English as the Official Language

Maybe you are so dim that you are incompetent to communicate with anyone who has the slightest accent. I'd wager that every single person you spoke with had a greater fluency in English than you ever will in any other language.

And if my job counted on my being fluent in another language, you might have a point.


I'm right either way, you ignorant douche. Open a window or something.

Actually, you're not right in any way shape or form,and have a complete inability to form arguments...
I think all call centers BY LAW should be located in the United States.

Yeah, just so an ignorant shit like you who feels threatened by anyone who sounds like he might not have been born in the same trailer park can rest easy. :rolleyes:

How exactly would that law work, moron?

Maybe we could establish a 'Call Center Czar' to run a vast new bureaucracy. It could be a centralized National Call Center Center just to accomodate ignorant shits like you.
I think all call centers BY LAW should be located in the United States.

Yeah, just so an ignorant shit like you who feels threatened by anyone who sounds like he might not have been born in the same trailer park can rest easy. :rolleyes:

How exactly would that law work, moron?

Maybe we could establish a 'Call Center Czar' to run a vast new bureaucracy. It could be a centralized National Call Center Center just to accomodate ignorant shits like you.

You do realize that EVERY phone call can be tracked and traced, right?

Okay, we can't make it illegal, but we can make it expensive. Put a tariff on customer service calls, make it vastly more expensive to do so. Easily done. Would be done in acountry that put its working people ahead of its wealthy.
The Peanut Man tried to force Americans to accept the metric system but nobody took him seriously even when speed limits were given in km per hour as well as mph and new cars had the speedometer calibrated in Km as well as mph.. Americans finally laughed Carter out of the W.H. Who would have thought that Americans would have to consider a law calling for English as the "official language"? My guess is that the rest of the democrat party hypocrite rabble will be laughed out of Washington this fall.
"A man that can speak two languages is blessed. A nation that has to speak two languages is cursed."

Just look at Quebec, every eighteen months some Quebecois or another is screaming for the province to secede from Canada. That and the Quebec language police that go from business to business making sure all their contracts are written in French.
Put a tariff on customer service calls, make it vastly more expensive to do so. Easily done. .

Yeah, because protectionism has always worked so well. Your flight to North Korea leaves in an hour. Be on it.
Maybe you are so dim that you are incompetent to communicate with anyone who has the slightest accent. I'd wager that every single person you spoke with had a greater fluency in English than you ever will in any other language.

You know, I'm not fluent in any other language, and I don't think I should have to be to do business here, should i?
You misunderstand what is meant by a 'national language.'
Not really. It isn't possible to force people to speak English as it violates freedom of speech and expression.

Which is why this bill is meaningless racial shit-stirring uber-nationalistic nonsense.


First amendment.

Where does it mention that expression has to be in English?

Empires communicate in two languages. One language is expressed in imperatives. It is the language of command and force. This militarized language disdains human life and celebrates hypermasculinity. It demands. It makes no attempt to justify the flagrant theft of natural resources and wealth or the use of indiscriminate violence.

Rep. Steve King of Iowa spoke yesterday in support of a bill he introduced a year ago to make English the official language of the US. As most probably know, we do not now have an official language.

Michigan Rep. John Conyers gave his rebuttal in less-than-perfect Spanish.

Nor should there be an ‘official language,’ as such a provision would be un-Constitutional, as determined by the Arizona Supreme Court:

This opinion addresses the constitutionality of Article XXVIII of the Arizona Constitution (the "Amendment"), which was adopted in 1988 and which provides, inter alia, that English is the official language of the State of Arizona and that the state and its political subdivisions--including all government officials and employees performing government business--must "act" only in English.

We hold that the Amendment violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution because it adversely impacts the constitutional rights of non-English-speaking persons with regard to their obtaining access to their government and limits the political speech of elected officials and public employees. We also hold that the Amendment violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution because it unduly burdens core First Amendment rights of a specific class without materially advancing a legitimate state interest.

Ruiz v. Hull, 957 P.2d 984 (Ariz. 1998)

The US Supreme Court declined review, upholding the opinion until such time as a conflicting ruling is rendered. This is unlikely since Ruiz is considered settled law.

I find it silly that English is not the official language of the US. And we can't get an Act of Congress to make it so.

That you and a republican member of Congress seek legislation offensive to the Constitution comes as no surprise, of course.
Maybe you are so dim that you are incompetent to communicate with anyone who has the slightest accent. I'd wager that every single person you spoke with had a greater fluency in English than you ever will in any other language.

You know, I'm not fluent in any other language, and I don't think I should have to be to do business here, should i?

Not talking about the native English speaker being fluent in another language. If someone from Boston called customer service and 'had to' speak to someone from Alabama, would it reasonable for that caller to start making a big stink? Have you never gone into a store and spoken with a clerk who was obviously not a native English speaker? Did you scream at them and storm out of the store (I have actually seen people do this)?
You misunderstand what is meant by a 'national language.'
Not really. It isn't possible to force people to speak English as it violates freedom of speech and expression.

Which is why this bill is meaningless racial shit-stirring uber-nationalistic nonsense.


First amendment.

Where does it mention that expression has to be in English?


That is NOT what having an official, national language would require. (for the 100th time)

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