Enough of this transgender nonsense.

The Irish Ram said:
Where does it end? To avoid the fascism label, shouldn't we also give the right to unzip and piss from the seat next to you in a theater a go? Who are we to demand that someone miss part of the show and walk to a specified area? Girls, just piss in the seat. You have rights too you know!

Please dear God, bring common sense back...
This will never end.

Here's the problem that will never go away.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Bleeding heart liberals see any minority group's complaint about life as being an opportunity to protest, get on camera, attract vermin like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, propose laws and regulations that allow the whining minority to wear a false cloak of normalcy.

This will never end.

Aside: I once saw a bar that had a urinal trench running along the floor in front of the bar stools. Sorta fits your 'piss at your seat' scenario.
The fight could be ended, if you could start dealing with reality?

YOU are going to tell someone else to deal with reality? YOU?! You wouldn't recognize reality if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
Transgenderism IS a mental disorder because FEELINGS are not PHYSICAL FACTS. No matter how much a man FEELS like a woman, his cells are filled Y-shaped MALE chromosomes; ergo, a tranny is male at his most basic, molecular level, regardless of surgical/hormonal disfigurement. I don't know what sort of gratification these PC, Obama-fellating-filth get out of pandering to a mental illness that affects only a fraction of 1% of the population. Of course, with Obama himself, it's his way of rebelling against the straight, white males that piece of filth has resented all his life - his writings are filled with jealous, inferiority-complex angst about whites.
We have XX males, and XY females. You're screwed.

Who is "we"? You and the elves and the gnomes and the fluffy, fluffy unicorns?
Based on looks. Problem solved.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
And do you know why they look so poorly? They were allowed to get hormones until WAY after they needed them. Something you oppose, BTw.

And? You would rather start these macabre procedures on youngsters so that they can NEVER have children and have to still have these "treatments" for the rest of their lives? The best thing to do to help these people is to help them to accept what they were born as. A person's sexuality or gender should not be the most important thing in their lives anyways. That is an unhealthy obsession.
The best thing to do is to help them and treat them decently until they are sure which gender is the best fit.

You could also treat boys and girls as not that different, since they aren't.

If boys and girls "aren't that different", Einstein, perhaps you could explain to me how transgenders can be "feeling" a specific sex, and be "feeling" it so intensely that you consider it perfectly reasonable for them to KILL themselves if their families are so "cruel" as to suggest that it might not be fact? Is it just some subjective no-big-deal, or is it a set-in-stone, immutable difference that MUST be acted upon?

If you ever find your mind, perhaps you could make it up and then clarify these little logical inconsistencies for us, 'kay? Thanks.
Based on looks. Problem solved.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
And do you know why they look so poorly? They were allowed to get hormones until WAY after they needed them. Something you oppose, BTw.

And? You would rather start these macabre procedures on youngsters so that they can NEVER have children and have to still have these "treatments" for the rest of their lives? The best thing to do to help these people is to help them to accept what they were born as. A person's sexuality or gender should not be the most important thing in their lives anyways. That is an unhealthy obsession.
The best thing to do is to help them and treat them decently until they are sure which gender is the best fit.

You could also treat boys and girls as not that different, since they aren't.

If boys and girls "aren't that different", Einstein, perhaps you could explain to me how transgenders can be "feeling" a specific sex, and be "feeling" it so intensely that you consider it perfectly reasonable for them to KILL themselves if their families are so "cruel" as to suggest that it might not be fact? Is it just some subjective no-big-deal, or is it a set-in-stone, immutable difference that MUST be acted upon?

If you ever find your mind, perhaps you could make it up and then clarify these little logical inconsistencies for us, 'kay? Thanks.

Great point, Cecile. :thup:
I don't think screwing around with their hormones and macabre surgery is the answer. I think the answer is intensive psychiatric treatment. For these "doctors" to be recommending and giving out hormones to children who do not have a genetic disorder and who have healthy and normally functioning body parts . . . that is sooo unethical.
Therapy is normal for these kids, don't worry about it.

What you want is for someone to stand them naked before a mirror and say see, you're a boy. That's great unles their mind says that's not true.

The true sex organ, the true gender organ, is the brain. Over time that, not the body, tells you who you are.

Yeah, and if their mind tells them they're receiving orders from the neighbor's dog to kill people? Is it okay if we contradict THAT "reality", or should we direct the "therapy" toward making them feel good about it?

Where, exactly, do you draw the line between "the mind created it, and therefore it is a reality that trumps all other realities" and "okay, that mind is just not fucking right"?
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

And all the predators who are going to use this little loophole to gain unfettered access to their prey? Did you forget about them, or are you really such a fucking ignoramus that you think the primary concern here is the tiny handful of lunatics out there who think they can imagine the universe into their personal specifications?..And by the way, in the middle of your "deep concern and compassion" about rape victims and their trauma - you remember, your whole "I've decided you're safe, so get the fuck over it and shut up" attitude - did it occur to you that whether or not a man is actually going to rape them has zero, zip, nada, fuck-all to do with whether or not they feel uncomfortable or traumatized? You have your panties so in an uproar about the possibility someone might "trigger" the fragile little transgender flowers by suggesting that their dicks look a little strange in their pantyhose, but triggering the PTSD of a woman who's been raped by introducing male strangers into areas that are supposed to be private and safe? Fuck that shit, the bigoted bitch needs to just get over it and like what you tell her to like, right?..I'm always curious, and maybe you can help me out with this question: what is it actually like to be an evil, self-righteous piece of shit?

Well put again sir.
Based on looks. Problem solved.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
And do you know why they look so poorly? They were allowed to get hormones until WAY after they needed them. Something you oppose, BTw.

At no point in time does anyone "need" hormones to make them resemble the opposite sex.
I've been to Bangkok many times and you don't know if you're talking to a girl or a boy. People from all over the world go there to get their "change." It gets weird.
I don't think screwing around with their hormones and macabre surgery is the answer. I think the answer is intensive psychiatric treatment. For these "doctors" to be recommending and giving out hormones to children who do not have a genetic disorder and who have healthy and normally functioning body parts . . . that is sooo unethical.
Therapy is normal for these kids, don't worry about it.

What you want is for someone to stand them naked before a mirror and say see, you're a boy. That's great unles their mind says that's not true.

The true sex organ, the true gender organ, is the brain. Over time that, not the body, tells you who you are.

you are a victim of psychobabble. Sex is determined by anatomy, not thoughts.

This whole thing is a pile of bullshit, created to take us off of the real failures of Obama and the corruption of the hildebeast. Those assholes would have us revise our entire culture so that a few hundred people with mental illness don't get their feelings hurt.

This is bullshit, total unadulterated bullshit.
If sex is determined by anatomy, how come we have babies we have to pick a sex for?

And how come we have toddlers who are transsexual? What's in the underpants doesn't always match a simple A or B choice.

Vanilla, chocolate, and what do you know, strawberry.

Those "babies" have a genetic abnormality.

Toddlers are not "transsexual" . . . they are confused and most likely are the products of abuse. Toddlers don't think about those kinds of things!!!
They don't think, they know, and play with the toys that fit best.

And it's not always genetics that make one intersexed. It's often congenital, you simply develop that way. No matter, we still, usually, pick a gender for them. What if we pick wrongly?

There are more than two sexes, and way more than two genders. Just like orientation, it can get complicated to stop thinking of it simplistically.

What a complete load of unsubstantiated horseshit. Are there any other fantasies you've had that you'd like to assert as reality? Perhaps magic spells, or the monster under your bed?
I don't think screwing around with their hormones and macabre surgery is the answer. I think the answer is intensive psychiatric treatment. For these "doctors" to be recommending and giving out hormones to children who do not have a genetic disorder and who have healthy and normally functioning body parts . . . that is sooo unethical.
Therapy is normal for these kids, don't worry about it.

What you want is for someone to stand them naked before a mirror and say see, you're a boy. That's great unles their mind says that's not true.

The true sex organ, the true gender organ, is the brain. Over time that, not the body, tells you who you are.

Yeah, and if their mind tells them they're receiving orders from the neighbor's dog to kill people? Is it okay if we contradict THAT "reality", or should we direct the "therapy" toward making them feel good about it?

Where, exactly, do you draw the line between "the mind created it, and therefore it is a reality that trumps all other realities" and "okay, that mind is just not fucking right"?
I draw the line at not being childish, like toddlers in a bathtub who only know boy or girl, not the real world.
Therapy is normal for these kids, don't worry about it.

What you want is for someone to stand them naked before a mirror and say see, you're a boy. That's great unles their mind says that's not true.

The true sex organ, the true gender organ, is the brain. Over time that, not the body, tells you who you are.

you are a victim of psychobabble. Sex is determined by anatomy, not thoughts.

This whole thing is a pile of bullshit, created to take us off of the real failures of Obama and the corruption of the hildebeast. Those assholes would have us revise our entire culture so that a few hundred people with mental illness don't get their feelings hurt.

This is bullshit, total unadulterated bullshit.
If sex is determined by anatomy, how come we have babies we have to pick a sex for?

And how come we have toddlers who are transsexual? What's in the underpants doesn't always match a simple A or B choice.

Vanilla, chocolate, and what do you know, strawberry.

Those "babies" have a genetic abnormality.

Toddlers are not "transsexual" . . . they are confused and most likely are the products of abuse. Toddlers don't think about those kinds of things!!!
They don't think, they know, and play with the toys that fit best.

And it's not always genetics that make one intersexed. It's often congenital, you simply develop that way. No matter, we still, usually, pick a gender for them. What if we pick wrongly?

There are more than two sexes, and way more than two genders. Just like orientation, it can get complicated to stop thinking of it simplistically.

What a complete load of unsubstantiated horseshit. Are there any other fantasies you've had that you'd like to assert as reality? Perhaps magic spells, or the monster under your bed?
Science isn't horseshit. The links to multiple sexes and genders have posted. Read them.
This is a "PC agenda" gone insane. Stop experimenting with children. It is wrong.
No one is experimenting. They are dealing with reality.

By which you mean, "The way we've decided things are going to be, irregardless of any evidence, just because we G*ddamned want it that way, and you're a bigot if you argue, now shut up and think what we tell you to!"

Because I can assure you - just in case your incipient fucknuttery has blinded you to the fact - your definition of "reality" bears no resemblance whatsoever to the definition used by mature adults with multiple functioning brain cells living in Newtonian space.
Based on looks. Problem solved.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
And do you know why they look so poorly? They were allowed to get hormones until WAY after they needed them. Something you oppose, BTw.

And? You would rather start these macabre procedures on youngsters so that they can NEVER have children and have to still have these "treatments" for the rest of their lives? The best thing to do to help these people is to help them to accept what they were born as. A person's sexuality or gender should not be the most important thing in their lives anyways. That is an unhealthy obsession.
The best thing to do is to help them and treat them decently until they are sure which gender is the best fit.

You could also treat boys and girls as not that different, since they aren't.

If boys and girls "aren't that different", Einstein, perhaps you could explain to me how transgenders can be "feeling" a specific sex, and be "feeling" it so intensely that you consider it perfectly reasonable for them to KILL themselves if their families are so "cruel" as to suggest that it might not be fact? Is it just some subjective no-big-deal, or is it a set-in-stone, immutable difference that MUST be acted upon?

If you ever find your mind, perhaps you could make it up and then clarify these little logical inconsistencies for us, 'kay? Thanks.
Boys and girls aren't that different so stop freaking out if one is in the wrong body.
Transgenderism IS a mental disorder because FEELINGS are not PHYSICAL FACTS. No matter how much a man FEELS like a woman, his cells are filled Y-shaped MALE chromosomes; ergo, a tranny is male at his most basic, molecular level, regardless of surgical/hormonal disfigurement. I don't know what sort of gratification these PC, Obama-fellating-filth get out of pandering to a mental illness that affects only a fraction of 1% of the population. Of course, with Obama himself, it's his way of rebelling against the straight, white males that piece of filth has resented all his life - his writings are filled with jealous, inferiority-complex angst about whites.
We have XX males, and XY females. You're screwed.

Who is "we"? You and the elves and the gnomes and the fluffy, fluffy unicorns?
"We" is humanity, dumbass.
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I don't think screwing around with their hormones and macabre surgery is the answer. I think the answer is intensive psychiatric treatment. For these "doctors" to be recommending and giving out hormones to children who do not have a genetic disorder and who have healthy and normally functioning body parts . . . that is sooo unethical.
Therapy is normal for these kids, don't worry about it.

What you want is for someone to stand them naked before a mirror and say see, you're a boy. That's great unles their mind says that's not true.

The true sex organ, the true gender organ, is the brain. Over time that, not the body, tells you who you are.

The same as an anorexic, eh? There are legitimate treatments that work for these types of disorders without screwing with mother nature.
It's not the same but therapy is appropriate in all cases, just not the but you can't be transgender, which isn't true.

It is a body dysmorphic disorder, like anorexia.
It's a lot more complicated. Just like you can't force an anorexic to eat, you can't force a transgender child to accept what their mind rejects.

"It's a lot more complicated" is just another way of saying, "I don't WANT to accept reality, so I'm going to pretend there's some special circumstance that allows me to exempt myself from all the rules and laws everyone else has to accept".

By the way, LOVING the deep compassion implied by your whole "Can't do anything to help crazy people be sane, so we JUST have to pretend they already are until they die" riff.
This is a "PC agenda" gone insane. Stop experimenting with children. It is wrong.
No one is experimenting. They are dealing with reality.

By which you mean, "The way we've decided things are going to be, irregardless of any evidence, just because we G*ddamned want it that way, and you're a bigot if you argue, now shut up and think what we tell you to!"

Because I can assure you - just in case your incipient fucknuttery has blinded you to the fact - your definition of "reality" bears no resemblance whatsoever to the definition used by mature adults with multiple functioning brain cells living in Newtonian space.
My reality is to deal with what is, not deny it or pretend it doesn't exist because I fear it.
Therapy is normal for these kids, don't worry about it.

What you want is for someone to stand them naked before a mirror and say see, you're a boy. That's great unles their mind says that's not true.

The true sex organ, the true gender organ, is the brain. Over time that, not the body, tells you who you are.

The same as an anorexic, eh? There are legitimate treatments that work for these types of disorders without screwing with mother nature.
It's not the same but therapy is appropriate in all cases, just not the but you can't be transgender, which isn't true.

It is a body dysmorphic disorder, like anorexia.
It's a lot more complicated. Just like you can't force an anorexic to eat, you can't force a transgender child to accept what their mind rejects.

"It's a lot more complicated" is just another way of saying, "I don't WANT to accept reality, so I'm going to pretend there's some special circumstance that allows me to exempt myself from all the rules and laws everyone else has to accept".

By the way, LOVING the deep compassion implied by your whole "Can't do anything to help crazy people be sane, so we JUST have to pretend they already are until they die" riff.
Transgender kids are not insane, they're transgender.
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Based on looks. Problem solved.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
And do you know why they look so poorly? They were allowed to get hormones until WAY after they needed them. Something you oppose, BTw.

At no point in time does anyone "need" hormones to make them resemble the opposite sex.
They usually need hormones to resemble thier own sex. XY females for example.
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

And all the predators who are going to use this little loophole to gain unfettered access to their prey? Did you forget about them, or are you really such a fucking ignoramus that you think the primary concern here is the tiny handful of lunatics out there who think they can imagine the universe into their personal specifications?..And by the way, in the middle of your "deep concern and compassion" about rape victims and their trauma - you remember, your whole "I've decided you're safe, so get the fuck over it and shut up" attitude - did it occur to you that whether or not a man is actually going to rape them has zero, zip, nada, fuck-all to do with whether or not they feel uncomfortable or traumatized? You have your panties so in an uproar about the possibility someone might "trigger" the fragile little transgender flowers by suggesting that their dicks look a little strange in their pantyhose, but triggering the PTSD of a woman who's been raped by introducing male strangers into areas that are supposed to be private and safe? Fuck that shit, the bigoted bitch needs to just get over it and like what you tell her to like, right?..I'm always curious, and maybe you can help me out with this question: what is it actually like to be an evil, self-righteous piece of shit?

Well put again sir.
It is well put, but Cicilie1200 said it, not me.
Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?
Who are you to tell women rape victims they "have to" let men in their private hygiene retreats marked "women" outside the door? Fascist much?
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

And all the predators who are going to use this little loophole to gain unfettered access to their prey? Did you forget about them, or are you really such a fucking ignoramus that you think the primary concern here is the tiny handful of lunatics out there who think they can imagine the universe into their personal specifications?

And by the way, in the middle of your "deep concern and compassion" about rape victims and their trauma - you remember, your whole "I've decided you're safe, so get the fuck over it and shut up" attitude - did it occur to you that whether or not a man is actually going to rape them has zero, zip, nada, fuck-all to do with whether or not they feel uncomfortable or traumatized? You have your panties so in an uproar about the possibility someone might "trigger" the fragile little transgender flowers by suggesting that their dicks look a little strange in their pantyhose, but triggering the PTSD of a woman who's been raped by introducing male strangers into areas that are supposed to be private and safe? Fuck that shit, the bigoted bitch needs to just get over it and like what you tell her to like, right?

I'm always curious, and maybe you can help me out with this question: what is it actually like to be an evil, self-righteous piece of shit?
Places where people get naked are not private.

As to your question, I wouldn't know. I'm smart and not a reality-denying child like you.

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