Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.

all the usual climate deniers dropped whatever they were doing to comment.
Question is, do they actually believe what they are saying out of ignorance? Or do they work for a fossil fuel company?
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Misinformation is rampant. That is why we need to clean up all the garbage disguised as facts. Those who create fake facts should be held accountable. Global warming is affecting the climate, so what does lying get you? So far the warming oceans are having a huge impact on the weather.

Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.


"Respect" for science, rests entirely in science being OBJECTIVE. There is NOTHING objective in "SCIENCE!". Which is the subjective politicization of science.

Here's a clue... where one claims to stand upon the singularly consistency of the Earth's Climate to be a sign of impending doom...(FYI: That singular consistency is CHANGE!) you expose yourself as a prattling buffoon.

Look in the mirror my friend.
That is simply not true. These are land temperatures. This is the hottest year on record.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Even in the US this summer and fall have been way above average except in Alaska. You can feel it yourself wherever you are. It's damn hot. Open your eyes dammit. Global warming is real.

Glowarm and cc have been happening for millions of years. Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick.
A pinprick that's radically changed the land surface of this planet. Yeah, there's no data to support your postulate that mankind cannot change this planet. None whatsoever.

Yes, climate cycles are real. But that does not prove that the current global warming is not mostly driven by human activity. Increasing the CO2 in our system like we have by burning fuels that were locked up for 200 million years plus is going to have an impact. Massive deforestation is going to have an impact. Don't kid yourself.

There is no data to support the claim that man is causing climate change either.
Yes there is. Carbon emissions by industry are tracked, and they can be held responsible for the rise in CO2. That CO2 causes warming is solid scientific theory is solid scientific theory backed by satellite observation of its effect on atmospheric absorption of the radiation spectrum.

Rising CO2 isn't proof enough. Its only one variable. Many scientists have no evidence of rising levels of moisture in those areas of the atmosphere where the models claim it should be found. Without this amplification there is no global warming crisis. Warming is even trending down now.

You need to read the real science reports, not the fake ones.
I thought Liberals were going to restore science respect by jailing anyone who refused to believe what they do about global warming?! :p

When people are not informed, or falsely informed, they develop incorrect beliefs. Don't form your beliefs on propaganda. :dig:
Wasn't there a headline or two in the last week or so warning of a coming mini ice age?

And that's good because the climate change kooks have been one ice age down since they warned one was on the way 35-40 years ago.
Misinformation is rampant. That is why we need to clean up all the garbage disguised as facts. Those who create fake facts should be held accountable. Global warming is affecting the climate, so what does lying get you? So far the warming oceans are having a huge impact on the weather.


Nasty comments produce no results. Look in the mirror.
LOL@ Truth

All of a sudden in AR5 you have to add in "Warming" that been consumed by the deep oceans just to make your numbers work

Do you think oceans can't absorb heat? Do you understand basic chemistry and physics, energy budget, etc? Do you understand any science whatsoever?

Fact remains ... this year is smashing all record books.

Global warming is real. Feel free to remain ignorant for god only knows what reason.

Not the point! AR5 and "The hotterest Summa EHAV!!!!!!" are an accounting fiction caused by adding a whole new flexible data set (deep oceans. What was the temperature of the "Deep oceans" 150 years ago?) to the equations
That is simply not true. These are land temperatures. This is the hottest year on record.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Even in the US this summer and fall have been way above average except in Alaska. You can feel it yourself wherever you are. It's damn hot. Open your eyes dammit. Global warming is real.

Glowarm and cc have been happening for millions of years. Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick.

The hockey stick statistic has not happened before. Humans are doing this. (Ref: Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth)

"Ref al gore" That's funny.
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

One HUGE glaring error in your OP, well one of many but IMO the most important, you said: "They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge." That is an absolute lie. Scientists are for sale. They always have been and always will be.
The AGWCult is a bigger fraud than Bernie Madoff and SHOULD be procecuted nder RICO
Wrong. It's the truth. You can't handle the truth.

If it was true, then why do they have to lie about it? Why do they have to threaten any scientist who doesn't toe the line? Why do they have to commit fraud? Why do they want the government to arrest dissenters? None of that would be necessary if it were true.

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