Enlightenment In South Korea: New President Moon Jae-in Suspends Deployment Of US Missiles...

Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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South Korea will quickly come under the power of the madman in the north and the entire Korean Peninsula will then become a greater threat to us, the Japanese, and the rest of the region.

However, I agree we should just pack our rucksacks and pull out. If they don't know what's best for them, then we're jus wasting money and resources that can be better spent elsewhere.

Fuck the Koreans.

And therein lies the problem with most Americans. Most truly believe they have the right to decide what's 'best' for other nations. It's exactly why this Foreign Interventionism stuff has gotten so out of control.

Americans have become arrogant and ignorant for the most part. But it's not all their fault. They've been indoctrinated on 'Empire-Building' for so many years. They really do believe it's their right to meddle in every nations' internal affairs. It's all they know.
Why do you project things that simply are not true?

You know, the South Koreans know, the world knows, that if it wasn't for the United States, they would all be under the control and power of Kim Un. Its a certainty.

MY statement is not one that says we know what's best for them. Mine is a statement that reflects the reality of the situation and if the South Koreans want to go a different way, then we no longer have a need to expend effort on their behalf.

Getting kind of tired of the lies told by you people. Learn to read, comprehend, and think about what is being said.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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South Korea will quickly come under the power of the madman in the north and the entire Korean Peninsula will then become a greater threat to us, the Japanese, and the rest of the region.

However, I agree we should just pack our rucksacks and pull out. If they don't know what's best for them, then we're jus wasting money and resources that can be better spent elsewhere.

Fuck the Koreans.

And therein lies the problem with most Americans. Most truly believe they have the right to decide what's 'best' for other nations. It's exactly why this Foreign Interventionism stuff has gotten so out of control.

Americans have become arrogant and ignorant for the most part. But it's not all their fault. They've been indoctrinated on 'Empire-Building' for so many years. They really do believe it's their right to meddle in every nations' internal affairs. It's all they know.

And Isolationists like you think that if we leave the world stage everyone will live in peace together with pixie dust and unicorn farts.

The problem is someone else will step in to fill the void, and sooner or later they will come a calling.

The Foreign Interventionist meddling has gone too far. It's time to scale it back dramatically. It's at the point where our constant meddling is actually creating much of the tensions around the world. The North and South were actually very close to a historic peace deal a few years back. But then the US ratcheted up its meddling and Warmongering. The Peace deal then collapsed. 70yrs is enough. Let's leave those people alone. Come home.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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South Korea will quickly come under the power of the madman in the north and the entire Korean Peninsula will then become a greater threat to us, the Japanese, and the rest of the region.

However, I agree we should just pack our rucksacks and pull out. If they don't know what's best for them, then we're jus wasting money and resources that can be better spent elsewhere.

Fuck the Koreans.

And therein lies the problem with most Americans. Most truly believe they have the right to decide what's 'best' for other nations. It's exactly why this Foreign Interventionism stuff has gotten so out of control.

Americans have become arrogant and ignorant for the most part. But it's not all their fault. They've been indoctrinated on 'Empire-Building' for so many years. They really do believe it's their right to meddle in every nations' internal affairs. It's all they know.

And Isolationists like you think that if we leave the world stage everyone will live in peace together with pixie dust and unicorn farts.

The problem is someone else will step in to fill the void, and sooner or later they will come a calling.

The Foreign Interventionist meddling has gone too far. It's time to scale it back dramatically. It's at the point where our constant meddling is actually creating much of the tensions around the world. The North and South were actually very close to a historic peace deal a few years back. But then the US ratcheted up its meddling and Warmongering. The Peace deal then collapsed. 70yrs is enough. Let's leave those people alone. Come home.

You are either an isolationist idiot, or a paid NK propaganda stooge.

In either case, this Derp's for you.

Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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South Korea will quickly come under the power of the madman in the north and the entire Korean Peninsula will then become a greater threat to us, the Japanese, and the rest of the region.

However, I agree we should just pack our rucksacks and pull out. If they don't know what's best for them, then we're jus wasting money and resources that can be better spent elsewhere.

Fuck the Koreans.

And therein lies the problem with most Americans. Most truly believe they have the right to decide what's 'best' for other nations. It's exactly why this Foreign Interventionism stuff has gotten so out of control.

Americans have become arrogant and ignorant for the most part. But it's not all their fault. They've been indoctrinated on 'Empire-Building' for so many years. They really do believe it's their right to meddle in every nations' internal affairs. It's all they know.

And Isolationists like you think that if we leave the world stage everyone will live in peace together with pixie dust and unicorn farts.

The problem is someone else will step in to fill the void, and sooner or later they will come a calling.

The Foreign Interventionist meddling has gone too far. It's time to scale it back dramatically. It's at the point where our constant meddling is actually creating much of the tensions around the world. The North and South were actually very close to a historic peace deal a few years back. But then the US ratcheted up its meddling and Warmongering. The Peace deal then collapsed. 70yrs is enough. Let's leave those people alone. Come home.

You are either an isolationist idiot, or a paid NK propaganda stooge.

In either case, this Derp's for you.


70yrs of occupation is enough. We don't belong there. I really do believe we're standing in the way of peace between North & South. We're not a peaceful nation.Time to leave those people alone, and allow them to work out their differences.
Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

I think the above is the source of his "enlightenment;" bullying.

The South wants better relations with both China and the North. And only the US stands in the way of that. It's time for it to leave South Korea.
North Korea would attack South Korea the minute the US withdrew. They have an army and military to do it with and are positioned for exactly that. The only thing stopping them is the fact they would ten be at war again with the US.
When the loons from NOKO start lobbing missiles in they'll rue that decision

Tensions would actually ease between the two, if the US left South Korea. The US is just using South Korea as a pawn. It doesn't want peace between the two nations. It's creating more conflict with the North. It looks like this new President is getting that.

You're full of crap.

The North & South were actually well on their way to a peace agreement. But as usual, the US interfered and created more tensions with the North. The US is only using the South as a pawn. It doesn't want peace between the two nations. It likes things just the way they are. It's a way for it to justify occupying yet another country.
Ya cause 30 thousand troops occupy South Korea, you prove just how fucking stupid you are every time you post.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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Good. Now if we can get President Trump to remove ALL US military personnel from South Korea and bring them home. My cousin in South Korea just not sure where. He is in the Air Force. His sister was there for a bit she is now in Germany.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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Good. Now if we can get President Trump to remove ALL US military personnel from South Korea and bring them home. My cousin in South Korea just not sure where. He is in the Air Force. His sister was there for a bit she is now in Germany.
Sure. Pull out and let South Korea be taken over....like the U.S. doesn't have enough blood on our hands.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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Good. Now if we can get President Trump to remove ALL US military personnel from South Korea and bring them home. My cousin in South Korea just not sure where. He is in the Air Force. His sister was there for a bit she is now in Germany.
Sure. Pull out and let South Korea be taken over....like the U.S. doesn't have enough blood on our hands.
South Korea won't be taken over snowflake. North Korea is a starving pathetic nation that plays bully. Their soldiers probably wouldn't even fight but throw down their arms and surrender,even if they didn't Japan would help South Korea and China would probably smack North Korea as well. Russia has said that North Korea is a threat and they are MUCH closer to NK than the US is. On top of ALL that NO other country is OUR responsibility!
That is cool with me because I am tired of defending other nations especially when they really don't want our help. The problem is is that NK is constantly threatening the United States so we are involved in some degree. How do you ignore a man that basically says he will nuke the united states almost every week.
Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

I think the above is the source of his "enlightenment;" bullying.

The South wants better relations with both China and the North. And only the US stands in the way of that. It's time for it to leave South Korea.
North Korea would attack South Korea the minute the US withdrew. They have an army and military to do it with and are positioned for exactly that. The only thing stopping them is the fact they would ten be at war again with the US.

The North could try, but it wouldn't win. The South has a very advanced US-created Military. The North would lose in the end.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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Good. Now if we can get President Trump to remove ALL US military personnel from South Korea and bring them home. My cousin in South Korea just not sure where. He is in the Air Force. His sister was there for a bit she is now in Germany.
Sure. Pull out and let South Korea be taken over....like the U.S. doesn't have enough blood on our hands.

South Korea has one of the most advanced competent Militaries in the world. It can defend itself just fine at this point. And with the US finally gone, it would ease tensions between North & South.
Looks like South Korea is finally figuring things out. They have a very brave new President. He understands that America's presence there, is actually causing most of the tensions between North and South. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn. Personally, i feel there can't be real peace between North and South until the US exits South Korea. Their new President might be feeling the same way.

South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has suspended the deployment of an American missile defense system, an apparent concession to China and a significant break with the United States on policy toward North Korea.

The missile defense system, known as Thaad, has been contentious in South Korea and has drawn sharp criticism from China, which views the system’s radar as a threat. Beijing has taken retaliatory economic measures against Seoul, including curtailing the flow of Chinese tourists and punishing South Korean companies in China.

During his campaign, Mr. Moon, who won the presidency last month, complained that the United States and the previous South Korean administration rushed to deploy Thaad before the election to present him with a fait accompli. His decision to suspend the installation could strain relations with the White House,...

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Good. Now if we can get President Trump to remove ALL US military personnel from South Korea and bring them home. My cousin in South Korea just not sure where. He is in the Air Force. His sister was there for a bit she is now in Germany.
Sure. Pull out and let South Korea be taken over....like the U.S. doesn't have enough blood on our hands.
South Korea won't be taken over snowflake. North Korea is a starving pathetic nation that plays bully. Their soldiers probably wouldn't even fight but throw down their arms and surrender,even if they didn't Japan would help South Korea and China would probably smack North Korea as well. Russia has said that North Korea is a threat and they are MUCH closer to NK than the US is. On top of ALL that NO other country is OUR responsibility!

Spot On. The North would lose in a conflict with the South. The North doesn't have the resources the South has. South Korea is very strong, both militarily and economically. The North wouldn't last long enough to achieve victory.
Its time for the US to pull out. They can bring their missle defence and troops home and tell S Koria to take a hike and defend its self.

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