Enough of this transgender nonsense.

These people who are born with birth defects have many other physical problems and anomalies. They are not "transgendered" people.

Given your vast experience as a medical assistant, could you determine from looking at a transgender person if they were born a hermaphrodite?
No one can just look at a person and tell

However, the instance of Hermaphroditism is so small that special allotments can be made for such individuals if the need arises.

But for someone transgenderism is different. For instance, how do we know if the person is really transgendered?
You don't, and you can't. They are the only ones who can know.

And yes, they could be wrong.

Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

It matters if you do not want to see the next perversions to be legalized ie: incest,pedophilia and beastiality. The perverts are already working on pedophilia. First it was gay rights and then gay marriage. Now it is the mixed up in the head gender people who are all screwed up in the head as to who they are suppose to be. I wonder how long the architects of perversion will take before they try to convince heterosexual people that they are mentally ill? Hollywood is going to be behind that push one day.

I disagree that America will start legalizing " incest,pedophilia and beastiality." Even in Hollywood there are limits to what is and will be accepted.

I do see a shift towards attempting to be more inclusive in officially giving some freaks a protected status. Not being one of them I don't waste much time thinking about if they get treated badly enough to warrant legal definitions to protect them. I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out.
These people who are born with birth defects have many other physical problems and anomalies. They are not "transgendered" people.

Given your vast experience as a medical assistant, could you determine from looking at a transgender person if they were born a hermaphrodite?
No one can just look at a person and tell

However, the instance of Hermaphroditism is so small that special allotments can be made for such individuals if the need arises.

But for someone transgenderism is different. For instance, how do we know if the person is really transgendered?
You don't, and you can't. They are the only ones who can know.

And yes, they could be wrong.

Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it. :D And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself. And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?
Given your vast experience as a medical assistant, could you determine from looking at a transgender person if they were born a hermaphrodite?
No one can just look at a person and tell

However, the instance of Hermaphroditism is so small that special allotments can be made for such individuals if the need arises.

But for someone transgenderism is different. For instance, how do we know if the person is really transgendered?
You don't, and you can't. They are the only ones who can know.

And yes, they could be wrong.

Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it. :D And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself. And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

Rejection is a horrible thing to those that put so much time and energy into trying to be something they are not an never can be.

Mutilate yourself, then still be rejected?

Bound to happen
Given your vast experience as a medical assistant, could you determine from looking at a transgender person if they were born a hermaphrodite?
No one can just look at a person and tell

However, the instance of Hermaphroditism is so small that special allotments can be made for such individuals if the need arises.

But for someone transgenderism is different. For instance, how do we know if the person is really transgendered?
You don't, and you can't. They are the only ones who can know.

And yes, they could be wrong.

Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.
No one can just look at a person and tell

However, the instance of Hermaphroditism is so small that special allotments can be made for such individuals if the need arises.

But for someone transgenderism is different. For instance, how do we know if the person is really transgendered?
You don't, and you can't. They are the only ones who can know.

And yes, they could be wrong.

Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.
You don't, and you can't. They are the only ones who can know.

And yes, they could be wrong.

Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.
Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.
Is a a transgender like a butterfly?| Will they wrap themselves in a cocoon and one day emerge with chromosomes of the other sex? IF the answer is no, then there is no such thing as a transgender
Women are more than just a cosmetic vagina and fake boobs. There are MANY differences between men and women. Shall I post the anatomical pictures for you? You really are confused.

If your messed up brain tells you that you are a woman but you've never BEEN a woman, how do you know how it feels to be a woman? Simple answer. You do not know. You are just a mess and need psychiatric therapy, not surgeries and hormones to make you into some kind of non-gender experiment to make you "non-bully" weirdos happy.

Now, I don't agree with bullying them or treating them badly, but I just do not and will not believe anything but the solid physical evidence.
Check out this trans species


If you have a public restroom, you MUST install a litter box so that he somewhere he feels comfortable shitting. Oh , what's that you say? Your customers wouldn't be comfortable with that? Too bad, so sayeth Lord Liberal
Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

Yes, these surgeries are your ideological attempts to try and make these mentally ill people into something they are not and can never be, but you are failing since they are STILL not accepted as the opposite gender. You know why? Because cosmetic surgery does not accomplish that goal.
Women are more than just a cosmetic vagina and fake boobs. There are MANY differences between men and women. Shall I post the anatomical pictures for you? You really are confused.

If your messed up brain tells you that you are a woman but you've never BEEN a woman, how do you know how it feels to be a woman? Simple answer. You do not know. You are just a mess and need psychiatric therapy, not surgeries and hormones to make you into some kind of non-gender experiment to make you "non-bully" weirdos happy.

Now, I don't agree with bullying them or treating them badly, but I just do not and will not believe anything but the solid physical evidence.

They are?

Just kidding, just kidding
Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

Yes, these surgeries are your ideological attempts to try and make these mentally ill people into something they are not and can never be, but you are failing since they are STILL not accepted as the opposite gender. You know why? Because cosmetic surgery does not accomplish that goal.

I don't even care what they do to themselves. Who cares? Just don't demand that we all accept you as normal and insist that we call you certain things or whatever. Live your fucking life and leave me alone.
I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

Yes, these surgeries are your ideological attempts to try and make these mentally ill people into something they are not and can never be, but you are failing since they are STILL not accepted as the opposite gender. You know why? Because cosmetic surgery does not accomplish that goal.

I don't even care what they do to themselves. Who cares? Just don't demand that we all accept you as normal and insist that we call you certain things or whatever. Live your fucking life and leave me alone.

Agreed. I am not going to be coerced into going along with a delusion. Then I would be lying to myself. If you can't be honest with yourself, then you aren't a very honest person to begin with. I also believe that this "transgender movement" is doing more harm than good for these people. Messing them up permanently and turning them into freaks that are neither really male or female anymore.
Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?

Exactly. If I want to drive 85 in a 30mph zone I should be free to do what I want. I should be able to carry a gun where ever I want. If I work my ass off and make extra money on any given week I should not have to pay taxes on said money. Likewise, if I want to hang out in the NFL cheerleaders locker room and shower with them after a game I should be able to. Who is anyone to tell me how to live my life! I'm with you! Fuck the rules!
Just a little under 250 days and this piece of shit will no longer fuck up America with his unconstitutional E.O.'s......and perhaps we'll see a Republican Congress GROW some balls to shut down the perverts of the left that promote this!!!

Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?

Exactly. If I want to drive 85 in a 30mph zone I should be free to do what I want. I should be able to carry a gun where ever I want. If I work my ass off and make extra money on any given week I should not have to pay taxes on said money. Likewise, if I want to hang out in the NFL cheerleaders locker room and shower with them after a game I should be able to. Who is anyone to tell me how to live my life!

Surely NOT this guy......


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