Enough of this transgender nonsense.

I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

It matters if you do not want to see the next perversions to be legalized ie: incest,pedophilia and beastiality. The perverts are already working on pedophilia. First it was gay rights and then gay marriage. Now it is the mixed up in the head gender people who are all screwed up in the head as to who they are suppose to be. I wonder how long the architects of perversion will take before they try to convince heterosexual people that they are mentally ill? Hollywood is going to be behind that push one day.

I disagree that America will start legalizing " incest,pedophilia and beastiality." Even in Hollywood there are limits to what is and will be accepted.

I do see a shift towards attempting to be more inclusive in officially giving some freaks a protected status. Not being one of them I don't waste much time thinking about if they get treated badly enough to warrant legal definitions to protect them. I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out.

I just don't understand why this trans stuff is such an issue? So what if someone has a gender problem, who really gives a crap anyway? We the people didn't start this crap, it was the media and our politicians who have made it such a big deal. Those entities are always making a mountain out of a mole hill over nothing. And it costs the taxpayer's lots of wasted tax dollars pushing this nonsense.
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

It matters if you do not want to see the next perversions to be legalized ie: incest,pedophilia and beastiality. The perverts are already working on pedophilia. First it was gay rights and then gay marriage. Now it is the mixed up in the head gender people who are all screwed up in the head as to who they are suppose to be. I wonder how long the architects of perversion will take before they try to convince heterosexual people that they are mentally ill? Hollywood is going to be behind that push one day.

I disagree that America will start legalizing " incest,pedophilia and beastiality." Even in Hollywood there are limits to what is and will be accepted.

I do see a shift towards attempting to be more inclusive in officially giving some freaks a protected status. Not being one of them I don't waste much time thinking about if they get treated badly enough to warrant legal definitions to protect them. I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out.

I just don't understand why this trans stuff is such an issue? So what if someone has a gender problem, who really gives a crap anyway? We the people didn't start this crap, it was the media and our politicians who have made it such a big deal. Those entities are always making a mountain out of a mole hill over nothing. And it costs the taxpayer's lots of wasted tax dollars pushing this nonsense.

If you stop and think about it, it has little to do with freaks, and perverts, but has MUCH to do with the governments CONTROL over you.... Following Alinsky, it is the breakdown of our culture that is the ultimate goal of the Leftists running this country..... History, is so often overlooked when it is OTHERS history of Socialism/Marxism/Fascism/Communism, and how these UNFRIENDLY TO FREEDOM ideologies started and took hold!
Of course, if you suffer from a mental illness, such as body dysmorphic syndrome, you can be treated in other ways besides life changing and dangerous surgeries and hormones.

Which ways? What is the recommended "treatment" for people who feel they were born the wrong gender? What does the premier mental health organization, the American Psychological Association recommend?

I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

This gay crap and transgender nonsense should have been left in the closet where it belonged. If you are gay or a trans, then keep it to yourself, I don't want to hear or know about. If you can't make up your mind as to what gender you are well go seek help, don't tell me all about it. The time,effort and tax dollars that have been wasted on this by the lame duck media, Hollywood, and our politically correct buffoon politicians who have been allowed to make this out to be something nobody ever gave a shit about decades ago.
I'm pretty sure I've covered this in my many posts on this topic. Sorry, but a lot of people just aren't buying it.

Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

And it is clearly stated that the "diagnosis" was removed from the DSM because of pressure from the nutbars, like yourself.

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

And because of the fact that the suicide rates do not decrease after surgeries and hormonal therapy (because people still realize that these people are not what they WISH they were or imagine that they are), that just goes to the fact that these mutilations are not very effective "treatments." These people should be treated by a psychiatrist, not surgeons.

Why don't you address the fact that before these surgeries and hormone replacement therapies, there were FAR less suicides?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk
I think you are right. He's probably pushing the gay agenda to pay back the neo con Christian fundamentalists that promised to ruin his presidency. I don't think he gives a rat's ass about the trannys. He is just using them to get under his political enemies skin.

Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

It matters if you do not want to see the next perversions to be legalized ie: incest,pedophilia and beastiality. The perverts are already working on pedophilia. First it was gay rights and then gay marriage. Now it is the mixed up in the head gender people who are all screwed up in the head as to who they are suppose to be. I wonder how long the architects of perversion will take before they try to convince heterosexual people that they are mentally ill? Hollywood is going to be behind that push one day.

I disagree that America will start legalizing " incest,pedophilia and beastiality." Even in Hollywood there are limits to what is and will be accepted.

I do see a shift towards attempting to be more inclusive in officially giving some freaks a protected status. Not being one of them I don't waste much time thinking about if they get treated badly enough to warrant legal definitions to protect them. I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out.

I just don't understand why this trans stuff is such an issue? So what if someone has a gender problem, who really gives a crap anyway? We the people didn't start this crap, it was the media and our politicians who have made it such a big deal. Those entities are always making a mountain out of a mole hill over nothing. And it costs the taxpayer's lots of wasted tax dollars pushing this nonsense.

Certain Christian Fundamentalist representatives want to give the impression that they are maintaining vigilance over their constituent's moral interests. True conservatives mind their own business. It's only the hypocritical neo cons that give a crap about bathroom issues. :lol:
Gosh..."a lot of people" huh? A " lot of people" were certain the world was flat despite what scientists told them. And?

Really? Where is that "clearly stated" outside of anti gay sites?

I noticed your appalling lack of sources. Try this.

The Truth About Transgender Suicide

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it. Conversely, those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support, according to one recent study. Another study showed that transgender youth whose parents reject their gender identity are 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents.

This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk

I don't understand how these trannies expect straight people to care about their problems. I REALLY don't care what drives these freaks to want to end their pathetic lives. They don't fit in our society.. I get THAT. Duh! They never will fit. It's not my concern.
This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk

I don't understand how these trannies expect straight people to care about their problems. I REALLY don't care what drives these freaks to want to end their pathetic lives. They don't fit in our society.. I get THAT. Duh! They never will fit. It's not my concern.

Well, they have people telling them that if they mutilate their bodies that they will fit in which is, of course, untrue. They are performing some pretty terrible experiments on these people.
This doesn't explain the jump in suicides in the last 60 or so years. What does explain it though, is feeding an unhealthy body dysmorphic syndrome instead of treating like as a psychiatric illness.

You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk

I don't understand how these trannies expect straight people to care about their problems. I REALLY don't care what drives these freaks to want to end their pathetic lives. They don't fit in our society.. I get THAT. Duh! They never will fit. It's not my concern.
I was merely providing statistics that that you couldn't seem to find. There are many studies found in Google Search. Personally, I believe that transgenders are mentally ill because there is no such thing as a transgender.
You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk

I don't understand how these trannies expect straight people to care about their problems. I REALLY don't care what drives these freaks to want to end their pathetic lives. They don't fit in our society.. I get THAT. Duh! They never will fit. It's not my concern.

Well, they have people telling them that if they mutilate their bodies that they will fit in which is, of course, untrue. They are performing some pretty terrible experiments on these people.

I'm not one of them, so I hesitate to say it's right or wrong but it's certainly experimental. I guess after a decade or so there will be a track record of if that kind of extreme solution to what is really a mental problem should be more clear.

Sometimes nature plays cruel tricks on what it brings into this world. There are two headed calves and the like. There may be no satisfactory resolution to the lives of some of these confused people. Forcing the rest of society to react to the discomfort of a very tiny minority has it's limits.

We only relatively recently forced cities to provide wheelchair access at intersections and most public buildings. THAT may be as far as we can reasonably expect society to bend over to accommodate the hanicapped. Addressing the mental state of someone that was born confused or chose being confused might be impossible to figure out for the vast majority that don't have a clue what these people are going through, or talking about and never will. Will they next be suing their parents for painting their childhood bedrooms baby blue or a pastel pink?
You still haven't provided a single link to support ANY of the claims you've made. Where is your source for a "jump in suicide rates"?

And yeah, it does explain it. A lot has happened in 60 years. More trans people equals more harassment equals more suicide attempts.

You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk

I don't understand how these trannies expect straight people to care about their problems. I REALLY don't care what drives these freaks to want to end their pathetic lives. They don't fit in our society.. I get THAT. Duh! They never will fit. It's not my concern.
I was merely providing statistics that that you couldn't seem to find. There are many studies found in Google Search. Personally, I believe that transgenders are mentally ill because there is no such thing as a transgender.

I guess you have more time than I for investigating such matters to the degree you have. I wasn't attacking you for doing so.

Why so many of these people(who knows how many categories of them there are?) want to end their lives seems obvious on the surface. My guess is that most if not all of them have had mental health experts look at their cases. If after that much attention has been forthcoming it seems they are doomed and there is little general society can do for them. Changing the placards on restrooms is purely window dressing.
You believe that the suicide rate hasn't climbed since the 1950s? Well then, there is just no hope for you. This information can easily be found on Google, moron. :D

You are not a woman stuck in a man's body no matter how much you wish that to be the case. You are what you were formed as in utero. End of story. Just because you like dresses doesn't make you a female.

If it's easily found, find it and provide it.

If all suicide rates have gone up, how does that make your case?

Soldiers and the elderly kill themselves at much higher rates than trans folks. Where does that leave your narrative?
Some statistics.

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. About 19 percent of transgender people report being refused medical care because of their gender-nonconforming status, and a shocking 2 percent have been violently assaulted in a doctor's office.

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk

I don't understand how these trannies expect straight people to care about their problems. I REALLY don't care what drives these freaks to want to end their pathetic lives. They don't fit in our society.. I get THAT. Duh! They never will fit. It's not my concern.

Well, they have people telling them that if they mutilate their bodies that they will fit in which is, of course, untrue. They are performing some pretty terrible experiments on these people.

I'm not one of them, so I hesitate to say it's right or wrong but it's certainly experimental. I guess after a decade or so there will be a track record of if that kind of extreme solution to what is really a mental problem should be more clear.

Sometimes nature plays cruel tricks on what it brings into this world. There are two headed calves and the like. There may be no satisfactory resolution to the lives of some of these confused people. Forcing the rest of society to react to the discomfort of a very tiny minority has it's limits.

We only relatively recently forced cities to provide wheelchair access at intersections and most public buildings. THAT may be as far as we can reasonably expect society to bend over to accommodate the hanicapped. Addressing the mental state of someone that was born confused or chose being confused might be impossible to figure out for the vast majority that don't have a clue what these people are going through, or talking about and never will. Will they next be suing their parents for painting their childhood bedrooms baby blue or a pastel pink?

Lol! Probably they will!

Right, I agree with reasonable accommodations. Nobody is obligated to accept their delusions as reality though.

IMO, it is unethical of surgeons and endocrinologists as well as other doctors to be performing surgeries and giving them HRT. That's not how any other body dysmorphia is "treated."
Agreed. That and he has some campaign money to pay back in the form of favors to George Soros.

I've never quite understood that whole Soros thing. I'm not a huge fan of Obama. I barely vetted him for his presidential runs because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. I probably won't dig into what the f**k Soros does because everybody can get any money they want after Citizens United. I'll probably just sit out this election except for the under card. It's getting hard to find good people anymore to support. I may just do my supporting for whoever right here on the internets. If someone is for or against the fags and freaks I will automatically ignore them. To me it is a non issue and a waste of time. Tell me something that MATTERS!

It matters if you do not want to see the next perversions to be legalized ie: incest,pedophilia and beastiality. The perverts are already working on pedophilia. First it was gay rights and then gay marriage. Now it is the mixed up in the head gender people who are all screwed up in the head as to who they are suppose to be. I wonder how long the architects of perversion will take before they try to convince heterosexual people that they are mentally ill? Hollywood is going to be behind that push one day.

I disagree that America will start legalizing " incest,pedophilia and beastiality." Even in Hollywood there are limits to what is and will be accepted.

I do see a shift towards attempting to be more inclusive in officially giving some freaks a protected status. Not being one of them I don't waste much time thinking about if they get treated badly enough to warrant legal definitions to protect them. I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out.

I just don't understand why this trans stuff is such an issue? So what if someone has a gender problem, who really gives a crap anyway? We the people didn't start this crap, it was the media and our politicians who have made it such a big deal. Those entities are always making a mountain out of a mole hill over nothing. And it costs the taxpayer's lots of wasted tax dollars pushing this nonsense.

Certain Christian Fundamentalist representatives want to give the impression that they are maintaining vigilance over their constituent's moral interests. True conservatives mind their own business. It's only the hypocritical neo cons that give a crap about bathroom issues. :lol:
Who uses male of female public restroom and shower facilities is the public's business. Who plays on male sports teams are many people's business.
I am a man because my body has the male reproductive parts. That being said, being a man is a very small part of who I am.

Given that Homosexual men are still men and that lesbians are still women then what does it mean to be transgendered if not defined by sexual preference?

Apparently a man is "transgendered" if he feels like a woman in his mind and a woman is transgendered if she feels like a man in her mind. But what does feeling like a man mean? What does feeling like a woman mean?

I feel like a man because I have my man parts and I am "turned on" by hot women. But that is sexuality which is said not to define trangenderism. If I close my eyes and think about things nonsexual, my thoughts are neither male or female. They are simply thoughts.

I have many personality traits and preferencies, but they are not what make me a man. Many woman have the same personality traits and preferencies that I have, but they are still women. Much of who I am is neither male or female.

I can like flowers, enjoy taking care of and nurturing children, cooking, and watching chick flicks and still be a man. A woman can be a Tom boy and still be a woman. Aside from the sensations I have from my male body parts and sexual arousal in response to women, I don't know how one feels like a man or a woman.
Based on looks. Problem solved.

(X)Clarify please?
Penis to the left, vagina to the right. All that matters.

Yup. Pretty much. And do I owe you a justification for why I don't want penises going to the right with me? No, I most certainly do not. My privacy is not YOUR right. Why do I not consider it just a mere nothing, unimportant, cosmetic issue? Because fuck you, that's why. My body, my privacy, MY choice. At what point did you decide you get to deal yourself into a vote on MY body?
I am a man because my body has the male reproductive parts. That being said, being a man is a very small part of who I am.

Given that Homosexual men are still men and that lesbians are still women then what does it mean to be transgendered if not defined by sexual preference?

Apparently a man is "transgendered" if he feels like a woman in his mind and a woman is transgendered if she feels like a man in her mind. But what does feeling like a man mean? What does feeling like a woman mean?

I feel like a man because I have my man parts and I am "turned on" by hot women. But that is sexuality which is said not to define trangenderism. If I close my eyes and think about things nonsexual, my thoughts are neither male or female. They are simply thoughts.

I have many personality traits and preferencies, but they are not what make me a man. Many woman have the same personality traits and preferencies that I have, but they are still women. Much of who I am is neither male or female.

I can like flowers, enjoy taking care of and nurturing children, cooking, and watching chick flicks and still be a man. A woman can be a Tom boy and still be a woman. Aside from the sensations I have from my male body parts and sexual arousal in response to women, I don't know how one feels like a man or a woman.

Exactly. You probably feel like a "person" first and foremost. I think the obsession that these people display about their gender is not at all "normal."
I have many personality traits and preferencies, but they are not what make me a man. Many woman have the same personality traits and preferencies that I have, but they are still women. Much of who I am is neither male or female.

I can like flowers, enjoy taking care of and nurturing children, cooking, and watching chick flicks and still be a man. A woman can be a Tom boy and still be a woman. Aside from the sensations I have from my male body parts and sexual arousal in response to women, I don't know how one feels like a man or a woman.

If you could encapsulate what you just said and make it a mandatory part of the onset and mantra of each counseling session for "transgender kids", this issue would die and blow away in the wind.


1. Put the FAMILY of the "Transgender" child on the shrink's couch FIRST.
2. Then bring in the kid and make him/her read what JoeMoma just said at the beginning of each session.
3. Gently guide the child to accept that they are in their mind neither male nor female but their bodies definitely are and can't ever be changed. That they can expand who they are within their genders and that yearning for extreme stereotypical male or female roles is bad for anyone really..
The Irish Ram said:
Where does it end? To avoid the fascism label, shouldn't we also give the right to unzip and piss from the seat next to you in a theater a go? Who are we to demand that someone miss part of the show and walk to a specified area? Girls, just piss in the seat. You have rights too you know!

Please dear God, bring common sense back...
This will never end.

Here's the problem that will never go away.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Bleeding heart liberals see any minority group's complaint about life as being an opportunity to protest, get on camera, attract vermin like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, propose laws and regulations that allow the whining minority to wear a false cloak of normalcy.

This will never end.

Aside: I once saw a bar that had a urinal trench running along the floor in front of the bar stools. Sorta fits your 'piss at your seat' scenario.

I saw a bar like his in Alaska, Saskatchewan I believe.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
They might be poor at it but the surgeons aren't.
A pair of well appointed artificial breasts still don't result in a lot of trans looking like women.
Move lower. Breasts don't make the woman in this case, or at all.
You said people should use the restroom that's appropriate for how they look. A lot of men, even with inverted penises and fake breasts still aren't convincing as women, and vice versa.
Penis room or vagina room. You can go with looks or genetics but either way, you get some A's in B and some B's in A, and that doesn't even cover the really interesting ones, the intersexed.

I always love the leftist "we're going to ignore the rules and violate your privacy and flip you the bird anyway, so you should just stop having rules and expecting us to care about anyone's desires but our own!" argument.

I also love the hypocritical way they never apply that thinking to anything THEY want to do away with.

And, cherry on the top, the quick run to hide behind some infinitesimally small group of people as the justification for giving a pass to whole crowds of people who aren't even part of that group. "We have to allow abortion any time, anywhere, with no restrictions, because RAPE VICTIMS!" "We have to allow any swinging dick who wants to use the ladies' room, because INTERSEXED!"

Fortunately for leftists, they're too piss-stupid to understand how ridiculous they sound, and they have no sense of shame, so they don't feel embarrassed when someone points it out.
Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?
Who are you to tell women rape victims they "have to" let men in their private hygiene retreats marked "women" outside the door? Fascist much?
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

And all the predators who are going to use this little loophole to gain unfettered access to their prey? Did you forget about them, or are you really such a fucking ignoramus that you think the primary concern here is the tiny handful of lunatics out there who think they can imagine the universe into their personal specifications?

And by the way, in the middle of your "deep concern and compassion" about rape victims and their trauma - you remember, your whole "I've decided you're safe, so get the fuck over it and shut up" attitude - did it occur to you that whether or not a man is actually going to rape them has zero, zip, nada, fuck-all to do with whether or not they feel uncomfortable or traumatized? You have your panties so in an uproar about the possibility someone might "trigger" the fragile little transgender flowers by suggesting that their dicks look a little strange in their pantyhose, but triggering the PTSD of a woman who's been raped by introducing male strangers into areas that are supposed to be private and safe? Fuck that shit, the bigoted bitch needs to just get over it and like what you tell her to like, right?

I'm always curious, and maybe you can help me out with this question: what is it actually like to be an evil, self-righteous piece of shit?

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