Requirements on the Books to become a US citizen. 2 of them are, an Understanding and Ability to Use the English Language and Knowledge of US History and Civics.

Something tells me those laws are not being properly Followed.



Many government services are offered to legal residents from other countries
Rep. Steve King of Iowa spoke yesterday in support of a bill he introduced a year ago to make English the official language of the US. As most probably know, we do not now have an official language.

Michigan Rep. John Conyers gave his rebuttal in less-than-perfect Spanish.

Steve King is an embarrassment to this nation:

Steve King: Idea That Diversity Strengthens America Has 'Never Been Backed Up By Logic'

We need no official language. King has been jockeying for media attention the few months, from the looks of his speeches, Standard American English can't be HIS first language:

“You put out a beacon like the Statue of Liberty and who comes here? The most vigorous from every country that has donated legal immigrants to America. The cream of the crop. We’ve always had bird dogs around our place in our family there’s a black lab and white lab a yellow lab, and my brother has a chocolate lab. Well you go in and you look at a litter of pups, and you watch them. You watch how they play — they run around a little bit — and what do you want? You want a good bird dog, and you want one that’s gonna be aggressive? Pick the one that’s the friskiest, the one that’s in games the most — not the one that’s over there sleeping in the corner. You want a pet to sit on the couch, pick the one that’s sleeping in the corner. That’s — so, you get the pick of the litter, you got yourself a pretty good bird dog. We got the pick of every donor civilization on the planet because it’s hard to get here, you had to be inspired to come. We got the vigor from the planet to come to America. Whichever generation it was, and then we taught our children that same thing.”

"Donated legal immigrants"? Dirtbag King doesn't care much for native Americans either:

From 2010, King makes Bachmann look bright:

Last Friday, some of King’s constituents gathered outside his Sioux city office to demand an explanation for his vote against the Tribal Law and Order Act, legislation “designed to ease the stubbornly high rates of violent crime, including rape and sexual assault, within Indian reservations.”
Three years in the making, the measure finally “gives tribal courts tougher sentencing powers” to combat the declining rate of prosecutions (which are at 50% for murders and 30% for rape and sexual assault). And with one in three Native American women likely to be raped and more than 86 percent of these rapes being carried out by non-native, mostly white men, the need for this legislation was evident.
Despite overwhelming support for the bill, King was one of only 92 Republicans — including Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) — and the only member of the Iowa delegation to vote against the legislation in July. And while he “got a little memo” about the protest last week, King failed to offer any real explanation for his opposition. Instead, he called the protest “a campaign stunt” and declared the protesters, many of them Native American women, ignorant of “what law they’re talking about”:
Um, no, not really. .

Yes, really. Yes, obviously. Yes, fuck off, you filthy bigoted scumbag. You're every bit as bad as every other hateful piece of shit here. You all deserve each other.

You're the one who belongs to the homophobic, misogynistic, racist cult started by pedophile con artists...

My disgust is geninune and sincere.
Actually, the worst is the blond haired/blue eyed Mexicans, who will stand in your country and berate you in perfect English for not knowing how to speak their language.

Does that happen to you often?

It happened a few times when I lived in Texas. They will literally bitch you out for not knowing how to speak Spanish, because when they come into the US they should be able to be addressed in their own language.

And how long did you live in Texas?
Rep. Steve King of Iowa spoke yesterday in support of a bill he introduced a year ago to make English the official language of the US. As most probably know, we do not now have an official language.

Michigan Rep. John Conyers gave his rebuttal in less-than-perfect Spanish.

Technically English is already our Official Language. Think I am making it up? There are a list of Requirements on the Books to become a US citizen. 2 of them are, an Understanding and Ability to Use the English Language and Knowledge of US History and Civics.

Something tells me those laws are not being properly Followed.


Those 'rules' are being followed as they long have. That does not equate to an Official Language such as the bill in question refers.
My disgust is geninune and sincere.

Being a filthy fucking bigot doesn't become 'ok' just because you really, really mean it, you hateful fucking moron. Yidnar, and 52nd, and the rest of your fellow hateful pieces of shit really, really mean it too. You are just a low-life, worthless scumbag - all of you. You are NO different from the other scumbags. In short, fuck you and your "sincere" bigotry, asswipe.
but there is a certain segment of our society that has no intention of doing that... in fact they require we learn their language to accommodate them.

Actually, the worst is the blond haired/blue eyed Mexicans, who will stand in your country and berate you in perfect English for not knowing how to speak their language.

You're the one who belongs to .

I know you are too fucking undeveloped to exercise any self-control, but I've told you many times now that I am not a Mormon so your hate is misdirected. You're like some diseased animal that can't control where it shits - you just have to squeeze your irrational hatred somewhere even if it makes no sense at all.

Go clean yourself up, you worthless cur. You are the lowest of the low, and you'll never be anything more.
I find it silly that English is not the official language of the US. And we can't get an Act of Congress to make it so.

They don't want to insult their voters.

I know many immigrants and they speak English. That is typical with legal immigrants.

They cater to people and try to please everyone. Funny how government lines prompt people to press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish and press 3 for Arabic. No buttons to press for German, Italian or any other foreign language. Only for the ones currently being catered to. And now they want Arabic taught in schools. You see, teaching people to speak English is a waste of time because they think we'll be extinct in the future.
We have moved forward

50 years ago it was civil rights
30 years ago, it was womens rights
Today, gay rights

With conservatives fighting every step of the way

so what happened twice, in that pretty Liberal State called California with gay rights?....

A persons Civil Rights should not be voted on

If that was the only resolution women would still not have the vote and blacks would still not have equal rights

why did you not answer my question RW?......why did the people you claim champion civil rights fuck the gays over twice out here?.....you can talk freely....Pelosi aint going to kick you in the balls.....i promise.....:eusa_eh:
but there is a certain segment of our society that has no intention of doing that... in fact they require we learn their language to accommodate them.

Actually, the worst is the blond haired/blue eyed Mexicans, who will stand in your country and berate you in perfect English for not knowing how to speak their language.

Does that happen to you often?

i hear you.....i have lived around every kind of Latino there is for 40 years and i dont think i have ever seen a Blond Blue eyed Mexican...but i have seen many blond blue eyed Americans who can speak pretty good Spanish....
Actually, the worst is the blond haired/blue eyed Mexicans, who will stand in your country and berate you in perfect English for not knowing how to speak their language.

Does that happen to you often?

It happened a few times when I lived in Texas. They will literally bitch you out for not knowing how to speak Spanish, because when they come into the US they should be able to be addressed in their own language.

i guess there is a different breed of Mexican in Texas....
Last encounter I had, with a lady from India, she talked faster than she could think. And I had to raise my voice several times, in a mean hateful way, to make her shut and listen to what I was telling her. She treated me as I had no sense, and it was her way or the highway. That angers me off to the royal max. :smoke:
so what happened twice, in that pretty Liberal State called California with gay rights?....

A persons Civil Rights should not be voted on

If that was the only resolution women would still not have the vote and blacks would still not have equal rights

why did you not answer my question RW?......why did the people you claim champion civil rights fuck the gays over twice out here?.....you can talk freely....Pelosi aint going to kick you in the balls.....i promise.....:eusa_eh:

Just call him dodger...he prob vote for the gays...he wants to get married someday too
My disgust is geninune and sincere.

Being a filthy fucking bigot doesn't become 'ok' just because you really, really mean it, you hateful fucking moron. Yidnar, and 52nd, and the rest of your fellow hateful pieces of shit really, really mean it too. You are just a low-life, worthless scumbag - all of you. You are NO different from the other scumbags. In short, fuck you and your "sincere" bigotry, asswipe.

No, it becomes OK when the religion has been proven to be a depraved lie, debunked by a dozen sciences, and people ignore the obvious evidence and keep believing it because their families will shun them if they don't.

This is what really disgusts me about Mormonism- among other things. 30 years ago, after my mom passed, I rejected Catholicism as kind of stupid. My family did not turn on me or abandon me. And about half of them work for the Church.
You're the one who belongs to .

I know you are too fucking undeveloped to exercise any self-control, but I've told you many times now that I am not a Mormon so your hate is misdirected. You're like some diseased animal that can't control where it shits - you just have to squeeze your irrational hatred somewhere even if it makes no sense at all.

Go clean yourself up, you worthless cur. You are the lowest of the low, and you'll never be anything more.

Oh, come on, a non-Mormon wouldn't get this upset, guy.

NOw, if you keep using the bad words, they aren't going to let you into the Celestial Heaven, man.
I find it silly that English is not the official language of the US. And we can't get an Act of Congress to make it so.

They don't want to insult their voters.

I know many immigrants and they speak English. That is typical with legal immigrants.

They cater to people and try to please everyone. Funny how government lines prompt people to press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish and press 3 for Arabic. No buttons to press for German, Italian or any other foreign language. Only for the ones currently being catered to. And now they want Arabic taught in schools. You see, teaching people to speak English is a waste of time because they think we'll be extinct in the future.

why would anyone be stupid enough to insult their voters?

beyond that, the rest of your post is meaningless nonsense. who cares if someone can get help in spanish?

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