Enough with the "pissed off that Hillary lost" narrative.

You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

All you've done since Trump won was ramp up the hyperbole you idiots squawked before you lost. You don't acknowledge that your picking such a horrible candidate has anything to do with it. You idiots eviscerated Romney for saying Russia is the biggest threat then eviscerated Trump for saying he isn't. It's just tired. You add zero to the discussion. All you lemmings can walk off a cliff and combined the loss to the world is zero.

Cut the crap and engage in real conversation. I campaigned on the site hard against Trump. Johnson lost, wow, never saw that coming. Now I'm giving Trump a chance. But you are just tired, your shit is tired, your existence is tired. Give it a rest. Let's see what Trump is going to do. Then if he sucks, once he's actually in office, I'll be with you. But now, you're just butt hurt and whining and it's not pleasant to hear non stop from you morons
The chance I actually gave the guy was used up when he filled his cabinet. His intentions are clear enough that I will oppose this pig fucker the right has inflicted on the nation.

Wow, he picked a cabinet who supports what he ran on and he's not going to be Hillary Clinton. I see why you were so outraged. And you call that giving him a chance? Idiot. Here's another tissue ...
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

All you've done since Trump won was ramp up the hyperbole you idiots squawked before you lost. You don't acknowledge that your picking such a horrible candidate has anything to do with it. You idiots eviscerated Romney for saying Russia is the biggest threat then eviscerated Trump for saying he isn't. It's just tired. You add zero to the discussion. All you lemmings can walk off a cliff and combined the loss to the world is zero.

Cut the crap and engage in real conversation. I campaigned on the site hard against Trump. Johnson lost, wow, never saw that coming. Now I'm giving Trump a chance. But you are just tired, your shit is tired, your existence is tired. Give it a rest. Let's see what Trump is going to do. Then if he sucks, once he's actually in office, I'll be with you. But now, you're just butt hurt and whining and it's not pleasant to hear non stop from you morons
The chance I actually gave the guy was used up when he filled his cabinet. His intentions are clear enough that I will oppose this pig fucker the right has inflicted on the nation.

So you disagree with his cabinet choices. So what? Isn't that expected? You are a liberal and Trump is not.

What a guy, huh? Confirming that was giving Trump a chance. Aha! He's NOT a liberal, gotcha!
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

All you've done since Trump won was ramp up the hyperbole you idiots squawked before you lost. You don't acknowledge that your picking such a horrible candidate has anything to do with it. You idiots eviscerated Romney for saying Russia is the biggest threat then eviscerated Trump for saying he isn't. It's just tired. You add zero to the discussion. All you lemmings can walk off a cliff and combined the loss to the world is zero.

Cut the crap and engage in real conversation. I campaigned on the site hard against Trump. Johnson lost, wow, never saw that coming. Now I'm giving Trump a chance. But you are just tired, your shit is tired, your existence is tired. Give it a rest. Let's see what Trump is going to do. Then if he sucks, once he's actually in office, I'll be with you. But now, you're just butt hurt and whining and it's not pleasant to hear non stop from you morons
The chance I actually gave the guy was used up when he filled his cabinet. His intentions are clear enough that I will oppose this pig fucker the right has inflicted on the nation.

So you disagree with his cabinet choices. So what? Isn't that expected? You are a liberal and Trump is not.
Disagree is not nearly a strong enough word for the opinion I have of the BIG business plutocrats and generals put in there by a guy who ran as a populist. The working class is toast with that bunch.
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

All you've done since Trump won was ramp up the hyperbole you idiots squawked before you lost. You don't acknowledge that your picking such a horrible candidate has anything to do with it. You idiots eviscerated Romney for saying Russia is the biggest threat then eviscerated Trump for saying he isn't. It's just tired. You add zero to the discussion. All you lemmings can walk off a cliff and combined the loss to the world is zero.

Cut the crap and engage in real conversation. I campaigned on the site hard against Trump. Johnson lost, wow, never saw that coming. Now I'm giving Trump a chance. But you are just tired, your shit is tired, your existence is tired. Give it a rest. Let's see what Trump is going to do. Then if he sucks, once he's actually in office, I'll be with you. But now, you're just butt hurt and whining and it's not pleasant to hear non stop from you morons
The chance I actually gave the guy was used up when he filled his cabinet. His intentions are clear enough that I will oppose this pig fucker the right has inflicted on the nation.

So you disagree with his cabinet choices. So what? Isn't that expected? You are a liberal and Trump is not.
Disagree is not nearly a strong enough word for the opinion I have of the BIG business plutocrats and generals put in there by a guy who ran as a populist. The working class is toast with that bunch.

Yes, you're a Marxist. Hillary is a criminal. You have no sense of personal accountability. Fine, but that doesn't mean you can whine about your butt hurt free of criticism as you're asking
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.
I'll quit telling people to shut up and get over it when they shut up and demonstrate they've gotten over it. Until now they've done neither so they're fair game. Elections have consequences, as Barry reminded us, so it's time they start dealing with them instead of whining and offering lame excuse after lame excuse and trying to subvert the elections with useless recounts and intimidating electors.

In a mere 32 days: President Donald J. Trump!!!
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

All you've done since Trump won was ramp up the hyperbole you idiots squawked before you lost. You don't acknowledge that your picking such a horrible candidate has anything to do with it. You idiots eviscerated Romney for saying Russia is the biggest threat then eviscerated Trump for saying he isn't. It's just tired. You add zero to the discussion. All you lemmings can walk off a cliff and combined the loss to the world is zero.

Cut the crap and engage in real conversation. I campaigned on the site hard against Trump. Johnson lost, wow, never saw that coming. Now I'm giving Trump a chance. But you are just tired, your shit is tired, your existence is tired. Give it a rest. Let's see what Trump is going to do. Then if he sucks, once he's actually in office, I'll be with you. But now, you're just butt hurt and whining and it's not pleasant to hear non stop from you morons
The chance I actually gave the guy was used up when he filled his cabinet. His intentions are clear enough that I will oppose this pig fucker the right has inflicted on the nation.

Wow, he picked a cabinet who supports what he ran on and he's not going to be Hillary Clinton. I see why you were so outraged. And you call that giving him a chance? Idiot. Here's another tissue ...
Mr. "Populist" has nominated the most anti-populist, plutocratic cabinet in history. The working class is about to get screwed.
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

All you've done since Trump won was ramp up the hyperbole you idiots squawked before you lost. You don't acknowledge that your picking such a horrible candidate has anything to do with it. You idiots eviscerated Romney for saying Russia is the biggest threat then eviscerated Trump for saying he isn't. It's just tired. You add zero to the discussion. All you lemmings can walk off a cliff and combined the loss to the world is zero.

Cut the crap and engage in real conversation. I campaigned on the site hard against Trump. Johnson lost, wow, never saw that coming. Now I'm giving Trump a chance. But you are just tired, your shit is tired, your existence is tired. Give it a rest. Let's see what Trump is going to do. Then if he sucks, once he's actually in office, I'll be with you. But now, you're just butt hurt and whining and it's not pleasant to hear non stop from you morons
The chance I actually gave the guy was used up when he filled his cabinet. His intentions are clear enough that I will oppose this pig fucker the right has inflicted on the nation.

Wow, he picked a cabinet who supports what he ran on and he's not going to be Hillary Clinton. I see why you were so outraged. And you call that giving him a chance? Idiot. Here's another tissue ...
Mr. "Populist" has nominated the most anti-populist, plutocratic cabinet in history. The working class is about to get screwed.

Blah, blah, you're full of shit. In no possible way is he worse than the corrupt, lying criminal ho you wanted in the White House. I do have a tip for you though

People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

Oh, we love to slap you fools around.
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.

The problem.is.you guys throw tantrums.after every election. 00, 04, and now. And that is just presidential elections....your protests help us more than you guys, it just doesnt come.l accross as diginfied, adult, and serious.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

What scapegoating?

That illegals take jobs, use benefits and shouldnt be here?

What is incorrect about any of that?
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

And this is why we cons have to a great extent, been dismissive of your lefty criticism.

Because it is not serious or rational criticism.

"using the past template of the Bush presidency"? WTF, does that mean? Trump isn't Bush.

"Mental State"? FUCK YOU.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.
You are the perfect example of the people I was referring to which is why this will be my last response to you your simply not worth it.
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

Oh, we love to slap you fools around.
I know, you all need some sort of way to feed your sadism, there are just not enough small animals that wonder out in front of your cars.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.


The standard in scapegoating. This is why no one in the thread is taking you seriously, you have no standards. Standards meaning you apply the same thing to Democrats
You people are no fun anymore, the quality of discussion here was never that great but since Trump walked on the scene none of you even know what you want anymore except to be horrible to the few remaining liberals who come here.

Oh, we love to slap you fools around.
I know, you all need some sort of way to feed your sadism, there are just not enough small animals that wonder out in front of your cars.

Hint: see if you can make a post, without including any derogatory assumptions or insults directed at your enemies, and then see if you get different responses.
People who claim they only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers can be convinced of nothing they are as hateful and as close minded as they claim Trump and his supporters are trying to change their mind about anyone or anything is a waste of time and energy,
Bullshit, none of you can even comprehend why Trump's undignified scapegoating rhetoric does not appeal to many Americans. I prefer presidents to be at least somewhat presidential.

Well, apparently it appealed to enough Americans to get him elected. You're arguments just keep flaying back into your face.
He really only appealed to the sadists, everyone else just didn't like Hillary.

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