English as the Official Language

Everything after "when" is just the same kind of bullshit attempt at justifying your irrational hatred that Yidnar, or 52nd, or any of the rest of you fucking hateful scumbags try to use to defend your filthy nonsense. You are NO different from the other scumbags. In short, fuck you and your "sincere" bigotry, asswipe. You're a disgrace, and an utter failure of a human being.

So you think that it was okay that

I don't think it's ok for anyone to be a hateful fucking bigot. I don't think I need to see some ignorant buffoon like you try to play at a subject like theology that is clearly beyond you (like so many other subjects that have come up here - like, say, linguistics) to know you are trying to justify your irrational hatred rather than actually thinking. Of course since you have proven that you can hate but cannot think, it is to be expected. You are a small, ignorant, hateful little person spending your worthless little life indulging in your lowest impulses rather than trying to make yourself a tiny bit better in the time you have. It would probably be futile anyway. You, Yidnar, 52nd Street, etc are all the same worthless filth. Exactly the same.

Wow, you've devolved... Now you can't even finish one sentence without the blood boiling over your eyes.

Mormonism is a scam. It was a lie by a con-man. Just because you've bought a pair of magic underpants doesn't mean the rest of us have to be fooled.
So you think that it was okay that

I don't think it's ok for anyone to be a hateful fucking bigot. I don't think I need to see some ignorant buffoon like you try to play at a subject like theology that is clearly beyond you (like so many other subjects that have come up here - like, say, linguistics) to know you are trying to justify your irrational hatred rather than actually thinking. Of course since you have proven that you can hate but cannot think, it is to be expected. You are a small, ignorant, hateful little person spending your worthless little life indulging in your lowest impulses rather than trying to make yourself a tiny bit better in the time you have. It would probably be futile anyway. You, Yidnar, 52nd Street, etc are all the same worthless filth. Exactly the same.

Wow, you've devolved... Now you can't even finish one sentence without the blood boiling over your eyes. .

Did you notice how typing that didn't make you one bit less of a filthy bigot?
I don't think it's ok for anyone to be a hateful fucking bigot. I don't think I need to see some ignorant buffoon like you try to play at a subject like theology that is clearly beyond you (like so many other subjects that have come up here - like, say, linguistics) to know you are trying to justify your irrational hatred rather than actually thinking. Of course since you have proven that you can hate but cannot think, it is to be expected. You are a small, ignorant, hateful little person spending your worthless little life indulging in your lowest impulses rather than trying to make yourself a tiny bit better in the time you have. It would probably be futile anyway. You, Yidnar, 52nd Street, etc are all the same worthless filth. Exactly the same.

Wow, you've devolved... Now you can't even finish one sentence without the blood boiling over your eyes. .

Did you notice how typing that didn't make you one bit less of a filthy bigot?

No, but it's hilarious to watch you spew... :lol:
Just because you've bought a pair of magic underpants doesn't mean the rest of us have to be fooled.

Do you realize that the illogical nonsense you are engaged in now is exactly the same thing that rabid anti-Semites do (including the violent, neo-nazi types)? "Oh, you take issue with irrational anti-Semitism? You must be a Jew!" And homophobes? "Oh, you got a problem with 'f*g-this, f*g-that' rants? You must be a fag!" And old-school racists? "Oh, you don't like me using the word N****r? You must be one o them there N****rs!" It's also the same 'reasoning' that none-too-bright five year-olds, as well as hopeless idiots like you, are limited to.
Uh, guy, comparing members of the Mormon cult to groups who have suffered real oppression doesn't bolster your argument.

I have complaints about Mormonism's beliefs and practices... which in thousands of posts, you've never been able to refute other than to scream "bigot" and a bunch of other expletives like that was an argument.

Either you accept Joseph Smith was a prophet, or he was a fraud. There's no middle ground.
Uh, comparing members of the Mormon cult to groups who have suffered real oppression doesn't bolster your argument. .

The anti-Semites, the homophobes, and the racists are all really, really, really convinced that they are 'right' too, you hateful dim-wit.

You are all exactly that same filth.
Uh, comparing members of the Mormon cult to groups who have suffered real oppression doesn't bolster your argument. .

The anti-Semites, the homophobes, and the racists are all really, really, really convinced that they are 'right' too, you hateful dim-wit.

You are all exactly that same filth.

Uh, no guy, not even in the same ballpark.

We know Joseph Smith was a fraud. (Except you Mormons, you guys convince yourselves he was totally talking to God.) This is an established fact. Indisputable.

Joseph Smith Lied.

Nothing more complicated than that.
Uh, comparing members of the Mormon cult to groups who have suffered real oppression doesn't bolster your argument. .

The anti-Semites, the homophobes, and the racists are all really, really, really convinced that they are 'right' too, you hateful dim-wit.

You are all exactly that same filth.

Uh, no, not even in the same ballpark.

I told you already, your fellow hateful idiots are also really, really, sure they are 'right.' You are all the same fucking scum. Enjoy the company you've placed yourself with, you low-life piece of shit.
Whatever, ... your cult is too whacky for normal people.

Are you not paying attention, idiot? I am not a Mormon. I explained all this to you. Try reading the posts, shitforbrains.
You're still not one bit less of a bigot after that (yet another) failed attempt at diverting attention from your personal failing.
Unk - don't even bother engaging him. He ruins every thread with his Mormon and Catholic bashing and we let him.

I've just added him to ignore and it would benefit the entire board if we all did.
Joseph Smith Lied.

Nothing more complicated than that.

all to get away with cheating on his wife with the maid

amazing that there are now millions of idiots following his lie

but not that much more amazing really than any idiotic religion
Joseph Smith Lied.

Nothing more complicated than that.

all to get away with cheating on his wife with the maid

amazing that there are now millions of idiots following his lie

but not that much more amazing really than any idiotic religion

Actually, I think most religions are kind of stupid, but Mormonism is kind of depressing, for much the reason that Scientology is....

That something can be that much of an outright, bald-faced fraud, and yet people adhere to it, give their money to it, and defend it.
Joseph Smith Lied.

Nothing more complicated than that.

all to get away with cheating on his wife with the maid

amazing that there are now millions of idiots following his lie

but not that much more amazing really than any idiotic religion

Actually, I think most religions are kind of stupid, but Mormonism is kind of depressing, for much the reason that Scientology is....

That something can be that much of an outright, bald-faced fraud, and yet people adhere to it, give their money to it, and defend it.

I have a friend who knows people who tell him that in Scientology, today, if you leave the church and talk they ruin your career, in the old days if you did that, they killed you...

he believes it and he is a very intelligent and level headed guy
Unk - don't even bother engaging him. He ruins every thread with his Mormon and Catholic bashing and we let him.

I've just added him to ignore and it would benefit the entire board if we all did.

MOre truth than you can handle that your imaginary friend doesn't exist...

You wouldn't know the truth if it grabbed you by your pencil neck, picked you up and dropped you on your empty head, then dragged your face across the sidewalk for half an hour.
but not that much more amazing really than any idiotic religion

Self-obsessed, insecure little atheists keep missing the really amazing things, because they are so preoccupied with their existential fears.

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