Enough of this transgender nonsense.

More from the link I posted above (because I know people LOATHE to click on and actually read links). I have to log off to get ready for work in a few minutes, but I'll post more later.

Results from Johns Hopkins: Surgery Gives No Relief
Dr. Money became the co-founder of one of the first university-based gender clinics in the United States at Johns Hopkins University, where gender reassignment surgery was performed. After the clinic had been in operation for several years, Dr. Paul McHugh, the director of psychiatry and behavioral science at Hopkins, wanted more than Money’s assurances of success immediately following surgery. McHugh wanted more evidence. Long-term, were patients any better off after surgery?

McHugh assigned the task of evaluating outcomes to Dr. Jon Meyer, the chairman of the Hopkins gender clinic. Meyer selected fifty subjects from those treated at the Hopkins clinic, both those who had undergone gender reassignment surgery and those who had not had surgery. The results of this study completely refuted Money’s claims about the positive outcomes of sex-change surgery. The objective report showed no medical necessity for surgery.

On August 10, 1979, Dr. Meyer announced his results: “To say this type of surgery cures psychiatric disturbance is incorrect. We now have objective evidence that there is no real difference in the transsexual’s adjustments to life in terms of job, educational attainment, marital adjustment and social stability.” He later told The New York Times: “My personal feeling is that the surgery is not a proper treatment for a psychiatric disorder, and it’s clear to me these patients have severe psychological problems that don’t go away following surgery.”

Less than six months later, the Johns Hopkins gender clinic closed. Other university-affiliated gender clinics across the country followed suit, completely ceasing to perform gender reassignment surgery. No success was reported anywhere.

Results from Benjamin’s Colleague: Too Many Suicides
It was not just the Hopkins clinic reporting lack of outcomes from surgery. Around the same time, serious questions about the effectiveness of gender change came from Dr. Harry Benjamin’s partner, endocrinologist Charles Ihlenfeld.

Ihlenfeld worked with Benjamin for six years and administered sex hormones to 500 transsexuals. Ihlenfeld shocked Benjamin by publicly announcing that 80 percent of the people who want to change their gender shouldn’t do it. Ihlenfeld said: “There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery…Too many end in suicide.” Ihlenfeld stopped administering hormones to patients experiencing gender dysphoria and switched specialties from endocrinology to psychiatry so he could offer such patients the kind of help he thought they really needed.

In the wake of the Hopkins study, the closure of the flagship Hopkins clinic, and the warning sounded by Ihlenfeld, advocates of sex change surgery needed a new strategy. Benjamin and Money looked to their friend, Paul Walker, PhD, a homosexual and transgender activist they knew shared their passion to provide hormones and surgery. A committee was formed to draft standards of care for transgenders that furthered their agenda, with Paul Walker at the helm. The committee included a psychiatrist, a pedophilia activist, two plastic surgeons, and a urologist, all of whom would financially benefit from keeping gender reassignment surgery available for anyone who wanted it. The “Harry Benjamin International Standards of Care” were published in 1979 and gave fresh life to gender surgery.
You know, once you read some things and educate yourself (away from the PC nonsense that you will get from the MSM), you can put 2 and 2 together, and it does NOT equal 4 in this instance.
I think the surgery and the hormones "temporarily" reduce a transsexual's dysphoric disorder, just like puking "temporarily" reduces the anorexic's anxiety levels. These people need psychiatric therapy, not dangerous surgeries that can lead to many health issues or hormones that can also lead to many health issues.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden


This study found substantially higher rates of overall mortality, death from cardiovascular disease and suicide, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalisations in sex-reassigned transsexual individuals compared to a healthy control population. This highlights that post surgical transsexuals are a risk group that need long-term psychiatric and somatic follow-up. Even though surgery and hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria, it is apparently not sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity and mortality found among transsexual persons. Improved care for the transsexual group after the sex reassignment should therefore be considered.
There is also a higher chance of cancer patients dying of cancer even after going through the proper treatments. That doesn't mean to give up the treatments.

Again ChrisL I agree with you that spiritual therapy is absolutely the key here. After spiritual healing, Ppl can be free to be at peace with whatever gender or orientation they are naturally by default.

Ironically Chris this healing therapy only works by free choice, forgiveness and acceptance. So all this judgment as mentally ill, the rejection and name calling PREVENTS the healing environment that is necessary to address and resolve these issues.

That's why so many are driven to suicide.

Thanks. I prefer the term "psychiatric" therapy. I believe that surgery and hormones only "mask" the underlying disorder. This is pretty new still and there is still a LOT of research that needs to be done and a lot of things we don't know though.
I believe ppl should go through full spiritual healing, resolving all issues of abuse or any other personal conflicts, before making irreversible decisions of sex change. This would also help prevent suicide and bullying if someone is fully resolved and at peace

You are born what you are born AS. You are either a male or you are a female. (if you are something "in between" genetically, then you have a genetic mutation,and this doesn't apply). The genetic code is NOT wrong. It is the person's brain that needs therapy. There is nothing "wrong" with their bodies.
I think the surgery and the hormones "temporarily" reduce a transsexual's dysphoric disorder, just like puking "temporarily" reduces the anorexic's anxiety levels. These people need psychiatric therapy, not dangerous surgeries that can lead to many health issues or hormones that can also lead to many health issues.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden


This study found substantially higher rates of overall mortality, death from cardiovascular disease and suicide, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalisations in sex-reassigned transsexual individuals compared to a healthy control population. This highlights that post surgical transsexuals are a risk group that need long-term psychiatric and somatic follow-up. Even though surgery and hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria, it is apparently not sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity and mortality found among transsexual persons. Improved care for the transsexual group after the sex reassignment should therefore be considered.
There is also a higher chance of cancer patients dying of cancer even after going through the proper treatments. That doesn't mean to give up the treatments.

Again ChrisL I agree with you that spiritual therapy is absolutely the key here. After spiritual healing, Ppl can be free to be at peace with whatever gender or orientation they are naturally by default.

Ironically Chris this healing therapy only works by free choice, forgiveness and acceptance. So all this judgment as mentally ill, the rejection and name calling PREVENTS the healing environment that is necessary to address and resolve these issues.

That's why so many are driven to suicide.

Thanks. I prefer the term "psychiatric" therapy. I believe that surgery and hormones only "mask" the underlying disorder. This is pretty new still and there is still a LOT of research that needs to be done and a lot of things we don't know though.
I believe ppl should go through full spiritual healing, resolving all issues of abuse or any other personal conflicts, before making irreversible decisions of sex change. This would also help prevent suicide and bullying if someone is fully resolved and at peace

You are born what you are born AS. You are either a male or you are a female. (if you are something "in between" genetically, then you have a genetic mutation,and this doesn't apply). The genetic code is NOT wrong. It is the person's brain that needs therapy. There is nothing "wrong" with their bodies.
Dear ChrisL it depends on the case. It's not something wrong with their bodies if their personality doesn't match their physical gender. From all I've seen and heard, it's up to ppl spiritual path in life. Some soul mates are born as mother and child to work out their karma in that role. Some are born as hetero couples and some as homo couples. Some may be born with these transgender condotions. Not all are natural not all are sick. It depends on the persons spiritual path and purpose in life what they are born into and what we do with it. The common factor is forgiving and working with what we've got. What you and I believe for ourselves may not work in all cases. So we learn to be open minded that there are always exceptions and more possible answers than what we started off with.
I think the surgery and the hormones "temporarily" reduce a transsexual's dysphoric disorder, just like puking "temporarily" reduces the anorexic's anxiety levels. These people need psychiatric therapy, not dangerous surgeries that can lead to many health issues or hormones that can also lead to many health issues.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden


This study found substantially higher rates of overall mortality, death from cardiovascular disease and suicide, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalisations in sex-reassigned transsexual individuals compared to a healthy control population. This highlights that post surgical transsexuals are a risk group that need long-term psychiatric and somatic follow-up. Even though surgery and hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria, it is apparently not sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity and mortality found among transsexual persons. Improved care for the transsexual group after the sex reassignment should therefore be considered.
There is also a higher chance of cancer patients dying of cancer even after going through the proper treatments. That doesn't mean to give up the treatments.

Again ChrisL I agree with you that spiritual therapy is absolutely the key here. After spiritual healing, Ppl can be free to be at peace with whatever gender or orientation they are naturally by default.

Ironically Chris this healing therapy only works by free choice, forgiveness and acceptance. So all this judgment as mentally ill, the rejection and name calling PREVENTS the healing environment that is necessary to address and resolve these issues.

That's why so many are driven to suicide.

Thanks. I prefer the term "psychiatric" therapy. I believe that surgery and hormones only "mask" the underlying disorder. This is pretty new still and there is still a LOT of research that needs to be done and a lot of things we don't know though.
I believe ppl should go through full spiritual healing, resolving all issues of abuse or any other personal conflicts, before making irreversible decisions of sex change. This would also help prevent suicide and bullying if someone is fully resolved and at peace

You are born what you are born AS. You are either a male or you are a female. (if you are something "in between" genetically, then you have a genetic mutation,and this doesn't apply). The genetic code is NOT wrong. It is the person's brain that needs therapy. There is nothing "wrong" with their bodies.
I think the surgery and the hormones "temporarily" reduce a transsexual's dysphoric disorder, just like puking "temporarily" reduces the anorexic's anxiety levels. These people need psychiatric therapy, not dangerous surgeries that can lead to many health issues or hormones that can also lead to many health issues.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden


This study found substantially higher rates of overall mortality, death from cardiovascular disease and suicide, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalisations in sex-reassigned transsexual individuals compared to a healthy control population. This highlights that post surgical transsexuals are a risk group that need long-term psychiatric and somatic follow-up. Even though surgery and hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria, it is apparently not sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity and mortality found among transsexual persons. Improved care for the transsexual group after the sex reassignment should therefore be considered.
There is also a higher chance of cancer patients dying of cancer even after going through the proper treatments. That doesn't mean to give up the treatments.

Again ChrisL I agree with you that spiritual therapy is absolutely the key here. After spiritual healing, Ppl can be free to be at peace with whatever gender or orientation they are naturally by default.

Ironically Chris this healing therapy only works by free choice, forgiveness and acceptance. So all this judgment as mentally ill, the rejection and name calling PREVENTS the healing environment that is necessary to address and resolve these issues.

That's why so many are driven to suicide.

Thanks. I prefer the term "psychiatric" therapy. I believe that surgery and hormones only "mask" the underlying disorder. This is pretty new still and there is still a LOT of research that needs to be done and a lot of things we don't know though.
I believe ppl should go through full spiritual healing, resolving all issues of abuse or any other personal conflicts, before making irreversible decisions of sex change. This would also help prevent suicide and bullying if someone is fully resolved and at peace

You are born what you are born AS. You are either a male or you are a female. (if you are something "in between" genetically, then you have a genetic mutation,and this doesn't apply). The genetic code is NOT wrong. It is the person's brain that needs therapy. There is nothing "wrong" with their bodies.
Dear ChrisL it depends on the case. It's not something wrong with their bodies if their personality doesn't match their physical gender. From all I've seen and heard, it's up to ppl spiritual path in life. Some soul mates are born as mother and child to work out their karma in that role. Some are born as hetero couples and some as homo couples. Some may be born with these transgender condotions. Not all are natural not all are sick. It depends on the persons spiritual path and purpose in life what they are born into and what we do with it. The common factor is forgiving and working with what we've got. What you and I believe for ourselves may not work in all cases. So we learn to be open minded that there are always exceptions and more possible answers than what we started off with.

I disagree. I think they are "sick" in some sense of the word. Of course there are varying degrees. I think it is due a lot to "confusion" and surgery and hormones are not the answer to this problem. They do not "cure" it and can cause permanent harm.

Did you read my posts from the link above? It started as an experiment and continues as a scam. It ruins normal healthy bodies.
Here is the last part of that link I posted above. Pretty sad stuff.

My Experience with Dr. Walker
I myself suffered greatly to come to terms with my gender. In 1981, I sought out Dr. Walker to ask him, the man who wrote the standards of care, for help. Walker said I was suffering from gender dysphoria. A mere two years after both the Hopkins study and the public statements of Ihlenfeld drew attention to the increased suicide risk associated with gender change, Walker, even though he was completely aware of both reports, signed my approval letter for hormones and surgery.

Under his guidance, I underwent gender reassignment surgery and lived for eight years as Laura Jensen, female. Eventually, I gathered the courage to admit that the surgery had fixed nothing—it only masked and exacerbated deeper psychological problems. The deception and lack of transparency I experienced in the 1980s still surround gender change surgery today. For the sake of others who struggle with gender dysphoria, I cannot remain silent.

It is intellectually dishonest to ignore the facts that surgery never has been a medically necessary procedure for treating gender dysphoria and that taking cross-gender hormones can be harmful. Modern transgender activists, the descendants of Kinsey, Benjamin, and John Money, keep alive the practice of medically unnecessary gender-change surgery by controlling the flow of published information and by squelching research and personal stories that tell of the regret, unhappiness, and suicide experienced by those who undergo such surgery. Negative outcomes are only acknowledged as a way to blame society for its transphobia.

Transgender clients who regret having taken this path are often full of shame and remorse. Those who regret their decision have few places to turn in a world of pro-transgender activism. For me, it took years to muster the courage to stand up and speak out about the regret.

I only wish Dr. Paul Walker had been required to tell me about both reports when I consulted him: the Hopkins study showing surgery did not alleviate severe psychological problems, and Ihlenfeld’s observation of the continuing transgender unhappiness and high incidence of suicide after hormones and surgery. This information might not have stopped me from making that disastrous decision—but at least I would have known the dangers and pain that lay ahead.

Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker with a passion to help others who regret gender change. Through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, and his blog, WaltHeyer.com, Heyer raises public awareness about the incidence of regret and the tragic consequences suffered as a result. Heyer’s story can be read in novel form in Kid Dakota and The Secret at Grandma’s House and in his autobiography, A Transgender’s Faith. Heyer’s other books include Paper Genders and Gender, Lies and Suicide. Reprinted with permission from The Witherspoon Institute.
What lies. Like I said, post something that I've said that is a lie, or shut your whore mouth.

Do you really need someone to read your posts back to you?

Yes. Now, prove your allegations or get lost.

Or what, you'll cut me?

Seriously, what is the matter with you? What is your major malfunction? Are you a transgender or something?

You give stupid a new name.
Is its new name Lilah?
Thanks for posting the studies ChrisL for the transgender ppl I know, one is very happy as a woman. One father who changed to a woman had a son who was questioning whether to become a woman. After going through spiritual prayer for healing and deliverance, he decided to remain male. Another friend identifies female and is very defensive about it. Again whatever spiritual path ppl are on, I try to help and support them to work it through. The process works universally by forgiveness and healing so we can remove barriers to our understanding and uncover the truth. It never works by judgment rejection and condemnation. That part of the grief process by denying and projecting onto others has its place and purpose until ppl are ready to move on and work toward resolution and peace. The mutual venting gets in the way but it's human nature and part of the learning and growth process. I'd rather stick to the sharing and healing and steer away from the judging and bullying contests.
Thanks for posting the studies ChrisL for the transgender ppl I know, one is very happy as a woman. One father who changed to a woman had a son who was questioning whether to become a woman. After going through spiritual prayer for healing and deliverance, he decided to remain male. Another friend identifies female and is very defensive about it. Again whatever spiritual path ppl are on, I try to help and support them to work it through. The process works universally by forgiveness and healing so we can remove barriers to our understanding and uncover the truth. It never works by judgment rejection and condemnation. That part of the grief process by denying and projecting onto others has its place and purpose until ppl are ready to move on and work toward resolution and peace. The mutual venting gets in the way but it's human nature and part of the learning and growth process. I'd rather stick to the sharing and healing and steer away from the judging and bullying contests.

I'm not condemning or judging them. I'm giving my opinions on what is the matter with them. It is not the genetic coding that is "wrong" here. These people are suffering from no known genetic anomalies. It is their minds that are suffering. The "resolution" you are proposing is to accept dangerous and unnecessary procedures to fix the "body" when there is nothing wrong with the body and these surgeries and therapies can DO harm to the body.
I'm not condemning or judging THEM. I'm giving my opinions on what is the matter with THEM. .... THESE PEOPLE are suffering from no known genetic anomalies.

NOTE THE ABOVE ChrisL "Them, Them These People"
You are GENERALIZING them as being ALL THE SAME
You are already assuming that ALL cases of transgender
are just like Walt Heyer! What are the chances of that?

That's like assuming that ALL lesbian experiences are
JUST LIKE Chirlane McCray (who wrote a book on her experiences as a Black Lesbian, but now
she is happily married to the white Mayor of New York as biracial heterosexual couple.
He's a liberal Democrat if you want to pick that apart)
What are the chances of THAT?

And there is nothing wrong with applying spiritual healing to all cases of therapy.
That has helped in all cases I know of, of people coming out as straight, gay, transgender or deciding they weren't these things.

You should be happy to know, the most effective p ractictioners and teachers in spiritual healing
would AGREE with you that most of these conditions, if not all, CAN BE HEALED.

So why are you so against spiritual healing
if it would SOLVE the problems you are pointing out???

Where is the conflict there, I fail to see how this isn't consistent
with what you are saying!
Here is the last part of that link I posted above. Pretty sad stuff.

My Experience with Dr. Walker
I myself suffered greatly to come to terms with my gender. In 1981, I sought out Dr. Walker to ask him, the man who wrote the standards of care, for help. Walker said I was suffering from gender dysphoria. A mere two years after both the Hopkins study and the public statements of Ihlenfeld drew attention to the increased suicide risk associated with gender change, Walker, even though he was completely aware of both reports, signed my approval letter for hormones and surgery.

Under his guidance, I underwent gender reassignment surgery and lived for eight years as Laura Jensen, female. Eventually, I gathered the courage to admit that the surgery had fixed nothing—it only masked and exacerbated deeper psychological problems. The deception and lack of transparency I experienced in the 1980s still surround gender change surgery today. For the sake of others who struggle with gender dysphoria, I cannot remain silent.

It is intellectually dishonest to ignore the facts that surgery never has been a medically necessary procedure for treating gender dysphoria and that taking cross-gender hormones can be harmful. Modern transgender activists, the descendants of Kinsey, Benjamin, and John Money, keep alive the practice of medically unnecessary gender-change surgery by controlling the flow of published information and by squelching research and personal stories that tell of the regret, unhappiness, and suicide experienced by those who undergo such surgery. Negative outcomes are only acknowledged as a way to blame society for its transphobia.

Transgender clients who regret having taken this path are often full of shame and remorse. Those who regret their decision have few places to turn in a world of pro-transgender activism. For me, it took years to muster the courage to stand up and speak out about the regret.

I only wish Dr. Paul Walker had been required to tell me about both reports when I consulted him: the Hopkins study showing surgery did not alleviate severe psychological problems, and Ihlenfeld’s observation of the continuing transgender unhappiness and high incidence of suicide after hormones and surgery. This information might not have stopped me from making that disastrous decision—but at least I would have known the dangers and pain that lay ahead.

Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker with a passion to help others who regret gender change. Through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, and his blog, WaltHeyer.com, Heyer raises public awareness about the incidence of regret and the tragic consequences suffered as a result. Heyer’s story can be read in novel form in Kid Dakota and The Secret at Grandma’s House and in his autobiography, A Transgender’s Faith. Heyer’s other books include Paper Genders and Gender, Lies and Suicide. Reprinted with permission from The Witherspoon Institute.

Dear ChrisL Thank you ESPECIALLY for posting this resource.

This reminds me of people who SWITCH religions due to abuse, horribly sad stories of religious or cult abuse.
But that has NOTHING to do with people who practice a religion correctly.
The two experiences can be completely opposite, where one is abusive and wrong, and the other is uplifting and right and helps the person!

This story of abuse reminds me of how people take religious abuse stories
and then SLAM everyone who practices that religion as if they are ALL LIKE THAT.

I do think this is very important to hear all sides.

It is just as wrongful to assume that ALL cases of transgender should be railroaded into changing.
Some cases like this require deeper counseling and people won't make the wrong decisions in the middle of their recovery process from abuse.

For my friend who decided to transition, I also was afraid he would jump the gun and do things out of haste
before he had time to even get used to his new mindset as a SHE. I recommended waiting and making sure first.

But now that she decided her real personality and life was going to come out, she got approval of
her parents and worked out divorcing "his former wife" and went through counseling and is very happy now.
Everyone was happy that "Iain" was finally happy coming out as "Tess".
This wasn't about "fixing a problem" it was about someone accepting and deciding for themselves
who they really were, and then on top of that, deciding to change their physical appearance to be the way they wanted.
So it was coming from the inside, not the outside as in the case of Walt Heyer.

If my friend decides to change back, I think that's fine, too.
I would have recommended not doing anything permanent, so if that time comes,
it's much easier to change back. but I trusted my friend to know what was true and real.
My friend was suddenly happy for the first time, and everyone was supportive.
It was sad about ending the marriage but the couple was young enough they both had time to start over.

I don't think you can compare those two cases that sound completely different, ChrisL
however, it is important to hear this flip side and NOT censor it due to agenda!
Thank you for posting this, which I will recommend to others.

See also:
Former Lesbian to President Obama: Why Won't You Listen to Voices of Ex-Homosexuals Jesus Set Free?
Alright already. Enough of this transgender nonsense that seems to be the elite lame duck medias pet peeve these days. I look at it this way. If you have outdoor plumbing, than go into a men's washroom. If you have indoor plumbing, than go into a women's bathroom. It makes so much logic and common sense to go this route. Short, sweet and simple. The main question I have to ask is why and who is behind this push for transgender bathrooms nonsense anyway? I guess it is that same old ethnic gang that has this hatred for Christianity, and is trying everything to try and destroy it, Christianity being their main stumbling block and in their way to their new world order of chaos and censorship and the destruction and enslavement of the sheeple, and of all things normal and decent. All this promotion of the gay life style, and gay marriage and gays adopting children is all so unnatural.

"Everyone has a right to be stupid, politicians just abuse it". :biggrin:

Yes, let's change the labels on restrooms to

feduptaxpayer if you made these things and sold them online, the money could be donated to hire Vet groups to renovate restroom facilities to be NEUTRAL, single stalls, or UNISEX.

We should start a whole website for selling PC alternative bathroom signs.
USMB would be funded for the next two centuries....

(X)Uhmm? Let me think about that one. :smile:
Alright already. Enough of this transgender nonsense that seems to be the elite lame duck medias pet peeve these days. I look at it this way. If you have outdoor plumbing, than go into a men's washroom. If you have indoor plumbing, than go into a women's bathroom. It makes so much logic and common sense to go this route. Short, sweet and simple. The main question I have to ask is why and who is behind this push for transgender bathrooms nonsense anyway? I guess it is that same old ethnic gang that has this hatred for Christianity, and is trying everything to try and destroy it, Christianity being their main stumbling block and in their way to their new world order of chaos and censorship and the destruction and enslavement of the sheeple, and of all things normal and decent. All this promotion of the gay life style, and gay marriage and gays adopting children is all so unnatural.

"Everyone has a right to be stupid, politicians just abuse it". :biggrin:
Obama is the guilty SOB and ringleader. It's part of his mission to "bring about change. Piss be upon him.

I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.
Do you really need someone to read your posts back to you?

Yes. Now, prove your allegations or get lost.

Or what, you'll cut me?

Seriously, what is the matter with you? What is your major malfunction? Are you a transgender or something?

You give stupid a new name.
Is its new name Lilah?

No, the twins are named Missouri Mike and Chris.
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

Hey HUGGY thanks for your posts. I'm fed up also, exhausted mentally physically financially over political nonsense that takes funds away from real solutions like renovating national historic sites and businesses that could create sustainable jobs for vets, ex inmates, and now half the population that can't afford the cost of living if even Donald Trump is talking about raising taxes.

What if we band together, make a list of projects we want to create jobs for ourselves doing like fixing govt, health care, the prisons schools or post office per district and state,
and then ask people to fund US instead. Don't give your money to empty campaigns of political talking heads.
Give us your money and it will go toward creating jobs at these sites for vets and us as their assistants:
* saving endangered forests and wildlife ecosystems such as Headwaters in California that could be invested in as their environmental "Fort Knox" and bank notes against the value of preserving this gold mine of nature
* saving historic landmarks and businesses for veterans to live and manage for their retirement
* renovating abandoned Wal-marts to create a campus of businesses, housing and health/social services for the communities and to restore the original Mom and Pop fronts that may have been put out of business

I thought of outlining a 10 million dollar budget for projects, and then posting it under a title like
"Democrat for Sale"
and let people buy me out. Whichever Party pays to support those projects, then either the Democrats can keep me or sell me off to the next bidder. Everyone has a price, and I'm willing to either give up or stay with the Democrats depending on which party supporters will fund sustainable solutions over more wasteful hate campaign that do nothing to solve anything.

If you come up with 10 million to fund these projects to keep me working the rest of my life on progressive causes, fine. Otherwise, I will go with whoever will put their money where it makes a difference.

What do you think of that?

2 million to bail out KPFT public radio from debts, 2 million to buy out historic property to raise funds through nonprofit home-office rentals to pay it back and start a microlending fund to pay it forward, 3 million to sponsor a million names at 3 each on the wall being built in Boston as a landmark to diversity, and 3 million to replicate the programs of Heidi Search Center, Pace Universal, and Habitat for Humanity to seize and restore trafficking houses as community centers to rescue missing people and to invest restitution under RICO into building sustainable campus systems in every community. I'd "sell out" for that. What's your price and what's your favorite project?
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

Hey HUGGY thanks for your posts. I'm fed up also, exhausted mentally physically financially over political nonsense that takes funds away from real solutions like renovating national historic sites and businesses that could create sustainable jobs for vets, ex inmates, and now half the population that can't afford the cost of living if even Donald Trump is talking about raising taxes.

What if we band together, make a list of projects we want to create jobs for ourselves doing like fixing govt, health care, the prisons schools or post office per district and state,
and then ask people to fund US instead. Don't give your money to empty campaigns of political talking heads.
Give us your money and it will go toward creating jobs at these sites for vets and us as their assistants:
* saving endangered forests and wildlife ecosystems such as Headwaters in California that could be invested in as their environmental "Fort Knox" and bank notes against the value of preserving this gold mine of nature
* saving historic landmarks and businesses for veterans to live and manage for their retirement
* renovating abandoned Wal-marts to create a campus of businesses, housing and health/social services for the communities and to restore the original Mom and Pop fronts that may have been put out of business

I thought of outlining a 10 million dollar budget for projects, and then posting it under a title like
"Democrat for Sale"
and let people buy me out. Whichever Party pays to support those projects, then either the Democrats can keep me or sell me off to the next bidder. Everyone has a price, and I'm willing to either give up or stay with the Democrats depending on which party supporters will fund sustainable solutions over more wasteful hate campaign that do nothing to solve anything.

If you come up with 10 million to fund these projects to keep me working the rest of my life on progressive causes, fine. Otherwise, I will go with whoever will put their money where it makes a difference.

What do you think of that?

2 million to bail out KPFT public radio from debts, 2 million to buy out historic property to raise funds through nonprofit home-office rentals to pay it back and start a microlending fund to pay it forward, 3 million to sponsor a million names at 3 each on the wall being built in Boston as a landmark to diversity, and 3 million to replicate the programs of Heidi Search Center, Pace Universal, and Habitat for Humanity to seize and restore trafficking houses as community centers to rescue missing people and to invest restitution under RICO into building sustainable campus systems in every community. I'd "sell out" for that. What's your price and what's your favorite project?

What an excellent post! You have obviously put much thought into these ideas. Good work! Keep it up!
Alright already. Enough of this transgender nonsense that seems to be the elite lame duck medias pet peeve these days. I look at it this way. If you have outdoor plumbing, than go into a men's washroom. If you have indoor plumbing, than go into a women's bathroom. It makes so much logic and common sense to go this route. Short, sweet and simple. The main question I have to ask is why and who is behind this push for transgender bathrooms nonsense anyway? I guess it is that same old ethnic gang that has this hatred for Christianity, and is trying everything to try and destroy it, Christianity being their main stumbling block and in their way to their new world order of chaos and censorship and the destruction and enslavement of the sheeple, and of all things normal and decent. All this promotion of the gay life style, and gay marriage and gays adopting children is all so unnatural.

"Everyone has a right to be stupid, politicians just abuse it". :biggrin:
While I agree that too much governmental and media attention has been poured into this issue I certainly don't believe I'm qualified (as a heterosexual male) to assert how homosexual, bisexual, transgender, men and women feel in terms of comfort with who and how they share their restrooms. Certainly ALL should be free from fear and discomfort while using public facilities. That also means, however, that any public policy implemented on the subject should be confirmed won't put others into an uncomfortable situation going forward based on who is now sharing their designated facility. See, it's too intricate and specific of an issue to resolve efficiently and effectively because the accommodation accomplished may not justify the effort required for it. At least now at the moment in this political climate. Unless I'm ignorant of significant inhibitions towards using restroom facilities by LGBT community.

- Skindog on a LG-H901 and SM-P600

Indifference is a choice!
Yes and those people are studied extensively because it's so rare and messed up science is trying to figure out how and why it happens and if there's a cure for it. Still not a reason to change everyone else's toilet use.
Where would you like them to pee in the meantime?

You famously stated: "Where would you like them to pee in the meantime?

Sounds like a personal problem and certainly there is no reason to make it mine, or my loved one's problem.
It is a personal problem, for many. Would you like to just pretend they don't exist?

That would be better for you wouldn't it and, it's all about you.

Yep, is all about me, especially when you state, and I quote:
"It is a personal problem, for many. Would you like to just pretend they don't exist?"

No, it is NOT a problem for many. The number is far below a rounding error. Which makes it, NOT my problem.
Great, we'll just pretend they don't exist and the problem will magically go away.

This is so typical of Democrats and Progressives.

Democrats and Progressives will force a "solution" to a problem which DOES NOT EXIST. This is absolutely no different. The Middle East is on fire. Iran is continuing to develop their nuclear weapons. Then there is North Korea, China and Russia. On top of all that we have a failed economy.

So with all those worldwide problems, what does Lame Duck President Obama spend his time on?

I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

It matters if you do not want to see the next perversions to be legalized ie: incest,pedophilia and beastiality. The perverts are already working on pedophilia. First it was gay rights and then gay marriage. Now it is the mixed up in the head gender people who are all screwed up in the head as to who they are suppose to be. I wonder how long the architects of perversion will take before they try to convince heterosexual people that they are mentally ill? Hollywood is going to be behind that push one day.

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