Enough of this transgender nonsense.

Again, genetic mutations don't count. They are mutations and anomalies. Those are diseases with other symptoms that go along with them.
Those are not mutations, they are variations on the normal XX XY, just like XY females and XX males.

Learn the biology and deal with reality. It's long past time that you grew up.

No they aren't and I already posted the links for you in other threads. They are genetic mutations.
No, they are not. You do not know what a mutation is and I'm sick of telling you you ignorant ****.

Mutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are dumb as hell.
Again, genetic mutations don't count. They are mutations and anomalies. Those are diseases with other symptoms that go along with them.
Those are not mutations, they are variations on the normal XX XY, just like XY females and XX males.

Learn the biology and deal with reality. It's long past time that you grew up.

Do you need me to post the links again? Are you going to continue to be dishonest on this matter? If you cannot argue from a base of honesty, then you really have no argument.

Klinefelter's Syndrome / XXY Males: The Effects of Having an Extra Chromosome in Males

Genetic disorders come in a variety of forms. This article looks at how the possession of an extra chromosome produces a genetic disorder known as Klinefelter's syndrome.

  • Klinefelter's syndrome, (also known as 47,XXY or XXY syndrome) is a genetic disorder in males caused by having an extra X chromosome instead of the usual XY pattern that men have. Klinefelter's syndrome is one of the most common chromosome abnormalities in humans since it has been estimated that 1 in 500 boys have it. The severity of the condition is variable. The main issue with Klinefelter's syndrome is male infertility but a variety of other symptoms may occur including problems with physical, language, and social development.

  • What causes Klinefelter's syndrome?
    Klinefelter's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a process known as “chromosome aneuploidy." Every cell in the human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46). The 23rd pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. Females typically have two X chromosomes, while males typically have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

    Sometimes during cell division a non-correct disjunction of chromosomes may occur. This is where chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis, and in this case results in an extra copy of an X chromosome. When a gamete of this type is fertilised by a normal gamete, there will be an unequal number of chromosomes in all the resulting cells of the new individual.
And that is not a mutation. Downs Syndrome, not disease or mutation.

Learn biology.
Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unbelievable how either dishonest or just plain stupid you are. I hope you never become a parent.

Many different medical conditions are seen in people with Down syndrome, including:

Not a mutation you stupid bitch !!!

Again, genetic mutations don't count. They are mutations and anomalies. Those are diseases with other symptoms that go along with them.
Those are not mutations, they are variations on the normal XX XY, just like XY females and XX males.

Learn the biology and deal with reality. It's long past time that you grew up.

No they aren't and I already posted the links for you in other threads. They are genetic mutations.
No, they are not. You do not know what a mutation is and I'm sick of telling you you ignorant ****.

Mutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are dumb as hell.
Wrong, bitch. You do not understand biology.

Read and learn. Until then just STFU.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
Do you need me to post the links again? Are you going to continue to be dishonest on this matter? If you cannot argue from a base of honesty, then you really have no argument.

Klinefelter's Syndrome / XXY Males: The Effects of Having an Extra Chromosome in Males

Genetic disorders come in a variety of forms. This article looks at how the possession of an extra chromosome produces a genetic disorder known as Klinefelter's syndrome.

  • Klinefelter's syndrome, (also known as 47,XXY or XXY syndrome) is a genetic disorder in males caused by having an extra X chromosome instead of the usual XY pattern that men have. Klinefelter's syndrome is one of the most common chromosome abnormalities in humans since it has been estimated that 1 in 500 boys have it. The severity of the condition is variable. The main issue with Klinefelter's syndrome is male infertility but a variety of other symptoms may occur including problems with physical, language, and social development.

  • What causes Klinefelter's syndrome?
    Klinefelter's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a process known as “chromosome aneuploidy." Every cell in the human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46). The 23rd pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. Females typically have two X chromosomes, while males typically have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

    Sometimes during cell division a non-correct disjunction of chromosomes may occur. This is where chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis, and in this case results in an extra copy of an X chromosome. When a gamete of this type is fertilised by a normal gamete, there will be an unequal number of chromosomes in all the resulting cells of the new individual.
And that is not a mutation. Downs Syndrome, not disease or mutation.

Learn biology.
Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is another genetic mutation. Lol. Are you really this stupid? You are either stupid or dishonest. Which one?

Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.

In most cases, Down syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.

Down syndrome is one of the most common causes of birth defects.

Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. No how severe the condition, people with Down syndrome have a widely-recognized appearance.

The head may be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For example, the head may be round with a flat area on the back. The inner corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed.

Common physical signs include:
Trisomies are not mutations you dumb bitch.

I posted what a mutation is so just shut the fuck until you learn something.

Yes it is a mutation. It is a genetic mutation just like ALL the links state. Are you just stupid or dishonest, which one?
No, you dumb ****, it is not. Stop using a word you do not know the meaning of.
Again, genetic mutations don't count. They are mutations and anomalies. Those are diseases with other symptoms that go along with them.
Those are not mutations, they are variations on the normal XX XY, just like XY females and XX males.

Learn the biology and deal with reality. It's long past time that you grew up.

No they aren't and I already posted the links for you in other threads. They are genetic mutations.
No, they are not. You do not know what a mutation is and I'm sick of telling you you ignorant ****.

Mutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are dumb as hell.
Wrong, bitch. You do not understand biology.

Read and learn. Until then just STFU.

Sorry but you are the only one here who seems to be confused about birth defects and genetic mutations/anomalies with "sex." Who's the idiot? You are. Lol. No I won't shut up, and there's nothing you can do about. Ha-ha. :D
And that is not a mutation. Downs Syndrome, not disease or mutation.

Learn biology.
Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That is another genetic mutation. Lol. Are you really this stupid? You are either stupid or dishonest. Which one?

Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.

In most cases, Down syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.

Down syndrome is one of the most common causes of birth defects.

Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. No how severe the condition, people with Down syndrome have a widely-recognized appearance.

The head may be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For example, the head may be round with a flat area on the back. The inner corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed.

Common physical signs include:
Trisomies are not mutations you dumb bitch.

I posted what a mutation is so just shut the fuck until you learn something.

Yes it is a mutation. It is a genetic mutation just like ALL the links state. Are you just stupid or dishonest, which one?
No, you dumb ****, it is not. Stop using a word you do not know the meaning of.

I do know the meaning of it. I think you might be a genetic mutation too. Lol.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
You do not know what a mutation is.

Trisomy is not a mutation.
Those are not mutations, they are variations on the normal XX XY, just like XY females and XX males.

Learn the biology and deal with reality. It's long past time that you grew up.

Do you need me to post the links again? Are you going to continue to be dishonest on this matter? If you cannot argue from a base of honesty, then you really have no argument.

Klinefelter's Syndrome / XXY Males: The Effects of Having an Extra Chromosome in Males

Genetic disorders come in a variety of forms. This article looks at how the possession of an extra chromosome produces a genetic disorder known as Klinefelter's syndrome.

  • Klinefelter's syndrome, (also known as 47,XXY or XXY syndrome) is a genetic disorder in males caused by having an extra X chromosome instead of the usual XY pattern that men have. Klinefelter's syndrome is one of the most common chromosome abnormalities in humans since it has been estimated that 1 in 500 boys have it. The severity of the condition is variable. The main issue with Klinefelter's syndrome is male infertility but a variety of other symptoms may occur including problems with physical, language, and social development.

  • What causes Klinefelter's syndrome?
    Klinefelter's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a process known as “chromosome aneuploidy." Every cell in the human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46). The 23rd pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. Females typically have two X chromosomes, while males typically have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

    Sometimes during cell division a non-correct disjunction of chromosomes may occur. This is where chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis, and in this case results in an extra copy of an X chromosome. When a gamete of this type is fertilised by a normal gamete, there will be an unequal number of chromosomes in all the resulting cells of the new individual.
And that is not a mutation. Downs Syndrome, not disease or mutation.

Learn biology.
Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unbelievable how either dishonest or just plain stupid you are. I hope you never become a parent.

Many different medical conditions are seen in people with Down syndrome, including:

Not a mutation you stupid bitch !!!

Melting down again, eh? :D Lol. Too funny.

That is another genetic mutation. Lol. Are you really this stupid? You are either stupid or dishonest. Which one?

Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.

In most cases, Down syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.

Down syndrome is one of the most common causes of birth defects.

Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. No how severe the condition, people with Down syndrome have a widely-recognized appearance.

The head may be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For example, the head may be round with a flat area on the back. The inner corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed.

Common physical signs include:
Trisomies are not mutations you dumb bitch.

I posted what a mutation is so just shut the fuck until you learn something.

Yes it is a mutation. It is a genetic mutation just like ALL the links state. Are you just stupid or dishonest, which one?
No, you dumb ****, it is not. Stop using a word you do not know the meaning of.

I do know the meaning of it. I think you might be a genetic mutation too. Lol.
No, you are fucking clueless and
I posted what a mutation is so read it and learn, An extra Y or X is not a mutation.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
You do not know what a mutation is.

Trisomy is not a mutation.

It is though. Any abnormality with genetics is considered a mutation of genes. Therefore, genetic mutation. :D That's just a fact.

  • Down’s syndrome is the result of an additional copy of all, or a specific part, of chromosome 21. This results in three partial or complete copies of the chromosome, also known as trisomy 21.
  • The additional chromosome 21 can occur by:
  • Non-disjunction (‘not coming apart’):
    • This is when a pair of chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate properly during cell division? (mitosis ?ormeiosis?).
    • Both mitosis and meiosis involve the ordered distribution of chromosomes to form daughter cells.
    • If non-disjunction occurs, it can result in individuals having an abnormal number of chromosomes (for example, three copies of chromosome 21) in their cells.
    • Non-disjunction is responsible for 95 per cent of Down’s syndrome cases.
That is another genetic mutation. Lol. Are you really this stupid? You are either stupid or dishonest. Which one?

Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.

In most cases, Down syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.

Down syndrome is one of the most common causes of birth defects.

Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. No how severe the condition, people with Down syndrome have a widely-recognized appearance.

The head may be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For example, the head may be round with a flat area on the back. The inner corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed.

Common physical signs include:
Trisomies are not mutations you dumb bitch.

I posted what a mutation is so just shut the fuck until you learn something.

Yes it is a mutation. It is a genetic mutation just like ALL the links state. Are you just stupid or dishonest, which one?
No, you dumb ****, it is not. Stop using a word you do not know the meaning of.

I do know the meaning of it. I think you might be a genetic mutation too. Lol.
No, you are fucking clueless and
I posted what a mutation is so read it and learn, An extra Y or X is not a mutation.

It is a genetic mutation. You are wrong. Now melt down some more. I think it's funny! :D
Trisomies are not mutations you dumb bitch.

I posted what a mutation is so just shut the fuck until you learn something.

Yes it is a mutation. It is a genetic mutation just like ALL the links state. Are you just stupid or dishonest, which one?
No, you dumb ****, it is not. Stop using a word you do not know the meaning of.

I do know the meaning of it. I think you might be a genetic mutation too. Lol.
No, you are fucking clueless and
I posted what a mutation is so read it and learn, An extra Y or X is not a mutation.

It is a genetic mutation. You are wrong. Now melt down some more. I think it's funny! :D
If you cannot use a word correctly, don't use it. You are an idiot in biology.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
You do not know what a mutation is.

Trisomy is not a mutation.

It is though. Any abnormality with genetics is considered a mutation of genes. Therefore, genetic mutation. :D That's just a fact.

  • Down’s syndrome is the result of an additional copy of all, or a specific part, of chromosome 21. This results in three partial or complete copies of the chromosome, also known as trisomy 21.
  • The additional chromosome 21 can occur by:
  • Non-disjunction (‘not coming apart’):
    • This is when a pair of chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate properly during cell division? (mitosis ?ormeiosis?).
    • Both mitosis and meiosis involve the ordered distribution of chromosomes to form daughter cells.
    • If non-disjunction occurs, it can result in individuals having an abnormal number of chromosomes (for example, three copies of chromosome 21) in their cells.
    • Non-disjunction is responsible for 95 per cent of Down’s syndrome cases.
No, it is not you stupid ****.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
You do not know what a mutation is.

Trisomy is not a mutation.

It is though. Any abnormality with genetics is considered a mutation of genes. Therefore, genetic mutation. :D That's just a fact.

  • Down’s syndrome is the result of an additional copy of all, or a specific part, of chromosome 21. This results in three partial or complete copies of the chromosome, also known as trisomy 21.
  • The additional chromosome 21 can occur by:
  • Non-disjunction (‘not coming apart’):
    • This is when a pair of chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate properly during cell division? (mitosis ?ormeiosis?).
    • Both mitosis and meiosis involve the ordered distribution of chromosomes to form daughter cells.
    • If non-disjunction occurs, it can result in individuals having an abnormal number of chromosomes (for example, three copies of chromosome 21) in their cells.
    • Non-disjunction is responsible for 95 per cent of Down’s syndrome cases.
No, it is not you stupid ****.

Ba-ha-ha! Yes it is! :D It's a genetic mutation.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
You do not know what a mutation is.

Trisomy is not a mutation.

It is though. Any abnormality with genetics is considered a mutation of genes. Therefore, genetic mutation. :D That's just a fact.

  • Down’s syndrome is the result of an additional copy of all, or a specific part, of chromosome 21. This results in three partial or complete copies of the chromosome, also known as trisomy 21.
  • The additional chromosome 21 can occur by:
  • Non-disjunction (‘not coming apart’):
    • This is when a pair of chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate properly during cell division? (mitosis ?ormeiosis?).
    • Both mitosis and meiosis involve the ordered distribution of chromosomes to form daughter cells.
    • If non-disjunction occurs, it can result in individuals having an abnormal number of chromosomes (for example, three copies of chromosome 21) in their cells.
    • Non-disjunction is responsible for 95 per cent of Down’s syndrome cases.
No, it is not you stupid ****.

Ba-ha-ha! Yes it is! :D It's a genetic mutation.
No, it is not.

Look up mutation and post it? I dare you to.
How do people get Down syndrome?
Down syndrome is typically caused by what is called nondisjunction. Nondisjunction happens when a pair of chromosomes fails to separate during egg (or sperm) formation. When that egg unites with a normal sperm to form an embryo, the embryo ends up with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the normal two. The extra chromosome is then copied in every cell as the baby develops.

Interestingly, nondisjunction events seem to occur more frequently in older women. This may explain why the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is greater among mothers age 35 and older.

In rare cases, Down syndrome is caused by a Robertsonian translocation, which occurs when the long arm of chromosome 21 breaks off and attaches to another chromosome at the centromere. Carriers of such a translocation will not have Down syndrome themselves, but they can have children with Down syndrome.
Any genetic disorder is classified as a genetic mutation or anomaly. Sorry that you are too stupid to understand that simple fact. Now, stop trying to say that XXY or XYY or any other mutation is a type of "sex." It isn't. It is a birth defect.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial appearance, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. All affected individuals experience cognitive delays, but the intellectual disability is usually mild to moderate.

People with Down syndrome may have a variety of birth defects. About half of all affected children are born with a heart defect. Digestive abnormalities, such as a blockage of the intestine, are less common.

Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk of developing several medical conditions. These include gastroesophageal reflux, which is a backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, and celiac disease, which is an intolerance of a wheat protein called gluten. About 15 percent of people with Down syndrome have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower neck that produces hormones. Individuals with Down syndrome also have an increased risk of hearing and vision problems. Additionally, a small percentage of children with Down syndrome develop cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia).

Delayed development and behavioral problems are often reported in children with Down syndrome. Affected individuals' speech and language develop later and more slowly than in children without Down syndrome, and affected individuals' speech may be more difficult to understand. Behavioral issues can include attention problems, obsessive/compulsive behavior, and stubbornness or tantrums. A small percentage of people with Down syndrome are also diagnosed with developmental conditions called autism spectrum disorders, which affect communication and social interaction.

People with Down syndrome often experience a gradual decline in thinking ability (cognition) as they age, usually starting around age 50. Down syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer disease, a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of memory, judgment, and ability to function. Approximately half of adults with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer disease. Although Alzheimer disease is usually a disorder that occurs in older adults, people with Down syndrome usually develop this condition in their fifties or sixties.
You do not know what a mutation is.

Trisomy is not a mutation.

It is though. Any abnormality with genetics is considered a mutation of genes. Therefore, genetic mutation. :D That's just a fact.

  • Down’s syndrome is the result of an additional copy of all, or a specific part, of chromosome 21. This results in three partial or complete copies of the chromosome, also known as trisomy 21.
  • The additional chromosome 21 can occur by:
  • Non-disjunction (‘not coming apart’):
    • This is when a pair of chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate properly during cell division? (mitosis ?ormeiosis?).
    • Both mitosis and meiosis involve the ordered distribution of chromosomes to form daughter cells.
    • If non-disjunction occurs, it can result in individuals having an abnormal number of chromosomes (for example, three copies of chromosome 21) in their cells.
    • Non-disjunction is responsible for 95 per cent of Down’s syndrome cases.
No, it is not you stupid ****.

Ba-ha-ha! Yes it is! :D It's a genetic mutation.
No, it is not.

Look up mutation and post it? I dare you to.

Yes, it is though. :D Again, you are wrong. It is a genetic mutation or anomaly where the chromosomes fail to split properly. Hence, genetic mutation.

Again, genetic mutations don't count. They are mutations and anomalies. Those are diseases with other symptoms that go along with them.
Those are not mutations, they are variations on the normal XX XY, just like XY females and XX males.

Learn the biology and deal with reality. It's long past time that you grew up.

No they aren't and I already posted the links for you in other threads. They are genetic mutations.
No, they are not. You do not know what a mutation is and I'm sick of telling you you ignorant ****.

Mutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trisomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A trisomy is one thing, a mutation is another.

Learn biology.

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