Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.

Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.


"Respect" for science, rests entirely in science being OBJECTIVE. There is NOTHING objective in "SCIENCE!". Which is the subjective politicization of science.

Here's a clue... where one claims to stand upon the singularly consistency of the Earth's Climate to be a sign of impending doom...(FYI: That singular consistency is CHANGE!) you expose yourself as a prattling buffoon.
Not the point! AR5 and "The hotterest Summa EHAV!!!!!!" are an accounting fiction caused by adding a whole new flexible data set (deep oceans. What was the temperature of the "Deep oceans" 150 years ago?) to the equations
That is simply not true. These are land temperatures. This is the hottest year on record.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Even in the US this summer and fall have been way above average except in Alaska. You can feel it yourself wherever you are. It's damn hot. Open your eyes dammit. Global warming is real.

Glowarm and cc have been happening for millions of years. Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick.
A pinprick that's radically changed the land surface of this planet. Yeah, there's no data to support your postulate that mankind cannot change this planet. None whatsoever.

Yes, climate cycles are real. But that does not prove that the current global warming is not mostly driven by human activity. Increasing the CO2 in our system like we have by burning fuels that were locked up for 200 million years plus is going to have an impact. Massive deforestation is going to have an impact. Don't kid yourself.

There is no data to support the claim that man is causing climate change either.
Yes there is. Carbon emissions by industry are tracked, and they can be held responsible for the rise in CO2. That CO2 causes warming is solid scientific theory is solid scientific theory backed by satellite observation of its effect on atmospheric absorption of the radiation spectrum.

Rising CO2 isn't proof enough. Its only one variable. Many scientists have no evidence of rising levels of moisture in those areas of the atmosphere where the models claim it should be found. Without this amplification there is no global warming crisis. Warming is even trending down now.
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Global warming is real. The blind close their eyes.

Strongest hurricane ever.
Record El Nino.
Hottest summer ever.
New rainfall records and massive flooding somewhere else every week.

Open you eyes, dammit!
Ever?!?!? How the fuck do you know. Been alive forever???

That hurricane died into a storm before it even hit land. Another exaggeration by the hysterical media.
That is simply not true. These are land temperatures. This is the hottest year on record.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Even in the US this summer and fall have been way above average except in Alaska. You can feel it yourself wherever you are. It's damn hot. Open your eyes dammit. Global warming is real.

Glowarm and cc have been happening for millions of years. Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick.
A pinprick that's radically changed the land surface of this planet. Yeah, there's no data to support your postulate that mankind cannot change this planet. None whatsoever.

Yes, climate cycles are real. But that does not prove that the current global warming is not mostly driven by human activity. Increasing the CO2 in our system like we have by burning fuels that were locked up for 200 million years plus is going to have an impact. Massive deforestation is going to have an impact. Don't kid yourself.

There is no data to support the claim that man is causing climate change either.
Yes there is. Carbon emissions by industry are tracked, and they can be held responsible for the rise in CO2. That CO2 causes warming is solid scientific theory is solid scientific theory backed by satellite observation of its effect on atmospheric absorption of the radiation spectrum.

Rising CO2 isn't proof enough. Its only one variable. Many scientists have no evidence of rising levels of moisture in those areas of the atmosphere where the models claim it should be found. Without this amplification there is no global warming crisis. Warming is even trending down now.
No rising levels of moisture and yet somehow an increase in extreme flooding. How is that possoble? You're not looking at the right data. Moisture is increasing. The models are far from perfect, but the basics are there. The climate is warming. The CO2 continues to climb. The trends will continue in the long run. And 2015 is going to make a lot of these model projections look a lot better. And that is a guarantee.
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Global warming is real. The blind close their eyes.

Strongest hurricane ever.
Record El Nino.
Hottest summer ever.
New rainfall records and massive flooding somewhere else every week.

Open you eyes, dammit!
Ever?!?!? How the fuck do you know. Been alive forever???

That hurricane died into a storm before it even hit land. Another exaggeration by the hysterical media.
Fine. Recorded history. The hurricane was unusual by any measure.
You read nothing but sensationalist articles/blogs/headlines because if you actually research those items you would find ALL are exaggerated/untrue.
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Global warming is real. The blind close their eyes.

Strongest hurricane ever.
Record El Nino.
Hottest summer ever.
New rainfall records and massive flooding somewhere else every week.

Open you eyes, dammit!
Last edited:
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Global warming is real. The blind close their eyes.

Strongest hurricane ever.
Record El Nino.
Hottest summer ever.
New rainfall records and massive flooding somewhere else every week.

Open you eyes, dammit!

Strongest hurricane on record, the records started in the 1940's...the earth is 4.5 billion years old not 75 years old

Hottest year on record, the records started around the 1900`s , Again the earth is 4.5 billion years old not 115 years old

Flooding been around for Evah .

You are worse then the bible thumpers in your fear mongering at least they think the Earth is 6,000 years old not 75 years or 115 years old.
I thought Liberals were going to restore science respect by jailing anyone who refused to believe what they do about global warming?! :p
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Global warming is real. The blind close their eyes.

Strongest hurricane ever.
Record El Nino.
Hottest summer ever.
New rainfall records and massive flooding somewhere else every week.

Open you eyes, dammit!

Strongest hurricane on record, the records started in the 1940's...the earth is 4.5 billion years old not 75 years old

Hottest year on record, the records started around the 1900`s , Again the earth is 4.5 billion years old not 115 years old

Flooding been around for Evah .

You are worse then the bible thumpers in your fear mongering at least they think the Earth is 6,000 years old not 75 years or 115 years old.

Plus the only solution they all come up with is more government, more regulation, more taxes, more cost, less freedom.

Watermelons, all of them.
While you think that oil executives and their croonies are objective?
Seriously, because they are the group(s) that are pushing anti-climate change.
Money, money,money at the expense of killing others.
And this is the group that believes in LIFE is precious. OH! Until it comes to money.
Then to hell with life.

Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.


"Respect" for science, rests entirely in science being OBJECTIVE. There is NOTHING objective in "SCIENCE!". Which is the subjective politicization of science.

Here's a clue... where one claims to stand upon the singularly consistency of the Earth's Climate to be a sign of impending doom...(FYI: That singular consistency is CHANGE!) you expose yourself as a prattling buffoon.
Davros, you have no interest in the truth otherwise you would not have rated my post funny.
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Misinformation is rampant. That is why we need to clean up all the garbage disguised as facts. Those who create fake facts should be held accountable. Global warming is affecting the climate, so what does lying get you? So far the warming oceans are having a huge impact on the weather.
So now you want to criminalize dissent? How very freedom minded of you.
That's not dissent. That's lying to the mass public - the worst kind of lying.
How about when Obama won lie of the year by saying. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ? was that a good kind of lying to the mass public or the worst kind?
so we can prosecute Obama under RICO? I'm all for that. they want to prosecute people just to get Science RESPECT? holy smokes. that is some scary stuff and we might have to start asking what country as we now living in

First let me say I am not and never was a big Obama fan. When he hired Wall Street bankers for his Administration, I knew I was right.

I wanted Medicare for all!

However, keeping your health care plan was the original intent. It turned out some of those plans were terrible plans, therefore had to be discontinued.
Wrong. It's the truth. You can't handle the truth.

LOL@ Truth

All of a sudden in AR5 you have to add in "Warming" that been consumed by the deep oceans just to make your numbers work

Do you think oceans can't absorb heat? Do you understand basic chemistry and physics, energy budget, etc? Do you understand any science whatsoever?

Fact remains ... this year is smashing all record books.

Global warming is real. Feel free to remain ignorant for god only knows what reason.

Not the point! AR5 and "The hotterest Summa EHAV!!!!!!" are an accounting fiction caused by adding a whole new flexible data set (deep oceans. What was the temperature of the "Deep oceans" 150 years ago?) to the equations
That is simply not true. These are land temperatures. This is the hottest year on record.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Even in the US this summer and fall have been way above average except in Alaska. You can feel it yourself wherever you are. It's damn hot. Open your eyes dammit. Global warming is real.

Glowarm and cc have been happening for millions of years. Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick.

The hockey stick statistic has not happened before. Humans are doing this. (Ref: Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth)
So now you want to criminalize dissent? How very freedom minded of you.
That's not dissent. That's lying to the mass public - the worst kind of lying.
How about when Obama won lie of the year by saying. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ? was that a good kind of lying to the mass public or the worst kind?
so we can prosecute Obama under RICO? I'm all for that. they want to prosecute people just to get Science RESPECT? holy smokes. that is some scary stuff and we might have to start asking what country as we now living in

First let me say I am not and never was a big Obama fan. When he hired Wall Street bankers for his Administration, I knew I was right.

I wanted Medicare for all!

However, keeping your health care plan was the original intent. It turned out some of those plans were terrible plans, therefore had to be discontinued.

What a spin attempt. bravo, you dime store hack.

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