Enough with the "pissed off that Hillary lost" narrative.

People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

You lefty trolls are the sadists.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.


The standard in scapegoating. This is why no one in the thread is taking you seriously, you have no standards. Standards meaning you apply the same thing to Democrats
Oh look someone else who thinks everything was fucking peachy until Obama walked in the door. Now you people elected another huge mess for cooler heads to clean up at a later date.
I hate to tell you this, Occupied...but I think Trump relishes the challenge of fixing one gawd awful mess. I'm encouraged by what he's done since winning the election.
What has Trump done that encourages you, Oldstyle? I know he is trying to mellow the hate that gave him the win, even been gracious. But what action, as indicated by the word 'done', impresses you?

I've been impressed by who he's tapping for his administration, Bull...we've got major problems and he's choosing people who are problem solvers not politicians who talk a good game but change nothing.
Oldstyle, I hope you are right about solving problems. I am a skeptic. The glimmer of light I see, as I have already stated, is that he is trying to mellow his supporters. I am skeptic that he can un-blow that dog whistle, and that leaves us more divided that ever and may irreparably weaken us. I'm old, my friend. I remember when we became a world power (by default actually), and I have been watching our loss of status ever since we proved to be a paper tiger in Iraq, getting beat up by a gang of thugs in Toyotas in an eternal war.

With all due respect, Bull..."We" didn't get beat up by a gang of thugs in Toyotas...that was the paper tiger that was the Maliki military! If we'd have left ten thousand US combat troops in Iraq as the Joint Chiefs advised, ISIS would have stayed in Syria because they know that the US military fights and fights hard. Thugs only win when they face weak opponents.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.


The standard in scapegoating. This is why no one in the thread is taking you seriously, you have no standards. Standards meaning you apply the same thing to Democrats
Oh look someone else who thinks everything was fucking peachy until Obama walked in the door. Now you people elected another huge mess for cooler heads to clean up at a later date.

Another fucking retarded leftist who thinks Republican means "not Democrat." Democrats consistently think that while Republicans overwhelmingly grasp a libertarian isn't a Republican or a Democrat. My theory is that they're smarter than you. Empirical data continues to support that theory.

Now tell me how you're smarter than Republicans again because you aren't all black and white like they are. On the other hand, it does explain the stupid in the OP post, doesn't it?
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

You lefty trolls are the sadists.
You do not see me running around this board being an utter dick, I much prefer civility but since civility is out of fashion maybe I ought to start. Why should I continue to cast my pearls before such swine? This board created a flame zone where people can go to be horrible to each other but lately I see little difference. The whole board is a flame zone because you Trumpbots no longer know how to turn it off.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

The sadists went for Trump, the masochists went to Hillary, the rest of us had no chance because there are too many of you.

So at what point on post-election morning did you realize that OMG, Trump isn't going to be a Democrat! How long did it take you to stop running in circles screaming like your hair was on fire screaming "OMG" when you realized it?

People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

You lefty trolls are the sadists.
You do not see me running around this board being an utter dick, I much prefer civility but since civility is out of fashion maybe I ought to start. Why should I continue to cast my pearls before such swine? This board created a flame zone where people can go to be horrible to each other but lately I see little difference. The whole board is a flame zone because you Trumpbots no longer know how to turn it off.

Actually ... we do ... You'd sure the fuck be in the top group on my list. You do it all the time, everywhere. You're a constant dick. This thread is what you say all the time everywhere.

True, Trump is not Hillary. You got him, congratulations. You have mastered the butt obvious, you can stop saying it over and over and over now
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

You lefty trolls are the sadists.
You do not see me running around this board being an utter dick, I much prefer civility but since civility is out of fashion maybe I ought to start. Why should I continue to cast my pearls before such swine? This board created a flame zone where people can go to be horrible to each other but lately I see little difference. The whole board is a flame zone because you Trumpbots no longer know how to turn it off.

From your op.

"a hateful man and his hateful followers"

You are the problem.
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.
One of the reasons you keep seeing references to being mad that Hillary lost is the actions of Hillary's supporters. They're running around like crazy people, spouting off all kinds of wild ideas about how they're going to keep Trump from becoming president. How, despite Hillary's faux shock and dismay when Trump merely indicated that he was withholding judgement on accepting the results of the election, they refuse to accept the results of the election, and their insistence that somehow Hillary getting a bunch of votes from California should make her president even though she lost. There's plenty of trepidation about Trump, but plenty of hope as well because people are sick and tired of the way the country has been going. That's the major reason Hillary lost, she was the ultimate status quo candidate, big time Washington insider, and people are ready to try just about anything else.
Pretty clear from the election results that outside of California and New York, the entire country was upset, and voted accordingly.
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

You lefty trolls are the sadists.
You do not see me running around this board being an utter dick, I much prefer civility but since civility is out of fashion maybe I ought to start. Why should I continue to cast my pearls before such swine? This board created a flame zone where people can go to be horrible to each other but lately I see little difference. The whole board is a flame zone because you Trumpbots no longer know how to turn it off.

From your op.

"a hateful man and his hateful followers"

You are the problem.
Your reading comprehension is fucked. They complain that America only saw the bad side of Trump because the media portrayed him as a fascist leading the fucktards, there may even be some truth to that, so why are you all acting the stereotype? America thinks Trump leads the hateful because you are all being hateful. You are the problem you nasty little creature and all the mean-ass bastards like you. When you people quit being perfect stereotypes I will treat you otherwise.
But you forget that the popular vote should not be discounted as insignificant either.

Umm.. yeah it should be discounted because it IS insignificant (the President is elected by the EC not the popular vote), the popular vote was just a snapshot in time prior to any of the candidates running for office actually being IN office, just votes based on hopes and bullshit campaign promises..

What counts is what Trump actually does while in office, if he's successful in any significant way for what he's promised he'll garner the support of the majority of the populace, if not he'll earn the disapproval of the majority. What the brainwashed, partisan lemmings on either side of the aisle think prior to (and during) any election doesn't really count, since they'll for the most part support whatever fucked up candidate their party offers up.
Pretty clear from the election results that outside of California and New York, the entire country was upset, and voted accordingly.
Being upset is no excuse for doing stupid shit you can't take back.
Big girl's don't cry.
You people whined and cried shamelessly for eight years. I intend to accept Trump in the exact same way you accepted Obama except I will not have to make up things to complain about.
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.

There be the problem with your entire argument. No matter how bad Trump is he can't be any worse than Hillary. Before the election one of the favorite arguments against Trump was that Trump would bungle us into World War III. I honesty believe that Hillary would have gotten us into that war trying to be clever, which every time she tried it, proved that she wasn't quite clever enough.

So Trump names people I don't like. So? At least he's not Hillary. That's the only standard I'm using. Now, I can hope that the Democrats pull their heads out of their asses and start to listen instead of shout, but I doubt that will happen. I figure if they do, the sonic boom will be heard coast to coast. So we have Trump. We have the least worst candidate that ran.

Trump may well be bad. But at least he's not Hillary. So all the hysterics about how awful Trump is fall on deaf ears. Because those ears are connected to brains that realize one simple truth. As bad as Trump is, he isn't Hillary. Now the Democrats could have won, but they ran the it's her turn candidate. They could win easily in 2020, but it looks like it's Biden's turn. The old timers are stomping on the young bloods as hard as they can, and ignoring the great people they have on the back bench.

Because one truth you ignore is that Obama has been just as bad as Bush. But that's not the propaganda talking points, so we're going to ignore it and pretend that everything is rosy when our candidate is the one who wins. I doubt things will be just swell under Trump. But they could be a lot worse. So all your shouts of doom and gloom because Trump nominated this idiot or that moron are going nowhere. The reason is that the thing most of us dreaded was not a Trump Presidency, but being ruled by Hillary.
Trump says:
There are winners and losers in life, and in elections. hiLIARy supporters are losers in both. You're garbage.
Sorry snowflakes, you are failures. You are losers. You nominated a filthy kunt over a senile commie.
Either way, you were going to lose. You losers got what you deserved- a big fat slap in the mouth!
Get out of your parents basement and get a job.
If you need me, tough shit. Talk to my hand!
I'll be busy, Making America Great Again!
Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

You lefty trolls are the sadists.
You do not see me running around this board being an utter dick, I much prefer civility but since civility is out of fashion maybe I ought to start. Why should I continue to cast my pearls before such swine? This board created a flame zone where people can go to be horrible to each other but lately I see little difference. The whole board is a flame zone because you Trumpbots no longer know how to turn it off.

From your op.

"a hateful man and his hateful followers"

You are the problem.
Your reading comprehension is fucked. They complain that America only saw the bad side of Trump because the media portrayed him as a fascist leading the fucktards, there may even be some truth to that, so why are you all acting the stereotype? America thinks Trump leads the hateful because you are all being hateful. You are the problem you nasty little creature and all the mean-ass bastards like you. When you people quit being perfect stereotypes I will treat you otherwise.

America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
Pretty clear from the election results that outside of California and New York, the entire country was upset, and voted accordingly.
Being upset is no excuse for doing stupid shit you can't take back.
Big girl's don't cry.
You people whined and cried shamelessly for eight years. I intend to accept Trump in the exact same way you accepted Obama except I will not have to make up things to complain about.
LOL, in other words you're going to behave like an infant because some people on the other side of the aisle did when your lemming slice was in charge, sounds like a smart strategy to me, let me know how that works out for ya. :rolleyes:

"An eye for an eye, making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

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